tv Watching the Hawks RT December 21, 2017 8:30pm-9:01pm EST
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the hawks. wonder what it. looks like. it's what. i've heard a lot of. what it looked like you know that i got. with. the watching the hard side of the world but i sat in a lawless. so for a bored bored let's hard numbers things we've got numbers are on a downward trend of journalists killed in you know in the duties of their job but that's still you know forty to sixty two that's as too many really if you have a baby that you don't want to see and let alone the two hundred and some odd imprisoned it is a dangerous dangerous profession in places around the world to bring people the
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story. i'm going to talk about and the acts the central threats to mocker say are the hacks the central strength threat which i always find where else but this existential idealism that's the threat is and i think with journalism that's what we're seeing this is things that we never would have seen you know as observers of journalism observer as as news for the last you know thirty years it's it's very strange to watch how little respect like they respect for journalism as the fourth estate the respect to everyone who goes on puts their lives on the line that i think i just have never seen the questioning of war reporters or this questioning of legitimacy is so much water and also i mean i think the lack of respect a lot of journalists. you know corporate you know the like a lot of respect to the actual institutions of journalism how towards journalism over the last year as well i and what's interesting about the whole. the fake news
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concept that you mention more journalists allegedly are being imprisoned because of my conditions of fake news i think that's trying to blame trump or that it's going to do a trump the fact is you've always seen governments apply you know basically crack down on stories that they don't want to see told right and even journalistic cries of corruption in some places as we know you can go to arrested for it you can even be killed for you know many dangerous governments out there so i don't think it's fair to say because the government now uses the term fake news to go after journalists they don't like it you can blame it on trial for the good term there is nothing through his music because. we found twitter had a number of. mainstream media people say the same thing about us and about our t.v. and that it's like it's just that we go through which i think that's the thing with scary is that you were we have an administration that does and tiredly respect the concept of a fourth estate now they are for the american people and for him to do his job it's important that he has that checks and balances. and we have one side of the aisle
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using it to attack for political reasons and you have someone who is more than willing to use what ever he can in order to push down people who do criticize and legitimately so at the end of the day you have to crisscross and nobody is really just being logical and protecting the democracy of press freedom of the press i think the other interesting thing to come out of these numbers as well is the is the is the sexual assault and harassment of the tragically isn't actually included in that and for the committee to protect girls as we will track those numbers so if you're going to have you know female journalists risking their life in the field and you saw those numbers go up of them getting killed and then coming back to an environment of the abuses and harassed of. the executive director the international women's media foundation told the told the intercept that it doesn't paint the full picture when you're only my. murders and imprisonment and legal
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action because the kinds of threats that women face are equally as insidious and equally threatening to press freedom and we've seen that you know over and over again with all these you know hard high level executives get accused of sexual harassment keeping people down and all that you know the media has to fix itself to right where you're going to be taken seriously moving forward and act as a good solid for the state to protect each other you know exactly that was good that's the thing we haven't seen is there is there isn't a you know there's a there's part of the journalistic code of ethics that anybody who goes to journalism school is assumed one day one day two because i didn't go to a fancy j. school so what makes me wonder if they understand the parts in there that say respecting your colleagues about being other people that at protecting them because we're looking as turkey china and egypt which are all allies the united states are having prison the most journalists this year yet we don't see sanctions against
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them we don't see that being called out that turkey and all these places are silencing reporters ninety percent of the journalists killed were local. and that's that's why we have to really understand local and dying and worsens so what's happening is you have a big you know like a c.n.n. and i misspent b.c. or people go and get what we call stringers there's people in there who are doing all the release scary stuff before the reporter and the nice khaki shows are there for a while let's or who are there before that person shows up it's those people that put their lives and their families and everyone on the line and we're reporters who are out there in the field from everybody but our infighting puts all those people at risk understand looks like ok we're in third on the list to a because they were brought ourselves to the death for the deaths because iraq syria that xico right deaths are going to resist more in journalism and killed in iraq than any other country since one thousand nine hundred eighty two well that's across into it's now . and now. artie's military brings some christmas cheer for all those who stand
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against the surveillance state and our big brother the national security agency. the controversial part i think that you guys are probably referring to commonly known as the five amendment section seven o two that's that warrantless surveillance that put so many privacy advocates on edge and many senators on either side of the aisle planning a no vote on this members of congress such as rand paul mike lee all planning to vote against a permanent spending bill reauthorization of the foreign intelligence surveillance act before they go on winter break tomorrow this is one of these issues that is neither democratic or republican or neither liberal or conservative is simply an american issue this is a constitutional issue this is about the security and the privacy of the american people too many people for too long have been asked to settle they've been asked to settle on their privacy with the promise of security but we have to remember our
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privacy and our security are not inextricably unavoidably at odds with each other in fact our privacy is itself part of our security. and then senator rand paul said this about the vote he said quote i would vote against any spending bill that has permanent reauthorization the intelligence community needs more oversight not less so some no two is one of those rare bills that has the bipartisan support against it as you saw in the video republicans like mike lee and rand paul standing side by side with their democratic counterparts like patrick leahy and ron wyden but the bill does have some support to from both sides many lawmakers overall have said they support putting at least a short term renewal into the spending bill so as to avoid a government shutdown and to pave the way for a larger debate about it in the new year hopefully in january so even if congress doesn't immediately reauthorize the fires amendment by year's end this particular
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part of the bill has its own failsafe in place meaning it will still be funded and allowed to proceed as normal up until april of two thousand and eight hundred so it's not going to be like flipping a light switch on and off if this is a no vote. thank you very much bill and boy you know i don't know how breeders see this done i wish you would were there on the line honestly as well prepared for what's yours well i think we need to syria we need to have a lot of serious talks we about everything i mean what you're saying with the tax bill now is because it was a lack of to day and size is one of those things that there's just a lack of debate for congress and for the american people they have to understand there has to be some understanding about what it is and what it does and how much we're willing to give up just for that security which doesn't seem like we keep being told we're not secure or so. we don't even know where we are at this point as far as the race itself for this is concerned i mean the snowden leaks you think about it you know where did the twenty seventeen in the sort of leaks were in two thousand and twelve thirteen hours after it i mean jeez this is
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a four years ago you don't even know the status of the current as well as a story no major reforms i mean you know obama the kind of void did a charade through really. reforming the other say or all we're going to put a civilian in the room of the flies a corporate like you still it's all secret you still don't know what's being said at all you know so it's pretty ridiculous at the end of the day and look i think i think the senator you know the congressman made a great point he says at the end of the day our security is our privacy you know that's part of the very you stick values of our country is the fact that we have a separate you know we shouldn't we have a right to our privacy and not invasive you know what we do that's pfizer's argument it's their privacy they're doing a little bit about down the barrel right when we were told on this first started coming out when we heard the snowden leaks was that you know i think it was absent the lucy said it well. if you don't if you're not afraid if you don't have anything to hide you know we heard this over and over from democrats and republicans of you
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if you don't have anything to hide then you shouldn't be worried yet they say when someone looked at they were stopped right and i think that's something like everybody you know and to say that that we don't need to reform as if cia n.s.a. is perfect and blue to crack but the whole say this is what our information at rest of the cyber war is you know the argument really is like build fifty's time period the missile gap the russians have better cyber better bots better trolls you know there's you know because us because we spend billions of dollars just watching americans all day and that's paying attention to what's going on in the west you are bringing up being you know all right well as we go to break court watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered at facebook and twitter all shows that are t.v. dot com coming up we feature two worked out with waltzes best pieces this year of watching the hawks reporting on the lead to movement on the thirtieth anniversary of the rolling thunder don't click away and stay tuned to watch for the whole.
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altie we have a great team we need to strengthen before the freefall world cold and you're better than a legend to keep it so it's at the back. in one thousand nine hundred two that must qualify for the european championships at the very last moment no one believed in us but we won and i'm hoping to bring some of that waving spirit to the. reason the us had a lot of practice so i can guarantee you that peter schmeichel will be on the best form since my last will come from the let's throw. those in the euro zone.
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russia. nice try. left left left more or less ok stop that's really good. the confidence in the system is collapsing and there is no turning back this is the collapse of the nation state and the central bank and the fractional reserve money system big coing is to banks what the printing press was to the catholic church it collapsed it in many ways this is the end of this era this is the new beginning this is about everyone having autonomy and sovereignty with their own money. feel to be a share of the greatest job in the world it's as close to being a king as any job there is good business model helps to run a prison now we do or don't like is there no big deal because it takes and i don't
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know when it comes anymore we don't have to serve them anymore is. this what they want to do that lo and behold you would them if you did chores and that there are actually paying us to put it back into the louisiana incarceration rate is twice as high as the us senate breach what she could this be. find such success. of the show of every hard time figuring out exactly what side of the aisle costarred with the walls balls are but the truth is neither neo liberal or below con she is neither left or right fact jews usually fighting for the middle here are two of our favorite with the wallace reports from twenty seven to the first with those fighting for women who fight for each other and then the second was wallace
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of the wisdom of the pearls celebrated the veterans who fight for us all. feel like that didn't you. don't be naive sweetie this is just how it works just because . those are just a few of the things that powerful men have said to me over my twenty plus years working in the film and television industry things they said after putting their hands on me without their print without my permission or propositioning from first sex in exchange for help with my career and the one time i actually reported a physical assault by one of those powerful men of entertainment and event that took place in full view of my boss and coworkers i was told to just let it go that making an issue of it making an issue of an assault would be far worse on me than on him but this week it looks like the old school of locker room talk and dinosaur behavior is beginning to spit out its final death rattle we've seen bill o'reilly
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revealed to be the predator that he is r. kelly can't hide from his past sexual crimes or not be hounded about his current ones roger ailes has been ousted and deemed irrelevant ben affleck even prove the hypocrisy of calling out a predator when he himself has proved at least two workers on camera you have turned out to just be. another dirty old man bill cosby roy price now lee harvey weinstein and casey affleck have all been brought to task the terror and humiliation of being a victim of sexual misconduct has not abated in the last few decades but it's actually gotten worse we fear wearing the wrong search of the office because it might be taken as an invitation to us so we laugh it off to keep from crying screaming or through writing our abusers today though and i'm happy to report that the culture of rape and harassment is on notice thanks to countless brave women and men who decided that being cool about it just wasn't there will have many more the
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powerful men that have threatened careers if their rocks are not properly managed are no longer in the shadows we see you we know your names we know your crimes we know your friends we know your colleagues we know what you did and it's only a matter of time before all of that power that you have been violating people with comes right back at you because it is a silence in the face of sexual assault rassmann especially in the workplace our rules are we're all going to laugh it off next time we're going to shatter your world dreams and take from you when you've taken from all of us power and will use it to take back our own this week of watching the hawks on top but that was joined in with one of the largest bedrooms of nation nation's capital each year it is meant to shine a light on the need to never ever leave anyone behind even when they come home let's take a listen. nearly half a million veterans and their supporters gathered in washington d.c.
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this memorial day weekend for the thirtieth annual growing thunder ride for freedom starting as a protest to bring attention to soldiers who are missing in action in the vietnam war it is now grown to a national movement that is pushing legislation and continues to speak truth to power for the veterans who can't speak for themselves as of twenty seventeen according to the government accountability office in rolling thunder there are still over eighty thousand stalled. there's missing and unaccounted for including over seventy thousand from world war two seven thousand from the korean war sixteen hundred from vietnam one hundred twenty six from the cold war and at least five from the gulf wars actor and rolling thunder participant robert patrick explains why it's important matter what your political leanings to memorialize the sacrifices of our veterans if you like your freedom and you like your quality of life and you like all the things that are provided for you you need to take someone from the armed forces because we all drink from wells that say but it isn't just those who felt they also honor those who came home to a less than pleasant reception and expect people to go into harm's way and fight
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for you and protect you if you're not going to take care of them when they get home but there are benefits from the v.a. just the way that they're accepted back into society we have to we have to do better and you know what this particular generation of vietnam vets they were unfortunately in a war that they want every gun battle. but it was lost on the home front because it wasn't a popular war that war in particular the disrespect that was shown to the men and women of of the armed forces from vietnam is what we're trying to you know. pay back now by making sure that we honor them and we continue to fight for their their remains and if there are p.o.w.'s over there go get over fifty thousand american troops have been physically wounded fighting in iraq and afghanistan with almost three percent having suffered a major limb amputation mostly due to improvised explosive devices according to numerous reports in the congressional budget office the amputation rate for the new
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generation of vets is higher than for those who served in vietnam partly because of better blood clotting technology and body armor that protects vital organs but does not shield arms or legs from bullets these new vets will be facing a fight at home once the fight abroad ends and that is when the brotherhood and sisterhood of rolling thunder and the clubs who support it will be most important teaching new generations the importance of memorial day and being of service to your country. our lives. right it's important for your generation you know that why is there. so can this national be passed on for generations and generations very good and a kid look at me people like me to go to. services or armed services or maybe public service. and jack ogun whose father
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chris is a veteran had this message anybody who's watching this if you have a low cycle come down a lot next year you make washington d.c. thirty one bigger and better. chatted with these knowledgeable jack you know the staff you were there and you know we were there and it doesn't amazing nevada does every year but but i think there is there is this interesting you know dynamic with the veterans from the different wars and how you know that you see a lot of the old time goes a lot of vietnam. where you don't see as marcial for to a first gulf war but you don't see a lot of guys from you know kind of the current or most recent generations i think that's part of the thing that comes up a lot is that they're the ones who need this this as i say brotherhood and sisterhood the most i mean these are these are really the only people who understand what you've been through and they're fighting for that and part of that is getting that newer generation is coming home better care and these are the guys
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and gals who are really fighting for that and getting out every year and you know between ninety thousand and one hundred two hundred thousand bytes participate we're talking a quarter million people in some years half a million people and even with the rain we saw they were out we road there was no stopping rain didn't mean anything and and one of the really interesting parts about the whole thing that i thought was one normally sitting politicians. don't show up most of them leave town if you don't know this they leave town they go on vacation and they go to cape were offensive but you know i mean you saw donald there like you know. in the middle and that was the rival to turk drives and hear him speak and the press didn't even cover the event they just covered him you were this your secretary of state rex tillerson whatever you believe about his policies he was there not just there he rode he walked among people he didn't he was shaking hands with him and this is the thing that are that are officials in our public
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servants need to do is that despite whatever your whatever your political leanings this is what we need to see is out there showing that we care and that we're there no matter what our policies and what our politics are great through. this imber twenty force is the day is the day of the winter soltz assists year according to astrologers though this year the stars are aligned to give us the worst day of the year horoscope watchers should avoid starting new things today as well as we might experience more stress and difficulties than usual which is why it's good that the folks that oxford university study the fate of the missing waters of mars both for the twenty first apparently the missing liquid life wasn't stolen by nestle or poland spring but by mars itself see they found that the water they didn't float into space was probably soaked up by the planet like a sponge but then one person who is losing water and probably won't be hiding under
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a kettle is eighty eight year old tom parish the tea boy of the nottingham forest football club c thirty five years ago tom left an executive executive level job at a bike manufacturer raly began to work his way up from steward to official tea boy and what does a tea boy do and what's his secret. do to you of course. over the two. getting to the side of the cult and squeeze it as much as you can to get the juice out of the tea bag. should be. a good cup of tea. so on this long extra long cold night as we try to keep the stars from mucking up our life have a cuppa and. tom parachute treats every day with a reason to celebrate the simple things like
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a good cup with some water from our support of the bars just not on the twenty run of what god convergences auburn this day i mean we finally discovered why there's no water on mars of every you know apparently astrological level twenty for sure the bays leading up to it now after those were the worst days of the year. i think we just became good morning america. i mean. i know i mean like meyer turban and i'll give everybody their horoscope i think it's interesting when you look up to the skies and you think about the tiny things that are in the sky not from astrology standpoint but you know we're we're talking about going to mars we're finally learning about where the water on mars went because. there are so many things that every time we learn something like that we learn a little bit more about ourselves in the world around us and we are going to guys who claim to have been on mars and i think that's already whether they're of it was very true but it's all of the growth we ask you this though because this time the
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other ones that are later still going why what is the kind of immediately throw out astrology is something that might actually make sense in the long term because if you think about it human beings have been staring up at the sky a lot warmer than been staring at television. the study of how stars move and how the constellations move and how that may or may not affect us as far as we know the power of light seems to be the basis of our existence so if the stars are getting light to think they might have some effect. upon us the residents of the radio you know the frequency of that like i was there so there have been some studies about how you know what they talk about like what your sign it is you know you're a leo through it those are your scorpio are. coming up don't worry come for ever and i wrote this we wrote the zodiac we started this over your shoulder still really thinks that i'm a leo i rule every day and he is a scorpio he thinks he wrote everything the same argue about it all that. but the idea is what it is the idea is each of those signs is that you're born at
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a certain time of year which theoretically would be the time when the planets align a certain way which they do continuously along in a certain way so you know there's a lot of theory about how do the waves and lunar cycles and how does that affect a person on a molecular level i think we're probably one hundred years from understanding the brain on that level that oh we were born at this time in the weight or gravity of or force what is what is magic today of science as of yet undiscovered earth is the fifth dimension is below with the other stars will prevail remember everyone in this world we are not told real love developed so i tell you what i love you i am i robot or i'm top of the wild west some people are watching the hawks and every great day like everybody.
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across europe municipalities are taking their water supply back from private companies to me this is the simple song alone even some company gets from elsewhere they can find private companies to take over the utilities many by the telescope. wish you guys to go to the well and the poor might be cool. i've been this is. brought over from where you build the lift hill brought up. those are ready to stand up for the basic human rights the access to water it's about water but it's also over much more lawyer it's about the hurt and the redistribution of all there was to this. date downwards we will go. about it under them i don't have it but that's not a cut and it. came at the dismissal
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but i can know me a little more to be still flat. of saying out of. the . crowd that it doesn't it doesn't loom on the amounts i need to do that job i let enough people get it that something is in the home. and the most will go down. as become a hot item. not commit in would condemn it in the terms. of the some listener count. almost full of something so awful i'm a dad. and he's. counting on my blog and then all of the phenomena of the wind up in.
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los angeles the city of luxury and fame but also an alarming number of people living in the streets. the simple fact in l.a. is there's just not enough shelter even if people on the streets right now decided to come in there's nowhere to come in it's been a struggle. nothing. this man found his own response to the problem and construct dozens of tiny homes for people in need of shelter when you have nothing in order to go. you know having something like this may as well be a castle to the authorities a. tiny house see the parking space is not a solution. to someone want to touring the site otherwise it'll be
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a free for all they're a better alternative to end the homelessness crisis. her independence party's looks set to keep that absolute majority in the council on parliament's hours those that it would likely lead to were new to political conflict to the spanish government. the u.s. stuff is a stinging rebuke over its recognition of jerusalem as israel's capital as the un general assembly overwhelmingly vote to condemn them to. the use of the veto obstructed the security council if you shameful that the meeting even with a blitz in violation of the rights comes to america will put our embassy in jerusalem this is bullying and will not alter the adults in the vote over one hundred countries ignore the intense pressure from washington and threats from the u.s. president and ambassador.
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