tv News RT December 25, 2017 11:00am-11:31am EST
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so that if we do get a reply back we'll know what the reply was in response to how do you figure out what the aliens will understand what they won't i mean do you think human culture has something that transcends this boundary mathematical equations i don't know maybe music. you know i wish that when we're communicating with the aliens they would know english or russian or spanish or arabic but there's no reason to think they would have that in common so we have to say what do we and the aliens have in common simply by virtue of being able to make contact well if they receive our radio signals we know that they can build radio antennas that requires a technical sophistication and you've got to be a good engineer you're not going to be a good engineer on any planet if you don't know something as fundamental as two plus two equals four so that's what we begin with in our message simply explaining to the extraterrestrials here's how we count here's how we do arithmetic the
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interesting thing is by taking very gradual steps upward soon we can talk about the nature of the radio signal itself and that's what the aliens have in their hands or that they pick up on their machines and so we focus on communicating some very basic concepts very clearly because that's the essential starting point once we have something that they understand that could open the floodgates to tremendous understanding where we can go beyond just math and science to talk about something as you suggest like music the beauty of music is that at its core it can be described in terms of mathematical ratios between no it's it can be described by the same terms physicists use an amplitude frequency duration and so by starting with basic scientific and mathematical principles we can begin to give extraterrestrial a peek into what it means to be human all right we're going to take
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and we're back with dr douglas package president of messy organization discussing their prospect of finding intelligent life on other planets so dr black arts when you think about extraterrestrial what do you personally imagine there are like. well the ones that we can contact are going to be scientists because that's the only way we can exchange a radio signal or a laser pulses if they also have an ability to create the instruments that allow us to exchange information but beyond that i don't expect that they're going to look like us you know they're not necessarily even going to have the same way of encountering the world that we do we rely very heavily on our vision vision has evolved forty times independently on earth so it's been very affective here but
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what happens if you're a civilization on a planet where there is a murky cover over the atmosphere and you need to get around through a sense of hearing or a sense of touch or a sense of smell you could still be a scientist still discovering your universe but your way of encountering the day to day could be very different and so that's why we always need to be open to new possibilities for creating messages so that if they are detected they'll be understood jill tarter from seti told me once that we tend to think about aliens as earthlings on steroids is it likely that we will be similar in appearance and how do you how do we wait thinking about it this way. you know there are some aspects of our bodies that we might find in other species for example we're bilaterally symmetrical the left in the right hand side of us looks pretty much the same but why would we expect the extraterrestrial to have say only two hands you know we see
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very intelligent creatures on our own planet with very different body types the octopus has more of a radial symmetry there's more of a circular symmetry to it and there is also the possibility of having multiple appendages so i don't think we can count on the extra terrestrials looking like us i think jill is right that we we tend to think of aliens as humans on steroids because that's frankly what it's cheapest for hollywood to make but instead we may even encounter intelligence that is not biological at all but created by the biological intelligence on another world you know our first contact may not be with carbon based life but silicon based life computers artificial intelligence is we project our own development of artificial intelligence on this world some are saying within the next century will have
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a very intelligent computers so those may be the nature of the extra terrestrials we make first contact with here is a point earlier can we study what other species might be like breaks based where they might leave for instance what would allianz for a mean it's look like if life was possible there longer and i would say is huge chad's or no no it is seen as is a plant vs they would need anyone living on venus would need to almost have an a specialist covering this incredibly hot on venus but one of the basic things that we can think about is how big is the planet the bigger the planet the greater the gravitational force and so that's going to favor as. species that's really going to be sturdy maybe shorter squader very solid in stocky on a planet that is much smaller than our earth it's similar to being on the moon which is much smaller it's a much smaller gravity and so there would be
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a selection through evolution for creatures that are maybe taller and thinner so that's one of the fundamentals that you can consider but then as you point out maybe it's the different environment so maybe there is aquatic life that's intelligent we know that whales and dolphins are highly intelligent on our world but there's one problem i mean there may be extraterrestrial whales creating wonderful symphonies that they send to one another but if they never build a renia detector if they never send us radio signals we simply won't know about them so in some sense that narrows the kind of intelligence that we will make contact with in intelligence that can create a technology similar to ours so it's our planet that you are specifically concentrating on right now when looking for alan life a planet that you have the most hopes for. yes in october two thousand and seventeen mattie sent its first messages to
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a nearby star called lojban star this was in cooperation with the sonar music festival project called sonar calling g.j. two seventy three b. and this is the closest star that has a known exoplanet within the habitable zone so it's at just the right distance from its star that it could support liquid water now the fact that it is twelve point four light years from earth means that a round trip exchange would take just under twenty five years so those are some of the best timescales that we can hope for so that's why we focus on stars that are in our own galactic backyard rather than much further away stars how do you imagine earth will react to actually making contact will there be panic emergences security council meetings crises i mean what sort of reaction do you expect well if you believe hollywood you're going to see a tremendous upheaval but when we do surveys psychologists ask people how would you
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respond they say you know i think other people are going to be upset but i'll be fine but if everyone is saying that it it maybe there really won't be a big chaos i think over the last decades people have become more familiar with the idea that there may well be intelligent life out there and so actually getting confirmation i think for a lot of people would be no big deal they're going to want to know when's the next football game that'll be the next thing in their attention and the world's major religions stress god special concern for the earth and humans what would that mean for religion as a whole once we know we're not alone in the universe. well it could have profound religious implications and for many years people said christians or monotheistic religions would have special trouble because of the idea that there is something special about life on earth but in fact theologians from
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christianity other religious traditions have said there's really no in compatibility if in fact the universe was created by god then god could have populated it with as many creatures as he or she wants and so i think even those religions that people have said will have a hard time absorbing it are really pretty comfortable with it and other religious traditions like buddhism or hinduism already have a notion of multiple gods and incarnations throughout the universe so i think there'd be no difficulty at all there let me ask you this what do you think of people like former canadian defense minister paul hellyer he says that ellie is already contacting humans very discreetly and there are other people who think like him what do you make of it have we had contact already without knowing it. i think whenever anyone says the aliens have been very discreet and various or a petition you've got a question that. many and seventy scientists need evidence we need proof we need
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something that you and i can look at together and say is this really from an extraterrestrial you can have as many conspiracy theories as you want about the aliens having arrived but unless someone can give me a piece of their spacecraft i'm not going to be impressed so we need to be incredibly skeptical that's built into the way we detect signals in seti and we have to be just as skeptical about any claims that the aliens have come to earth so no i have never seen evidence any evidence to suggest the extra terrestrials have already arrived now there are so many who follow just out there who claim that aliens built the pyramids that allien still our water our oxygen i mean it seems this people are a bit wacky but only other hand they believe in las just like you believe in aliens and perhaps you guys are in that different. well i would make a distinction because you say i believe in aliens i think it's possible they're out there certainly devoted my life to trying to make contact but as
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a scientist i also have to be open to the possibility that humankind is the only intelligence in the universe now when people say that the aliens are going to come here to steal our oxygen or our water that just doesn't make economic sense but again the bottom line is that you can claim and believe whatever you want i mean who am i to question someone's belief but then the big question the science asks is what kind of evidence can you give so that someone else can share your believe that's what's lacking from the u.f.o. community you said it yourself there is no hard evidence that elin's exist it is just a possibility and sorry as we know without speculating the earth is the sole planet where laugh exists surrounded by the vast freezing black space of dust and gas so could our obsession with aliens be just a way to cope with enormous costs make loneliness. i do think some people want to reach out they want to make contact because they feel like their lives are
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empty on this world my advice to them would be get a friend on this planet because an alien is never going to be our friend an extraterrestrial if we ever do make contact will be so different from us that we cannot expect them to solve all of our problems we can't expect self ation from the stars i think the best that we can hope for in contacting the other civilization is to learn how another species understand this universe in a sense it's holding a mirror up to ourselves because what we know from contacting people on other cultures on our own world gives us a new perspective on ourselves it's not that we want to give up our culture and take on theirs but we have a better appreciation for ourselves. golden more dr back get a friend from this planet don't rely on aliens thanks a lot for this interview when talking to dr douglas vaca the president of the
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messaging extraterrestrial intelligence organization discussing our chances of finding intelligent alley in life and whether we should be trying to in the first place this holiday season. i wish you and list love and peace let's hope that what she made in us will always prevail over evil stay close and kind of each other a peaceful sky about our hads is worth much more than riches of the world happy holidays to you that's it for this edition of so i think i'll see you next.
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living in the streets. simple fact in l.a. is there's just not enough shelter even if people on the streets right now decided to come in there's no where to come in it's been a struggle. this man phoned his own response to the problem and constructed dozens of tiny homes for people in need of shelter when you have nothing in order to go. you know having something like this may as well be a castle but do the authorities accept such solution. on a city parking space is not a solution. someone wanted touring the site otherwise it will be a free for all there are a better alternative to end the homelessness crisis. in two thousand and sixteen the panama papers show the world with a tax haven the secrets to trillion united states dollars pass through most often
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say cut in the amount of time that we did then in the panama papers exposure that's what it shows a lot of money it really is. journalism it's an act of journalism looking at things that people want to keep secret and asking why would they want to keep these things secret. millions of mossad fonseca don't you months where examine. all the people which basically have tried to get an advantage out of this thought it was just paper. and probably other politician which was the other police and the media would point to find their targets such as the kings of morocco in saudi arabia the president of argentina several prime ministers. in russian president vladimir putin of coolness. oh my god i've had so i have sued so many newspapers for defamation some things don't just happen by chance it was
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very striking there were no more americans to go especially good ole walks off people from the brics countries specially brazil russia and china that this special project reveals what was missed in the media coverage. of the panama chronicles. what politicians do something to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. or somehow want. to go on to be press it's like before three in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters and the. question.
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the escalating the career conflict hopes for peace in syria but concerns over america's intentions to the russian foreign minister. earlier today about the biggest global issues here. as well the stuff on liberation and loss we get unique access to report from inside mosul to see the true scope of the platform to recapture that iraqi city its thoughts of cost thousands of lives and left survivors in danger and i just made. this one unexploded. looking around the families that are. trying to play with it touch it and set it off these. ten seconds which changed some families forever as they mark a year since losing their loved ones in a russian military plane crash in the black sea. yeah that's why we have said.
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before the trouble. with bill is that. by the very good afternoon for me this is out international live from moscow the twenty fifth of december i'm kevin hoey first today the end of the years often a time for reflection isn't it and the chance to look ahead at what's in store so that of mine r.t. correspondents earlier today had an exclusive opportunity to get the world view from russia's foreign minister twenty seventeen draws to a close it's certainly been an eventful year for international diplomacy a pretty turbulent year for top level diplomats around the world and who better to discuss this with than russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov he gave us an exclusive interview covering topics ranging from syria to sanctions to south america one point joking that he really hoped he wouldn't be a band or sanctioned anywhere as a foreign agent a reference of course to the difficulties of the shuttle's experience broadcasting
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in some countries nevertheless a very interesting interview summarizing the highs and lows of this year and giving us a bit of an insight about what to expect in twenty eighteen as well. as with you i don't think any sane person would want war on the korean peninsula estimates of huge losses of life have already been voiced not just by us but by american officials as well that's why i don't think any sane person would have such intentions and i would like to mention some details of a trend in the us in september we received a signal that they wanted to start a dialogue with north korea that there would be no military drills until next spring and that we could use that natural pause to build dialogue and while we were passing on that signal the americans declared they had unplanned drills that would be conducted in october surprisingly north korea didn't respond and it seemed to. worse that the u.s. wanted to squeeze a response out of them. new puter with us has been leading other foreign
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nations in demanding the adoption of special regulations on protecting journalists rights of the o.s.c. for many years russia is entirely for that the us is not the only country which has discriminated against r.t. r.t. has some difficulties in france where the channels just been launched r.t. journalists together with the sputnik news agency have been banned from the president's press pool we've raised this issue with our friends partners and we consider it indecent but we still haven't received a response in diplomacy and life mr prosody is the major principle you should treat others the way you want to be treated we need to demonstrate to the entire world that the policy of bans is ridiculous. among the undefeated terrorists there is just and for some reason the us coalition doesn't want to take any decisive actions towards it despite our multiple requests to do so and despite this group being listed among terrorist organizations by the
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un security council it probably means they have some plans for it to remain there in case they want to return to their regime change plan. so. on as the starts to settle for the operation to liberate the iraqi city of mosul the cost to its residents is becoming painfully clear would guarantee of his being to the city to assess the real scale of the civilian tragedy they're. winning isn't always pretty mosul is testament to that it's been almost half a year since they declared this a victory and it was despite its ugliness that are these then isis that the work mentioned the smell five months on. still thinks of death the stench of decaying and decayed bodies. everywhere permeates the old city. it's nowhere near as strong as it was back during the summer for obvious
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reasons but there are still calculus bodies buried on the all this rubble and no one knows how long it will take to get to all of them they are everywhere the corpses of isis fighters buried under the wreckage together with civilians woman children and exploded bombs shells rockets up without going up there are still people under the rubble a woman just found her husband under the wreckage but no one can get him out it smells terrible it's smelled even worse nature has done its job but rescue was overwhelmed the shia work required to dig up an entire city is mind boggling there is simply too many corpses. and they cleared away the bodies of civilians that they can see but they haven't been able to reach those in the collapsed house it's not. going to cut them off at three or four of our neighboring
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families came here thinking the area was clear but there were very happy airstrikes there now buried here. a recent investigation conducted by the associated press found that approximately ten thousand civilians were killed during the battle of mosul a third of them killed by the u.s. led coalition and iraqi air strikes what they did not account for those still to be recovered from the rubble. this book alone contains the names of seven thousand victims i have four or five of these a senior health official in mosul province who is forbidden from speaking on camera deep to soften the true scale of what happened and the casualties keep on coming in . here's another little surprise. a kid or even an adult might not know what this is an isis made bomb this one's unexploded of
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a child who's walking around the families that are attorney could kick it tried to play with it touch it and set it off these all over mosul last tuesday three young children were killed when they were playing in the wreckage of a collapsed house all three died when an explosive device or bomb exploded. like this every day we got two or three more bodies victims of new explosions. these could be from anything nice a spooky trap an unexploded iraqi shell or a bomb dropped by the u.s. led coalition months ago official statements on civilian casualties about a thousand dead made by the iraqi government the u.s. led coalition a ridiculously understated but dig a little deeper and you likely stumble on one of the biggest civilian massacres in
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recent history or i guess dia from mosul iraq. it's exactly a year since the lives of nearly one hundred families were changed forever after a russian defense ministry plane crashed into the black sea at the time killing all ninety two on board among them a renowned russian choir which was heading to syria to perform the four they were traveling in came down shortly after takeoff it's pilot error it was to blame.
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here's a little soap which will do the trick for the simple girly girl but look at it you'll only some linkable see the cockroach close to the. top of. one woman whose husband died like crush has been collecting the stories of other widows who've been telling how they deal with the pain of their loss at the timlin us because they saw this documentary for us was.
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