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tv   News  RT  December 27, 2017 7:00pm-7:31pm EST

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that come to call russia no one has ever known one has ever had a vote that can never even have had about most school.
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lives is the consumer financial watchdog in the doghouse a district court judge in washington d.c. has ruled that president trump's budget director mick mulvaney the former member of congress can remain as the new acting director of the c f p b the consumer part from anshul protection bureau but mr mulvaney has argued and voted against the very creation of the consumer protection agency bartlett naylor with public citizen is here to tell us what it might mean mr naylor bartlet thanks for joining us we've actually had the pleasure working together were a member of an elite bar club in washington d.c. so i know you are probably one of the best guys in washington to ask about this subject first let's just do a quick why by on the decision of the judge what's your take judge.
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denied the request of the anguish for a temporary restraining order on the ability of nick know of a need to become the acting director of the c.f.p. be i think it's up to the courts and presuming this will be appealed to make the final decision i think the argument is that the statute that created the consumer financial protection bureau provides for a succession plan in the absence of the director and that would be the. the woman in this case lee and anguish there is a complete there is a default law federal vacancies act that provides that in the absence of such a clear statute then the president can name somebody that is confirmed by the senate and that's what the president did with mick mulvaney i personally believe that the the law is clear on that that's what the attorney for ms english argued before the courts that judge appointed by trump differed. yeah
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and i agree with you i mean when there's a specific language in the wall street reform and consumer protection act of two thousand and ten that says this is what happens and i want to get to the independence of the c.f.p. be in a moment but for planning purposes let's just assume that theoretically at least mick mulvaney stays at the c.f.p. be for the forseeable future he clearly hates this thing a president trump says the agency is a sick joke so what do you think he'll do bartlett on on scaling back the c f p b's work. well given the universe of good works that the c.f.p. b. has accomplished and would plan to accomplish under a sensible leadership the potential harms are enormous. there's a fourth forthcoming rule on payday lending this is the lending that goes to some
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of the most vulnerable of our citizens and that can be this aerated there is a consumer complaint database this is where if you have a complaint with the bank you can petition to the f.c.c. your petition is part of the database that's public you can see if other people had some of those same problems c.f.p. be then contacts the financial institution to see what the problem is and ideally if there is really a problem then restitution is paid this could go dark under mulvaney the host of other potential rule making could be simply put in the trash can and he can roll back any number of areas from in force mint and we do know that we unfortunately have a very predatory financial industry that is you know lifting the wallets of so many americans. to simply making sure that. companies
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are operating as they should be perhaps the most conspicuous example of misconduct has been wells fargo which created millions of fake accounts in the service of trying to have set meet sales quotas and it was the c f p b that brought this case charging roughly one hundred million dollars in fines and it has made it americans even more aware that companies as big as wells fargo with some five thousand branches can be engaged in such widespread misconduct that type of enforcement could weather could be eliminated under. a director and in. ministration that is called dodd frank a bad law and it's cause and in terms of mick mulvaney he is called the c a p b a sad sick joke. well it seems that the that the fox may not just be guarding the hen house the fox may be inside
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the house so red alert red alert but speaking of you know money that's been returned to actual consumers i mean it's something like twenty million maybe close to thirty million american consumers had twelve billion with a big dollars that was in or purposely collected returned to them and part of this is a deal with wells fargo but it's also some of the art other large financial institutions bank of america and citibank and do you think that that sort of thing will continue or might mick mulvaney just put an end to that. the worry is that he will put an end to that i think you can measure the hostility of the financial sector by that figure you mentioned some twelve billion dollars has been returned from this industry to the some thirty million customers from whom it was taken and i think that the the the propensity of financial firms to do that and do it even where c f p b is has yet taken foresman action is so pervasive that as that
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a directive from a new director to to fall asleep or to be less aggressive really imperils the american consumer the financial industry has grown to where it used to absorb something like three cents of every dollar american consumer dollar to something like six cents and it's not because they've become more efficient the way you know your smart phone which probably has more computer power than what got us you know navigated the apollo missions to land on the moon and that has that has grown more efficient more less expensive whereas the. sector simply dealing with our money has grown more expensive that's just the overarching plumbing the financial sector in addition to that there are the scams of the hundreds of which that the c. a p p has uncovered and found restitution for the victims all of that is in jeopardy under
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a director again who believes this agency shouldn't exist in the first place. just real quick you mentioned a minute ago about the less fortunate among us and how there is a we know there is a racial wealth gap in the u.s. and see if b b is really chartered to protect consumers from discriminatory practices on mortgages credit cards car loans and we don't want that gap to widen even they've dealt with payday loans and payment of wages with prepaid cards which disproportionately harm people of color minorities can you speak to this sort of a racial injustice issue which i've really heard nobody talk about in all of the c f p b discussion in the last several days explained that yes people of color minorities african-americans latinos are even as we speak under banked they have incomes and banking relationships in a much less lower percentage than their white counterparts and they are prey to
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abusive in predatory lending to see if p.b.s. brought in cases against home lenders who are either shunning minorities or charging them higher rates even when they qualify for the better rate credit credit card companies are abusing minorities in much higher levels than they are their white counterparts and the see if p.p. has brought a number of these cases and returned again returned money to these victims. without an aggressive c.f.p. be this racial income equality and simply financial justice. it's going to be exacerbated. thank you and you know what it makes me think about one of the reasons that independent agencies are so important is that they can actually remain above politics and this decision by the judge sort of up and that and politics comes into play with the new administration and you know that
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happens in government of course elections have consequences but this agency was set up to not deal with politics as much does this concern you this decision with regard to other financial regulators the other four five that are out there yes this one in particular the see if p.p. was set up to have a senate confirmed independent regulator such that when he or she makes difficult decisions they are immune from influence from politicians with nick bill veiny in there at least temporarily he could be removed at the president's will if were he unlikely were he to take a sort of step he could be simply removed from office unlike a senate confirmed director that's the single most troubling part of having having him serve there but it is taking place all over the financial regulatory agencies from the controller of the currency to the federal reserve we're putting in wall street agents people that you know
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a few weeks ago were lobbyist the most striking example is a wells fargo attorney who was put in control of america's national banks the agency is called the controller of the currency he's the one that defended wells fargo against a notable class action lawsuit and then at the control of the currency in a temporary position but nominated or named by trump he took all sorts of steps and made pronouncements about completely transforming the banking industry such as for example letting wal-mart and back of america emerge this didn't happen he has now been replaced by a confirmed director but this is an example of what the trump administration seems to be bent on doing is taking all of the guardrails off of wall street and and letting them run too fast and recklessly. well that's one of the reasons why we're really glad to have you public citizen another group although there's not many of them and having worked with many consumer groups over
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the years like you have it reminds me of that green day song at boulevard of broken dreams and you know you walk a lonely road and there are not many folks arguing on behalf of average americans versus wall street how do you do it how do you walk that lonely road bartlett yes well to put it in america there are some three thousand wall street lobbyists in this town you know five or six for every member of congress and there's only a couple of dozen of us but on our side is the american public polls show that the american public wants wall street reform and lawmakers and regulators that side with the banks do so at their peril in terms of public opinion i think that. the ravages of the two thousand and eight financial crash are still understood by americans and i think this is expressed at the voting polls the conservative cato found institute actually released a poll showing that the majority of the vast majority of americans want strong wall
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street reform so that when lawmakers and regulators roll back the safeguards they know they're the american public is at some point going to hell that hold them to account at the election booth certainly in the basic popular opinion. yes thank you so much you know one thing we didn't get to and perhaps another time is the campaign contributions by wall street in addition to those five or six lobbyist for every member of congress but bartlett naylor with public citizen you know we've heard some things that i haven't seen any place else in the news today from you so thanks for being with us sharing your expertise and we want you back to keep a close call so i'm what's going on at the c f p b thanks for joining us my pleasure thank you for having me. this year we have witnessed so many new individual investors getting into markets
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and they've done so in a typical fashion they're getting into digital currencies and a bunch other things actually this is a far cry from the old school investing scheme you know back in the day perhaps the father sat down with his kids and said something like this sonny boy girly suit let me explain investing to you as a stockholder when you get older you'll recall this chat about stock this and stock that you remember that i said with a grin that these shares of a t.n.t. or something akin will be worth something then so we're going to hold all of these bad boys one day when then arise will be rich and it'll change our lives that's how well the rise high fives. that's not exactly how things are going right now traders right now aren't just buying and holding forever so we're going short they're buying only for a little bit of time and what prices might be in a few weeks to a few months as opposed to long term so trading markets is morphing as are the
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traders themselves more millennial six touchup just be careful out there there are currently a lots of schemes that could take advantage of you make sure you're not getting into something that could be fraudulent there is a risk with every investment again just be careful thanks for watching be sure to catch boom bust on you tube at youtube dot com slash boom bust r.t. thier next time. in two thousand and sixteen the panama paper has shown the world with a tax haven the secrets to trailing and united states dollars pass through most conseco in the amount of time that we've in the panama papers exposure that's what
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it shows of money it really is. journalism it's an act of journalism looking at things that people want to keep secret and asking why would they want to keep these things secret. millions of fonseka don't humans were examining. all the people we basically have tried to get an advantage out of this thought it was his paper. and probably other politicians which were. other police the media would point to find targets such as the kings of morocco in saudia arabia the president of argentina several prime ministers. in russian president vladimir putin of course. oh my god i've had so i have sued so many newspapers for defamation some things don't just happen by chance it was very striking there were no more americans to go especially
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a lot of people from the brics countries specially brazil russia and china that their special project reveals what was missed in the media coverage. the panama chronicles. in some american cities the police and field themselves cling to ready to nation people who walk on the streets of the united states who are at risk from the very people who are supposed to protect that poor people are no more afraid of the police than of us in the us. you can see something happening and this is like i don't want to call the cops let that happen rather than call the cops in those young black men lose their lives chasing the with their fingers on the trigger you never know better safe than sorry i don't know that someone else is going to pull a gun so yeah unfortunately around around here we end up killing our guns on the
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death toll from such precautions place to. make this manufacture come sentenced to public wealth. when the ruling classes project themselves. in the final merry go round to be the one percent. we can all middle of the room signals. i mean real news is really low. president donald trump's two thousand and seventeen national security strategy report tells us how he sees the world or rather how the washington foreign policy leads to clearly washington's neo-cons are running the show.
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running insisting that wait till i did it again i am. i watched the twenty list as if they had. been you when you could go forward what it would be it's not but showing you don't need you to brush it off totally. oh. yes yes to. shock i just. don't know. if you found my jewish but you might. you steve know if you're missing discussed the custos theorem in just over young.
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not. that. i. don't. know. i. grew up. breaking news this hour an explosion rocks a supermarket in the russian city of st petersburg. say they suspect the blast was caused by an improvised bomb. also this hour german authorities identify
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a large network of women wearing islamic states ideology online officials warning that the wives of killed us all fighters are now more effective in the group's message of hate. and thousands of documents relating to controversial episodes in british history have gone missing country's national archives claim that civil servants simply misplaced them. thanks for joining us live from moscow watching all of the international. through the program this hour all the top of the headlines is breaking news from the russian city of st petersburg security services say an improvised explosive device may have caused the explosion at a local supermarket the force of the blast as thought of an equivalent to about two hundred grams of t.n.t. the device was apparently filled with objects aimed at causing as much damage as
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possible emergency services say ten people have been taken to hospital rushes investigative committee says it will consider all possible causes of the blast this is how one eyewitness described what he saw. as i got closer the street was already on lockdown and there were many ambulances and firefighters they saw injured people being carried out of the supermarket i live five hundred meters down the road and from this distance i heard the sound of the explosion. will have more updates analysis on that top news story soon as we can in other headlines though the german security services have identified a female terror network aggressively spreading islamist ideology online artie's many of the national reports on ice all recruitment in europe. that's not for the first on what we see women actively involved in promoting jihadist fuz we have been hearing reports about isis female recruiters since of police twenty fourteen those are a wives of killed islamic state fighters who decided after the death of their husbands
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to somehow continue that fight but now germany says that the number is on a constant dramatic rise in women and ideology promoted says the men have realized that women could work much better for all of expanding the scene in this most recent case germany identified what they called the islamist terrorist women's network consisting of a least forty what they call sisters who follow an ultra conservative branch of islam known as selah fees and spread extremist views via internet particularly targeting so-called nonbelievers the german authorities stress that it would be wrong to equal salafism to terrorists but at the same time they add that it could be potential breeding ground for terrorists all over europe including here in germany especially following last year's berlin terror attack christmas has said
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had become the time for extra concerns and worries over security because christians and their faith and their holidays and everything that is connected to it include in christmas mark is that the now operating and will be open for the next week at least all of the europe have repeatedly been targeted by islam is so it has been bet for quite some time but now fears are increasing with the number of those who share salafist views here in germany rose to an all time high according to the country's intelligence agency germany sees it as a direct result of dramatic losses in the middle east and as a consequence the rise in a number of returning to europe. women and now they say that with a defeat of so-called islamic state in syria and iraq europe security could be as fragile as never before. and after the fall of islamic
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state in syria and iraq more tales of horror or emerging of life under the terrorists rule kurdish minority families in iraq alone as you see the suffered capture and death or enslavement syria correspondent what i've got is the of has been speaking with some of the families who managed to survive the ordeal will have the full interview for you want thursday in the meantime though here's a preview of what's to come. and we were captured we spent two months in iraq then we were taken to syria they make me a slave we were put to work and held where the troops were we were given one hour a day to rest then i ran away they caught me in locked me in a toilet for three days without food or water i tried to escape again and again but each time i was caught beaten and severely tortured they shot my friends we begged them for mercy on our knees then we were hit by an airstrike and i was concussed my
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head still hurts i can't talk for long. monologue i was pregnant but i was so terrified that i lost my child my husband and family were captured i was left alone with my mother so i took poison i decided it was better to die when they caught me i thought that since my family my husband and my house were gone it would be better to die. twenty fourteen up to ten thousand were killed or kidnapped by i so in just a matter of days of those third works acute however the true scale of the tragedy may never be fully known the testimonies that have emerged suggest that many have been tortured beheaded or even alive in many cases entire families were captured together women and girls were often sold as sex slaves while young boys were forced
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to become myself i was some of them weren't even old enough for school when they were forced to the terrorists. my daughter was five years old when she was captured four years have passed so she's nine we endured a lot of suffering my brother escaped and i stayed at his place then he died instant john i was desperate after his death and i went to stay with my other brother he's poor and has young children all girls. well let's go back to our top breaking news story from the russian city of st petersburg as we said earlier russian security services say an improvised explosive device may have caused that incident at a local supermarket have got. me with me in the studio live bring us what's been going on medina what's the latest you can tell us well just as you mentioned new reports coming in from russia's investigative committee which at the moment says
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that it's in my have been in might have been the an improvised explosive device and that device could have caused this blast that happened just several hours hours ago at a local supermarket instant peters' back now again more information coming in from russia's investigative committee which says that according to preliminary reports that explosive device was filled with unspecified objects now when we have that is a fact it means that that explosive devices. meant to cause as much damage as possible and now that community as the force of the blast was equal to two hundred c. and c. now we have no severe injuries now we know that as for now ten people were injured by that blast and no one really in any serious condition but all of them were taken to hospitals and we were god given an eyewitness that
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shared his experience with us. as i go closer the street was already on lockdown and there were many ambulances and firefighters i saw were injured people being carried out of the supermarket i live five hundred meters down the road and from this distance i heard the sound of the explosion. now it is still unclear what was the motive behind the blast but the committee at the moment says that it will take into account all possible version so what happened in simply this back now of course the surrounding area of the supermarket was. has been put on lockdown and the building was immediately evacuated and at the moment the search operation and the gathering elf is underway it's a busy pre-holiday top and so predispose that many people presumably that are preparing for all of those as well of course it is indeed i believe the busiest
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part of the year for many people around the world and of course people living in sin petersburg it is no exception there and we know that at the moment of the blast there were thousands of visitors inside that particular shopping center where on the first floor of the building that supermarket worth the blast took place was located so of course in might have been a bit of a different tragedy that happened but again a very particular time of the year again very very busy busy timing did. close on what's been going on and so. let's bring in. a security analyst former u.k. counterterrorism intelligence officer as well good to have you all always troels it's unclear exactly what's up at this stage it does appear though increasingly like an improvised explosive device stuffed with ball bearings are the sort of metal objects projectiles was used i mean how much damage could have coal.


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