tv Watching the Hawks RT December 20, 2017 12:30pm-1:01pm EST
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the congo is now appealing to the united nations to possibly send in peacekeeping teams to help stem the rampant violence choking the poorest parts of the city but hey you know i'm sure our elected officials and their neil mccarthy ben could and they're talking head cheerleaders will find some way to blame russia for it all and they will definitely more than likely positively make sure that i'm considered a traitor for telling you to keep on watching the hawks. to. get the. real deal with. you to the bottom. like you that i got. three. weeks out. of the one of the hawks i wrote for
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and having a long list of those. so carry on doesn't surprise me but the why many of which for many things are as you ever anywhere at any time anymore and now ok. i'm not surprised as much as i'm upset i'm upset now the this is the beginning of a pattern you know we saw them go after randy greedy go we saw them go after and now we're seeing them go after joel stein and basically anybody who you know is against the status quo of how things are supposed to be in the kind of two party dictatorship and what really upsets me is in the process of all of that. they ignore the real issues that is most important to this country is the poverty is the deal the equality issues that we're having in this country who of whilst of the un special rapporteur i mentioned earlier pointed out that while the us is one of the
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wealthiest countries in the world with major technical innovations and a workforce with an incredible work ethic the way in which those quoted saying the way in which those in the bottom twenty percent of the population exist is in dramatic contrast to the well that is in the country and is being further exacerbated by current trends he even goes on to say that the us infant mortality rate is the highest in the developed world the highest that americans can expect to live shorter and sicker lives than in any other rich democracy that inequality levels are higher than in most european countries and that neglected tropical diseases are making a comeback here now that to me is something that i think we should be spending millions of dollars on investigating in the congress more so than you know the idea of the trump and russia colluder jill stein had dinner with vladimir putin and therefore it's the end of democracy as we know it. you know that these are the issues that i think should be focused only in the congress on anything to
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investigate actually to start implying that you know building having infrastructure development employing people you know getting our country back on track as we know from the two thousand a crash that ever since then the average american lost between a quarter and a third of their actual wealth what about where exactly are their values so this is what you saw the rich got richer yeah because they were able to survive the crash and basically buy up the assets in distressed assets and lower prices and that's what happens when depression basically it doesn't help it doesn't help the average person it helps only a very small the class well that growing economy there is a growing economy unlike right for the people at the top not no part of that because any time you say well what about people at the bottom should we use some of this money to help people who need help and that idea that that's communism and socialism that's where they're going to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and all that but you know more and more we see reassures research in the first edition shows that you it's harder and harder to start at the bottom and make it to the top
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regardless of work. force. and then you look at places like chicago which are following the pattern of a detroit chicago has got huge issues obviously with gangs you know drug related violence and you know i i think it's it's fun that you know you can said you know the u.n. might have to send peacekeepers but don't think that's nearly the solution because we see what peacekeepers have done in other countries it tends to create even more confusion and chaos because of the other day you want people on the ground in their own city to apply and help and heal that city i would think and i think that's where the difference is in chicago it's the people in those communities they should be raising those people out to be the next people walking on the street because they know everyone you know there was a time in this country when police officers had to live in the communities they serve dead and now they get to live in the nice suburbs and come to the city and push people around. commissioner roger boyd can actually said this about the chicago i think we've had over six hundred people killed by gun violence already this year alone that's a huge number in my community. austin we've had four hundred fifty people shot and
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eighty people killed this year alone eighteen so we have to do more to protect those communities the mayor's office called it a political stunt i think it's not a political stunt it's pointing out the obvious that in other places around the world when we ignore this stuff it's going to turn into something that you will need and i'd rather see i'd rather see people coming there to feed people to give them their hope and to be there with any help. if anything is hopeful the fact is that we do have less we've seen less violence gun violence in chicago this year it was homicides that last so i think that's at least one good thing for you. this monday republican senator richard burr of north carolina told reporters that the senate intelligence committee has requested documents from the jill stein presidential campaign she has agreed to cooperate fully with the investigation which is as her campaign former campaign communications director dennis trainer jr told buzz feed is regarding collusion with the russians this includes not only possible communications with russian officials but her communication with producers
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and journalists with r.t. . the russian collusion narrative against jill stein hinges almost exclusively on two things her appearances on r.t. and her attendance at the channel's tenth anniversary party and conference in moscow in an official statement guarding the investigation stein stated that quote our communications with russian individuals regarding an invitation to speak on international relations at the tenth anniversary media conference will confirm what we stated publicly at the time and since that we did not accept any payment or even reimbursement for the trip and quote the conference which was described by many in western media as suspicious was attended by representatives from the b.b.c. and other mainstream news outlets but the investigation into collusion only seems interested in the dinner while he was in attendance russian president vladimir putin was seated at a table with jill stein and former trump white house national security advisor michael flynn who has been found to be less than honest about his inner. national dealings before during and after the campaign and while there is no footage of
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putin and jill stein speaking nor has anyone in attendance been able to recall ever seeing the to speak senate seems to be hoping they will find some answers in her communications with r t y r t well jill stein who was shunned by the mainstream media as in significant to the election announced her campaign for president on the r t comedy new show over dr tonight she also participate in the green party debates r t america hosted those debates with the first live televised international debate for the u.s. green party and the rules used were based on those used by the nonpartisan league of women voters r t also cover the green party convention in houston texas which again was also covered by a number of major mainstream news outlets while there i asked her what the rhetoric of fear has done to the election process with the american people who have been thrown under the bus were basically being told to be good little boys and girls and listen to the political establishment and the party operatives and the you know and
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the pundits the political pundits on the big media and we're being told to just you know kind of be quiet go along to get along and just do more of the same that is more of what's throwing us under the bus now long past the election the dinner the debate and a few interviews chill's time is once again being asked to justify her right and the green party's right to participate in elections and world policy discussions since the alleged russian hacking of the d.n.c. is email servers we've seen a lot of xena phobia paranoia and fear and while the establishment politicians insist that they are protecting democracy through these actions and investigations many believe they will do more excess stench will harm than actual good as jill stein stated quote the extent to which they exercise overreach politicizing and sensationalism is a danger to democracy especially in the current climate of all out war on our first amendment rights this is not a time to. attacking the rights of political speech and political association.
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so we of course we saw through the election you know there was a lot of criticism that we had debates and they were you know eroding democracy all of the intelligence reports that we were you know it was all part of our plan to erode democracy by giving people their platform to. give their actual speech that's the thing that really gets under my skin is it's all well it's because you're associated with russia but suddenly your enemy what you have to say is illegitimate. but free speech applies not just to americans applies to everybody whether what the outlook the matter what it is we all have a right to state our opinions to state the blues to say that's what the fact is that jill stein has her she ran for she ran for president before she did and this year if she if her opinion on russia is not that of the democratic party the republican party you know that basically makes her subject to investigation that's
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the way it seems to me because her opinion of russia is not that they're threat to american you know essentially threat to the american way of life and because of that that's really her biggest sin in their eyes in their eyes and that's dangerous i think to how we operate as a republican as it were i do you is that we allow everybody's ideas you know but that's the problem with this concept that this is sarah to everybody. is all of the communist all right you cannot have it god don't don't mention like single pair socialism or anything people get sobering up with f.d.r. and wallace or any of those guys were part of our leadership of the power. of the kind of think well this is the most bothers me and i'm glad you brought up the thing about first the first amendment that the speech i mean here in the united states if you believe in in the spirit of the constitution and what we what those bill of rights was based on it's everyone it's not just if you're lucky enough to happen to get here on the right line or happen to be born here it's that all human beings have those row. it's and if you're going to spread democracy like so many
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want to in the u.s. government then that's part of that is showing that everyone gets gets to talk it isn't where you're from that's bad it is not you have a right and i think one of the hardest things for me to sort of understand is that the establishment line about russia and the problems with it is that they do not have strong opposition parties to go up against the main party is the main fairly conservative or corporate old guard parties in russia we have the same thing here obviously and we are looking at the same problems but my question is that the thing that i would ask them is. what are you teaching russian people about democracy when you don't allow even the tiniest opposition voices and when they do have opposition voices you pull them up in front of congress and accuse them of being traitors to their country how does that tell the people in russia that they should know that they have the strength for opposition parties no matter how small but they should have a right to adjust their government and their thinking and ideology and i think that's
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a great point but i think the bottom line is for everybody out there is don't don't don't let this kind of thing silence you would don't feel that you should be scared to speak your mind your opinion no matter how popular on or unpopular it is that's the beauty of it and if we don't if we stop doing that then all the neo liberal cons and their corporate paymasters we're at the end of the day we're still broadcasting we're still broadcasting right as we go to break court watchers don't forget to let us know what you think about topics recover to facebook and twitter see our poll shows at our t.v. dot com coming up we present another one of our favorite segments from the last year our interview without a bar with the founder of global dirt was on the ground in st john's in the u.s. virgin islands after the devastating hurricanes of brock to stay to lunch.
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but in under three of them i did but that's not a good idea. at the pub on this missile but in the me you know much to me it's just not. saying a single thing. that. well that and i think those are the guys you know some of the money on sunday did not done enough to hold the idea that something is in the. the himalayas will go down. as become a part of the study. of. commitment and no one can the most likely scenario. to some listener count some have moments for some so while some may doubt. he is. coming on i love to learn how to
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live the feeling of no one up there to. join me everything goes on the all excitement chill and i'll be speaking to get us out of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see that. here's what people have been saying about rejected in the sixties. the only show i go out of my way to watch is the really packs of. the john oliver of marty america's doing the same we are apparently better than. the c. people you've never heard of. jack to the next president of the world bank.
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seriously send us an e-mail. as the year comes to a close this week we will take a look back at a year of pop watching with some of our favorite interviews segments and news stories today we present our interview with founder of global dirt was on the ground in the aftermath of the three catastrophic hurricanes harvey and maria that devastated the caribbean and gulf of mexico this year. as three weeks the people living in the caribbean and along the gulf of mexico have seen an unprecedented line up of three powerful hurricanes leaving a trail of devastations in their wake and while most everyone outside the disaster zone stands back and points in shock and sympathy there are select dedicated field that rushed into the devastation head on in order to provide rescue relief and recovery for all those living in the path of the disaster whether it be human made
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or natural ottomar let the founder i'm president of global disaster and media response team or global tour is one of those brave souls and he joined us earlier from st john in the u.s. virgin islands to give us an exclusive update and window into the storm after the storm. front of global thank you for coming on i want to start right now by asking you but i guess riding out hurricane maria believe in st john of the virgin islands you know what what has the impact of the storm been like there are so far. so far this morning majority of the effort was put into getting the main roads back open several washouts to rockslides cut off one half of the island the other so for the past six hours we've been working with some of the equipment operators here on the island to continue to work
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through all of that so what exactly is global dirts role down there in the in the wake of great relief efforts right now down in st john. so for the last ten days we've been on the ground primarily the first pictures coming in for you communications so we've brought some sound like communication and equipment to begin the corniche effort so we are immediately with the national park service to get them up and running with the incident command post. now i'm talking out of now the only clinic on the island that we also have to you kate. beyond that we are cordoning search and rescue efforts with their local search and rescue team st john rescue here to basically go house to house and ensure that everybody is safe. because they were sort of limited communications as far as there's no power there's no so your connectivity there's no internet of people weren't able to communicate
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out to their relatives that they're safe so a prime or a primarily been going through doing health and wellness checks for them. what what are the most pressing. needs for the people in the caribbean right now i mean they've had you know one storm after another. you know who've been caught in the wake of these storms what do you feel is their most pressing needs right now. i think the biggest thing. in the immediate as far as that as far as these individual islands goes depopulating being able to get out so that way that which just ticks will be easier for people to go and do the debris clearance efforts and start the early recovery process for saint john on the ground talking now if they were able to get over a thousand people which is over twenty percent of the population off the island already the challenges that that but they evacuated to puerto rico and st croix which are both hit more directly by last night's storm so with that all of these
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different islands have to try to get people out because the less people that are here the less water we have to provide the less food that we have to provide beyond that the next immediate need is getting communications up and getting power but they anticipate power is going to take several months to get back to these different times while. now anatomy you global tour it has been there are four hurricanes harvey irma and maria what has and what you've seen on the ground then the most overlooked or neglected aspect in the preparedness for the of storms that you and other rescue workers have. we contend with now what are the things we should be thinking about for the next storm or down the road. but i think the biggest thing comes from the planning for the core utilities of the island as far as resilience to the water and electric structure so the last time they had a major hurricane like this was twenty years ago but they elected not to put the
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power lines underground which has caused. massive outages on these different islands so the biggest thing is going to be claiming resilient island in the future so that way they can avoid having that chance again just so someone can get an idea of what your day is like you know how what are your days and are you you know as a sign up to some of the blood war you know what is your average day consists of in this in this cleanup and recovery and you know rehab out for a walk or better for. the certainly roller our team we're working about eighteen hour days right now for the just passed over and for whose only when it went out and when to start to look back we are all on twenty four hours so that least now that this storm has passed we'll be able to go back to our schedule and get out there to continue doing. that making sure everybody's safe after this start. well let me ask you what's the best thing that those of us that aren't there what's
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the best way for us to help because we you get a lot of mixed messages you shouldn't donate to certain places or donating money to certain kinds of charities doesn't always help sending certain things actually causes more trouble for for you guys on the ground so what's the number one thing people here in the states and around the world what can we do to help this effort. i will one of the biggest challenges here is majority these islands operate off of tourism which is going to be basically down for the entire next season so i would say probably the biggest thing specially if the. individuals that are watching the show that know business or other things that might be in the hospitality industry or maybe it's industry or other things there's going to be a lot of people from down here that are going to be out of work for the next twelve months so if they have the ability to absorb some of that labor then there's going to be a lot of people that are in need of it and that would further depopulate the island in the short term until the next season it's able to star it up after the debris
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claims have been completed what are what's the next stop what's the next stop for you guys were where we're going to where is global bird how long do you predict you'll be there and you know what's the what's the what's the future look like. how well for us. who are actively looking at dominica right now we have personnel there on st thomas and also personnel that are on puerto rico. and whether or not st croix needs assistance far as getting their communications up but first a long term recovery effort here i think will be shifting into our kind of more recovery mode similar to what we did after superstorm sandy as far as working to make sure all of the residents here have properly if not applied to get assistance through. that where they can start to recover process themselves and then do you do you know are you just looking at you know with your experience in these disaster zones are you as a probably go to years ago i know that you worked
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a lot into haiti after the you know the flooding in the storm hit many years ago there really is a are we looking at the same kind of damage and the same kind of length of recovery . and i think it's going to take months just to get the electric and water back reconnected here and it's probably going to take years to get back to the level of where the silent ones before just because it's the logistics are so difficult everything has to be brought in here and there's no airport style and that we're on there's one helicopter pad and one clinic that group was heavily damaged so it's going to six points in time to get that infrastructure back on speaking of infrastructure what's the government sets. where i should like there are there is there is there are there's there are government i mean when you when you die because i think for everybody kind of outside looking in and you see that kind of devastation you know is there any form of infrastructure whatsoever just as far as order. i will fortunately it's kind of come together there's no mass looting or anything like that there are representatives on the ground and try to move which
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is the person islands territory of emergency management agency they're working together to try to coordinate here but their offices were completely destroyed so the stuff that is here is kind of focused on getting that emergency operation center back up and running quickly as possible so that way they can help other people. out what one of the things that i think comes up a lot is a you know people in these situations you have essentially you know environmental refugees that have to get out of a place and come back. are there organizations are people really working to make sure that those people that those people that are moved can go back to their homes or go back to that situation and again it's one of those things that on r.n. what can we do to help that situation and. there are there are some individuals that are on these islands as well a community organizations that are focused on ensuring that the communities are able to come back to people not just sell their land off and that it becomes
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a large resort town or something like that so there are people that are working to make sure that those people that do want to stay here to my home here are continue to be in it to do that and not forced out of their area well i got to say you know thank you so much for coming on and reporting on the your busy guy down there don't let us keep you're here longer from the good job that you're doing always a pleasure and you know key. to doing the best work you can down there and all the love and support as with you. certainly thank you very much for having no problem q. for your one. in a world full of pain destruction and hurt the truth about city for human kindness is something we can never afford to overlook take for example the case of. a young indiana boy long victim of the kind of nasty schoolyard bullying that drives so many around this country to tragic thoughts of suicide loneliness and sometimes
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more well as my co-host says every day in this world we are not told where loved and not so to right that wrong came along the local chapter of the united motorcycle enthusiasts who took young men philip filmic under their wing and gave him a proper back to school escort on his first day of middle school sending a message to would be bullies everywhere that their tactics are off the table and giving children like phil a much needed boost of confidence and belonging these gentleman bikers took matters into their own hands and gave back to their indiana community and morning show host nation wide in the best possible way kudos to you una for showing us all what real tough guys should aspire to be a step would be to fall on the island of bikers over but we just can't go on and i was always raised if you're ever in trouble on the side of the road the two people you can trust are bikers and go or are there others i'm sure over there remember in this world we are not told that we are lucky enough for tell you all i love you i am i robot sometimes i while it themselves that people are watching those will absolutely agree with you but.
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all to see we have a great team we need to strengthen before the freefall world better than a legend to keep it so i took it back. in one thousand nine hundred two that most part of far from the european championships at the very last minute when no one believed in us but we won and i'm hoping to bring some of that one. to the aussie thief. recently i had a lot of practice so i can guard see that peter schmeichel will be on the best since my last will call him that story through as proof. of an old joke though he.
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left left left more than ok stuff that's really good. politicians to do something to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president and you. want to. have to go on to be press that's what before three in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the water as a. question. how does it feel to be as sure of the greatest job in the world it's as close to being a king as any job there is what business model helps to run a prison now we just do or don't like is there nobody you know visitation i don't know what comes any more we don't have to serve them anymore it's cost effective that's what they want to do that long they don't give a damn if you did so and i'm not actually paying enough to put it back into the
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louisiana incarceration rate is twice as high as the u.s.n. breach what secrets is behind such success. the single most important social equalizer of our time the internet is under grave threat the decision by the federal communications commission essentially gives internet service providers the keys to the internet without net neutrality will be economic opportunity divide only widen for all. you. mentioned the twenty nine if you want to
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learn. this idea is it dangerous to stay here ok thinking within. our correspondent is caught up in the latest protests in ramallah as palestinians declare another day of rage against donald trump's jerusalem move. social media giant facebook is accused of abusing its monopoly in germany and of inappropriate collection of uses data. putin says that foreign intelligence services are ramping up their activities in russia trying to interfere in the country's internal affairs.
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