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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  December 14, 2017 12:30pm-12:58pm EST

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revealed that the unknown number of farmers have been disguising their suicides as farm accidents in order to collect insurance payouts i looked at the bill salesman . two distinctly different segments of the population one a little city one a little country but both are suffering an awful lot this is the reality that many of the current political leaders of the united states continue to ignore in their never ending quest to appease big money corporate donors and wind futile partisan fights for political power now let's start watching the hawks. get a. real good look. at the bottom. but they like you that i got. this.
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week that i. wrote them everyone watching the hawks i am a robot and on top of the wall it's so one of the things about this that's that's so disturbing as you say about the boston and the boston papers is that this report the color of wealth in boston sound that the media network for whites was two hundred forty seven about five hundred dollars or so forty seven thousand dollars for whites that's a person that's our network but eight dollars eight dollars for a block bostonian which is. yeah and it was part of a five state so this wasn't just about one one place and boss and that study was done through five cities but at the end of the day the wealth disparities among communities of color were the worst and boston i mean this is like looking at it you look at milwaukee and you look at places like boston as these are not good
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places to live if you are a black person exactly and the data was determined just sort of step. you know now that you know the net worth determination that medium worth how than you can about a lot of people know the difference between you know you make this much what's a. medium or that well it's found by subtracting a person's that from their asses you know so they use both the financial like savings checking accounts money market funds government bonds stocks retirement accounts business activity and life insurance plus like tangible things like houses vehicles and like real estate to basically determine a person's total assets everything that you own like the banks you money or has value right anything you could sell exactly and then for debts they include things like credit card balances student installment and car loans or every type of loan a person could have and a medical debt and mortgages and that's where they came to those numbers so when you look at like you know the average black person in boston being worth basically
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eight dollars that's staggering and that's and that's a horrible horrible testament to this country's finest like where we sit as citizens the fact that any citizen regardless of their skin color can sit at eight there was other black like dominican they looked at like people from the caribbean and things like that so they get like zero zero share you know i mean this is a it's a true true frightening issue and it's also representative of a bigger problem that i mentioned the study for prosperity now in the us through for policies found that quote by twenty to twenty median black and latino households stand to lose nearly eighteen percent and twelve percent of the wealth they held in two thousand and thirteen respectively while median white house hold wealth increases three percent which means that tab that means in just three years white households are projected to own eighty six times more wealth than black houses households and sixty eight times more wealth than latino households yet the population rise the minorities are going to now way the majority basically they are
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going to outnumber the amount of whites in society that creates an even bigger wealth gap. and a scarier scenario for the future of this country. than what even bernie sanders was talking about it with drew yeah i think the wealth inequality is something that people don't always understand why that's important and why is that something to shorten for everybody i mean that gap needs to be as tiny as possible and it leads directly to something you're very familiar with you know you're familiar with given where you grew up the suicide rate and the poverty level of farmers in this country it's huge it's a miserable job these days and i think one of the saddest things that the u.s. government really dropped the ball on in the last twenty to forty twenty thirty forty years was in for our agricultural infrastructure they did not take care of farmers because they were in my opinion when we got to nafta we said well we get these great deals just shipping em from oversea isn't here we go now we never have to grow anything unfortunately now we do need to grow things here we do need to
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make food here and grow it but we don't have a support system and the fact that we can't find a support system in the united states and in our budget for food. how many meals are you if a man or rather did was a little girl with my meals where nine zero zero zero zero is there's nine zero the way before you see people start to do bad things so this was the thing about farmer's death the suicide isn't just a united states problem and to everyone around the world australia has a farmer suicide creases saying that they see every farmer dies by suicide every four days in the u.k. one farmer says there's one farmer a week the takes his own life in france every two days in india more than two hundred seventy thousand farmers have died of super died from suicide since one thousand nine hundred five and a lot of this is what the c.d.c. says is that you know part of this comes from social isolation and
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a potential for financial losses a barrier to an unwillingness to seek help mental health i. a lot of it is you can't pay for the bigger issue i think a lot less people i think they would want it if they could get it or could they travel to get it because they're isolated in these rural communities and things like close the government isn't helping them like you said look so no there is a cover there and there is a government funded program called sowing seeds of hope. that connected uninsured and under-insured farmers and seven midwestern states to sort of do some sort of behave affordable behavioral health services but in two thousand and fourteen federal funding that supported sowing seeds of hope came to an end and the program was shuttered. things we should be paying attention to and maybe actually impacting some legislation to help fix on. freedom of speech and the right to protest grievances is one of the most important actions for combating corruption and
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enacting change in society and since the dawn of protests not surprisingly governments around the world and throughout history have worked to gather intelligence infiltrate and depending on the honesty of the message suppress the activists in their plight but what happens when non-government entities start spying on protesters and working to suppress your freedom of speech parties david miller finds out as he looks into how corporations and global conglomerates have been secretly infiltrating protests against them. the u.s. supreme court has often times struggled to determine what constitutes protected speech especially in the form of protests now this american value is once again under attack from large corporations the guardian has obtained documents leaked from two corporate intelligence brands that identifying by large corporations which have paid for quote privates bugs and according to the guardian these firms were hired to monitor campaigning groups that challenge their businesses the new yorker
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has revealed in recent reports allegations that harvey weinstein has used private spies posing as women's rights advocates. to secretly record actor rose mcgowan britain has been linked to the metropolitan police using the same methods to inflict straight activist organizations such as greenpeace some of the again quotes by even had long term relationships and children with protesters according to the ongoing pitchford inquiry into undercover policing corporations who participate in the use of fake activists or spies include caterpillar british airways poorish the royal bank of scotland and a utility company eat allegations including head a pillar which many americans know and trust as a corporate staple for american manufacturing went as far as to hire c two a corporate spy firm to gather information about a grieving family that took legal action against the firm after their seventeen
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year old daughter rose run over by a caterpillar bulldozer also included as a leaked email that states can appeal or has been working very closely with the spy firms to prevent the direct action protests groups used to disrupt quote economic welfare report also includes president trump c two i also pushed his services to trump's property development firm which was seeking sensitive land in scotland c. to ice a trans from was under threat from a consortium of environmental activists so the question remains is this democratic right to freedom of speech even in the forms of protests under attack again by large corporations or is this just capitalism at its strongest flexing its muscle reporting from washington d.c. david miller r t america. boil boil boy it doesn't surprise me you know you know every now right at this point between you know the f.b.i. or law enforcement or homeland security infiltrating protests against corporations
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and corporations now themselves infiltrating for is there anyone else left in the protest who might actually be an activist i'm not promoting her. we'd be there for the actual protests neighbors about how why they were we're going about this all wrong maybe it we shouldn't be railing against the pro you know protesters and activists who aren't active enough and doing things really doing things after the march they're not even they are there but we'll be off doing the real work while these fake activists are out marching you know and then spying i mean this is ridiculous and it really breaks my heart when you see this i mean because at the end of the day freedom of speech is one of the most like you said at the top one of the most valuable rights we have and to see not only governments do this but now corporations do this just to learn more and potentially stable i get like yeah you want to know if something could be violent or something could get bird or whatever it may be i understand that but there's still a level of don't why you start i always believe change your practices you don't want them protesting or maybe talk pollute the earth maybe don't send out
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a bad product when we don't allow people to die when using your product i think really this is this is coming out of the protest blah a lot of black lives matter protest that blocked roadways and it was this whole idea that oh my god you can't disrupt commerce why don't we stop spending and and and spending money we don't have and someone stops us that would be and say. but that is the point of protest stance too you know i mean capitalism has to deal with it sometimes you're going to get question for what you do welcome to america welcome to america all right welcome to our break hard watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered of facebook and twitter see our poll shows that are to dot com dot com coming up the host. of our children enters the oxalis to discuss the rapid player rise a bit growing and its record breaking bubble stay tuned to watch your.
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hey everybody i'm stephen paul shilling task hollywood guy the suspect every proud american first of all i'm just george bush and r.v.'s to say this is my buddy max famous financial guru well just a little bit different i've noticed you can find the owner with no doubt with all the drama happening in our country i'm shooting the good have some fun meet everyday americans at home and look for the store to bridge the gap this is the great american people which.
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trump benefit. very much from the existing plurality rule system because he was so different from the other candidates if you took any one of those mainstream candidates and you put him in a head to head contest with trump. and that other candidate might well have won. the first like when you all know it's coming through and spoke. if somebody would have been told me because i'm going to spend my life for it to play in committees or a little disturbed person would have sold it was clearly seen. every night over we were attacked by the arabs we will attacking them and we will extremely shocked. saying but that's not possible i'll make those moves in such
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scenes and then the soldiers and myself from the standpoint of those books won't go to some house without the prison or were horrible. the other day i. believe much second class citizens in the phone call. to strike and i think in my home that there is no room to be able to be together without. the smell . tulips telltales of colonial riches junk mortgages and wildly overrated internet ponzi schemes that's just some of the highlights of human societies fatal attraction to so-called asset bubbles when a manic rush seizes the imagination of investors the speculators and the rest of society the thirst for wealth of our powers all sense of rationality or moderation
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as the year comes to a close it appears that twenty seventeen will be forever remembered for its crypto currency bubble as people across the world from the winklevoss twins to the random twitter feed investor who barely understands the difference between a bike chain and a block chain are making millions of dollars overnight perhaps is about time we sit down and figure out what what is going on in the world the air and to do that we're joined today by just the right guests today that our children former commissioner of the u.s. commodities futures trading commission thank you for joining us barclays will be with you guys so i want to bitcoin rich this week all time high sixteen thousand and similar currencies like what was it like coin again and i popping forty five hundred percent again for this year as the final expert how comfortable are you with quick crypto currency that leave now. with the prices on the volatility i think there's going to be a digital currency or crypto currency that will survive it probably will be bitcoin
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but it's not a sure thing but something's going to survive there are literally hundreds of these things out. there you you you named a couple tyler but i mean dennis rodman supports pot coin you know there are all sorts of crazy things going on out there too and so there's a lot of charlatans and people have to be really careful but the volatility that we see in bitcoin in particular is troublesome and you know i've argued for a long time since two thousand and twelve that these markets need to be somewhat regulated not so much so that they clamp down on innovation and people can't you know have some freedom but we want to protect consumers i think we want to protect the investors the guys you speak with the guys and gals you speak with all the time and so i think there needs to be some modicum of regulation that's actually starting in the u.s. as opposed to other places around the world china south korea and russia have all
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banned the trading of bitcoin and other digital currency is just and i think the regulators guys just said enough we cannot it's too hot to handle can't deal with it and so what i've been urging the those in the digital environment the enthusiasm to do is go and seek out regulators explain what it is you're trying to do that so disruptive but how do you have the adequate customer protections and they haven't done that because they don't like them any stink in government and now we're to the point where you have some regulators saying no we're not going to do it fortunately some in the u.s. are saying we'll give it another look at maybe we can do something that makes sense well and that's my question for you is that we've seen this week you have to do a small traders. trading futures like bitcoin future. and we're just pushing this idea of regulation which is something that's very important because you have people now that are marketing their houses to get into this because they
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don't really understand they think it's like gold i buy it and then i'll go up and all cash out make money which may or may not be true how will that regulation even the smallest amount how will that affect the cryptocurrency will it crash and even outdoors so it will help ultimately and try to make it because it's a little like in the weeds so let me just try to raise up a little bit so these things called derivatives as you mentioned have a futures and options those are starting to be trade now what those are if this is a bit coin this isn't a bet or a gamble an investment in the bitcoin it's on whether or not that bitcoin will be worth something in the future they call it a future so you're saying is bitcoin going to be worth twenty thousand in february or something that's the gamble they're taking but that's what's being regulated now the derivative bet on the underlying so one there will be transparency into the derivative bets which will be good customer protection no your credit customer and
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i money laundering things that guard against you know weapons and drug trade and all that stuff nobody likes. but in addition since my old agency will be regulating the derivatives they actually have a legal arm into the underlying actual bitcoin so that will start to be regulated more and more and they'll try to find out well who's trading is the big banks is it not big banks is it is it individuals the money managers who's in there trading and once we get that clarity that's going to take place over a number years then i think this regulation will not just be good for consumers it'll be good for the digital folks because will be more confidence in what's going on in the markets and then people can feel like they're in. vesting in digital currencies like an asset class like you would to have a with gold right now i'm worried what's happening is you get people who are looking at the mount of money they're making and doing things crazy things like
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you're talking about second mortgages or. logical question is about the dangers for people in getting in the coin i mean look we all kind of look at shooting through the roof right now. and what they're actually friends because i was telling people i got a lot of folks are upset with me but. i think what people need to do is take precautions look what's going on it's not just my old agency by the thousand individuals the names forty thousand individuals for tax compliance so a lot of these digital folks that are out there doing businesses and coins are trying to go under the regulatory radar but there's also is quite frankly are thinking wait a minute if i get a number of products like a in e.t.f. an exchange traded fund that tries to mimic the price of gold or silver or something. i'm taxed on that every year but if i get a digital currency that's unregulated and i make twenty thousand bucks on it and
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ought to be taxed well don't bet on that uncle sam may be coming after. that. that's kind of the wild west aspect of bitcoin that hey. i can do what i want i can buy what i want all the. money if there's any kind of tragedy of it is uncle sam eventually i think regulators are in this like i was in it because i want to protect consumers and everything but there's another reason they're regulators want revenue and so there is a two prong motive on their behalf. what they want to and that's i think the disconnect for some people is that there's two kinds of traders right now that are investing in people who much like you would buy you know a disney stock fifteen years ago or a blue chip. you know back in the day of that hold on to it even if it only cost you a couple hundred bucks you could end up with a few thousand in ten fifteen years which i think some people are looking at holding on to their big client and then there's the people who are using it to make
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transactions that are less than legal to do you think how do we somehow is it going to be two different markets or where they started are entirely different trading strategy because these markets are just trading all the time and you're absolutely right i mean when my father gave me a few of microsoft's stocks he said hold on to him as a a little poem i used to do sonny boy girly sue let me explain investing to you when you get older you'll recall this chat about stock business stock that we're going to hold on to these things someday when then a rise will be rich will change our life that's how wealth derives i fudged this so that's the old strategy buy and hold but right now people are going short they're saying i'm just going to bet on what like a big coin would be in april or something or gold would be but with all these high price tags on bitcoin in particular it's just it's so appealing to people to want to get in and that's why you know what my mission of my mantra has always been as a guide to kind of public services just be careful don't don't risk your hard
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earned money if it's certainly if it's for something that's like health care or your retirement education needs for your kids to be careful well as it is you know it's up up up up you mentioned earlier everyone's like looking at a goal and it's can never go down you know. is this bubble is this digital currency bubble going to burst sooner or later i mean all bubbles have to burst of scope of i'd assume that the laws of physics applied to commerce as well you know of the economy as much as they do in reality you know as much as they do with the physical world i think there's a bubble. and here's the thing in finance everybody's got an opinion you know and you'll see all these talking heads and quite frankly not a lot of them know what's going on a lot of artists i don't even talk about that. sometime there is going to be a correction it may not be a big correction because there is a limited supply of bitcoin so the more people want it and there's only a limited supply the price will go up that's why i think it could be around it may
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not be something it's going to i don't think it's going to poof and it goes to zero that's why i think it's not a fraud like jamie dimon of j.p. morgan has said even vladimir putin has said it's like a pyramid scheme i wrote a book on permits keep not a classic pyramid scheme that doesn't mean there's not inherent risk and so just be careful as might my advice to folks and we still don't know who actually invented. no no. that is a suited him that you know that that adds credibility to the whole thing right. that was arrested by the way for. having this online exchange to sell these drugs human trafficking you know his pseudonym was dread pirate robert but he is in jail for life so another confidence booster. to get into and i think in the future it's going to take a lot of us to sort of bridge that gap between the trading and everything but i hope people don't as good a discovered i know it's sort of a weird subject in the financial sector but it is but people need to know about it
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they need to connect themselves thank you so much for coming out of dark about this with thanks guys thanks for what you do. throughout history some of our greatest playwrights were forged in the heat of battle is the author of don quixote of the fourth wars great spanish playwright located vega was a sailing soldier in the spanish armada fighting english and even of divine comedy fame fought for the florentine cavalry and that tradition former marine and star wars actor adam driver through his foundation arts in the armed forces is looking for the armed forces budding playwright through a contest and i'm looking for the best full length play written by a cadet active service member or veteran the bridge award will be judged by pulitzer prize winning playwright. will be performed by professional actors and broadway. twenty eighteen is a prize of ten thousand dollars most importantly this contest means more than cash and prizes as adam driver told the new york times quote there is no reason to think that this community doesn't have anything to say maybe they don't have access to
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another way of saying so that's a fantastic well i love i love what he's doing right there because one of the most important things is giving communities a voice of this is one of those the arts is one of those things that allows people to speak it gives them a voice and use that word on yesterday up at the south i think it's important that definitely it's all right that is our show for you today everybody remember everyone in this world we are not told that we are loved up so i tell you wall i love you i am tired of the tour and on top of a lot of people watching those talks a great day. it is one of the basic instruments to drive an economy but it can also lead to
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tragedy i did it i took a line just i came to god and meant that the debts time i came to god and he was not. many times have been broken like excess in the banks got you into trouble and all the big bankers got be. on their go on the banks but just didn't think of the ordinary men and women who lost money so there is a back under don't buy creditors people see no future bad things happen you know you become ill you do job no relationship breaks down you become a casualty instead of nice long term limits the way those actually come to a bit of you know would like to just been through so much. more to.
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do i'm talking to. locals. so the only show i go out is the really not the point is to say we are apparently better than the world. policy and protesters clash with us really police in a nonstop wave of anger over jerusalem meanwhile muslim nations are rejecting the u.s. role in the mideast peace process. and any vote which could affect the way you use the internet u.s. lawmakers are prepared to say.


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