tv News RT December 24, 2017 9:00pm-9:31pm EST
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the week's top stories from r.t. the us has left all but isolated at the u.n. as the vast majority of nations voted against president trump decision to recognize truth slim as israel's capital a move that triggered almost daily clashes in the region. the situation here. extremely. boris johnson visits moscow for the first time as british foreign secretary and although relations are at a low point he tries to lift the mood by attempting some russian. thank you very much said if you were generous to you. today specifically.
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and new research reveals the u.s. led operation to liberate the iraqi city of mosul from i saw may have led to ten times more civilian deaths than was initially claimed. you watching weekly here a lot international live from moscow studio with me material today is all round up of the top stories over the last week and the latest news of the day welcome to the program tensions over jerusalem again dominated the news this week on thursday twenty eight united nations member states issued a stern rebuke to the u.s. voting to reject recognition of the disputed city as israel's capital the condemnation came despite intense pressure and threats from american officials. when we make a decision about where to locate our embassy we don't expect those we've helped to
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target us on thursday they'll be a vote criticizing our choice the us will be taking names. they take hundreds of millions of dollars and even billions of dollars and then they vote against us while we're watching those votes let us vote against us will serve a lot. of those in favor of the draft resolution please raise your hand. for. those against. four team foods in favor one vote against the united states will remember this day in which it was singled out for attack in the general assembly for the very act of exercising our right as a sovereign nation america will put our embassy in jerusalem no vote in the united
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nations will make any difference somebody will now take a decision. the use of the veto obstructed the security council and made unable to perform his duties and do decades of work of the international community it is considered a blatant violation of the rights of palestinian people it must be resolved through negotiation between the two parties are un members very threatened all the other members this is bullying and this john boehner will not bow to the without.
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even countries that often disagree on major issues came together to reject the u.s. as move on terrorism rivals such as saudi arabia and iran and also india and pakistan or none of them and their condemnation of the terrorists over some of the political experts we heard from assail america's bullying tactic undermine the well i think it's unfortunate that the united states finds itself under this kind of leadership which is undermining the standing of this country internationally if countries acquiesce to the us and if they accept being punching bag for the american administration and voting in accordance with directives from
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nikki haley then what's the point of having the united nations i think we all know . a new era in which a major. resource through blackmail and bribery or you can shift your votes in the general assembly but this is the first occasion on which the state to create a major. member of the security council has resorted to search blizzard's i do think that it will be deplorable it's united states will carry through threats of this kind because they're called indicators traits in future situations or give them a greater gauge to rock you straight they do so at their peril anger is still being felt in the palestinian territories with clashes in gaza and the west bank for a third week in a row. right of all of the. was such. a cause and.
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was that it. was it i thought it was a. public place was it. was. god i should. report style from our middle east correspondent paula slater in the west bank and gaza journalists when the qatari both witnessed just how tense things have been. the situation here and extremely was no. it's not a race because i've been running down the road now and. it's all just made their way to the right in see them off my last time a car in a time when
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a third was in firing tear gas and everybody's been running amuck the streets are rich and. the soldiers are just what do you think yes that's. all the way into the pacific. you can have the ambulances so they certainly will be the ship's crew has been in. and at the same time adjusting my coming over to the back of the posse from here exactly what's going on but. we've taken private we've taken cover in a way in a petrol station. going to be in for a situation where informants how can a man who often pick. cars and. we're standing right over here you can see that there's a number of injured people you can see the insist on carrying people with them you can see the israeli tanks which in the last few minutes just made their way from up
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the road they now seem to be the feasting also from but they really have come all the way in now so. that. today's day of rage that has been called for by various palestinian factions is well and truly underway there are youngsters who have been here for the better part of the last hour has been hurling rocks and pavements at the israeli soldiers who speaks only been inching their way closer they've been filing tear gas in the stomach so many are still quite a strong smell of tear gas that is hanging over us. the protesters and demonstrators come here today for the third friday in rage. this
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friday was different other than the two fridays people were very close to the fence this time and we could start very important leader act and polluted sions and activist joining the civilians during the protests as you see there are at least five ambulances waiting for any injury and ready to pick them up there are still hundreds of protesters as you can hear we can hear a lot of bullets i think there's another another injury right now and they're actually throwing gas bombs on the demonstrators as you can see despite all of the blood of bullets despite all the gas bombs despite all of the rebel berlitz by listening protesters whether in gods are the west bank already jerusalem are strip protesting are still demonstrating people are search pressing their anger. boris johnson has visited moscow for the first time in his role as britain's foreign secretary comes with relations between the two countries strained and it
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was following johnson's meeting with his russian counterpart. well we hadn't seen a u.k. foreign secretary in moscow for five years and i can tell you that i hadn't seen such a remarkable press conference at the foreign ministry villa behind me for a long time there were many jokes many ways to poke each other not necessarily in a bad way after listing all the essential topics that are usual for such talks ranging from north korea to ukraine russia and the theories that it meddled and the votes all around the world and the u.k. as well came up once before just to remind you the foreign secretary boris johnson said that he hadn't see any evidence of russian interference he even used the words not a sausage well mr johnson seems to have changed his mind today he said that he hadn't
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seen any evidence of successful attempts to interfere and i asked boris johnson to elaborate on that a little bit there was a mass on the fridge abundant evidence of. russian interference in the elections in . germany. from. america but as i say there is new evidence of any successful russian interference. in the u.k. other highlights of the press conference included boris johnson speaking russian a few times saying that he has committed to fall in response to another question by me the u.k. foreign secretary confirmed that once he was in tehran a couple weeks ago he visited the russian embassy secretly to see the value of the famous tehran conference during the second world war he was also asked about moscow
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travel advice that he received from one of the british m.p.'s which included warnings about drinking challenge games. and honey traps many other things so the question was about trust and the question was about whether he had encountered any of these threats so far in the russian capital. you know i want you to know it's a measure of my of my trust. to soon as i got into this. for a loose try mediately handed my coat my hand my gloves i mean did everything that was in my pocket secret or otherwise to sergei lavrov in the knowledge that he would look after it. would come to no harm more than just a few times boris johnson reminded of the differences in the views that london and moscow have on various international issues it seemed that he really felt it was essential to keep talking about this every time he said something positive about
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russia but at the end of the day the common message was from both top diplomats that dialogue needs to prevail. news conference with foreign minister lavrov boris johnson also tried that a little bit of russian. i'm i am in a rush so far. of a committee process. a diplomatic relationship that is not four hundred fifty years old and dates from the time when queen elizabeth sent an envoy to ivan the terrible writing the fourth. i'm certain that i'm the first foreign secretary in the history of my office to be called boris. russian customers as i said earlier on of buying loads more british things from from kettle crisps to
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please. somebody has just given me a pass from the fed their only solution is a puzzler stew that you get i guess that's the fs. so when it comes to trust our trust poorest and trust him so much i'm ready to call in the forest but by deed. you could buy peace. thank you very much so get your generosity in your your hospitality and welcoming me in my team today specifically. the british foreign secretary also visited the red square as well as saying central moscow's landmarks he and his team laid flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier second world war memorial next to the kremlin writer and broadcaster mary did just ski things johnson's visit will bring positive results but only with time. you can see maybe some glimmer of hope on the horizon just in terms of the sort of growing
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report that the soon to be at that meeting between boris johnson and sergei lavrov but i also think that anything that is anything positive that's going to come out of that meeting seriously positive will only emerge in time i think boris johnson is going to come back to london he's going to say you know i really put it to the russians i didn't give an inch. and then be with time that we'll see maybe they'll use another visit maybe we'll have a reciprocal visit and maybe just maybe things will start to unfreeze but then you know i'm an optimist and we're coming up to new year so here's hoping. partner partners parties in the spanish region of catalonia secured a majority in thursday's snap election was dealt a serious blow to the central government in the trade which had hoped to diffuse the independence crisis having denounced october's referendum and sacked local leaders now though the deposed former president is hailing another win. i
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want to congratulate the catalan people because they have sent a message to the world the catalan republic has beaten the monarchy and article one fifty five the spanish state has been beaten. it's. nice exactly right. not only for us but for this movement. here's how the results are reflected in the catalan parliament the pro independence parties have taken seventy of the one hundred thirty five seats available the unionist citizens' party was the single most popular in terms of vote share but wasn't successful enough to form a coalition capable of taking power the results left the spanish prime minister clearly disappointed last year we those who want to show you didn't need another.
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don't don't know who did not come from two should still think it's a little record about a park in october madrid's rejection of the castle and independence referendum was not only characterized by political pressure but also by the use of police force against voters living up to the files and injured. i. look at it if you think the earth and this is not the first three people did this or the earth and they came from here but i'm so happy from their early hours of the morning it seems to be escalating the madrid government and the madrid media forever as their guards were jewels in their tool
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box they've used violence used media demonisation they tried to fan the color yellow trying to go after the cattle and autonomous t.v. stations simply for calling people. calling the president a president acts i don't and i don't know what other tools they have looked just like trying to use all of these tools dependent to see what it's an extraordinary moment for democracy in europe. and the story that shaped the week the families of u.k. soldiers killed in the iraq war have abandoned their legal battle to see former prime minister tony blair and other government officials tried for war crimes they've been advised by lawyers that courts would not be able to rule on like case almost fifteen years have passed since the iraq invasion one hundred seventy one for his soldiers were among the estimated half a million who perished in the conflict. the official position choir into the war
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known as the chilcot report was finally published last year it blasted the government for missing running into the conflict based on flawed intelligence polyploid i met one man who lost his brother in the war. on the numerous occasions of been mistaken for the like why is of course this old scene cost someone's out of memphis book store i was david mike wilson lost his identical twin brother lance corporal david wilson in iraq in two thousand and eight david was twenty seven he'd become a father to his daughter poppy weeks before his death people said the twins have a rare twin bond kind of thing and i never really believe in this kind of thing i'm quite pragmatic. bought the reasons. you realize it's me who switched off together with other families of the soldiers fallen in iraq might push for a civil case against tony blair but lawyers have told them that british courts
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can't make judgments on matters of foreign policy military decisions or the legality of war to the grieving relatives the legal route here in the u.k. has been exhausted condemned the loss of a loved one in a conflict that the chill court report concluded was based on flawed intelligence will never be forgotten. the damning report revealed that saddam hussein presented no immediate threat and that politicians spoke of weapons of mass destruction with the certainty that wasn't justified forging tony blair has been made immune from. prosecution in the high court seems that pretty much they can do what they want and get away with it west family the family was destroyed some of the families you know to this day you know some of them haven't recovered
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a lot of them still you know relive what went through you know from the day that they got that knock at the door it seems a bit pointless now that we know we were told it had weapons of mass destruction then we found out that it didn't and then when the chilcot inquiry came out of the blue sort of we got the. the outcome was kind of like will what was all this for you know and all sort of from a sort of nine years down the line does not closure at all it just all seemed very very pointless with all the legal avenues closed off the iraq war families campaign group is launching a petition demanding that parliament hold the politicians responsible for the war to account tony blair you know was your head into the decision was his and he was in full fact. in full knowledge of the of all the facts that circumstances surrounding her and the reasons why we went in he'll been privy to all of the information so do all him personally responsible for the petition is mike's
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initiative his way of continuing the fight even after losing the possibility of a legal battle for politicians in museums the iraq war may have been pushed into the archives for families like mike's the wounds of losing their loved ones are is rule as ever the dissemination are never a great time for us as a family but you know all those little aversion between so like the nineteenth for example was the funeral the elevons when we brought him back in the store for them so it does feel like a little bit of a kick in the teeth you know consider which saw alone for the ruling. party darlington. the pentagon admitted online say that it has been conducting four scale military operations in yemen this year the revelations came in the statement by u.s. central command u.s. forces have conducted multiple ground operations in more than one hundred twenty strikes in twenty seventeen to remove key leaders and disrupt the ability of al
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qaeda in the arabian peninsula and ices in yemen to use ungoverned spaces in yemen as a hub for terrorist recruiting training and base of operations to export terror worldwide yemen's already been enjoying deadly and strikes from the saudi led coalition since it interfered in early twenty fifteen backing the enemy government against a healthy rebel uprising in that time more than ten thousand people are thought to have died. and the survivors enduring what the u.n. calls a humanitarian catastrophe. help them out of the move has destroyed everything around even in the neighboring villages we can rely only on. people they see lost bringing water tankers
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one or two tankers is not enough even for the ten families. were living happily inherit in the south the airstrikes began. but no one helped us here i've got you see the mattress is now middle of the children. next tile holkins has the broader picture on what's happening in yemen. a tripling of air strike numbers from twenty six the official confirmation of boots on the ground something many politicians have been keen to avoid mentioning to avoid bad publicity with the yemeni conflict raging for nearly three years now and spawning two u.s. administrations american policy has some more devolved since the first days of the war what we need to do is bring all the parties together and find
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a political arrangement it is not solved by having another proxy war fought inside of yemen now aside from massive arms sales to saudi arabia what began as logistical support and intelligence sharing as part of the saudi led coalition moved to supporting operations in an advise and assist role drone of planes strikes now multiple ground operations the military involvement may have good intents on the surface comments in the sport of to harvest groups stabilizing a war torn country but as involvement has escalated the presence of terror groups has actually expanded our side from the irony targeting militants allegedly allied to the saudi backed militias there's the question of a vicious circle airstrikes and other military involvement in the region has led to terror groups capitalizing on precisely those sentiments among the populace which lead to heightened recruitment and support for jihadism just remember libya and
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syria and this actually comes from none other than members of the u.s. congress the civil war inside yemen has aided the enemies for which we actually have declared war against al qaeda is getting stronger inside yemen because as more and more of the country becomes becomes ungovernable because of this war al qaeda is moving into that territory isis against which we have not declared war but we are engaged in active military activity in the region against is getting stronger inside yemen two of these problems don't even touch upon the catastrophic humanitarian situation described by n.g.o.s as the worst in the world with mass civilian casualties famine and cholera spreading in the country. you've been watching the weekly here on r.t. i'll be back at the top of the out with another round up so to stay with us.
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sixteen in the panama papers show the world with a tax haven the secrets two trillion united states dollars pass through most often say cut in the amount of time that we've been in the panama papers exposure that's what it shows off money it really is. journalism it's an act of journalism looking at things that people want to keep secret and asking why would they want to keep these things secret. millions of most like from the documents where examine. all the people we basically have tried to get an advantage out of this thought it was a newspaper. and probably other politician which was attacking other politicians the media would point to find targets such as the kings of morocco and. saudia arabia the president of argentina several prime ministers. and russian president
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vladimir putin of course. that tied so i have sued so many newspapers for defamation some things don't just happen by chance it was very striking there were no more americans to go this especially with a lot of people from the brics countries specially brazil russia and china that their special project reveals what was missed in the media coverage. the panama chronicles. her. life.
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previously on the great american pilgrimage specific to texas please don't think oh everything's going to be fine there are people in need tell me about deshon charity when the storm hit i decided to focus funds to the hurricane relief be prepared what you're about to see. hey everybody i'm steve involved in the test hollywood guy usual suspects every proud american first of all i'm just george washington and r.v. enthusiastic uncle steve to me is a good trade to be quiet because this is my buddy max famous financial guru and we'll she's a little bit different i'm out of room one can i know that there were no windows up last but not least my larger than life. the night an aspiring star rio. with all the drama happening in our country i'm shooting the brood have some fun.
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