tv News RT December 28, 2017 2:00am-2:31am EST
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writer that showed you that someone else could write a song and understand. my gosh there's been a lot. i wish i had a ready answer for this. one of the artists that comes to mind that just sort of does this in a general way as the artist israel minting that probably wasn't the first time but he just has this voice that comes like from the earth great lakes soul. and he has this really amazing way of saying things that have all been said thousands millions of times in songs before but where you're just like yeah that's the bare bones human experience simple that's what it is. and then more recently if you're thinking about a song just the one that came to my head is. a great big world say something. it's so perfect it's so simple it has extremely like. you know relatable
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lyrics because they're just any i would have i don't remember with all the lyrics are right at this moment but like they've been said a million times in songs but that whole say something i'm giving up on you. who haven't felt that way and that right when that came out. i was definitely in the midst of one of those experiences and i was like yeah whoever wrote the songs of genius because they just get it if you can just say the thing that is just going to touch people's hearts right there that's just so real especially if you can say it in a way that feels like the what it is like when people say they're crying and they don't like they're crying. that's going to be gold every time as we're going to break or quaters don't forget to let us know what you think about topics we've covered and if you would like to learn more about today's featured artists check us out on facebook twitter and you tube and don't forget also to check our four shows out of
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r.t. dot com coming up we continue our celebration of expression and watching the hawks strikes a chord. with leads on. the trail sold in america if you're the national debt the unaccounted for down like social security medicare medicaid the corporate debt and yet all that debt together i haven't seen the numbers lately but it's something in excess of five hundred thousand dollars per household and because the debt seller is wall street packages debt sells that makes money and profits and fees from that they feel like they need to make even greater profits they have a big fat cow profit that they stick into everyone's back and they say negative interest rates are good for you go buy more go give us more of your money go into
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debt go buy margin going to barge and give us more. grass cutting in this in that region not in keeping them i am. trying to list as an analyst because they are. kind of new when you get to who are you what it would be it's not but when you don't need you to brush it off totally. yes yes. check raised but. don't. if you family your spend your money. you speak you know if you really must think discussed the custos threatening just over young.
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ones who knew you when you don't. see the gallic try to get a court. to what they need not through only ten spares you. may be. left alone. said. samantha claiming to know terminated especially that. alex you speak french and. most of those are. the same. then stand down for continued imposable any case talk of slowness busy cutting down towards discounts. to. leasehold. the. welcome back
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said this but it was it was someone in the. in the government to that was like ok artists all of you you're just just saying just act stop no one cares what you think like just shut up and sing or whatever that kind of vibe. and that is a huge misunderstanding obviously because hi i'm a citizen of this country i am a person with opinions and feelings and and ideas even though i happen to be doing something that is an entertainment industry yeah it's not like oh you dance monkey like and just be quiet don't you don't get to think that's a huge misunderstanding and i think that that's. if people have their opinions and they have a platform to speak them because they are famous for being an actor musician or whatever then good for them i mean these other people to have their opposite opinions have a platform because of who they are in the government or whatever and so i think that that's a really lame to say like you're only allowed to be an artist just dance for me.
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and then the other thing is i think people really really misunderstand not misunderstand but. underestimate how important artists. how important it is to have you know music programs and arts programs in schools and even in prisons like my my sister is actually a filmmaker and she's been working on a documentary that is about it's called the prison music project and it's with this girl zoe bookbinder and she's making an album with annie franco have you heard of her i know very well i know her sister yeah kim ok i went on tour with them was a small world when i read twilight both. about it. and. so she's doing this album that she wrote with inmates from folsom prison and making it with annie to franco my sister's doing
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a documentary about it about it and it's to bring to light how much of a difference it makes to have this artistic outlet for people and. you know resitting how do you say that word that is the risk that of his m yeah recidivism goes down when they have these programs a program and you know if we can start that and not take away you know the funding for the arts and funding for school arts programs and actually starts at a young age and have people be able to take their time doing krumping creative that feeds their soul and it's not only taking other times that are not you know out doing other things that might be bad for them but it's also just feeding into their their purpose in life and. yeah i think that that's very misunderstood because a lot of people just think like oh well we don't need like interest like fluffy right like ok you go home and watch t.v. don't you like you listen to music don't you what what would the world be without
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this and yeah that's all i have to say that. it's not really all i have to say but that's going to. be good is i mean it's a really. such a important thing is that we're in a place in society where we're not valuing things that are good that these things are considered frivolous they're extras we can afford these now we need other things when they're so fundamental what do we have to do as lovers of music of lovers of our or artists what what's the responsibility of an artist in a world we live in now because there's so much anger there's so many people screaming nonsense how do we get enough people to sing over the nonsense so we can hear the nuns and how do we do that that's a really good question and i'm going to think about this more. how do we do that i think will just keep saying don't stop don't let the the naysayers you know let you don't don't listen to the people real people out there they're telling you what
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you're doing isn't worth anything and also don't listen to the voices in your head that are telling you that because i think we all probably have that. i definitely have i definitely had those moments where i'm like why am i what did i do today like you know my cousin just you know is working on a cure for aids and i wrote a song what if you want it but you know so it can be like that but really it's just not to listen to those things to keep making things that matter to keep creating songs that have a message but even even if it's not like a really deep you know political message or anything like that songs like that just made people feel happy because we got to feel happy right. i am. i am see. the at. the spirit or am i am. i am. i
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and that is our show for you today remember everyone in this world we are not told me i love them up so i tell you all i love you. and on top of that keep on watching those hawks are a great day to. live . in some american cities the police have built themselves cling to reputation people who walk on the streets of the united states are at risk from the very people who
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are supposed to protect that were people are no more afraid of the police than of a criminal if. you can see something happening and this is like i don't want to call the cops let that happen rather than call the cops in those young black men lose their lives chasing the with their fingers on the trigger you never know better safe than sorry i don't know that someone else is going to pull a gun so. unfortunately around around here we end up killing our guns off the death toll from so much because of this place to be like when the new. president donald trump's two thousand and seventeen national security strategy report tells us how he sees the world or rather how the washington foreign policy leads to clearly washington's neo cons are running the show.
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how does it feel to be a share of the greatest job in the world it's as close to being a king as any job there is what business model helps to run a prison now we do or don't like nobody you know it is the case and i don't no one comes anymore we don't have to sergeant anymore it's called. that's what they want to. know and they don't give a damn if you do the chores or not very brightly painted to put a mark and. the louisiana incarceration rate is twice as high as the us sam bridge what she is behind such success. so deep with corruption. i think that the reason. our house from interpretation of liberalism is. one of the most important reasons reigning corruption and the poor it because she thinks that liberalism is to cure liberalism is the poison
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a large network of women spreading islamic states ideology online with officials warning the wives of killed. more effective at spreading the group's message of hate. and thousands of documents relating to controversial says in business. history have gone missing with the national archives claiming civil servants simply misplaced them. international life. with me and david welcome to the program an improvised bomb has exploded in a supermarket in the russian city of st petersburg these are images from inside the store where the device went off injuring ten people counterterrorist investigators are handling the case but it's so far unclear whether the incident is terror
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lighted the bomb was placed inside and at the entrance to the supermarket in the course on the scene. or. the area around the supermarket is no longer eight no x. is old but no one is allowed to go inside where clearly work is under way because everyone wants to get the answers from the investigators was it terrorists or not it is surely authorities were saying that it's very likely that the blast had nothing to do with terrorism but then we found out that it was as powerful as the dead today should of two hundred grams of t.n.t.
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plus what the authorities are calling an ever provide explosive device was stuffed with balls apparently for more damage and that may change everything doors and supermarkets across st petersburg are packed with locals who are prepping for what could be the most celebrated holiday rush. that new year's eve earlier we spoke to some witnesses of this blast and here's what they told us fictional i saw a woman come out of the supermarket with her jacket torn and blood on her face and a man limping who was a lot of smoke. i was on the bus home from work and when i got out at around six fifty i heard a bang and walked over here there were already ambulances fire fighters and smoke i live five hundred meters away so the sound of the blast could be heard over there from i do not watch p. i looked out the window and saw a lot of fire trucks and police asked what had happened and was told there had been an explosion. nobody here in st petersburg wants to hear bad news during the
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holiday season from the police investigators especially bear in mind that the last major terrorist attack in russia happened at a better trade the city in the coming days security here well be overwhelming and let's wait for where the authorities have something else to say political scientist max abrams told us it's too early to jump to conclusions. what i've been hearing about this kid said that it was indeed some kind of in the empty dr or an individual or group of it attracts a supermarket clearly a civilian target and yet we can't really know yet whether terrorism because we don't know what the motive is it is it political or is it perhaps a few among employee which which would not be terrorism and so we don't really know
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the motive yet and so for that reason we don't know whether those are real but for the average person on the street that distinction may be you know very academic regardless of what the motive when you have bombs going off in civilian areas especially at the holidays approach that does generate terror. the jam and security service has identified a female terra networks spreading in the midst ideology online brilliance and action points. that's not for the first on what we see women actively involved in promoting jihadist fuz we have been hearing reports about isis female recruiters since of police twenty fourteen those are a wives of killed islamic state fighters who decided after the death of their husbands to somehow continue that fight but now germany says that their number is on a constant dramatic rise in women and promote says the men have realized that women
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could work much better for expanding the scene in this most recent case germany identified what they called the islamist terrorist women's network consisting of a least forty what they call sisters who follow an ultra conservative branch of islam known as seller fees and spread extremist views via internet particularly targeting so-called nonbelievers the german authorities stress that it would be wrong to equal salafism to terrorists but at the same time they add that it could be potential breeding ground for terrorists all over europe including here in germany especially following last year's berlin terror attack christmas has said had become the time for extra concerns and worries over security because christians and their faith and their holidays and everything that is connected to it include in christmas mark is that they're now operating and will be open for the next week
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at least all of the europe have repeatedly been targeted by islam ist so it has been bet for quite some time but now fears are increasing with the number of those who share salafist views here in germany rose to an all time high according to the country's intelligence agency germany sees it as a direct result of dramatic losses in the middle east and as a consequence a rising number of returning to europe and. women and now they say that with the feet of so-called islamic state in syria and iraq europe security could be as fragile as never before. after the fall of islamic state in syria and iraq more tales of horror are emerging of life under the terrorists' rules kurdish minority families in iraq suffered capture death or in slave mint our
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senior correspondent has been speaking with some of the families who managed to survive the ordeal we'll show you the full interviews on thursday. we were captured we spent two months in iraq then we were taken to syria they made me a slave were put to work and held where the troops were were given a one hour day to rest and then to run away the court me and looks me in the toilet for three days without food or water or try to escape again and again but each time i was caught beaten and severely tortured the shot my friends were back then for mercy on our knees they were hit by mr reich and i was concur sed by has to hers i can talk all on. your monologue i was pregnant but i was sore terrified that i lost my child my husband and family were captured i was left alone with my mother so i took poison i decided
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it was better to die when they caught me i thought that since my family my husband and my house were gone it would be better to die. in twenty fourteen up to ten thousand years were killed or kidnapped by i saw in a matter of days of those a third were executed however the true scale of the tragedy may never be fully known the testimonies that have emerged suggest many have been tortured beheaded or even burnt alive in many cases entire families were captured together women and girls were often sold a sexless while young boys were forced to become i saw fighters some were not even old enough to score and they were forced to serve the terrorists. my daughter was five years old when she was captured four years have passed since then so she is nine we endured a lot of suffering my brother escaped and i stayed at his place then he died
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instant jar i was desperate after his death and i went to stay with my other brother he's poor and has young children all girls. thousands of documents relating to controversial episodes in british history appeared to be missing the national archives claim they were misplaced or removed by civil servants and the revelation has sparked and that cry the british people deserve to know what the government has done in their name and their loss will only fuel accusations of a cover up as a story and it's impossible to believe this loss declassified files themselves show governments view the public largely as a threat the threat of democracy is deeply embedded if it happened in russia for example would be up in arms about corrupt governments but hey this is the british way to avoid scrutiny of its past misdeeds. which pages of history have been lost all the national archives is a very important resource especially for people like historians and journalists
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