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tv   Documentary  RT  December 28, 2017 12:30am-1:01am EST

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aptus of british history rather than finding that they have been misplaced and according to some misplaced a little too conveniently we contacted the national archives and they told us that when loaned files go missing they request that action be taken international affairs commentator jonathan steele says that the huge loss of sensitive documents raises many questions. which is an absolute scandal because as you pointed out most of them refer to incidents in the past where britain was in a very bad position because there was a crust of torture in northern ireland there was no obvious letter of a really interesting they were not just a time when we're talking about straight news we used to tamper with elections all kinds of allegations being made we haven't got the evidence that he was once very little has now gone missing references being asked to do did you did to keep documents did you make copies did you make duplications where are the duplications why didn't you use that and certainly originals back if you were making
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a copy was given to dick government department to send it back to the national archives rather belong if they borrowed them just. as a whole series of questions that need to be answered. the pentagon is being sued by three major us cities new york philadelphia and san francisco accuse it of failing to report back soldiers who should not be allowed to purchase a gun the u.s. military is supposed to report felony equivalent court martial convictions for certain crimes to a federal database the pentagon has a knitted failing to submit information about individuals who went on to commit massacres one case is that of an ad for servicemen who was discharged to have a domestic assault and in the vendor killed twenty six people at a texas church. going to other. church personnel here.
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with phones video that we talked about. jennifer breeden an attorney in international criminal law believes the case highlights a lack of coordination between government agencies. three cities this is still adelphia new york and san francisco who are claiming that the that the department of defense is failing to do this well but the only example that they're bringing is the serviceman in texas that the texas church shooting which was a former air force person on the facts itself on the merits of the case they do have a strong case because the air force has admitted that some of their lower officers are in noncompliance with current federal statutes that say they have to report when there is a criminal act by a military servicemen and not only has the air force admitted that but some other departments of the military such as the army the marines and maybe they have stated there are failures on their parts and some of their lower service men to report these crimes to the f.b.i. for the national gun registry things like that to see people stand up and say look
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there's going to be oversight you're going to lose your jobs if you don't comply with federal laws we have to see more of that from the top down and we have to see more compliance between different agencies and local law enforcement these are the kinds of federal oversight programs that are supposed to prevent especially some of our most highly trained military men and women from purchasing a firearm if they have a criminal conviction stay with us for the latest on the explosion in st petersburg we'll give you the right off the pike. corral sold america. the national debt the unaccounted for them like social security medicare medicaid the corporate debt and yet all that debt together i haven't seen the numbers lately but it's something in excess of five hundred thousand dollars per household and because the debt sellers wall street packages debt sells that makes money and profits and fees from that they feel like they need
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to make even greater profits they have a big fat cow profit that they stick into everyone's back and they say negative interest rates are good for you go buy more go give us more of your money go into debt go buy margin going to barge and give us a more. robust the government's going to be much more russian. more compassion the. oligarchs human governments the. people will be more happy with the new situation. with the. welcome back to the program a north korean soldier who defected to the south any this year has been found to be carrying anthrax antibodies in his blood and his country has raised concerns that
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pyongyang may have developed biological weapons kim jong un has the capability to weaponize more than a dozen biological agents within just a few days if he wants to wreak havoc on the korean peninsula i mean he was either exposed to or vaccinated for the deadly bacteria it comes amid increased concern that pyongyang is developing biological weapons something long suspected by the international community. recently the south korean government reportedly purchased one thousand doses of a vaccine against anthrax the supplies were delivered in a van but according to media reports. to give you some background now back in twenty fifteen the u.s. military admitted to accidentally sending a batch of anthrax samples to a base in south korea however no personnel were infected and the deadly bacteria were destroyed security analyst charles hsu bridge told us any accusations against north korea should be treated with a dose of skepticism north korea is
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a public whipping boy at the moment for some of the western media in the west governments and so therefore it's not surprising perhaps that we see a similar. train or trail of actually sessions as we've seen in other examples we all know that for example claims of w m d including biological weapons were made as a pretext for the two thousand and three invasion of iraq by britain and america those claims proved to be totally false no doubt this news will be used so that we need to take stronger action against north korea but also in terms of further alienating an isolating this government which of course in the past has only served to make it act in a more extreme manner. kinnear's here has demanded an apology from the united arab emirates that's after amants airlines banton it in women from boarding flights to the u.a.e. last friday citing
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a possible terrorist threat the move has caused widespread anger. i just i'm she to believe why would i go to a country that wonder exactly if that's the case and we should also impose these us on the united arab emirates. and really knows that these suppressions are a force preventing our from visiting our countries is unacceptable when we see westerners going from country to country freely the most rigid that is one of the tunisian state must defend the rights of to new zealand women and force the u.s. to apologize. the passenger ban was lifted at the same day the gulf states some foreign minister later tweeted that the measure was necessary for security stressing though that the way respects and values tunisian women. but that wasn't enough for tunis year which retaliated by banning all emirates flies from landing at its airports this tweet was posted by the airline informing customers that clients have been suspended we heard from
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a tunisian blogger and activist become so dire that what happened is all asian are for us to nation women the rights but it's a violation of women rights and general the spokesperson for the presidency talking about security problems but this doesn't justify what happened if a small female babies were not allowed to go on planes i don't think that a toddler is. the tunisian government is still asking for official apology and it happened under the pressure of people here in tunisia. a major prisoner swap has been concluded between the ukrainian government and the two breakaway republics of donetsk and lugansk cos there are reports. this is the largest prisoner exchange that is the
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beginning of the conflict back in that's when c fourteen seventy four ukrainian soldiers were returned from donetsk and lugansk. while three hundred and six were supposed to be returned from kiev here to the disc and look guns however that figure has changed at the very last minute with the authorities in kiev cleaning that some of the prisoners had already been released and some of the prisoners had refused to be ritzer back here the final number all those who read serb homes of the fed's going to gonski stands at two hundred and forty the beagle however everything went smoothly during the prisoner swap as the thirty's and a key have failed to close the checkpoint as it was agreed for this prisoner swap and the exchange to go a little bit longer a lot longer than planned and this really of course this prisoner swap with
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a humanitarian part of the minsk agreements which are designed to settle the conflict here in the east of ukraine however one positive that can be taken out of this is that the families will see their loved ones for the new year holidays both in ukraine and here in the contested territories as well. meanwhile the u.s. department of state has released a statement regarding yesterday's phone conversation between said ok love rough and rex tennison the document says that the u.s. secretary of state house russia to return its representatives to they don't pass region they left last tuesday saying that this would help to decrease the violence in eastern ukraine. now the german chancellor angela merkel has seen a dramatic slump in popularity over the past three months according to the latest poll her approval rating has dropped from forty four percent to thirty six percent the drop in support comes as angular merkel struggles to build
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a governing coalition talks between parties have stalled since the inconclusive federal election. here the other one is that we will march abandon our voters for a policy with which we are not convinced it is better not to govern than to govern badly. talk it is a day of deep reflection on how to go forward in germany as a chancellor i will do everything to ensure that this country is well managed in the difficult works to come we leave him a former vice chief of the assembly things germany is facing an overhaul of its political system. when we had to elections some months ago all it was already in a political sense this on getting. it was the first. into having a change in german government whether you found a new government or not but i know german circumstances usually start to sweep
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when these talks which start on to the saloons of generally create a result of i think nor one expects that it will last for four years to alter of the normal government in germany and therefore i think it is a critical development for the country as all of you have the economy which is flourishing and we have a political system which is untrue. we're going to go back to our top story now an improvised improvised bomb has exploded at a supermarket and the russian city of st petersburg we will be trying to cross live to our correspondent who is there at the scene at the moment but first we will talk about what we discussed about the incident in st petersburg with a political scientist max abrams what i've been hearing about this this case that it was indeed not some kind of in the landscape of arcturus an individual or
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a group that attacked a supermarket clearly a civilian target and yet we can't really know yet whether it's terrorism because we don't know what the motive is it political or is it perhaps a few go on a moment. which which would not be terrorism and so we don't really know the motive yet and so that reason we don't know whether or not it's terrorists but for the average person on the street that distinction may be you know very academic regardless of what the motive there when you have bombs going off in civilian areas especially as the holidays approach that does generate terror. and that was political scientist max abrams talking about our top story where an improvised bomb has exploded at a supermarket in the russian city of st peter but we did try and connect to our correspondent having a few technical difficulties so we'll get him on the next round up of the news for
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now don't forget to check us out on social media on our website which is. back at the top of the hour with so don't go away. president two thousand national security strategy report tells us how he sees the world or rather how the washington foreign policy leads to clearly washington's neo cons are running the show. russia no one has ever known one has ever had. never even heard about most school.
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this is boom bust broadcasting around the world from washington d.c. i'm filling in on this day december twenty seventh one thousand nine hundred forty
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five the world bank was created following international ratification of the bretton woods agreement charted with the mission of ending poverty and building shared prosperity in the post world war two world that remains a particularly noble goal to think about especially at this time of year the bank officially opened a year later in one nine hundred forty six making its first loan in may of one nine hundred forty seven to the develop the pearl nation of france to rebuild that loan remains the bank's largest ever loan in real terms. each year the world bank's development report considers a key topic of importance for global development the two thousand and eighteen report isn't title learning to realize education's promise it's the first time they have focused solely on education and good for them education is key to addressing poverty and promoting prosperity and speaking of that i recently sat down with daphne kiss the c.e.o. of world quite university which is doing so some very cool and free things that are
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doing that are doing a lot on education around the world check it out. today wherever to discussion with an ardent analytics advocate to talk about the business of people benefiting from those receiving three free mind you analytics education we're joined by definite kissed the c.e.o. of world point university and she's been an innovator in technology for more than twenty five years in startups and her mission in montrose pretty much been that technology can play a meaningful role in addressing not just education but health care and cultural issues all across the world full disclosure daphne and i know each other because i volunteer on the world quanta divisoria board since it started a few years ago def be welcome talk a little bit about world point university thirty for those who don't know what is
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it and how to start sure thanks for having me. so well kwan university is an international non for profit dedicated to advancing global education was founded in two thousand and fifteen by igor tilton ski who is a financial entrepreneur and global philanthropist and indoors belief was that while opportunity is not widely distributed talent is and it's with that belief that world quite university was started. so today we are completely on line and structure guided sequin chile taught and a totally free university in the first of our programs is a master's in financial engineering we are basically training the next generation of data driven decision makers and over eighty countries and perhaps i should just say for those who don't know what a financial engineering degree is it's a relatively new degree in higher ed and it's basically the intersection of
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financial management computer science and data science ok now you know i'm going to ask you go just a little bit deeper because i know the story and it's actually a great one igor he. deals with the financial market see you know that analytics guy and he's been a philanthropist for years and years but would you mind deftly just telling the story about you know he was trying to assist students in this endeavor analytics education for a number of years sort of on all individual basis and then the idea of wait a minute maybe get a bigger bang for our books explain that story sure so you know technology offers the opportunity to educate many more people in the past really you know financial engineering degree costs in excess of fifty thousand dollars in the united states.
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and the kinds of skills that one would learn from such degree were not widely available so what we've done is leverage technology to make it available to many more people again completely online and across geographies there is no reason why someone in sub-saharan africa should not have access to twenty first century skills just like a student in new york who has the means to pay for a masters in financial engineering and. most equally importantly and to your point about igor and what he identified we see that business is catching up and that there is now a financial and competitive incentive for global companies to be looking across geographies who knows perhaps their next great quantas someone in africa or in southeast asia so the time has come where talent has to be discovered
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and found where it resides and we've brought the ability to leverage that talent and to enhance those skills to those talented individuals around the world so he essentially went from saying all fun you know one student or two student to saying wait a minute with technology you know the amount of money i'm spending every year a couple of years i can fuel inject that by offering it online and now he's doing this great public service and around the world so i want to take a step back daphne we hear a lot about big data and data science and we see all sorts of these related professions growing at a pretty fast clip given our data rich society but how fast or is it going and how many jobs does are there out there now what's the future hold. yeah so you're absolutely right we're increasingly a data rich society and across industries it is in demand but there is
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a talent shortage that goes with the demand for that rich data according to i.b.m. in by twenty twenty there will be a growing a twenty eight percent increase between now and twenty twenty and the demand for for data scientists and the skills that those people need are different than those that we've seen in the past and people need in order to be capable to use that data in meaningful ways to help make better decisions need to study statistics python machine learning those are all twenty first century skills that will be we can have the data you know i like to say. you know the internet of things everyone talks about the internet of things what is the internet of things it's data ultimately so we can have a student in nigeria some company can go and lay you know all sorts of sensors on an ag large agricultural field at the end of the day that's data and we need people
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who are skilled and equipped and educated to take that data and bring it together and help make develop knowledge and apply those skills analytically to make better decisions sort of the translators and interpreters if you will the data speak a little bit more about you know these these jobs what's the average pay for florida for america in the average american is fifty eight thousand and change i think it's fifty eight thousand three hundred dollars a year so how do the jobs and analytics compare to that right so according to glassdoor the average salary in the united states of course for data analyst is about one hundred twenty thousand dollars. the degree that we offer has a variety of skills that people can learn and i were writing of industries the most obvious one of course is in finance and for trading for financial management etc
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but we're finding among our students there's enormous interest people in government who are involved in developing countries work and are interested in contributing to developing economic policies in their countries and to influencing banks and banking systems and modernizing and maturing those so it's a real cross-section of skills and financial engineers are also involved in general financial management i mean i i like to think in the next five years that that's the kind of someone who wants to run the financing of a business is going to need to know financial engineering more so then perhaps then having a business degree knowing how to analyze data complex data dynamic data is going to become increasingly critical to success right and you know you are so right when you mention government of course my years perk up after thirty years be it be in there even when i was
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a financial regulated and regulator and for those of you who think what i'm going to say is still the case it's not that my old agency the committee futures trading commission is doing a great job but back in the day you know. you know i don't even eight years ago. even amidst all of this computerized trading the algorithmic trading that's going on in the markets the guy in charge of you know our computer stuff was the go make sure you had you know the most recent version of word on your computer so you do need these analytics jobs not just a financial regulators but all throughout the government you know whether or not isn't dealing with a cyber security there's a whole rather not as dealing with terrorism threat successor there's all sorts of areas in the government so i agree with you one hundred percent at super here these are good job. obs you're doing a good job but one thing that you mentioned i want to get into just a little bit deeper let's talk among more about this key component of world quiet
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university and that's about the opportunities and access to how you're helping people you know not just in the u.s. and in europe but in some of these emerging and developing nations around the world you've met you mentioned sub-saharan africa let's talk about that a little bit more i mean do they even have computers where they can access this and are they doing it now what's the future hold. well i think for sure i mean fifty percent in excess of fifty percent of our students are actually in sub-saharan africa we have students in nigeria and kenya and ghana and in ethiopia in south africa. certainly people need to have some requisite skills it is a master's program and people who come with a calculator or. statistics maybe linear algebra with those skills certainly are particularly well equipped as well as people who might have some experience in programming but these are all skills that are taught at universities throughout the world they aren't necessarily event translated are
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there isn't the opportunity to take those set of body of skills and turn them into a more advanced application that then has a career trajectory that goes with it so we think there's a huge opportunity there's no reason i mean twenty first century growth the majority of it is certainly going to happen in africa there's an educated population that needs these skills in order to sort of you know take control basically of their financial and economic futures and they have the opportunity to in some ways yes they have computers but it's one of those where you have the opportunity to sort of leapfrog you know mel as you probably know as well as i do mobile penetration is very high in africa and so we're trying building and reiterating over and over again on our technology to make it mobile friendly make it easy for people to learn the materials they need to go or wherever they happen to be so. it is what's going to be happening and it's how people are going to do
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their learning and it's how they're going to deliver their product so we're very driven by that and by the technological opportunities that make this all possible i just have this image definitely of folks in sub-saharan africa you know doing these really complex analytics courses on their phone and you know quite frankly it's a pretty neat thing thinking a yes about it you know how do students and potential students or anybody that's in arrested is about to know more about world point university when the classes start how do they find out more information about it so we have several cohorts starting each year we're trying to be very flexible and adaptive we know people have careers already existing careers it is a big commitment but we are eager to hear from qualified students anywhere in the world and the best way to find out about it is to go to our website which is w.q.
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you dot org and or world quantum university dot org either one will work and there is a whole process there and a way to gather the materials that you need to in order to submit a successful application and in a short period of time be engaged with the program definitely thank you thank you so much thank you to igor told shinseki also for his full on therapy and and efforts on this death because c.e.o. of world point university thanks for what you're doing for the world and for the people trying to make a better lives for themselves happy new year and thank you thank you bart stay right there plenty more of boom bust is on the way we'll be right back.
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small worm good i'm. stupid to eat. youse. east of. the saw the poor polish coast so. make its manufacture consent to public wealth. when the ruling classes project over.


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