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tv   News  RT  December 21, 2017 2:00pm-2:27pm EST

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the u.s. suffers another blow for its recognition of jerusalem as the capital of israel as the un general assembly overwhelmingly condemns the move. of the veto obstructed the security council if you shameful that this meeting even taking place in violation of the rights of palestinian people america will put our embassy in jerusalem this is bullying and this jumper will not walk to the. polls close across catalonia as voters choose a new parliament the stuff election was called after the region's attempt to break away from spain. being taken to a israel's capital and tensions flared at un headquarters who got the use of the beat up security council and made unable to perform his duties and duration between
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the two parties threatened or the other members this is bullying and this jumble will not bow to the without the votes came in and it was one hundred twenty eight in favor of the resolution nine voting against it present so one hundred twenty. the united states will remember this day their statements as well united states in israel egypt and in the assembly the vote that just took place this. those are those against. the fourteenth take this vote personally he will be watching quested i report back on those who voted against him thank you for your consideration. is the right thing to do it is absolutely the right thing to do. now this interesting vote that just took place in which one hundred twenty eight countries voted against the united states in favor of this resolution i brought
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together many different countries that often don't see eye to eye with each other for example iran and saudi arabia regional rivals they voted together on this resolution north korea and south korea two countries that have long been at odds on the korean peninsula why they voted together and voted for the resolution now many longtime u.s. allies also voted in favor of the rebel resolution many many the member states members of nato voted against the united states so it appears that this is a repudiation of the united states largely by the international community one hundred twenty eight countries from around the world voted against the united states and against its decision to move the embassy to jerusalem this is a condemnation of the united states by the international community in big numbers. that is the latest killing more pain with the details many things clearly. ok joining me live from the hague now to discuss that hearing is. gone he's
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a former un special rapporteur on human rights in the palestinian territory very good evening to you john the very few things that it seems in life that can bring the world together bring opponents together but it seems like this is what has happened in the u.n. general assembly despite threats coming out of washington. did it go down the way you expected. all states will vote in favor of the resolution i think they didn't expect creation was. about one hundred fifty states who tabled the resolution this really shows that. it was made by the us administration did have some impact both in restrictor of the negative votes and in respect of the. i think there are two issues here one of course concerns the status of jerusalem. a new
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era in which a major. resort to blackmail and brought green order to secure votes in the general assembly. obviously in most cases states tried to bring pressure usually in pretty subtle manner points straight to support a particular position but this is the first occasion on which to state a major. member of the security council has resorted to such measures and i really think that the united nations needs to do something about what you can appears to incent over to me yes secretary general to publicly reprimand a president of the united states for interfering in this manner with the with god the united nations you know was diplomacy and acted in a i think many would say an undiplomatic manner up in terms of the way that the
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u.s. went about trying to persuade other countries do you think that this was a misjudgment on their behalf or did they really believe that this would be an effective measure. i think the united states thought it would be more effective than it was but clearly it did have some impact and i think this is a pretty unfortunate precent which must be. prevented from taking place in future. this fotis i understand it's nonbinding does that sort of detracts lightly from all this opposition to the us could lots of countries have done this knowing that it made them look independent whereas in fact it didn't mean to much i think one has to see the general assembly resolution. in conjunction with the. vote in security council that was a very positive vote in favor of retaining the status
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quo. fourteen to one indicated the international community is very strongly opposed to the united states and israel on this subject so although the journalists have been resolution may be non-binding in legal terms never listed has tremendous political impact i think the most for me the most fascinating thing to come out of all this is whether donald trump and nikki haley will will follow through with their threats one of the being to cut off financial aid to some of the countries who might oppose them do you think they will go through with this i don't it i hope not i do think that it could be deplorable it's united states will have to carry through traits of this kind because they're called indicators trace in future situations or give to a vote against the united states they do so at their peril john really appreciate
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you coming on r.t. some fascinating because i don't think of my guest former un special rapporteur on human rights in the occupied palestinian territory thank you joe. thank you. ok let's head to catalonia now these are live pictures from the region where the polls are now closing all across catalonia in a vote that could impact the spanish region's independence bit preliminary results have not yet been made public its own clear if separatist or unionist parties will win a majority but it is expected that the turnout is going to be as high as eighty percent nevertheless many people are frustrated that they've had to come out to vote yet again. you hear it all but they all the more i feel bad because in the first we were very excited about the referendum but now we see the spanish government has imposed elections on us that are not the elections that we want to
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vote in and yet somehow we have been forced to vote because they have ousted a regional government and we want our form of government to be restored and not to be changed or the snap elections were called by spain's prime minister this was at the end of october after the catalan parliament to declare independence here's how events unfold. i. i. i. feel that if you.
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see. if. i have yet to show you that i don't know how to thank you. donna. reed. thank you. we decided to sack the president vice president and all the high ranking officials in the council on government. this morning despite those things that had been so i do spanish authorities
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presented themselves to figure out for the rest of. my were not afraid of the ballot boxes will come together with the determination because we know that december the twenty first is the second it's over what is it. you fight what is the speech is everything this is why i asked for your vote. and i can speak now to the policy or she is economics professor at the university of barcelona appreciate you coming on alice and we haven't got any official results
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at this stage but some media organizations are releasing information from exit polls and according to them they secessionist parties are likely to gain the majority what would you make of that if that's how it turns out with that surprise you are not. well it's very uncertain turnout has increased with respect all two years ago or elections so are we what we want now until are until maybe ten one thirty it seems it's going to be a majority if it's if there is an independent it's a majority it seems it's going to be tight. in these elections have been organized on there are very strange circumstances with the two leaders of the independent these parties one in jail the other in exile in brussels and also after a strong campaign of fear by the spanish states after a lot of repression and economic threats so we are i'm not sure how
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if that fear is going to all to have an impact in the in the in their final results we are still a little bit we have to or we have to be careful because paul's my b.b. is misleading of course. in terms of numbers may. maybe you can read something into those it looks like it's a high turnout. by noon local time a third of the voters already cast the ballots it's predicted turnout around eighty percent does not say much. yes two years ago turnout was seventy five it is the starting out of eighty the vote today when you add the vault of catalans living abroad it's going to decrease a little bit because there is very deep it is very difficult for them to vote on their spanish system so it might finally be something like seventy eight when the fine vote arrived but still that would be three points more than.
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that the election of two years ago so in this case with this in. normally in catalonia except that the highest turnout are not in favor of independent isn't because traditionally the abstention east where people of spanish origin living in the in the neighborhoods are all surrounding barcelona that might change today if the independent is reading today tonight with this with these high have with this record turnout it would be an incredible victory but i want to i want to be careful because you are talking about exit polls and and with this high turnout things in the final results my might be a little bit different it seems that things are very tight between the two blocks and then there's a small small little party that is the middle in the middle of the two blocks interesting analysis appreciate that let's talk about colors put on the fall for
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catalan leader he tweeted today this is this is exactly what he said today demonstrate the strength of a resistant people the spirit of october first always leaders what did you make of his comments. yeah well i think he's right because. two libyan people went to the referendum on the first of october they were beaten by the poly is one thousand were insured the leaders are now in jail they couldn't make the independent these parties were not successful in making that an independent effect if there is no direct role the government well was dismissed and how far off the government was in jail in preventive jail with no bail under the acquisition of rebellion that includes violence and they didn't commit any violence the only violence came from the spanish state saw so it's been it's been
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a subtle action in a sense because it's been done under very very sad succumb stances and. there are there are. not not not very quiet conditions between the two blocs now one has all the power of the spanish state behind the other is facing a lot of repression a lot of oppression. really appreciate your views fascinating stuff alison the policy is my guest economics professor at the university of barcelona. thank. you and two other news now a three year old russian girl has been reunited with her family after she was found abandoned in iraq it's believed that the fears parents took it to the middle east when they joined icelandic state after the little girl was flown back to russia it turned out she was the cousin of a d.j. and fire team r.t. helped to bring those two young girls back home in august with more on this story is our to. visit me did you got that murderer as it was that movie was
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a chimp it did throw me over as it were to the menu by now and does it work i thought. i did it. so i was the station another way to go to them and they thought their children and grandchildren had disappeared forever islam ecstacy devoured speedball while letting go very few too few. for team a lost their father they witnessed the death of their mother put it. up again one more was little sister. this was a mom i knew only a mom or a little kid but the girls were incredibly lucky to even be found sent back to southern russia and reunited with their grandparents that's what they call a miracle. but someone else was still missing this summer air says
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few year. the persian rose there was and after more than three months unbelievably syfy a was spotted in an iraqi jail. they're grateful to this man senators. who travel to iraq to handle the talks and paperwork. so sophie just arrived sacked in russia from iraq months after her cousins were already reunited with her grandparents so we're going to try and see if we can talk to the person who made it possible and sophia herself the pool in the street in front of. it outside of set list for national unity of purpose was to see this simple letter was never heard until ziad and his team received
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a photo of course nothing. whatsoever here is that astonishing of a new what they mean is that it turned out so feel long with the woman who had picked her up after a deadly mosul airstrike ended up in a prison with islamic state wives and widows the woman told of house of feel as mother had been buried under the mosul rubble arranging the girls' release and handover was tough to say the least it took over a month the papers were signed on a very special day for sadness at that would you consider the davis suffering yet it did change that if she did this without all the thirty or so that the trio can be together again on home soil the fact team. leader. sophia has hit the last of the. sufi is too young too shy or perhaps too traumatized to talk for now the company instead of putting. the team up to show the
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plaintiff in. these nods were the only reaction from to fear so far a tiny gesture but a big sigh and she feels the future will be bright and filled with love ilya train co r t. the pentagon has admitted it's conducting full scale military operations in yemen the revelations came in a statement from the u.s. central command u.s. forces have conducted multiple ground operations and more than one hundred twenty strikes in twenty seventeen to remove key leaders and disrupt the ability of al qaeda in the arabian peninsula and ices in yemen to use ungoverned spaces in yemen as a hub for terrorist recruiting training and base of operations to export terror worldwide artist and hawkins brings us the broader picture of what's happening in yemen. a tripling of air strike numbers from twenty six the official confirmation of boots
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on the ground something many politicians have been keen to avoid mentioning to avoid bad publicity with the yemeni conflict raging for nearly three years now and spanning two u.s. administrations american policy has some more devolved since the first days of the war what we need to do is bring all the parties together and find a political arrangement it is not solved by having another proxy war fought inside of yemen now aside from massive arms sales to saudi arabia what began as a logistical support and intelligence sharing as part of the saudi led coalition moved to supporting operations in an advise and assist role drone of planes strikes now multiple ground operations the military involvement may have good intents on the surface commenting the support of to harvest groups stabilizing the war torn country but as involvement has escalated the presence of terror groups has actually expanded our side from the irony targeting militants allegedly allied to the saudi
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backed militias there's the question of a vicious circle air strikes and other military involvement in the region has led to terror groups capitalizing on precisely those sentiments among the populace which lead to heightened recruitment and support for jihadism just remember libya and syria and this actually comes from none other than members of the u.s. congress the civil war inside yemen has aided the enemies for which we actually have declared war against al-qaeda is getting stronger inside yemen because as more and more of the country becomes becomes ungovernable because of this war al qaeda is moving into that territory isis against which we have not declared war but we are engaged in active military activity in the region against is getting stronger inside yemen two of these problems don't even touch upon the catastrophic humanitarian situation described by. n.g.o.s are the worst in the world with mass civilian casualties famine and cholera spreading in the country.
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the british foreign secretary has landed in moscow for talks with the russian counterpart sergey lavrov and dissipate is high because this is boris johnson's first visit to the country for five years however johnson's colleague warned him about the dangers that might await him m.p. chris bryant is very concerned that for us johnson will have his food spiked his sleep deprived and his passions around hours by beautiful women johnson himself recently joined the russia bashing comparing the country with anti democratic and militaristic as he called it sparta russia's foreign ministry has brushed off such remarks as rubbish that it's why do you call his claims comparing russia with sparta anti russian i think they're not directed at russia but against the british education system it's an attack on its image of russia definitely wasn't harmed by this we just laughed and that's. what johnson earlier claimed british politicians
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who appeared on this channel are a scandal he seemed to be unaware his own father just appeared here to cover suggested that the only way for britain's top diplomat to avoid being filmed bayati was an invisibility hat. it is. sure to direct. your visit. to. russia today. and more got. on your. bike. with a bigger shock. with
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less than six months to go until the start of the football world cup here in russia one astronauts come up with a pretty special way of celebrating the events other kind of yank is taking shots from space of past and future world cup host cities including rio milan and his own hometown somalia is also working with some r.'s local government to create a special calendar called planet football which will feature the stunning ninth view images and ahead of the football world cup in russia you have spoken exclusively with the brazilian superstar pele the full version of this interview will go on a friday for now though is a quick preview. i saw my father he was with the other players in my house too to
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listen the game good that they didn't have to be then i saw my father with that has been the i didn't understand as to why my father. because the only way they say me ok main them to go i made them. so you promised you will fall that you would win a world cup one time that was a very bold statement for a nine year old to mike. going on one world cup before you. said my father brazil a world champions and it's your first world championship i want to know if my father my mother my parents of the members of the new about this but they wouldn't have the time they would wouldn't have come in because straight from the state. we have to waltz we've got. somebody to make the connection but the connection sometime go up to. the father wall the wall going
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to the seventy world cup the brightest player in the world just like for you all. to see feel nervous i don't know what to do i can tell you. to give more. victories in my life you give it to me i cannot say goodbye as i lost a lot of the men. thanks for staying with us i'll be back to bring it tonight at the top of the hour. here's what people have been saying about rejected. night was there was actually a full on awesome the only show i go out of my way to launch you know
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a lot of the really packs a punch to bleep yampa is the john oliver of hearty americans do the same we are apparently better than food c. c.


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