tv Documentary RT December 23, 2017 12:30am-1:00am EST
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the louisiana incarceration rate is twice as high as the us average and ten times higher than germany which makes it a world record. of the sixty four sheriffs manages his own prison. and they are elected by fervent supporters. they don't owe any explanation to anyone. for every prisoner the state pays twenty four dollars a day. the sheriff used that money as they see fit. we leave to meet one of these powerful men next stop the forced parish one hundred thousand residents in cajun country. you're going to get really really good work this morning the sheriff's asking about any you come as. and we have no one to process this morning right how many have you process so far. it's ok and how many
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have left the process just two more are they warrants or arrests arrests to get and so person comes here in the booking officer takes over that points stand to start booking anyone this morning. does get a minute. ok. staff are forming question back on this want to go. into the unrest i'll visit lasted for two hours and in that time twelve people were incarcerated every cell is occupied and to take out for our children. every day our jails is beyond full we have a capacity of two hundred forty three beds that we can house here in this facility and at any given day we have between seventy five and one hundred twenty five.
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inmates that are in other jails across the state of louisiana. i'm sure wouldn't want her around town. it's a catwalk and a coroner in the old analogy you know the only way the correctional officer has access to it was in one room or next. to the system has one twisted detail funding is based on occupation. said the sheriff's compete to collect the most state of every prisoner means cash. here's the uniqueness of the sheriff in the easy and i is that we are a separate constitutional unit of local government we are autonomy us from the state and we're autonomy from other branches of government we have our own budget we are able to raise our own funds weekend by police purchased property and we can keep self generated revenue the next biggest area our responsibilities of
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running the jail the greatest job in the world it's as close to being a king as any job there is that the elected i love it so much of a dinner for twenty five years. it's the best job in the weld but it requires the sheriff to constantly find new clients. it was stored here with a bigger targets was warning or through force. alan evans expertise in a resting multiple people. that could be. up to twenty years of patrol duty and was she to perish he knows the district well. you know some days we only restore five days we were used to enter toil you know just don't arceo.
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you know it just becomes a go when the weather gets better like being with us bertie and sunny outside usually going to rest more people. i think it was fourteen people right up here in this intersection i rolled out to move the street fighting one on the way round them all up we took into the title jail. passed by the most other wrist parceling must say oh we gave them a lawful order to. disperse they wouldn't aspire so we just started arresting people and finally everybody took off and left so we ended up with fourteen of. alan sets a personal arrest record the council housing area where rent is low. low his folks down here they won't. they won't tell you tony the way that you because somebody so you don't do it they don't think that. they're what they call a sneak. low on top tilman rent people out. in them
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when you come in here we used to bring several officers that were coming to work so the. first better crime reported or here was this a lot of disturbances. people fighting news with drug related they are going over that drove. the suspects and then taken to what she's a prison. and. they were not here. and when they get there they're rented to the sheriffs. don't want to go make a tour go see what it's like around in sales and well don't warms i guess is a way ok you really. have it will show you around a bit ok. one thousand one hundred fifty prisoners are living in very basic.
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conditions this is the way all of our set up here you know it's our whole like fifty and one. and we did our. race and then put it back to you ok so they don't go anywhere i mean they're very here twenty four seventh's. jay russell has just begun his second term as sheriff he knows prison regulations well he wrote them in his absence only one person can make decisions prison warden pat johnson. but usually there's someone out here would think but if not he can sit right here and he can watch the whole. all for. when there's all cameras and you know him so he's got to get out and he knows what's going on at all times just from sitting here. there are many cameras and only one god
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monitoring two hundred prisoners. beds and laid out closely there is no privity. that want to remand prisoners sleep beside convicted felons. russell is full of ideas about how to reduce costs. where people would go visit between glass talk all these you know but over time technology has taken over that now we just do it on like i said you know b.t.o. visitation i don't know what comes in it will we don't have to search for many more all saturdays and sundays and it's cost effective not to realize that may and how we're doing all right which saves a lot of money and loan. the maximum profit at any cost the sheriff will stop at nothing teaching the prisoners are put to work in here. you know they're getting about forty percent off what they're making but yet they're. paying for their
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incarceration ok so it's a huge deal with the those monies like i said do go back in the public say they go to law enforcement they go to our whitman or coord salaries things about nature so they're basically paying us to put them back in jail because if they if they occur if they re a real thing and if. we stone walls we should at least be poems in here. just about their soul wanted to remodel took all the walls out so you just got one clear little very good i'm going to put it on just a day. at the sheriff's maintains a relationship with every prisoner. no more you give back or no officer our family is a family and often. the twenty eight days twenty years i have been locked up twenty . three to get home it's. really. really.
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what politicians do listen to them. they put themselves on the line they did accept the reject. so when you want to be president i'm sure. some want to be. the two going to be press it's like the full story in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters about how. things should. across europe municipalities are taking their water supply back from private companies to me to keep out the cells with simple song alone even some company elsewhere though they invite private companies to take over the utilities anybody tell us that all posts allowed for miss you guys you got to bet your bottom the pin to go by bendis is us to quote them out of it overall for one more year
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member of the left bill brought up locals are ready to stand up for the basic human right of access to water it's about water but it's also over much more a lot it's about the hurt and the redistribution of all as birds and air date down wars do you want to. make this manufacture come sentenced to public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the fine and merry go round to be the one percent. of the time we can all middle of the room sick. i mean really need.
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apply for many flips over the years so i know the guy even so i doubt it's. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money kill you narrowness and spending to twenty million fly a. book it's an experience like nothing else on here because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful guy my great so will transfer. the thinks it's going to. los angeles the city of luxury and fame but also an alarming number of people living in the streets. a simple fact in l.a. he's there's just not enough shelter even if people on the streets right now
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decided to come in there's nowhere to come in and it's been a struggle. to get this man found his own response of the problem and constructed dozens of tiny homes for people in need of shelter when you have nothing in order to go. you know having something like this may as well be a castle but do the authorities accept such solution tiny house on a city parking space is not a solution your kerf someone wanted touring the site otherwise it'll be a free for all and is there a better alternative to end the homelessness crisis. is a civilization just a tiny bit more advanced than we are that they can already pick up jerry springer or any other sit coms interview shows the nightly news they see what we're doing to our planet you know it isn't really a very pretty picture and so in addition to sending this chaotic messages that we
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use to communicate with one another we want to send a clear signal to the extraterrestrial that there's also some rationality on the world. everybody i'm steven both to ask how did would gun the suspects ever proud american first of all i'm just george washington and r.v. to suggest this is my buddy max the famous financial guru just a little bit different on this day. no one knows with all the drama happening in our country i'm shooting the brood have fun every day americans. all. hopefully start to bridge the gap this is the great american people.
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purred. and these are the most profitable inmates they are awaiting release to work outside the prison but they return at night service manufacturing jobs or just it just depends on where they where they need to be in the needy is ok and once we have the jobs we take them to and they pay a percentage of their salaries for their state for their baby for their housing for their transportation for their meals for all of that they go back to into the department to go to the chair stopped so it's very profitable and that was fake ok
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. these hundred eighty two million mason net profit us about a million dollars a year ok profit and once everything's paid for everything. you can the sheriff doesn't want to lose out on this lucrative business. it. deserves a chance yeah they are it's an absolutely you be sure you know side of it for ambition to go down a. crazy then and then. i can see later on. many louisiana residents have been to prison. they ought to fit two and a half yes frank was in custody for robbery he was involved in
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a shooting anyone on the street even in front of their own house is under suspicion i really really believe they all run the risk of being checked yeah and i go to what sam radio you know the argument he. is talking about the police who patrol the area at walking pace. that look. to the. call a moderate video of people in the street. that would be seen at a cost is a model really your people history so yes you were shooting new video all night. because you got shot of me. i was picked up. once then laid all released and was picked up again. from. i was here.
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toward a half year and i. was there at the store and i didn't see none. came in the store always thing with. my lawyer. did he mention anything about ted to distinctive features she said no so or so you lego or mark pointed out the pits and. he said that he didn't see anything as we had ever made a full monsieur and he went to the store earlier. and then later on. torn to have years later i was released. through. two and a half years in custody made the twenty six year old father of five writes rap songs. about life for louisiana prisoners. bring.
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it conditionally were. showers dollar means for too much very cold showers. you know. out there and there are so many innocent people because nobody paid attention. you know like. no you know voice would be the most. to me is attain it. you know. the local law enforcement is the detectives million. from there you know they all work together and i mean of if nobody. is going. to get away with. this. franks is not an exceptional story. louisiana was late to abolish slavery but
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african-americans still had to fight for their rights. a cute guy the toll cute guy here. it was me and one nine hundred sixty three that was me. fifty four years ago. that was me. i was one of them who led to demonstrations and it was met by people who would guns in and all of the other stuff that people had in the middle sixty's to stop african-american kids from demonstrating from seeking the afghan civil rights. after years of political activity calvin johnson became the first black judge in louisiana. he's often dealt with sheriffs. they are words i can use to to describe what i feel about that. but then you would have to cut those words out
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of this interview. because lavery had indeed the way to keep people in slavery was to use the justice system and they fixed laws such that the newly freed people for misleads would be put back in jail and then be forced to go back on the plantations and work is not dead they are. a main people of a people it's. it's that they are as much a a for lack of a better word victim of the system as the people who are in the jails all victims of the system because we are a poor state and we have used all kinds of means a ways to to fund the sales so the sheriff in those places all using that as a means to fund. the sheriff's self and his and was
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needs to operate when he's using it for that purpose and the louisiana law the third time he did one of those things i just described you could go to jail for life. i would not do. that. steve exemplifies the absurdity of the system in two thousand and seven he was arrested for driving under the influence in prison he learned that he was a chevy positive. didn't want to spend the money on. own their giraffes or because i was only inmate those want to go to the hospital. they feel like i would never report. yet when i was almost dead they they sent me if they would say me the hospital sooner. then
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that. the infection. they would sell my hair would probably wouldn't even be in there my spinal fluid built up my spine or calm got up from my brain cavity pushed my brain up and was pushing forward on the trying to push it through my face. as i reminded her was about to pop out of sockets the piece of the optic nerve on the back side and permanently damaged. i was in the hospital and they tell me that i was a job the positive. told him they must have somebody else's records confused with man because i'm not positive and they said yes you are. i'm. ok yeah. we need to talk about everything. no three no you're on last and. only me and. steve
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returns to prison but his treatments didn't begin until months later thanks to social workers like darren stanley and prisoners can hope for medical care as a source we're going to figure out how to get that medication since you know blister pack and say they will do a chevy medication in a blister pack. according to the sheriff's twenty four dollars per prisoner per day isn't enough to pay for hiv treatment louisiana was very odd compared to the other states it was very clear that we had a very big problem with our parish and city jails providing h.l.v. medication treatment to the inmates it was crystal clear you consider the culture of medication i could imagine there's a lot of h.l.v. positive inmates there are not getting treatment. the old prison of new orleans
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is finally in the past it was one of the wust in the united states. the new prisoner looks like an office building. even inside it's very different. than our ideas on a heart condition hypertension and bleeding just want a kidney disease no ma'am and we haven't been exposed to. any venereal i sexually transmitted disease and on a time when i'm out. health questionnaire is a brand new concept in louisiana prisons. the prison is proud of it but the procedure is still in its trial phase. it's not the sheriff but a prison spokesman who receives us. well the budget has changed it used to be based on what we called a per d.m. meaning that we would receive a certain amount from the city which supplies our budgie for the state when we had
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stayed in maids of so many dollars per inmate. that system we no longer use we receive a budget just like many other agencies too and so we must operate within that budget should you. take care of all of our operations here under the osa system there was an incentive to have more inmates because the more you have the more money to get. outdated and inhumane. and ambiguous indictments of the state's other prisons. with its new system new orleans wants to set a positive example but with a creative president in a state with established traditions independent parishes and old awful sheriffs.
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so you got manmade global warming incinerating plan or is it causing an eco full of coffee but the corporations feel like you know what that might cost us a penny at the end of the year so we do have donek adjustment to our algorithm it will take out the city and alaska that would flag us to take action appropriate first survival of the species and we're going to instead rely on our balance sheet and our algorithm like i'm going to g.p.s. monitor in your car that's pointing over
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a cliff they're saying i don't care if the cliff is there my agua them says it's not there so i keep driving i'm going to have found little ways i'm going to go right over the cliff because of the data tells me. about it under them i did a lot of clout i didn't know me money. on that in a minute we're. in this new school but you know me a little money will be still slot. machines to your home pick. them up and. run back and beginning to you know as united as you will soon from the moment of sanity the let alone a lot of people doubted that something is in the. hands of. a terminal cynical enough that i'm open to submit as they come to find out i'm done with. no commitment or no would come in come on in the police move.
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them some loose in the county some have the most gruesome solipsists and they've got. to. come in the night while you learn how to live the from the one that hit. russia misleads to film showing the olympics remains controversial. what awaits the olympians in south korea and more important. to them after they get. across europe municipalities are taking their water supply back from private companies to meet the sales with simple song alone even some company elsewhere though they invite private companies to take over the utilities many by the.
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guys who got the program up because. this is. where you live bill brought up locals are ready to stand up for the basic human right of access to water it's about water but it's also over much more and more it's about the hurt and the redistribution of our west. and their debt downwards do you want or will.
1:00 am
israel's prime minister orders the country's withdrawal from unesco despite having several recognized world heritage sites to come on our facebook admits that its red flag system is having the opposite effect by attracting good movies to suspicious articles. a u.s. gold medalist is going to be. and accused his high ranking sports officials buying her silence we spoke to another woman who was the first to publicly come forward. i wish i could say that i was surprised but the reality with usa gymnastics is they have a decades long policy of covering up sexual abuse.
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