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tv   News  RT  December 27, 2017 10:00am-10:30am EST

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in doing nothing right i'm not sure which one of the interviews is was or how brothers we are we are looking at is. measures to. you know you're there in the usa while hurricane trump has been burning up a storm over north korea and cuba he's kept his fingers firmly off the buttons of twitter about his decision to send thousands more troops to afghanistan just one of the broken campaign promises that litter the road to his presidency we are going to and the era of nation building and instead focus on just strongly strongly does strongly isis funny that because he shot down two syrian aircraft in the past week maybe all this intervention is a good way to please the military industrial complex and to justify the near trillion dollar defense budget over in the middle east where a new study has revealed that a reign of terror and showers of bombs from nato wars have killed an estimated four
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million muslims since one nine hundred ninety there are allegations of kidnap and. torture of yemeni citizens by close u.s. allies the u.a.e. while the us are arming u.a.e. forces and teaching them how to bomb they've also had quite a bit of experience in torture as well but questions are being raised over whether information forcibly deemed by those incarcerated in these camps is being used to bomb yemen where the most recent attack overseen by the new crown prince of saudi arabia killed twenty five civilians in a market one of the companies who supplies weapons to the saudis is be a systems you know the guys who brought you cluster bombs and wrap the drones they've been taking advantage of the u.k.'s lax export rules by sending over more than just killing machines to repressive regimes freedom of information request discovered that mass available technology powerful enough to spy on entire countries and track people through their mobile phones is being exported to countries such as saudi arabia the u.a.e.
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and qatar so next week make sure to wrap up warm and take an umbrella because we're expecting a downpour of this information. jeff you have just about packing their own covering this week's buried news after the break neglect demolition and social cleansing how democratically accountable housing across the u.k. has been allowed to deteriorate tearing apart working class communities as the private sector profits from human suffering and why trays of maize all for a luxury apartments to rent out our residents doesn't satisfy polson the director of the new film dispossession the great social housing swindle told us of all coming up in today's going underground.
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a little bit about well i'm a little late. i played for many clubs over the years so i know the game and so i got. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money kill the narrowness and spend each year to twenty million and one player. it's an experience like nothing else on it because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful guy my great so will more chance for. peace this minute.
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president donald trump's two thousand and seventeen national security strategy report tells us how he sees the world or rather how the washington foreign policy leads to clearly washington's neo cons are running the show. welcome back at seventy two hours since hundreds of day of rage protesters marched on britain's parliament in the shadow of the tragic some say emblematic inferno at granville tower here in kensington in london but as grief turns to anger tourism is post-election chaos and lack of transparency from local councils and private developers how did margaret thatcher to new labor lay the foundations on which the housing crisis is constructed today has going underground senior producer pete
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bennett at the screening of a new documentary dispossession the great social housing swindle to talk with key figures in what they consider a class war against social cleansing. people living social housing dropped forty percent less than eight percent with an estimated one point four million covered on the council waiting lists. rising property prices and the growing demand for affordable homes government investment in social housing counselor whole estates to private developers. state a controversial regeneration scheme which residents have a house people are being turned into off to london especially people each day children that. they've been you know to some of the homes. and council is so brutal force to us because this division
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of the middle class people they don't care about the class you know the working class people we know that that so good. not expect anything and i know that they are but he did tori's well from you david to the carnal physician i also groceries activists and defend council housing member fred milton as jeremy cool beans manifesto fares ahead of the yup coming grenfell tower inquiry enough coal strike in jeremy jeremy call brings initial permit to buy the body to build five hundred thousand pounds for housing in five years was very well but i have to say that in the course of the election that was watered down watered down watered down what does prove what is the truth of recent events from going from the tower to is that we need council housing we need council housing one by a. responsible manager not intended not to help out sale for the
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council but actually have a call function over the council to. run their housing properly with another means keeping them safe for houses allowed to happen in the first place i spoke to green lawn in assembly member and comes in council of the highgate sean barrie about the causes of the housing crisis they'll to because it's capitalism you know that the market as a has been unregulated and deregulates if it will fall to deal with saying rising costs were saying look for problems with people buying homes simply to run my distorting little bit and that they develop this business model really is failing and we're saying lots of times that all belts no no london it could ever fool it's going to buy those of us that just about scraped enough to rent and fed the damage our chances of buying it's genuinely broken either way you thought i was like you've got a nasty car is rolling back on some of his promises to people on estates to rentals
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when it comes to things like rent controls and having a buyer with one hand is to manage however the crisis goes beyond the capital to communities across the u.k. kevin. he grew up in school in schools on a housing estate he says has been ignored by power given a choice by films like dispossession the great social housing swindle people of their god and god and the people are you going to see in this film what can we offer the tory. party enough and i told him we know they don't tell policy joins in those trees i'm in constant care. what do you make of all the ones that she's brought on board and the care that's going to make a difference not that's not going to make a difference it's going to be isn't this a perfect show selfishness so sent on this. not care for anyone else if you have the if you actually think that the tory party in this country believe in social haitian italy believe in society margaret thatcher said there is no society there's only and this is not just
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a movie this is cain moche this is dennis paw this is a postman what stuff this is a saying of the chains this is a show clone creativity documentary film camera and get on people tell you they'll tell the truth for some in this country put on a screen expressing the human cost of the housing crisis on the big screen this documentary explores the cats struck phase that led to a chronic shortage of social housing in britain essentially we've had success in the city haven't seen the role for social housing and they've been cutting in. senior producer peter bennett's there i'm outside the ground fell to our north kensington in london now with the director of dispossession the great social housing swindle paul first of all just your reaction to. hear lots of the mainstream media cameras go here anymore. looking at the building obviously you can't really comprehend what went on. when i found out about i was in sheffield and
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i was seeing the images on t.v. and initially like my space where you just feel sympathy. and empathy for the people that is affected and then afterwards you know shock and anger the fact that it's been allowed to happen i think there were a dozen council inspections of that building and seeing this this all come out in the last few days it just draws you back to systematic neglect not only of people in council housing of working class people of poor people of people all over the u.k. . the thing i keep going back to is the seventy odd tory m.p.'s that voted against the landlord bill to make homes fit for human habitation and i think that you know this terrible incident just you know raises more questions and more anger about why we have a government why we have a system of parliament that isn't representative of people who go to the film because of course again and again even just after the aftermath. when the.
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still raging we were told not to politicize it. was the conservative and labor policy of right to buy so popular and yet so much part of the current housing crisis in britain i think it was popular because you know working class people like anyone else wanted to own their own homes and there's nothing wrong with wanting to own your own home you know it's a desire that goes back years and years and years and so the right to buy in principle wasn't a bad idea but the problem was they didn't replace like for like i think that you said that they would be in every place too for everyone they didn't even do one for one and so you know that goes into the blair and brown administrations as well in the combined period of thirteen years of new labor they've built fewer houses in total than thatcher's government averaged every year so it's it's an issue across both parties and it's a policy now i think needs to end because we do have a housing shortage you know we do have problems with council housing but continuing to sell off that stock and not replace it is just senseless and you tackle the
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issue of labor councils up and down the country blaming not councils blaming so. government for. housing strong yeah i mean that's the thing i mean it's very it's very easy to blame central government and say this all comes down from the state local authority to have to be a bit smarter i mean obviously their budgets have really been cut to the bone you know announcing things as in the case of lambeth council where they announced the demolition of pressing gardens on twitter you know that's not very clever and i was actually deeply insensitive is actually an offensive so you know not only do councils have to communicate better but they need to explain why they do in these three developments and you know working with property developers is always a very murky area because at the bottom the bottom line for a bob is profit but why do you think you'd like to subsidise movies as a way to make housing more equitable gets gore and common currency in media and
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yet in your film it comes out. all it does is to make housing more on affordable council housing did used to be a permanent safe secure home you know in the fifty's and sixty's my family when they got council housing they were proud of it they lived in they knew it was their home for life but the problem is now you know with the housing and planning out there are going to be no more you know last time tendencies you see in the film that when a person dies in social housing it's a requirement to just sell it on to the private sector yeah that's part of the new house and i'm not sure we see with that's going to be the case for you jamie solicitor from st james who appears in the film as doc is of the view that a lot of that policy may or may not actually be in force i mean there are still campaigns to try and repeal that so i think we're still in very early days but what it can do in principle is bad enough i think that in the film you talk about social stigma or a bit like in rio's village people don't admit to living in social housing so.
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polarized is this class in britain yeah there's a lot of stigmatized around it and you know that comes from the media it comes to. t.v. programs poverty point shows where you know council tenants are depicted is on benefits that depicted as somehow being as stupid and that's not the case you know some of our brightest minds and people came from council house in town. it's actually the social problems created by a society by system of government the problem but when it comes to who the government listens to in your film it appears the. very very rich state agencies recommend to the government policies like destroying four hundred thousand special housing homes and the government listens to reports coming from estate agents that that will win from that pool of yemen i think there was a report from samples that came out and it was any day i think they put a figure on someone's worth in london i think you've got to be earning about
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seventy thousand pounds to be worth your spot in london that was the average figure you know i don't know too many people that much money and so what you have then is the colonize ation of space you have and the idea that to be in the city you have to justify your place here by earning a certain amount of money which means you can afford to pass or rent or mortgage and also spend this much on you know what is the london economy and that's you know that's just it's nonsense isn't it. your film outlines how areas are socially cleansed. initially we heard that there would be real housing there for the survivors of the greenfield tragedy the latest i think is the will to resume said in london nash is saying that boras or neighboring bar is how do you think i do in policy makers are given we have to hold them to account and if they've moved some residence into some nearby luxury apartments which have a concierge service which have a gymnasium and simple on the people that move into that property to get those
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services i mean whether they're in a separate section i don't know whether there think there will be a separate. so-called affordable housing just describe what a poor door is yes i mean a poor door. and luxury apartments which is where the social rent tenants leave in and there are all sorts of reasons for that used to justify it. part of the agreement with the builder is that they'll only make a certain amount of social rents available if there is a separate and it also reduces the cost down for everybody so you can argue economically that you know there is a reason for it but then on the other side of it you can look at it as being a systematic microcosm of our society that the rich going one way the poor leave another one and then you've got you know two people that were in the press complaining about the price of property complain about how they've worked so hard and now they're going to have to mix with you know all of these you know working
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class people and i despair you really despair and it just shows you where we've got to where we've sunk to as a society because you know we're all culpable in this as a society we all need to actually take responsibility and if we don't have those fears challenge those fees. and that's it for one of your favorite shows of this season will be back with all new episodes are going on the ground on wednesday the seventeenth of january children by social media have a happy. yao's
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now still. he's seen me in to pick up the saw in the fall colors coastal. altie we have a great team but we need to strengthen before the freefall world cold and you have been a legend to keep it so it's at the back. in one thousand nine hundred two that must qualify for the european championships at the very last moment no one believed in us but we won and i'm hoping to bring some of that waiting spirit to the r.c.c. . recently i've had a lot of practice so i can guarantee you that peter schmeichel will be on the best
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fall since my last will call on that story as well as three. thousand zero zero zero zero hitter. i strike. left left left more or less ok stopped that's really good. in some american cities the police have built them soon schooling to reputation people who walk on the street to be united states are at risk from the very people who are supposed to protect that poor people in no more afraid of police than of us in those. you can see something happening in this is like i don't want to call the cops let that happen rather than call the cops into those young black men lose their lives chasing the good with the same goes on the trigger you never know better safe than sorry i don't know that someone else is going to pull a gun so yeah unfortunately around around here we end up killing our guns off the
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death toll from such precautions to plan the route. thank you the security guard has been shot dead a confectionery factory in moscow are for a company director open five these are live pictures from the scene. also to come this hour a crowded market in yemen is hit by an alleged saudi led air strike killing at least twenty five in their millions are already on the edge of survival due to the saudi blockade and an israeli m.p. is feeling launching a vicious tirade at palestinians making their way from garza's to visit relatives in jail in israel. hello well can you watching r.t.
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international start with our breaking news this hour because one person has been shot dead it's a security guard at a can factory factory in southeast of moscow it's understood the shooter is a former company director we're looking at live pictures now he was disgruntled because it's understood that he believes he lost a share of the company unfairly he went to the premise is this morning that's when the security guard was shot dead. the area is in lockdown at the moment but also bailiffs turned up today to that company which was heavily in debt which might have something to do with this situation or so so these are live pictures we're getting across the situation for you and fingers crossed will work go to our correspondent at the scene shortly. land alleged coalition air strike has hit a busy market in yemen killing at least twenty five people according to local security services we are about to show you the immediate aftermath of the attack but said to be aware it does contain upsetting images dozens more civilians were
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wounded in this bombing raid which happened in the west of the country many of the victims are children saudi arabia launched its campaign in yemen back in march of twenty fifteen support the government again she rebels but riyadh has repeatedly claimed that its airstrikes do not target civilians international law professor died carla believes the global community should bear some of the blame for what's happening in yemen the international community particularly the members of the. security council. security council are participants are accomplices the crimes that are being committed. crimes are being committed against defenseless. people civilian people popular markets it is absolutely unconscionable if there is any doubt that there are that these acts constitute crimes against humanity there should be at least some kind of
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investigation but also since early november saudi arabia has been blockading yemen and that has plunged the war ravaged country into an even deeper humanitarian crisis. the smoking. rubbish and withdrawing from rubble and if anyone accuses us of lloyd they can come to us with everything with their own bodies. the government were here looking for food we have no work no work places that is
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why we work here. today if we look at the middle east yemen is the most urgent humanitarian catastrophe or that the world needs to highlight the almost eighteen million people need some sort of humanitarian aid more than twenty people men women and children lose their lives on a daily basis and human food and and and medicine prices have really increased to an unattainable extent where people are unable to buy their basic necessities this is really unacceptable for people to die of totally preventable reasons. ok well let's turn to our top story this hour because the security guard
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has been shot dead at a sweet factory in southeast moscow our correspondent medina can of a set the scene for us dana good afternoon just run through then what we know so far. well the shooting took place that's one of the confectionery factories located and southeast of the capital now this is the and dust trail zone of the city and at the moment the area is cordoned off by police so this is really the the closest we can get as you can see there is a lot of there is a lot of media different t.v. stations here and now we see police cars at the back up also spotted a special security forces here but we can't get inside as the area is blocked by a local police now in the past hour we've been receiving really conflicting reports as to what happened at this wednesday morning at the factory but we do know that the shooter is believed to be the former director and shareholder of the factory he
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came of this morning to work and so bravely operating inside us the factory has quite a substantial adat now during a conflict that he had he opened fire and he started shooting shooting at the baby but they managed to run away and barricaded themselves at the factory now he was then confronted by a security guard he shot the security guard who later died at the scene business a found radio station managed to talk to the gunmen he said that he was deprived of his factory that a fake bankruptcy case was opened against him he also claimed that he's been struggling for several years and i believe we can now listen to a bit of his statement. by the director of barricaded myself in my company was taken away by forged documents i was robbed law and i will fight to the. now i'm
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surrounded by special operations forces. now i want to shoot myself. well there were also reports of possible hostages at the factory but that information was later not confirmed by local police that information was did night and now we know that the gunman is still at large ships he might be at the factory but police sources are not giving any any concrete information but we do know that some people are still inside there are they have barricaded themselves inside and they're hiding out of danger again and the area is cordoned off and there is a lot of police presence here as well as the media. that was made in the quarter end of life for us thank you. now in other news often the fall of arson in syria and iraq more tiles of horror are emerging life under the terrorist rule
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kurdish minority families in iraq known as the suffolk capture death or enslavement all correspondent has been speaking with some of the families who managed to survive the ordeal we'll show you the full interview. but it is some of what's to come. we were captured we spent two months in iraq then we were taken to syria they made me a slave we were put to work and held by the truth that we were given more time to rest on and then i ran away. to water i tried to escape again and again but each time i was cool. and severely tortured they shot my friend . then we were hit by an airstrike and i was concussed and this my head still hurts but i can't talk for long.
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monologue i was pregnant but i was so terrified that i lost my child my husband was captured then i was better than with my mother so i took that i decided it was better to die when they could i thought that since my family my husband and my house would be better to die. well in twenty fourteen up to ten thousand you see these were killed or kidnapped by i saw in a matter of days of those the third were executed however the true scale of the tragedy may never be fully known the testimonies that have emerged to suggest many have been taught is to be heard there beheaded or even burned alive in many cases entire families were captured together women and girls were often sold as sex slaves while young boys were forced to become ice or fighters in fact some weren't even old enough to school when they were forced to serve the terrorists.
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my daughter was five years old when she was captured four years have passed since so she's nine.


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