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tv   News  RT  December 14, 2017 10:00am-10:31am EST

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present regime of putin concludes his annual marathon q. and a session with. more than seventy questions and almost four bring you the highlights not bit later in the program. today muslim nations call for east jerusalem to be recognized as the palestinian capital rejecting the u.s. role in the middle east peace process. we condemn the u.s. decision on jerusalem every possible step must be taken to prevent this illegal action by the u.s. administration. and the u.k. conservative m.p.'s rebel against the prime minister trees and may have the backing of parliament vetoed any final deal on leaving the e.u. .
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just ten six an evening this thursday the fourteenth of december money was kevin oh and thanks for being with us here on r.t. international i'm going to start with a big event that's been happening in moscow today the russian president's annual q. and a from earlier this thursday. in fielded four hours of nonstop questions and very diverse questions they were from the press. but the things that particularly stewed out for me this time is that the share of questions that you might want to call challenging for a while about corruption about the silencing of political opponents in russia was perhaps a bit larger this time then previously he was indeed grilled about the lack of competition in russian politics and one question came from perhaps his direct opponent a person who wants to become a presidential candidate in russia in twenty train a subject that's a major issue for those who want to represent that system opposition they have to
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offer not a short lived and shrill agenda but a real once or twice it's a difficult speech a physician maybe the government is he frightened of honest competition. the opposition he should present a program. that is clear to the public do you want someone with the intentions of a group to toss the winners we've seen this already do you want a list of which i'm sure that the overwhelming majority of citizens don't want to look and not let it happen. i mentioned corruption previously and in fact that is one of the things the current russian system of the government is often blamed for and yes a few times corruption was brought up a lot of report and said that he's not satisfied with what's going on he was asked specifically about corruption in law enforcement agencies the russian president says that people are being charged and there are investigations some people are being put in prison including government officials but he complained that new
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people come and things don't change but here's what he suggested and this particular sphere. new approach. you must know to see it written that it's a tough question on the wrong side is that i'm satisfied with how this work is being the one solution i'm doing is like we have in the army and we have rotations or someone services with the real five years in one place and those that now then transferred somewhere else for that so maybe it makes sense to organize something like that in law enforcement to get that in the midst because there is no vladimir putin press event without questions about donald trump their work quite a few and i asked one myself it was about the personal interactions between the leaders of russia and the u.s. my question was in washington there are two versions of the word you use one is use to address your friends or relatives which is to you in french and the other one is used to address everyone else respectively in french and i asked mr putin
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which version of the word he would use if he is with donald trump a lot of our putin said that it is he or two which certainly means a lot about their personal relations and brings us back to the chemistry that rex tillerson was talking about when the two leaders met speaking of u.s. related questions there was one about the ways to sort out the north korean crisis and vladimir putin said. a few very important things about that take a listen do you think that cooperation on north korea could warm up u.s. russia relations. tediously would it be that you were very interesting people have you noticed that your congressman senators who were. shirts you seem to be eligible to they lump last year that was in north korea and iran in the same time they've been pushed there were a little to ask our student result over iran nuclear deal and the north korean
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crisis are you ok then the russian president went back to his stance which has remained the same for quite a while that is calling on all sides to were framed from hostile actions i think this indeed sums up the highlights of events for everything else you can go to our website and you tube channel other questions and answers by vladimir putin are available they're. there let's get the view from america should we discuss this further down cover human rights and labor lawyer has done things your time today which we start first let's talk about the u.s. relationship with that's a good one a question put to the president from an american journalist was about the allegations of collusion between donald trump and russia let's listen to that look come straight to you. how would you explain to americans the sheer number of contacts between the trump
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camp and your government. when it was all made up by the people in opposition to trump in order to a sense of legitimacy to his word it was stupid i can honestly say i find it strange it was made talking almost appear like they had no knowledge this would damage a country with american politics and deplete the ability of head of state to discipline you mean is that they did not respect the voters who. said it was accused of someone. someone saw something in it that is beyond reasoning why does it have to look like some kind of spy i mean you know so the view for america yourself do you agree that trumps opponents use the allegations to hinder or influence trumps foreign policy decisions. i absolutely do not just the opposition but i also think sectors of the us government and intelligence agencies themselves use this to derail any possibility of reproach with russia.
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they want these folks want to continue to pose. to paint russia is some sort of enemy of the united states when i believe it is not. because this allows the justification for a continued military buildup for the eternal war footing the us is on and that trump was making overtures towards russia. even for a dialogue was unacceptable to these people but even though we are paid certainly it's affected the way people these days think about us in a broad it's affecting us policies and abroad and all reputation of the states has been put it stated in the. yes why i think the us the us is reputation in the world is now in great decline. ironically
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to give one example it's saying decline not because of collusion with russia but because of the us is bizarre our. relationship with israel for example where we just of course the us recognized jerusalem as the capital of israel which was a huge. mistake which people already dying because of it the us will continue to lose legitimacy in the middle east and the rest of the world while frankly russia will continue to be a lot to good as the sensible one who would talk sport through a final thought touched on the team russia from the olympics again come back to the surplus listen to the actual quote. my colleagues and i have said that it's obvious that the scandal was inflated to fit russia's going mystic political calendar and no matter what anyone says just
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know you that's the case but at the same time we should blame ourselves we gave a reason for these accusations we have indeed cases of doping but out of the now there have been such cases in other countries but they're not surrounding it why is it politicized so there's no doubt that there is a political motivation behind it is done koblick do you concur with. yes well we know that there is a political motivation we know that the u.s. and great britain have been pushing to keep russia out of the olympics meanwhile you know just a couple months ago the world anti-doping agency actually had some good things to say about russia said they were you know trying to take steps to make sure that their program was clean and in the end the world anti-doping agency said that they found no evidence of state sponsorship of doping and also no evidence that ninety five of the ninety six athletes who were you know alleged to have doped they found
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no age evidence that they actually had so. obviously this is politicized and again this is only going to increase tensions between the united states and russia which i believe is not good for anyone. done kovel a human. rights lawyer appreciate it. thank you ok away from but to other news today the leaders of muslim nations are calling on the international community to recognize east jerusalem as the palestinian capital but yesterday there was a shot of islamic cooperation met in response to the u.s. presidents have moved to recognize the ancient city as israel's capital. the u.s. decision on your russo them because of its great bias against historical and common rights to the palace the book is important i want to point out to ignore some of the distortions and see the united states the solution to recognize jerusalem as
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the capital of israel is a dangerous one it will threaten security and stability and for straits efforts to resume the peace process the president is committed to this peace process as committed as he has ever been before yet as to how many or all every possible step must be taken sick prevent the implementation of this illegal action by the u.s. administration however there is one question that sticks out what's fact there's a no limits made possible for the u.s. president's trip there to take such an outrageous act of that type of rhetoric that we've heard has prevented peace in the past and it's not necessarily surprising to us next the nicaea explains how donald trump jerusalem decision has affected his global reputation. how much time do you think donald trump spent considering his move to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel a decision which doesn't directly affect anyone apart from the u.s.
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and its ally but as tremors across the world in ways that washington perhaps didn't see coming the u.s. loses its starring role in the middle east peace process in one swoop the president wait farewell to any hope that the united states can broker a diplomatic solution in the holy land from now on america is unwarranted in the peace process. from now on american mediation between israel and palestine is out of the question this process is over. the united states has chosen to lose its competency as mediator qualifies itself from play in a peaceful process the turkish president takes center stage in the regional resistance to both the us and israel an extraordinary all muslim nation summit is hosted in istanbul by president he wasted no time in calling trump's decision no
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and void and branding israel a state of terror. in this country israel. and terrorism is that what you are defending even more violence and a possible third intifada from nine hundred eighty seven to ninety one and two thousand to two thousand and five the region saw two deadly palestinian uprisings against the israeli occupation known as the into father's now we could be on the verge of a third slaughter in the name of allah. has called on the palestinian people to face the israeli occupation and adopt the blessid into father against that and the hateful and racist recognition of jerusalem and to american rivers. says its decision the palestinian people were involved in a continuous battle and into fodder against the israeli occupation and we are calling for it's be escalated in the west bank occupied jerusalem and the gaza
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strip against the occupation is on a little over a week since trump announced his decision and the tide has turned to a tsunami a potential natural disaster no one was ready for i do think we will see more of what we've been seeing so far and whether we're with the rock throwing and demonstrations and unfortunately something people being killed whether this results in a day another what they call third intifada i don't think we have any way of knowing if there's anything that may happen it's it's somewhat counter intuitive i think it will be taken by most of the regional countries and also by the europeans as indication that they can't trust the united states they don't trust american leadership and it way in the in the guise of reasserting american leadership i think mr trump has actually made us more irrelevant to developments in the region in some ways has lessened american influence in the region despite the
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international backlash over terms decision the u.s. secretary of state said it could take years for any concrete actions to actually happen though and went on to add that the american embassy to israel can actually stay in tel aviv till the end of term presidency mean time worth noting this thursday thousands of people in gaza are celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the hamas group for the moment when the demonstrations continue to be peaceful israel too has closed its checkpoints with gaza for an indefinite period of time however the tensions in the region of also been escalating quickly with both sides resorting to force at some points israeli forces say overnight they intercepted two rockets fired from gaza meantime clashes in the contested city as well as in the west bank been raging of course for a week already. it destroyed the p.c. destroyed like this for syrian christians the same month is seventeen.
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i think that's a given give it give for the war didn't give nothing in the story. was was. i think doesn't know what is going on and i think he's just it if you don't know it doesn't understand the depth of the problem that he has just created. because he. was. rebellious lawmakers in the u.k. until truism a major setback of the already strained breaks it talks much more about when we come back in ninety seconds time.
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here's what people have been saying about redacted tonight is it just pull on. the only show i go out of my way to find you know what it is that really packs a punch oh yeah it's the john oliver of r t america is doing the same we are apparently better than that see people you never heard of love right back to the night i'm president of the world bank paid to. send us an email. apply to many clubs over the years so i know the game and so i got. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the families it's the age of the shaper money to kill you narrowness and spending to get the twenty million. it's an experience like nothing else because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful game but great so what chance for. the
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phoenix. so in the u.k. british can say with all my kids have given promise to trees and breck's it bruising off to voting to give parliament the final say over any deal struck on leaving the e.u. eleven rebels within their own party broke ranks last night to give employees the power to veto any agreement. a meaningful vote a meaningful vote a meaningful vote article fifty has a deadline the date has been served we are leaving at the end of march and when the deadline runs out we leave leaving the european union and we should say no parliament taking back control extends the article fifty don't try before we leave the european union amendments servant is floor is just the worse it will be
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unproductive negotiations to drag things out drag out the negotiations to delay project for months and months and months scrutinize what's of the government is doing proper scrutiny this is not the moment to try and defeat it go through the eye. indeed while it's pretty eighteen months since the referendum saw fifty two percent of voters choose to leave the european union although the poll showed a sharp divide between britain's regions which wanted to remain but it was only a march this year of course of the government kick start that whole huge exit process and the often strained negotiations with brussels which followed opposition leader jeremy corbin quick to speak now that he said conservative m.p.'s have delivered a humiliating a loss of authority for the government and that power is now back in the hands of parliament earlier the prime minister was claiming that the government's strategy was on track although her words were not met with much approval listen to this. but
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there is there is i believe a new sense of optimism now in the top and i. i. know we will. set out in the european council later this. truism a miter secured a better result of course in the house of commons had she not lost her party's majority in that snap election this year she only managed to stay in power the one billion dollars deal with the northern irish democratic unionist party some of the westminster watches we've spoken to believe trees of may can no longer overlook the deep divisions within her own party is a humiliation and historically governments don't tend to last very long after after they get defeated at the hands of their own backbenchers to i think it shows that the government government is really up for grabs and it really demonstrates how insincere the conservatives were in their promise that they would. vote on the
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final deal to parliament because if they were sincere why would they be so determined even at the risk of a parliamentary just defeat to resist making this into a legally binding commitment. on wednesday facebook handed over its findings to the british government on alleged russian influence on the platform in the run up to the brics it vote and it seems that the price dissuade the referendum cost less than a cup of tea. chief among those today of course is russia but it is russia's actions russia's illegal annexation of crimea so i have a very simple message for russia because we know there's a strong and prosperous russia russia has the reach and the responsibility.
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and it was given the widespread public concern over foreign and particularly russian interference in western democracies. in this house but the government and the electoral commission will examine these reports very carefully and reassure our country that all of the resources spent in the referendum will push through permissable sources. one of the issues is that many of the claims have been made by fairly prominent
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journalists i mean if you look at the u.k. debate for example the observer newspaper has been particularly active at pushing this idea and that really has forced politicians to have to at least be seen to be investigating the issues of course those initial media stories at least in my view were at their fate. it's been polite but the evidence was incredibly dubious but yeah i mean i am sure that voters will be asking the court that question as to why is resource being plowed into this type of investigation. it should have been spent elsewhere. will be one small russian times proving that the internet is for everybody she's surfing like a pro at the age of. you
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so much. for. sliding the king taking. the low. ceiling many. this in a way that. you. can't. pull but.
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you. walk. over when you need to move for. you. yeah you can't beat a good shoot that's it for us for now it's twenty five minutes past six in the evening i'm kevin you can step to date with all of. our site it's our a new site that's up to date twenty four seven a course for the last story on twitter for a further updates for now thanks for watching.
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altie we have a great team we need to strengthen before the free world cold and your backs have been a legend to keep it so it's at the back. in one thousand nine hundred two that must qualify for the european championships at the very last moment no one believed in us what we want and i'm hoping to bring some of that winning spirit to the r.c.c. . recently i've had a lot of practice so i can guarantee you that peter schmeichel will be on the best fall since my last world cup i think that throws or three. thousand the joke was only here i called russia. fly strike strike left left left more or less ok stop that's really good.
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i max kaiser former go go dancer now internationally acclaimed bitcoin expert. max there is other stuff happening in the world besides cryptocurrency in the wild wild wild ride. and all the other all the queens and i see those and tokens and everything you can think of so i'm going to look a little bit at some of these stories because tomorrow the u. is presenting reports about extreme poverty in the us this is
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a pretty big story it would be it would have been bigger had all this other stuff in the world not been happening so why the u.n. is investigating extreme poverty in america the world's richest nation the united nations monitor on extreme poverty and human rights as embark on a coast to coast tour of the u.s. to hold the world's richest nation and its president to account for the hardships endured by america's most vulnerable citizens this is the un special rapporteur on extreme poverty and when rights philip alson you can do cross-country tour he went to california to look at all the homeless there you see extreme homelessness and california west virginia puerto rico and the deep south and he was looking he and investigating whether or not this is a human rights issue whether or not these people are being denied their human rights and he's supposed to be presenting a report in d.c. right that hepatitis a break. in. san diego we have hookworm in the deep south yes these are these could be public health epidemics that spread to other people
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who are you know not marginalized this is the problem with you know we're in medieval times remember during medieval times and in europe we had the black plague everybody died but now we have a similar sort of situation of people living in open sewers the problem is as we've been saying the economy is not representational of all the various interests that make of the society in which we live the workers are not represented the folks with opposing views to power are disenfranchised and we have emerging meo feudalism and you can have neo feudalism with permanent underclass poverty stricken hepatitis stricken warm stricken you use the same word twice
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stricken yeah you need to grow and if you're going to be of well i like that alliteration gonna go on on you know but in real dylan emphasize and things learn from my antecedents in the black poetry space with martin luther king and malcolm x. and iran and iran to say the same word because that's the way it is when you live in a town throwing down like it is good or poor or you know when i lived up to town there was a friend famous saying that there are no laws so people have to be honest you know i'm saying by the way it is i'm going back to my point yes ok there is no as margaret thatcher said there is no society. you know she was right when you give all the power to prove your money and then allocate your money to a group of kleptocrats who runs central banks.


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