tv News RT December 15, 2017 3:00pm-3:30pm EST
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back then of islamic islamist terror terrorist groups and getting their hands of ninety's or if this was an early two thousand well you know what i want to ask this is is there any kind of what we know about like ok we have the cia i want to come avoid fondling of these in these operations over you know secret operations following weapons and they're on the public side of things do they worry about this and what kind of prevention or precautions do they take or is a kind of way we know what they're doing will just look the other way well i think it was they were very aware where these weapons were going they the. pentagon was very much involved in these type of programs. after all they were they were being supplied to elements that we were training and given advice to so that and it was directed that it clearly shown that rather than us weapons which they didn't know how to operate get these other weapons from eastern europe because there was
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so much so many available and the ammunition was so plentiful and that way you also had deniability laws of all denial were they get them from eastern europe but not mention the fact that it was all orchestrated by the united states policies how how dangerous is that the idea of sort of using these well these weapons are here these weapons are here when we're looking for us and so we're trying to see who is supplying what how dangerous it is that we just have seem to have an innumerable number amount of of arms just wandering around in the middle east and eastern europe and africa the fact that isis is just isis alone has metastasized and thirty countries and those weapons what is their weapons of choice the a k forty seven sarin it's all these all these types of. weapons that we're we're talking about today and they're very very plentiful they're not going to go. the way and they're
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going to be and they're probably bunkers storehouses for future use and and they're in plentiful supply they're not going to and i think it was was it was a former pentagon that was what you're probably one point i think a lot of time was reuse these weapons like you had mentioned japan you know right after world war two but a lot of times we used the weapons to kind of flood the area to kind of. create the war to the something that we saw here in regards to this new information with isis that a kind of you need the enemy to be armed in order to justify the fight against the other well there is some element of that because we we. we we want to be able to in many cases we were actually arming the at that time the. opposition which was against assad now that then that then the focus shifted to going after isis and and those same weapons now and then began to be used against our folks in the people we were training so it's it was again it's the monster we created coming back to bite
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i was out of the because of what we talk about forty seven's and sort of small small arms ammunition and things like that what about things like surface to air missiles because senator john mccain once stated in regard to the syrian conflict specifically quote i might do what we did in afghanistan many years ago to give those guys the ability to shoot down those planes that equipment is available to the free syrian army would just like the afghans shoot down the russians and now according to this report we kind of did just what john mccain advised except the rockets ended up in isis hands within two months of them arriving in syria so. how susceptible to blowback is this kind of sort of gusto foreign policy of saying i'm going to give these guys guns to shoot these guys and well it's very very serious and they are going to be the fact that they have them. and they can be used at another time in fact. some some of our spies some of our defense activities in the
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air is assumes that they've got surface to air missiles down there and you just don't know if they're going to be using them or not they probably don't use them because they don't want to reveal that they that they have their positions and where it is but the fact is they do have them they've captured them and they could be used for another time the major concern is not in not on the battlefield so much but we consider it right very point is there every day is that one of those things where we need that we need to work very concerned to civilians that are very concerned about a lot of these weapons were flowing out of north africa libya particularly which then makes all of aircraft flying commercial aircraft land in southern europe very very vulnerable very vulnerable it's interesting too because the day that the media is covering these reports coming out you also have u.s. ambassador vicky haley showcasing in condemning the what the u.s. claimed was evidence of iranian weapons being used by the hutus in yemen. how do we balance the u.s.
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balance that kind of hypocritical major of the like ok we're condemning the iranians for supplying you know allegedly supplying the hooter's with rockets and weapons but at the same time that reports of us you know essentially isis ending up with weapons that we plug it into syria how do we balance that on who who the bad guy is who the good guy isn't and who's talking yet both sides contribute you have a rainy and weapons that have come in they is says to. the shiite forces in iraq certainly and there's been weapons that transfers with that we know of that have gone to the east. and again and again it's in. it's not just one side doing it all sides are doing it now and it's all everybody sort of sits down and says ok you know what we're not going to give we're not just going to indiscriminately give or anything giving weapons to anybody in an area that's not i don't think they can i don't think they can control it any more i don't think it's a question any longer we will or will not give weapons there are so many out there
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right now great that they're going to be available whenever and for whatever group that wants to take over there was a report what might work but you always become place on obstructing oh so now today all right as we go to break walk watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered on facebook and twitter so our poll shows that r.t.g. dot com coming up parties david miller of the wild world of the slaughter of net neutrality that took place earlier today on top of the wallace asked why wall street as it was through sleeper boy to me to movement it's because sexism doesn't exist on wall street women are totally treated equal there. they say to the watching the whole.
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it's a. wonder when they can't get a car the city. they burn a hundred i knew nothing then which are going to say. i'm going to look. at this i wrote these are the new. polling to me you know all i meant and when i played on the plane. in some of the up on the yes i will get on the one that was in the beginning to see all. of those. so. i thought that the ample. what's the quest profile for people who are happy to pay the maximum in the extortion racket that the drug and insurance companies got the government to impose an unconstitutional tax called the baba care is that they are bought in to america's various foreign policy is raped and pillaged for
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a few bucks that's the foreign policy or to pharmaceutical companies create an opiate crisis domestically you don't hear anyone questioning that on an assembly say r.c.m.p. say or any of the mainstream media outlets they all buy into it they get paid a lot of money they'll pay the stipend to the health extortionist and their bomb of care folks as long as they push the line that there is still an active non ghostlike population that's crawling around america fishing through garbage pails living on five dollars a day entering the third world and trying to game the system twenty four some.
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lose it feel to be a share of the greatest job in the world it's as close to being a king as any job there is good business model helps to run a prison now we do it on my guess is nobody who visits and they don't no one comes in the more we don't have to serve them anymore is cost effective this will be won't do that loan they don't give a damn if you do towards a man. to put a mark in the good the louisiana incarceration rate is twice as high as the us and bridge what she crew is behind such soup.
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the f.c.c. made it overturn that neutrality regulations was a blast politically and in a terrifying turn of events almost physically as an unknown person called in a bomb threat resulting in a ten minute break to bring in bomb sniffing dogs but after all the chaos and settled the commissioners took the vote everyone had been expecting and many feared will change consumer access to the internet forever though the practice wasn't prevalent prior to net neutrality rules many of us are concerned that internet service providers may use the new opportunity to throttle web traffic based on content and charging different prices to x.i.i. access to different websites we now turn to our teams david miller for the latest on the critical vote and the protests we've seen throughout the day. in a three two vote down party lines this morning the f.c.c. voted in favor of the first. net neutrality regulations we can as you can see
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behind me there merican people have gathered to protest said decision the agency's republican majority approved a plan to scrap the rules preventing internet providers like comcast and eighteen c. from blocking or slowing web traffic the f.c.c. today voted three two along party lines to repeal the obama era net neutrality regulations handing the victory to total calm providers over the objections of take companies including netflix reddit and today's vote was to late for a brief time by an apparent bomb threat but that did not stop the f.c.c. from moving forward to what some call the death of the internet as you can see behind me many. flowers have been laid in from the f.c.c. is building as if a memorial for the internet dozens of democrats in at least one republican are the f.c.c. to cancel today's vote but the chairman did bow to move forward with the plan ironically the same democratic commissioners fighting for freedom of speech for the internet
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refused interview with myself because i'm with r t america while doing interviews for every other network out here also news today as many as two million net neutrality comments many of which were negative were filed to the f.c.c. were fake according to the new york attorney general's office several tani's general and democrats urged an investigation into the comments ahead of today's vote protests wrapped up earlier today we heard a number of concerns including concerns over the right to free speech corporations gaining larger and getting richer and also many health concerns environmental concerns also but the main concern is that this fight is not going to stop that they continue to pursue actions against the f.c.c. not to take away these protections reporting from washington d.c. david miller r t america. well we've been covering it for a long time and it was that fateful day yeah neutrality was struck down thanks to former horizon lawyer. little corporate hacker the f.c.c.
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commissioner. hey you know what. i mean it's true but you know the one of the point one of the interesting things i don't know if i and i didn't understand that this at least a decade so i'm fight and truthfully after ten years i think most people just understand what net neutrality meant but i think honestly it just people just didn't see how important it was but. the fight is not over because one of the lawsuits. that you can see the congress is probably every i think a lot of a lot of republicans surprisingly in congress have said oh wait a minute wait we shouldn't be overturning the trial. probably i would see probably someone just lotion not a lot of the kind of filling the gaps that were created today are one of the interesting things to. kind of ironic about the whole debate is that many of the big platforms that were advocating for neutrality like don't shred it. were kind of
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already in gauging and censorship that we've seen over and over well they're all over it or i mean he you know you tube do monetizing it hiding politically have subversive videos or social media companies partnering with governments to build road alternative new sources so you kind of see that happening everything that they were complaining against those are just avoiding writing it down that neutrality obviously but it's a little hypocrisy going on there yes i think one of the things that we have to understand is that they've been they've been paying to do this for a long time if you think that you tube magically like. didn't take extra money and advertising wasn't well put yourself to the top. and if you believe that google didn't do the same and if you didn't think that everybody has been figuring out ways to cheat the system and that that system is there the reason that things like google and facebook and you tube exist is to sell ads without a middleman period and that's what i've heard over and over and that is what they're there for they're they're not there to give you free speech they are not a platform for democracy their entire purpose is to sell ads to people or
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corporations at the end of the day to yes ok and i think the thing about. areas this you know republican appointed head of the f.c.c. and obviously i'm no fan of his political opinions because i think it's a little too close to a little too close to corporate america but if anybody got to see us and we can show the video but he this is the guy who gets outrage for not taking his job seriously and then he does this daily caller video making fun of anybody who's fighting or being you know seven things that's too big you can still post selfies the medium's that he's there with the puppy dog and i have to say. grow off honestly good boy like everybody on the hell series there's a point where you just need to grow up because you have people the people who are really hurt by this are the people at the very bottom they're not the people with million dollar.
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