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tv   Sophie Co  RT  December 25, 2017 5:30am-6:00am EST

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about your sudden passing i've only just learnt. a south and taken your last two bang turn. you're at it up to us we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each breath. but then my feeling started change you talked about war like it was again still some more fun to feel those that didn't like to question our arc and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters the mind it's consumed with death this one quite different i speak to you because there are no other takers. claimed that mainstream media has met its maker. los angeles the city of luxury and free but also an alarming number of people living in
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the streets. the simple fact in l.a. is there's just not enough shelter even if people on the streets right now decided to come in there's nowhere to come in and it's been a struggle. to get this man from his own response to the problem and constructed dozens of tiny homes for people in need of shelter when you have nothing in order to go. you know having something like this may as well be a castle to the earth or to use accept such solution tiny house on a city parking space is not a solution you heard of to have someone wanted touring the site otherwise it'll be a free for all the news there a better alternative to envy homelessness crisis. please
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. welcome to a going underground special on the day the british prime minister tereza may addresses the tory party faithful in manchester she's also preparing to send troops more troops for the longest war in american history the war in afghanistan which is why we caught up with the former president of afghanistan hamid karzai at the central london undisclosed location because i. been an atrocity in less
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vegas that scene making headlines around the world it's always the ads are getting to the fairly five thousand dead or wounded by shootings in the united states far more than military deaths or injuries in afghanistan but immediately after reports came up people suspected isis diaster symptomatic of the fear that extremism is no borders the tragic shooting in in the united states my condolences to the american people and especially sad incident we. feel their pain because we have gone through it a lot and almost every day we can give the criticism of the bomber and ministrations response to violence in afghanistan in a moment but it's clear the president on trump as a candidate was talking about isolationism some said his response to terror in your country has been an in nuclear attack on your country apparently without even the
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permission of afghan authorities we don't want our country to be bombed with. huge. destruction of weapons and bombs we want peace in afghanistan and the united states can talk goes on to bring peace and stability and to defeat extremism. we have more of it today so we have questions why and that is about who should be discussing how come there's more extremism and how to address it. clearly moorings killings prisons violations of for sovereignty more than it or homes it'll have spent of people has not worked because we have more of it today there was the taliban there was this there was a hi there now we have on top of it so how come investor question we have in and we are seeking answers for these questions not more bombs or the president
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or job realized some of the answers winning understood that the obama administration and perhaps catalyzed eyes is in your country and that was that was the reason we use the bow you understand that it was not the reason they use that bomb even if that was the reason we strongly if people disagree with it. you cannot just throw your biggest bomb on a people. because you want to kill a few individuals. and enjoy in the environment into the village the air the water or the culture of those people you know it is wrong but it isn't even was for that the bomb wasn't even was for that they said this was to. indicate to north korea the u.s. power short of a nuclear bomb whatever the purpose was. it was an atrocity on the afghan people
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in this way i condemn that then i condemn it now ok with do you think that the trouble ministration understands us. catalyze the catalyzing of i swear by it as well as i'm sure he does when there are people who tell him i mean you more as a yes concert absolutely absolutely look as a as i mentioned earlier the united states came to afghanistan in the name of ending extremism. bringing an end to radicalism and extremist forces who are perpetrating violence in afghanistan and elsewhere from two thousand and one since the incident of the tragedy of. september eleventh to today. do we have more of it in afghanistan and our region and in the broader region
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surrounding afghanistan to the middle east or do we have less of it we clearly clearly visibly every day by all accounts have more of it and now for the past three four years you have died or the isiah as the stomach state. having merged in afghanistan who did this and did the watch of u.s. intelligence and military and how come we have the right to us this question and the u.s. government must answer us the answer is with him it isn't with us you have suspicion of the afghan bases we used to have i have i have more than suspicion u.s. bases i have more than suspicions i have more than suspicions i have seen the afghan people come to me and to me how they are supplied with helicopters how unmarked. non-military color helicopters supply these
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people not only in one part of the country but in many parts of dallas on and this is a daily occurrence and this is a daily reporting that we get from from our people from our villages and also from sources within our goal that you see somebody ball may begin to understand here in britain that britain has been supporting the fact the isis and al-qaeda linked rebels in syria but we're told here that british troops served your country and this country valuably by by liberating helmand province well at that time they did help and we are grateful for what britain has done for afghanistan it was a must see much much softer version of what the united states did but him and is not with the afghan government today it is back with the taliban they're for. most of it is now they're all weathered almost most most of that therefore we must
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come to a conclusion that bombs and military action especially by foreign forces will not bring us peace or an inch to extremism. there has to be two things here one. within afghanistan afghans must evolve a mechanism of our own we the afghan people to reach out to everybody specially specially the taliban who are from our country who are the sons of foresight to seek a settlement second this afghan effort must be helped by everybody the united states must become because our pursuit of partner with the region and with the bigger region with the big countries in the region that is. china russia including our neighbors parks and iran and india to bring us to bring us peace in other words if the u.s. . comes on board will be very happy it matters would be easier for us for peace if it does not then i suppose we have no alternative but to go to the region and seek
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their help and that's the direction i believe things are moving and you mentioned foreign powers that general mattis head of the pentagon last week arguing there really ill that the. rocket attacks. he blamed the russians for supporting the taliban well that's an indication of how things are wrong seventeen years on there americans can't even keep the airport safe on the day. the defense secure of the night still any kind of the russians are involved and and need to seclusion or visiting kabul no. russia was supportive of the united states. from two thousand and one from the born conference. held with the under the auspices of the united nations russia and the entire region were supporting the russian leaders have told me personally that the us is doing the right thing in
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afghanistan the time must cooperate with them so have the chinese so have the indians even the even in scope quite in spite of the different ways general mattis saying rescuers were and i'm coming to the point the russians were supporting the inner cities the russians were allowing us supplies when pakistan became difficult . to go true true true true russian territory thousands of things of supply convoys went through russia to come to afghanistan they supplied the afghan police they gave us training they were cooperative the russians. began to suspect things that afghanistan when exactly as we did extremism did not end that increased the violence did not end but spread and on top of it then or isis also emerged so like us the russians of questions now how come who's doing it. in response to that the americans say you're supporting the
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taliban. directions or right to ask those questions we ask those questions and the americans and their allies must answer our questions how come there is more extremism in spite of billions of dollars and the loss of life. massively to the afghan people and also to the nato forces in afghanistan because there's a question without any proof really well the proof is in what is happening in afghanistan. we got peace in afghanistan. extremism was defeated within a month it creeping invasion of our country from our neighboring country was was was removed within a month not because the foreign forces were. the only factor of doing that but because the afghan people were supportive the afghan people wanted a change and the region supported the united states and its allies with tremendous
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goodwill they all began to help us in the beginning of my government my troubles to this country even when afghanistan had nothing no government no administration no means no money nothing wherever i went for example when i went to moscow russia sent me a plane took me to moscow brought her back and helped china do the same iran if anybody india turkey europe the arab countries why isn't that environment there anymore because something has gone wrong and that something has gone wrong is because of the forces who are there to improve things but things do not approve so naturally there are questions and questions are founded on. fundamentally strong evidence of wrongdoing how would you characterize u.s. destabilization of your government and of afghan democracy we know from wiki leaks
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cables that hillary clinton said we need to do everything we can to rebalance the playing field tilted. at that time to cars are referring to yourself and we have other cables explaining other than us ambassador i can very clearly the these people want to tell the house to me or to weaken the order to bring me to an arrangement that was not in accordance to the afghan constitution. it will be resisted they failed. afghan people voted but the counting of the vote was into her hands. and through various mechanisms including some international we can ism's the manipulated those most in the try to work force me to accepting a retirement. which was to have a chief executive with me like what we have now the syringe went but i infused except that the reserves in the united states interfere with very much as are americans really directly unfortunately in that in that that is
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a very sore point for us because when we will come to united states and its allies in the west it was it was not only to remove extremism from of ganesan to bring us liberation as a country back and to stand on our own feet as a nation again but also to be a. iraq tragic society too because we believed in the west's practice our democracy and we thought the same ideals they had for us. sadly soon we recognize that know what the jews and prefer in life for themselves is used against us as a tool of manipulation and who are the key players in undermining afghan democracy or that there's an ongoing i say richard holbrooke.


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