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tv   Keiser Report  RT  December 28, 2017 5:30pm-6:01pm EST

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it will be with you at the top of the out. this is the last edition of cross talk for the year and we're doing something different we have questions from you our viewers. and i'm max kaiser this is the kaiser report the show that seeks to educate inform mesmerize and still your crypto while it's while your not watchin. while
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you're watching but unaware. oh oh so you see what happened there max tuned in to the last episode his hands are in my shot but he tuned into the last episode and what he found was an explanation for why all his big question were missing at. oh my god why did you do it to me so you know we have another christmas present over christmas and that was from donald trump and many people particularly in the markets anyway equity markets and the dow jones and the s. and p. five hundred they had a very good christmas because techs phoria sparks stock buying panic dow does something it has never ever done before the dow closed at its seventieth record high of the year it has never done that before in its one hundred plus history just so you can see that number down months versus the number of
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months see down months or in red this is going back to zero about nineteen eighty eight and green is up months donald trump is the only one has had never ending months in the dow jones while he's been in this first year president well it's not hard to explain why please explain x. guys or you know markets tend to go up and down based on things like the business cycle which is tied to interest rate cycles tied to global trade imbalances and trade cycles but what we've seen in the last twenty years in america and in the last ten years in particular with interest rates near zero effectively the federal reserve bank has opened the door to the vault of the s. and p. five hundred and allowed a few corporations to run him in all stocks.
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euro cost to them through mergers acquisitions stock buybacks this is what i call america being taken private through a massive leveraged buyout financed by zero percent interest rates so there is no i don't i don't think the world there will ever be a down market in that one we're we are leaving the era of a free market capitalist system in america we're entering the all feudalism so they'll be a few private equity funds a few hedge funds and a few mega corporations that will own ninety five percent of all the equity and everyone else will be essentially serfs ok this is donald trump's like to say but in all kidding aside is that he's engineered neil feudalism in america those who go with them are not opposed to it because they're being paid off it's like when britain burned in ended slavery they did so by paying off the slave masters a huge amount of money here in america they're ending free market capitalism and
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they're doing it by paying off the oligarchs american oligarchs huge sakho money and full stop it will get into some more of the particulars in a moment but i want to turn to another headline regarding tax cuts in the past and these you know they call them the tax holidays to encourage corporations like apple which has hundreds of billions of dollars sitting overseas that they repeat treat their money and bring it back into the united sates and the theory under obama on the theory under you know george bush the second was that this tax holiday would somehow encourage more jobs and growth in the economy well it never did firms spent ninety four percent of two thousand and four tax holiday benefit buybacks and dividends so mr dharmapala coauthored a working paper for the national bureau of economic research that found that after companies brought back cast during a tax holiday in two thousand and four they spent seventy nine cents. of every
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dollar on share repurchases and fifteen cents on dividends so it just goes back to that you know basically it's one percent of the population or the top twenty percent that own all of the shares of the s. and p. five hundred so it's just going to a few people it's giving back money to the oligarchs take notes here because you're making such excellent point and. it is mr dumbing down of yes university of chicago let's talk about the jobs wages and purchasing power so this is not about jobs in the sense that you are creating jobs with wages that are meaningful in any way and additionally because of the massive printing and bailing out of banks. everyone's purchasing power is eroding quite rapidly so they say there's no inflation that's a lie because miss smith interpret saying the salient data one needs
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to look at understand if this economy is in fact growing in any meaningful way this is the stock repurchase that you just mentioned again fueled by zero money i can buy this building easily if i can borrow money at zero percent i can to make any offer in the world i want to make i could offer the studio for a billion dollars make a difference if the interest i'm paying on my loan is zero i can offer anything if i'm if i'm buying a corporation for ten billion twenty billion thirty billion fifty billion dollars using borrowed money and i pay zero on that money then i can make any offer i want i get all the income from the slaves the american slave class the permanent american underclass so dividends the buybacks and dividends most of it went to the rest of it did not much go into capital expenditure i invest ment in the future of these corporations here in america and thus wage growth or job growth in fact
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a lot of the rest. two mergers and acquisitions so my job's getting cut because usually when there's a mergers and acquisition you see job cuts because that's how they create efficiency they cut half the jobs so in fact the tax holidays could actually be worse for the number of jobs rather then but it's great for the stock market exactly the mergers and acquisitions you're filling in all the details of exactly what i'm saying there that the m. and a the mergers and acquisitions are consolidating to the oligarchs there the jobs being cut some but job growth which i'm says creating jobs ok replace that puckering little orange lip with you know a splinter because he's talking nonsense. in the record proves that the data proves that in a reality driven world that that's clearly proven if you're in the stocks you're getting a big payout america is being sold out essentially and cost a bunch of money and people are taking a sack of money america is dead dead dead dead because of this let and let's talk
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about the other situation here is that on the one hand you know now the democrats and m.s.m. b. c. source are saying oh don something horrible and these are you know a giveaway to the oligarchs just as we've just said here but the fact is they reduced our taxes mine and yours to what we were paying in the united kingdom and the united kingdom has a national health service they have more of a welfare state than here less so than europe as they're getting dismantling it but that raises the question well how progressive were our tax rates and are they because all of our taxes now anyway whether they're forty percent or twenty percent . or ninety percent or ten percent all of it goes to the military industrial complex sees connected guys to the military none of it goes any way to health care system or. a more equitable distribution or economy it like that protects some of
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the weakest amongst us so why are they not addressing where the actual taxes go if they want to be progressive you know the democrats are the ones remember it just at the in the budget when back in august or september trump had asked for liken it to ten percent increase in the pentagon's budget and they were like no no no fifteen percent you had to take more so they added like billions a trumpet and even asked for so where that's regressive. why what where they now saying like virtue signaling the how progressive and liberal and and how they care about the poor people like what why now and why did they focus all of their media air time on a foreign country over there you know russia they didn't focus on domestic policy nobody even knew about this stuff until it happened look the corporate tax rate in
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america for this and p. five hundred adjusted for tax tax avoidance and tax loopholes that last year was roughly five percent yeah post this tax reform will be roughly five percent their taxes are going to exactly be exactly the same they don't pay taxes general electric at a seventy thousand page tax return that they filed and they pave zero tax is a matter of fact they got a tax rebate so the tax rate for corporations will be the same but this idea of lowering taxes is a vote grabber it's propaganda it's well it's probably passed through taxes for small and medium sized enterprises it's not general logic it's not a pass through apple is not a pass through fox corporation news corp are not pastors these are mom and pops these are like people with one hundred thousand two hundred thousand for. and thousand dollar sort of income there yes but here's the point you've made before is that they'll simply raise the obamacare premium to offset any tax yeah other words you're not you're not going to see that day now you're not going to get in your pocket whatever again we'll have always have to go to lockheed martin and rate the
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fact that that's what we have here. you also mentioned savings and i wanted to bring this up this is a tweet from the st louis fed a tweet from them this is before christmas but you know i was so busy hypnotizing you say no and you were so reason unburdened of that hundred thousand because that was weighing down on my conscience well this is from the st louis fed i'm talking about savings and and the economy remarkable negative interest rates may seem ludicrous but not if they succeed in pushing people to invest in something more stimulating to the economy think government bonds so they're floating negative interest rates and that this may be a good way to get people out of government bonds and into something more stimulating to the economy like what what's more stimulating to the economy at this point more more lockheed martin some more drones surveilling us or what the debt for households in america if you have the national debt the unaccounted for debt
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like social security medicare medicaid the corporate debt and yet all that together i haven't seen the numbers lately but it's something in excess of five hundred thousand dollars per household and because the debt sellers wall street packages that sells that makes money and profits and fees from debt they feel like they need to make even greater profits they have a big fat cattle prod that they stick to everyone's back and they say negative interest rates are good for you go buy more go give us more of your money go into debt go buy a margin going to give us more so this is abusive subtly wall street's been given a cattle prod and a noose and you can take your pick either you get electrocuted today or death or we're going to kill you and crops like make america more larcenous thick and more deadly thank you trump. he's the last american president i predict a stay tuned for the second half
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a lot more coming your way. when you don't. see. the most true only ten best. left alone. said. claiming to know. that. you speak french. continue. to. follow the.
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money. there's no such. luck. i am welcome back to the kaiser report i'm max kaiser ai or here with michael found out my call how are you i'm doing great thanks for having me back max i should mention you were cunto port au prince a portfolio strategies penta port your money manager i do you're a gold lover you are kind of hedging your bet during these gold times of flatness to juice the returns a little bit so you're in the market inflation deflation portfolio doesn't just buy
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gold and short stocks all the time not a stopped clock here you do this so i have dividend stocks yeah i think the market has a few more months of fumes to run on or run over the cliff before falling a wiley coyote before they drop for cry actually craters let's talk a little bit about that so the market is defying expectations by continuing to trade higher what's driving it i mean what's rival take a guess and spell cat we're going know it's fifteen trillion dollars of artificial low money printing from the federal reserve yet from the from the c b from the b.o.j. and you know the t.b.o. see you have silly you know let's just talk about how overvalued this this market is the market cap of stocks as a relationship to the economy is now one hundred and forty two percent maxwell one hundred forty two that has never happened outside of the very tail end of one nine
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hundred ninety nine and just before march of two thousand yeah ok so we are about as overvalued as we've ever been in the history of the market the average of that ratio was fifty percent so we're extremely dangerous here and it doesn't have much longer to go before absolutely craters in my opinion ok so i'm going away away so right so so right because you really should be hedged right now if you just if you're a buyer and hold situation be hedged i got a question for you speaking about central banks stanley miller. who was thirty percent annualized rate of returns george soros as money manager considered to be one of the best you know of all time he was on t.v. recently and he said that the fed should stop their engineer deflation and engineer deflation and they because all they're doing is causing massive problems engineer deflate in other words by keeping interest rates low right they are engineering the deflation in that they are keeping the zombie banks alive into zombie banks were to collapse that oh it would collapse then the bond
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market would collapse and interest rates would go to a more normal four percent five percent on the or on the treasury bond well i tell you what the fed did do along with the other e.c.b. as they destroyed the entire free market worldwide there is no more free market when they did that by printing fifteen trillion dollars taking interest rates to zero percent y. so you and i can borrow a lot more money you know that because the spent the savings rate on consumers now has plummeted to three point two percent used to be ten percent for decade after decade but people are not buying mind the velocity of money is that the savings rate is three point two percent its bad acts max we've we've powered on as a nation eleven trillion dollars of debts since two thousand and eight we're part were loaded with debt and for every one percent increase in interest rates mr druckenmiller says ok let's let interest rates rise which is what would happen if
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central banks that the way the german boom is thirty basis points what the hell is it doing at thirty basis points should be four percent look at nominal g.d.p. that's where the ten year should be the ten years thirty beeps one third of one percent should be four or five hundred basis point right ok for every one hundred basis point one percent move up in interest rates we pay an extra two hundred billion dollars in interest expense ok consumers paid seven point four billion dollars in credit. card interest just because the fed raises raise rates four times ok we cannot tolerate real interest rates because this overvalued bloated stock market would come cratering down i advocate i defend mr druckenmiller we need to get back to reality in the stock market let the markets dictate where interest rates should go right but don't be fooled we would have a deflationary depression that would pervade across the globe and i'm all for it because that's the only were we to get back to a sustainable viable economy in the world i'm a little bit worked up
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a little bit upset because of this because people are being. they're crying over their crowded into these bubbles which are extent all over the globe and they're going to get crushed and the sooner they burst and they will burst it's inevitable the sooner they burst the less people get injured well but it's beyond that because and merry christmas but yes and when joy our figgy pudding. but it's too late you know because there's not going to be a gradual rural ization of interest rates is going to be in a horrific crash because if ever they bailed out the creditors in two thousand and eight and they just gave more money to build more leveraged ponzi schemes in the sky with money and fractional reserve banking and multiples on stock buybacks in a stock buybacks to be illegal on the other legal and so this one of falls off again it'll be catastrophic that we already have so i mean i understand you're positioning yourself you know you're hedging yourself you're ready to go short you
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think gold is something to go to in rational rationalization of markets right. now though we have own back ten percent of the portfolios in gold because gold is not like rising real interest rates so right now you know we have mr mr powell coming on to the fed genuine less stand is going to be today she will today with his recorded interview but she was going to raise rates again today december thirteenth that were recorded interview she was supposedly going to raise rates three or four more times in two thousand and eighteen mr powell will be the one doing that not janet yellen and that means nominal rates or will be rising real interest rates will be rising and that's not very good for gold which is one the reason why bitcoin is outperforming gold because because you heard a big point that me i was there i was trying to get your you know nice and not bring up a client but you brought it up i did you know i think you know nose under the tent . now are some. good i mean. well i mean it's good for you
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congratulations oh come plenty great job only because i've been i've been asked about big coin for two years now yeah over two years i've been dead wrong ok but bitcoin is not gold two point zero it's not gold zero point two big coin if you understand a little bit technology behind it i think you have a price. vicky you got a public key what are they it's just about sixty four numbers in letters numbers and letters are endurable numbers and letters aren't rare numbers and letters aren't money unless they're backed by the taxing authority of a government or the or the us is military might. there's a thing about if there is another's if these numbers and letters were backed by gold or oil which some private blog chains do then they have money but they're certainly not rare there's a thousand plus of these currencies out there and if i was you i'm going to give you my early christmas present take some profits ok that that's your thought. on
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one couple of points so one aspect about because it gains a lot of attention people like about it is that they can divorce themselves from the financial system they don't need to be associated with a bank they don't need to have anything to do with the banking system they're completely outside of the banking system that's extremely appealing for a lot of i understand completely ok and we all know that you know that the value of something is what someone's going to pay for it absolutely and the price to get out of the banking system and into big coing is that currently what the price is number one decentralized it in the digital did they didn't feel as ation speaks to the security of bitcoin he said that there's nothing particularly sacred about the numeric alphanumeric keys etc but it is an encrypted protocol that is secured by network of nodes that audited every ten minutes that give it.
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anti-censorship qualities no government no i look at your about income in their own issue and muck about i love that number two ok number three yeah there are other cryptocurrency but nothing at this particular configuration of all the elements that make up the technology just like gold is number seventy nine on the periodic table. what use is money not you know you don't use you know. plutonium as money for reasons because it doesn't have the physical qualities you would want in money as gold and silver and same thing with these other cryptocurrency is there they're out there but then again with gold you have other silver plating and platinum slimline not that they're not making new elements every day. no matter what but somebody i know it's essential as what somebody decided hey let's work this thing and let's make good coin gold big and then you have a theory and i'm like a coin and i wrote biggest in the market right well i know the whole thing is three
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because three hundred billion dollars one third the size of apple inc inc is a very small market and it was a good b c has a much lower it's big going week this week oh it's. you know everybody has an opinion about because there's one here but a comment that you said fifty trillion money printed yeah there's a bail out banks that are out what value did that money have in physical reality if you were to stick it all into a room and you were to examine it in terms of its intrinsic value beyond the printing on the paper we comparing currency with because if t. idling of worthless junk it's disgusting it's a big if you know your just about the pen the defending fee currencies if you need them to pay taxes and they're backed by the military of the country here's my problem and the biggest problem with crypto currencies is this and i'm going to ask you a question as i might i want your opinion on this if the government wanted to shut down to currencies i believe they could do it very easily now and let me explain i
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know they couldn't shut down the entire network but could they been bitcoin exchanges if they did so which they could do coin based on all these and they can do it very easily liquidity evaporates over night. then they could make it illegal conduct commerce in big point you need an application to use your big point very public application if if i could see it the government can see it so much going to risk fines or imprisonment why is the government and i am not a conspiracy theory person max but why is the government allowing so much rope for cryptic currencies to hang themselves with i believe the government understands that we're going for another recession slash depression like we've never seen before in the globe and they're going to need to abolish physical currency and they want the public to get used to using digital currencies we're going to get something called the fed coins in the near future which will allow them to impose
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negative nominal interest rates in the banking system and that's the reason why they're letting this crypto currency craze get so out of hand you bring up some great points and and if done some reading since the last time you're on the show well you know i just starting to even myself but i'm always up to your no not really to unpack some of the points that you're making first of all i would agree that the exchanges are a point of vulnerability because the on ramp from fee out to crypto these exchanges the exchanges are vulnerable in two ways dumber one as you point out they could be outlawed in some way or shut down by the government number one number two we have a lot of banks out there that have been seeking and have been granted various patents and under patent protection and patent law they could claim that these exchanges have to be shut down under intellectual property rights and i know having bans myself in this area how that could happen absolutely the other point in terms of migrating everyone off into digital coin or those digital coins that fed coin
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would be would be a coin that has a time element to it like either you or your you get money but your money expires like a coupon and that's one way to can get people to spend it to get as a target. negative interest native interest in right so that's a built in to that have an interest in this. philosophy the loss of your money skyrocketing yeah and i were in place it would because you're going to find something like that max max well i agree versal basic income zirp nerve oh oh oh i got there minute we got to go can we pick this up at a certain excitement this is a real cliffhanger oh wow all right there right there don't go away oh no hey good bye i got good bye good bye for now thank you michael ponto thank you for being on the show this is by the kaiser reporting can catch us on twitter a cause a report and. bio.
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in some american cities the police have built themselves cling to reputation to people who walk on the streets of the united states who are at risk from the very people who are supposed to protect that poor people are no more afraid of the police than of us unless. you can see something happening and this is like i don't want to call the cops let that happen resident call the cops in those young black men lose their lives chasing the with their fingers on the trigger you never know better safe than sorry i don't know that someone else is going to gun so yes unfortunately around around here we end up
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killing our guns off the destiny from such precautions to be like when i do. feel. a little. small worm god i'm. stupid to it he. knows knows to. he's the oklahoma city mia into piqua and the saw in the fall colors coastal.
6:00 pm
president putin confirms an explosion at a supermarket in st petersburg was an act. of terrorism the identity of the attacker is still unknown. history museum families in iraq who were previously held as slaves by islamic state. i was pregnant but i was so terrified that i lost my child my husband and my family were captured i was left alone with my mother so we took the boys and i decided it was better to die. and facebook reveals it has a unit that helps politicians win campaigns claiming it played a major role in the scottish national party's landslide victory in twenty fifteen.


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