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tv   News  RT  December 24, 2017 7:00am-7:31am EST

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week's top stories smarty the u.s. is left all but isolated at the u.n. as the vast majority of nations vote against president trumps to sit in to recognize jerusalem as israel's capital a move that's triggered almost daily clashes in the region. peace it's a simple. extremely. also news this week boris johnson visited russia for the first time as british foreign secretary and the relations are at a low point he at least tried to break the ice by attempting a bit of russian thank you very much surrogate fuel general studio your hospitality and welcoming me and my team today specifically bolshoi. and the pentagon has
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admitted the u.s. has conducted full scale military operations in yemen as the humanitarian crisis there worsens. i will welcome for me kevin when you're watching the weekly or an r t i look back at what's been happening in the headlines over the last seven days at jerusalem's still been dominating the news of course on thursday the u.s. was dealt a strong rebuke by members of the united nations over its unilateral recognition of the city as israel's capital in the end under twenty eight states defied president trump over the status of the divided city despite pressure and threats from u.s. officials. when we make a decision about. our embassy we don't expect to target tense on thursday that they'll be of that. criticizing our choice the u.s.
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will be taking names. they take hundreds of millions of dollars and even billions of dollars and then they vote against us what we're watching does drive letter vote against such will save a lot. of those in favor of the draft resolution at least raise their hand. those against. team foods in favor of votes against the united states will remember this day in which it was singled out for attack in the general assembly for the very act of actually sizing our right as a sovereign nation america will put our embassy in jerusalem no vote in the united nations will make any difference somebody will now take
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a decision. about the use of the deed to obstruct to the security council and made an able to perform his duties and do dead kids a work of the international community it is considered a blatant violation of the rights of constantly fight must be resolved through negotiation between the two parties are un members they threaten all the other members this is bullying and john boehner will not bow to the word out.
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it must be said even countries which often clash or major issues join forces in the week to condemn the u.s. move on israel rivals like saudi arabia and iran for instance and also india and pakistan all came together at the general assembly some of the geopolitical experts we heard from say america's bullying tactics undermined the u.s. . i think it's unfortunate that the united states finds itself under this kind of leadership which is undermining the standing of this country internationally if countries acquiesce to the us and if they accept being punching bag for the american administration and voting in accordance with directives from nikki haley then what's the point of having the united nations i think we all know. a new era in which a major. resort to blackmail and dr green all you can see if your vote in
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the general assembly but this is the first occasion on which state security a major. member of the security council has resorted to search measures i do think that it will be good for believe the united states will to carry through and threats of this kind because they're called indicate constraints in future situations and give plain folk against the united states they do so at their peril meantime i go still being felt in the palestinian territories with clashes in gaza and the west bank for a third week in a row. oh of course. it was. i. was the article. was that it.
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was. the. word of. god the. son of god through. the ports next for you from our middle east correspondent paula sleep in the west bank and. gaza journalist hidden cooder rebuilds witness just how tense situation is being that. the situation here is extremely was no i'm. not afraid because i've been running down the road now and. holders have made their way to the right in see them off to my left i'm a foreigner someone a third firing a gas and everybody's been running amok fatah rich and. the soldiers are just you
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know that yes they've come over all the way into the if. you can heavy ambulances so they certainly will be the sheep who has been in. and at the same time are just going by coming over to the back of the posse from here exactly what. we've taken proper we've taken cover in a way in a petrol station. going to be in for a situation when foreigners how can a man who often can. cause and. we're standing right here you can see that there's a number of injured people you can see the insist on carrying people with them you can see the israeli tanks that which in the last few minutes just made their way from up the road to emmaus and see the tree saying also from allah but they really
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have come all the way in now so. now. that. today's day of rage that has been called for by various palestinian factions is well and truly underway there are youngsters who have been here for the better part of the last hour who've been hurling rocks and pavements at these waiting soldiers who speaks only been inching their way closer they've been filing tear gas in the stomach so many are still quite a strong smell of tear gas that is hanging over us. the protesters and demonstrators come here today for the third friday raids yet this friday was different other than the two fridays that people were very close to the fence this time and the pcaob very important leader acted and put it to since an
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activist joining the civilians that during the protests as you see it there are at least five ambulances waiting for any injury and they need to pick them up there are still hundreds of them telling us just as you can hear we can hear live bullets i think there is another i know there injury right now and they're actually throwing gas bombs on the demonstrators as you can see despite all of the be live bullets despite all the gas bombs despite all the rebel bullets ballasting protests here's what they're ingalls are the west bank all regionalism in our city protesting are still demonstrating people are still expressing their anger. and more the picture is the way it was here in moscow on friday for his first visit in his role as britain's foreign secretary the trip come to the relations between the two countries historically low though. it was following johnson's meeting with his
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russian counterpart. well we hadn't seen a u.k. foreign secretary in moscow for five years and i can tell you that i hadn't seen such a remarkable press conference at the foreign ministry villa behind me for a long time there were many jokes many ways to poke each other not necessarily in a bad way after listing all the essential topics that are usual for such talks ranging from north korea to ukraine russia and the theories that it meddled with us and the votes all around the world and in the u.k. as well as it came up with its own once before just a. foreign secretary boris johnson said that he hadn't seen any evidence of russian interference he even used the words not a sausage well mr johnson seems to have changed his mind today he said that he hadn't seen any evidence of successful attempts to interfere and i asked boris
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johnson to elaborate on that a little bit there was last i'm afraid abundant evidence of russian interference in elections in. germany. from. america but as i say there is no evidence of any successful russian interference. in the u.k. other highlights of the press conference included boris johnson speaking russian a few times saying that he has committed to fall in response to another question by me the u.k. foreign secretary confirmed that once he was in tehran a couple weeks ago he visited the russian embassy secretly to see the value of the famous tehran clock friends during the second world war he was also asked about moscow travel advice that he received from one of the british m.p.'s which included
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warnings about drinking challenge games and honey traps and many other things so the question was about trust and the question was about whether he had encountered any of these threats so far in the russian capital. and i want you to know it's a measure of my of my trust. to students i go to this exit from a loose try mediately handed my coat my hand my gloves i mean did everything that was in my pocket secret or otherwise to sergei lavrov in the knowledge that he would look after it. would come to no harm more than just a few times. boris johnson reminded of the differences in the views that london and moscow have on various international issues it seemed that he really felt it was essential to keep talking about this every time he said something positive about russia but at the end of the day the common message was from both top diplomats
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that dialogue needs to prevail well as her saying earlier during the joint news conference with foreign minister lavrov boris johnson also try to diss russian language skills a bit. a rush so far. of late richard russell was. a diplomatic relationship that is one hundred fifty years old and dates from the time when queen elizabeth sent an envoy to ivan the terrible right in the front. i'm certain that i'm the first foreign secretary in the history of my own to be called for its. customers as i said earlier only buying. british things from. crisps to. somebody has just given me a clue that they're only sleep gives
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a little stew that you get i guess that's the fs. so when it comes to trust our trust poorest and trust him so much i'm ready for the party. thank you very much secretary general should you also tell that you welcome the. t.v. today specifically the bolshoi. well the british foreign secretary also dreads square on the trip as well and so moscow central. flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier second world war memorial next to the kremlin during the war britain in the soviet union fought together against nazi germany. to make the jet ski things jumpsuit visit will bring the results but only with time. you can see maybe some glimmer of hope on the horizon just in terms of the sort of growing report that the seem to be at that meeting between boris johnson. but i also think that anything
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that is anything positive that's going to come out of that you can seriously positive it will only emerge in time i think boris johnson is going to come back to london and he's going to say. you know i really put it to the russians i couldn't give an inch. on that and it will be with time that we'll see mostly though she said i think this is maybe we'll have a reciprocal visit and maybe just maybe things will start to unfreeze but then you know i'm an optimist and we're coming up to new year so here's hoping to keep track of it all for you up next after the break we're putting on the rock the research that says the liberation of mosul killed more civilians than previously admitted and also the bereaved families of british troops making a tough decision which continues after this break.
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but politicians do something to. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. for something i want to. let you go right to the press this is what before three of the more people. interested always in the waters about how. they should.
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getting more the big news that came out this last week the u.s. led operation to liberate the iraqi city of mosul from myself may have killed ten times more civilians than previously thought is according to research by associated press the news agency obtained data from iraqi moved as well as non-governmental organizations it says as many as eleven thousand civilians may have been killed during the nine month operation nearly a third of those was said during bombing raids the coalition only acknowledges tree hundred twenty six civilian deaths across political theorist at the city both during and after the operation. the associated press says counties arguably already out of date if you consider the people would have died as
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a consequence of the battle of millions so just this morning we got a clue that three move children were killed there when exploded them detonated under the wreckage of the house that they were playing on and such exclusions are an everyday occurrence whether barrons left by by isis or unexploded bombs dropped by u.s. led coalition or iraqi jets nevertheless this count is ten times higher than official estimates we got from the iraqi government the u.s. led coalition or even the united nations the associated press says that there was ninety eleven thousand civilian casualties through a three thousand by the u.s. led coalition. the iraqi air force previously the u.s. led coalition said that it was responsible for move in three hundred twenty or so that said clearly it didn't have the results is to send investigators to look at. every reported incident this is the the press cited as it services various human
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rights agencies as well as unofficial body count death timings and there were two paths from iraqi moves but the number of sas is in time in surprising you've been to mosul if used and seen what a city of two million has been turned into injuries astra corpses crossfire this is the reality of war what you will likely haven't heard of is the smell it's noisy eating repulsive and it's everywhere the sort of smell that makes us instinct sick the smell of rotting bodies this is what rescuers have collected just this morning three suspected isis fighters two women and two children.
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that's an iraqi. launching missiles. at isis targets in and you can hear isis small arms fire that targeting the helicopter went. over there six seven hundred meters away is the aftermath of the strike that hit minutes ago just before we got here this is a city of two million that is being leveled. to rescue is this morning there is still digging bodies out of mosul that say the city of mosul which suffered the worst of the fighting the worst of the bombing is still lives in the rock and there's a small town that is hum a city for months and months on men. oregon city of on the scene there we spoke to human rights activist mohammed circle of the week who believes the coalition's tactics meant that they large number of civilian deaths was inevitable their
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weapons were being used by the coalition especially by the u.s. army is does not discriminate between civilian or terrorist or civilians or isis if you look at them or sort of the city is very concerned very populated area is not an open space where you can target easy terrorist groups so they were targeting houses they were targeting. small rooms that were to small neighborhoods this again the question is raised again why there's not sort of thing. independents and instigation by the u.n. to look into how the operation has been handled. and this international has joined calls to investigate the liberation campaign and for the true cost in civilian deaths to be revealed the human rights group says the numbers quoted in this report no surprise. other big news in the week the families of those soldiers killed in
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the iraq war have abandoned their legal battle to see former prime minister tony blair and other government officials tried for war crimes they've been advised by lawyers the courts would not be able to rule on their case almost fifteen years have passed since the iraq invasion one hundred seventy nine british soldiers were among the estimated half a million who perished in the conflict the official the british inquiry into the war known as the chilcot inquiry was finally published last year it blasted the government for rushing into the conflict based on flawed intelligence polly boyd met one man who lost his brother in the war on numerous occasions of mystic and the like why is of course the cost someone telling me on facebook not so long book and thought i was david michael said lost his identical twin brother that lance corporal david will send in iraq in two thousand and eight david was twenty seven. he'd become a father to his daughter poppy weeks before his death people say the twins have a rare twin bond kind of thing and i never really believe in this kind of thing i'm
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quite pragmatic. bought the reasons. you realize it's me who switched off together with other families of the soldiers fallen in iraq might push for a civil case against tony blair but lawyers have told them that british courts can't make judgments on matters of foreign policy military decisions or the legality of war for the grieving relatives the legal route here in the u.k. has been exhausted condemned the loss of a loved one in a conflict that the chill court report concluded was based on flawed intelligence will never be forgotten. the damning report revealed that saddam hussein presented no immediate threat and that politicians spoke of weapons of mass destruction with the certainty that wasn't justified forging tony blair has been
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made immune from. prosecution in the high court seems that pretty much they can do what they want and get away with it yes that leaves the families was destroyed some of the families you know to this day are you know some of them haven't recovered a lot of them still you know relive what went through you know from the day that they got that knock at the door it seems a bit pointless now that we know we were told to have weapons of mass destruction then we found out that it didn't and then when the chilcot inquiry came out of the blue sort of we got the. the outcome was kind of like will what was all this for you know and all sort of from a sort of nine years down the line does not quote it at all it just all seemed very very pointless with all the legal avenues closed off the iraq war families campaign group is launching a petition demanding that parliament hold the politicians responsible for the war to account tony blair you know was your head in the decision was his and he was in
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full fact. in full knowledge of the of all the facts that circumstances surrounding her and the reasons why we went in he'll been privy to all of the information so do all him personally responsible for the petition is mike's initiative his way of continuing the fight even after losing the possibility of a legal battle for politicians in museums the iraq war may have been pushed into the archives for families like mike's the wounds of losing their loved ones are is rule as ever the dissemination are never a great time for us as a family but you know all those little and aversion between so like the nineteenth for example was the. you know the eleven twenty we brought him back but a lot of the stuff that's it does feel like a little bit of kicking it takes you know consider which saw a long for that rule and. see. that's the way the news looked this last seven days thanks for watching all around this sunday kevin and then of
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course if you're celebrating christmas next few days season for all of us see it to an old bus for twenty eight. play for many clubs over the years so i know the game and so i got. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money. and spending to the twenty million. it's an experience like nothing else going to because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful game but great to transfer.
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the thinks it's going to. make its manufacture consent to public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the financial merry go round be the one percent. time nor middle of the room sick. the real news is really.
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sad about it but i did ask them that they're not a player. that had that money and that the death of. me that i wouldn't see the simple stuff also almost what i wouldn't love all day i don't know what happened well who knows of. any people to whom the only people who live with their way to be at anything you don't do the same thing what you do know say no this support for thoughts of oh you're on the. list from the still post but i came away you would have much to be. as
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a lobbyist tell them where to be and all you know so little sonny into the diff suffer the. most out of all of this with. much time which i think to some of us get a spot on c.b.s. news of the universe. only you will. know several far from this in the evil sun for some of our. one of the most heavily mined regions in the world that's fallen decades of conflict with its neighbors it was a spanish colony from the late nineteenth century until nine hundred seventy five
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them both mauritania and morocco claimed sovereignty that's from locals the establish the polish sorry the front and declared an armed struggle in one nine hundred seventy nine mauritania withdrew from the war even moral codes snatch more land and insurgency ensued and the ceasefire was declared in one nine hundred ninety one and independence referendum was promised for the following year but never happened. we have been living in limbo for decades and the women have now taken it upon themselves to clear the mines from the land they hope to return soon . to travel to meet these courageous women. get in there was no easy task as we were about to discover. we were dropped off in the middle of nowhere. this is algeria near the border tens of thousands of refugees live here.


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