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tv   News  RT  January 2, 2018 4:00pm-4:30pm EST

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president of the world bank so take. it seriously send us an e-mail. the u.s. seeks saddam urgency u.n. security council meeting on the ongoing protests in a round table round make uses its rivals of stoking the on the rest. also in this news hour wiki leaks accuses the new york times of giving u.s. officials that vanstone damage control. over diplomatic revelations alleges the media giant colluded with the weak. migrant german is on the investigation after a twitter post of hers is blamed for inciting teen muslim.
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just a few moments into a brand new day here in moscow where january the third welcome to r.t. international not only our top story as iran sees its sixth consecutive day of unrest twenty one people are now thought to have died in clashes in the country on monday night nine people were killed six during an attack on a police station this is footage from incident a reaming in media reported that the protesters were trying to steal weapons from the south in the past three days alone there have reportedly been more than four hundred and fifty year rests across the come on tuesday around the supreme leader spoke out for the first time since the on the rest began you cues foreign powers of fermenting the truth. which is that the enemy is waiting for an opportunity for a crack it can infiltrate if you look at the recent days incidents all those who are at odds with these lawmakers public have utilized various means including money
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weapons politics and intelligence apparatus. two great problems for these learning system the islamic republic and these like revolution that will shortly after a valid to donald trump was again on twitter commenting on events in iran just like previously he expressed his support for the protesters and lashed out at the arabian leadership we've been asking people in toronto what they think about the protests and the encouragement coming from abroad. given that i feel that if people's economic problems were addressed these accidents would never happen again if someone from the government came and spoke to them in these incidents would not escalate. the cost of living unemployment a lack of attention to people authorities say that this problem started with a surge in the prices of basic food supplies.
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they need that person who says time for change should think and be worried about their own country and the rainiest should think about their country everybody should start by trying to make progress at home. i don't think trump should interfere in our country's issues i don't think our issues are any of his business . well jack said howard drivers have reacted to the protests what began as discontent over economic hardship and alleged corruption in the room has evolved into massive nationwide anti and pro-government demonstrations iran's president came out saying citizens have the right to protest as long as it's done peacefully you know. in recent days we have witnessed protests and everyone must be aware of this point that we are a free nation and according to the constitution and human rights the people are absolutely free to criticize the government and even protest the government will
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not tolerate some protesters who want to destroy public property will disrupt public discipline and create turmoil in society that's made hundreds of arrests violent clashes and even deaths and the conflict has now spread beyond iran's borders as international powers give their two cents donald trump unleashed a stream of tweets on the issue accusing the islamic republic of corruption human rights violations and squandering the nation's wealth on sponsoring terrorism hassan rouhani hit back at his american counterpart saying washington has no right to act as if it sympathizes with the iranians when trump not long ago called their country a nation of terrorists iran he cherished nation like few others but if you look closely trump has ever so slightly adjusted his rhetoric he shifted the blame solely on the government while calling for change of course we've known for quite a while what kind of change the trumpet ministration would like to see in the ram our policy towards iran is to push back on the show germany contain their ability
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to develop obviously nuclear weapons and to work toward support of those elements and shout of iran that would lead to a peaceful transition of that government those elements are there surely as we know so trump may be hoping these protests will be the perfect opportunity to achieve just that but he's not the only one charming in the israeli government. as voice encouragement for the anti-government protests the brave uranian supporting into the streets they seek freedom they seek justice they seek the basic liberties that have been denied to them for decades and when this regime finally falls one dude will iranians and israelis will be great friends once again i wish the iranian people success in their noble quest for freedom and what's even more surprising is what's happening on his own doorstep sunday saw thousands gather in tel aviv for a fifth week of anti-government corruption demonstrations just last week over ten
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thousand protested throughout israel yet the media have all but ignored them backing protests abroad but ignoring mass demonstrations in your and your allies backyards it may be a new year but good luck waiting for a new approach from the u.s. or israel on that the u.s. ambassador to the united nations has called for an emergency security council meeting to discuss the uprising in iran however her vocal praise for the protesters drew questions from some journalists. by the thousands of iranians citizens are taking to the streets to protest pression of their own government it takes great bravery for the iranian people to use the power of their voice against their government so we are taught to tremendous courage of the iranian people now you saw strong when it comes to the freedom and dignity of the union people you have but you have a different meaning of freedom and dignity when it comes to the palestinian people will be will be in brutalized for over fifty years of occupation the palestinians now have to show their world they want to come to the table as of now they're not
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coming to the table but they ask for aid we're not giving aid we're going to make sure that they come to the table and we want to move forward with the peace process . last point the u.s. move to recognize true islam as israel's capital has sparked violent unrest over the last four weeks the israeli parliament seems to be adding fuel to the fire its past special legislation on tourism making possible the separation of our of neighborhoods from the ancient city called the unified jerusalem amendment the legislation also requires two thirds of parliament to approve any decisions made regarding the boundaries of jerusalem we spoke to political commentator amir or not by possible reasons behind the. every once in a while when the polls show that netanyahu is quite close. there you go again shouting jerusalem they are self-styled harry houdini who try
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to tie their own hands and put themselves into a box and then jump into the river and hope that no one will be able to send a giant crane via the great powers to hoist them out of there because if at some future date some future government would like to negotiate the future off the territories occupied by israel for the last fifty years including east jerusalem these parliamentarians hope that it will be unable to do so but of course this is just a new lucian because if the reason some formula by which there will be a negotiated peace with the palestinians that the government of the day will change the law and therefore it will be able to split the jewish pop of jerusalem from the arab part most israelis especially those who leave until of even
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bigger city don't really care that much or would even prefer to have jerusalem split between israel and the state of palestine once it's established it while protests have been continuing over president's decision to recognize trees the minute the u.s. embassy there here's a look back at some of that the servant says over the past. i. believe. i. live. live. live.
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live. live. live. live live. there is brain i can range over reports that the palestinian leaders party is instructing youngsters on how to hurl stones at israeli security forces we've got reaction to that. all what we see now in the territories is permanent incitement for people to come and called out to use and even the last. we saw when they
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explained to the children children you know what teenagers do to throw stones on the israeli passengers. innocent people in cars and they say don't underestimate the stones it's a fossil damage please throw stones on the israelis and we're in this really here listening i'm gonna answer back listen it's not it's not proportional no picking up stones and throwing at the occupier is not a palestinian invention and it's certainly not something that all of a sudden popped up in two thousand and seventeen the fact is palestinian protests throughout the past weeks since the announcement under islam have been peaceful there have been absolutely no use of arms while the israelis have used life fire they have used tear gas this proportionately and in a manner that many have said is not in line with international law or the standards
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used usually by other law abiding states we are not waking up in the only group of followers palestinians to to kill or to shoot what we hear on the palestinian policy no communication mean we hear every day incitement to kill israelis launching resize only exploding what do you expect us to do the fact that israel is the occupying power in palestine is a legal fact it's not up for debate this has nothing to do with opinion it has nothing to do with for special program it certainly has nothing to do with god what happens every day in palestine is the palestinian population confronting and millet. mary that is basically with the regional superpower a military that has control over every aspect of life for palestinians we
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confront these israel these soldiers at the checkpoints we have to deal with them when we need to move from one point to another in our own homeland they decide whether we can build our homes or not whether we can keep our schools the control is absolute we do not believe and the other coalition form anybody who says all capital and i believe that some day you palestinians we've come to negotiate us instead of using terror against us they will have a competition in the model for the first star minister we will ever state side by side and this is what we aim to. collusion was a word we heard a lot in twenty seventeen well here's another story of alleged collusion this time though the correctors or rather different wiki leaks has published an e-mail apparently showing up the new york times was providing the state department and hillary clinton with advanced warnings of by potentially damaging stories it might
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been getting killed now a new e-mail published by wiki leaks seems to show cooperation between new york times reporter scott shane and the press secretary of hillary clinton when she was secretary of state now we remember back in two thousand and ten in two thousand and eleven there was cable gate all kinds of diplomatic cables were being released by wiki leaks well according to this new e-mail released by wiki leaks it appears that scott shane of the new york times was warning the state department actually gave them the schedule of when cables would be released wiki leaks speculates that this was done in order to help minimize the damage but he says accused scott shane of essential betraying them. this is nonsense check with the wiki leaks volunteers who worked on this project wiki leaks agreed on a consultation with the state department wiki leaks agreed to pose questions to the u.s. government forty eight hours prior to publication the new york times pushed for four
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days wiki leaks subjected the e-mail shows the new york times betraying the entire day by day thematically publication plan to secretary clinton spokesman p.j. crowley not asking questions. now media outlets are already using the word cool luzhin to describe the cooperation between the u.s. state department and this new york times journalist if one looks over the words and the reporting done by scott shane in november four out of ten of his articles were about the issue of allegations of trumped russia collusion however there seems to be quite a record of collusion here between hillary clinton and the press if one looks over the fact that glenn thrush a reporter for politico is actually sending his articles to the clinton campaign for approval before they were published has been hired by the new york times and so there seems to be quite a bit of collusion going on between hillary clinton and the press there's ample evidence of that extensive evidence in the wiki leaks predestiny e-mails talking
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back and forth the you know the friendly journalist list that's referred to now it's virtually i think impossible to control it because you've got so many elements you've got to trump administration seated with trump people in most of the key jobs you've got now i think a newly energized maybe not mainstream press but independent journalist press going at this digging deep we not accepting the supposed facts that have been sold in the past and the conflicts are obvious. the followers of the wiki leaks editor have been left scratching their heads over a cryptic new year message left on twitter during the sun's post of the seemingly indecipherable code i linked to a popular rap song it's led to online debate over what the tweet could actually mean and there's been plenty of speculation.
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pakistan summoned the u.s. some buster over a tweet posted by donald trump on new year's day and his first twitter silva twenty eighteen the american president accused the slum about of quote nothing but lies and deceit picking up the story samir account us focus on relations are at an all
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time low lately with protests raging on all across the country a pakistanis have taken to the streets burning american flags and chanting and slogans and this is all after trying to target focus on in his first tweet of twenty great way to start off the new year accusing them of providing safe havens for terrorists they're pursuing in afghanistan the united states has fruitlessly given pakistan more than thirty three billion dollars in aid over the last fifteen years and they have given us nothing but lies and deceit thinking of our leaders as food they give safe haven to the terrorists we hunt in afghanistan with little help no more but this is nothing new trump seems very fleeting his earlier statements from back in august when he slammed baucus on for allegedly sheltering terrorists and for enter. reduce aid to the country if it does continue to harbor criminals and terrorists at that time the u.s.
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decided to hold two hundred fifty five million dollars in military aid until pakistan did more to combat terrorism and this is a policy that the white house just recently announced will continue foreign minister of pakistan khwaja even chimed in dismissing that trumps tweet as a political stunt saying that the u.s. is trying to shift blame for its own failures in afghanistan he's again and again venting his frustrations on pakistan over america's failures in afghanistan as they are troops in a dead end street and this isn't even it from islam of outside the box on a government held an emergency security meeting on tuesday and according to reports there will also be a meeting in parliament to craft a joint strategy over the issue now both the u.s. and pakistan have been embroiled in the war on terror since the very beginning and they formed a strategic alliance to fight the taliban and al qaeda a fact that trump seems to be ignoring that sadly u.s. policy in afghanistan has appeared to fail time and time again and it doesn't look
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like the u.s. has come up with a viable solution to the conflict so maybe trump should rethink stirring up trouble with a u.s. ally. well it seems many pakistanis themselves didn't appreciate donald trump's comment. it's actually hard to make sure that it's a. noise about a sign that. the president of us has something. quite contrary to what exactly happened but you start yes bob is that he just begins. to sacrifice the lives of many soldiers all of the water. the water actually was in . the water which actually kept the world wasn't just. how far the lot at the end of your treatment like this man that the age they have given us is nothing can pass while huge human losses the time has come for us to be united they can't do anything against us these are just when it's trump is the straighted
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because of afghanistan he directs his frustration at pakistan that doesn't fit in as a citizen i would say the real problem is our rulers accepting us aid we don't need there are a. lot of retired lieutenant general in the pakistani army must sued thinks blaming pakistan won't help the situation in afghanistan and that donald trump must be worth that. he is just trying to sort of express his frustrations in fact he's trying to place blame on pakistan to sort of shift the blame on the exactly what the american policy has failed to do they think that by placing blame on pakistan they are going to solve the problem of understand they are sadly mistaken it is in the foremost interest of pakistan to have stability and of london's sun because if there is one country which is most adversely affected by the poor conditions in afghanistan or instability and of londonistan is pakistan so how on earth do they
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think that pakistan would like to destabilize of london and not contribute towards efforts that would really stabilize and make up understand the peaceful country. meanwhile the nato mission in afghanistan has announced one u.s. service member has been killed in combat the mission statement that for more service members were wounded in the incident it took place on monday in province but no further details were given on what exactly occurred earlier a province spokes person announced that nato led afghan forces carried out round operations killing over sixty i saw terrorists. because the militants were hiding in the local residents' houses civilians were also it but at least one killed and thirteen more wounded civilians there told us about. the woman was killed two men and two others were burnt there all the victims are here
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in hospital some most in the legs also injured shot. over eighteen people were wounded and others were killed the child here in the bed he lost his leg his mother was also killed in the incident here that russian helicopters and jets hit the people some of them lost legs people. were killed in the car which was used by villagers was destroyed are these american forces always say we can target with precision every little thing on the ground what kind of technology is this they can't tell the difference between militants and civilians we don't trust their technology because they see we don't kill civilians but this exact was carried out on civilians. a member of the un team migrant of turn over for germany party is under police investigation for an offense of social media post our correspondent in berlin paula sleazier picks up the story when it all
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cocks back to new year's eve when the police in the german city of cologne posted on their official twitter account a new year greeting now they posted their message in four languages in german english arabic and fringe and the fact that one of the languages used was arabic so infuriated a member of the german parliament beatrix one stall who is part of the right wing alternative for germany party the a if de that she posted on her twitter and facebook accounts and angry response she slammed the police's decision to post in arabic now although her initial messages have been deleted on monday she posted again and she said and i'm quoting that muslims are barbarians now she has been criticized both online and offline for allegedly incitement to hate speech as to be expected the leader of the f.t. has come out in her defense and she has said and again i'm quoting that the authorities are more committed to imported more raiding groping abusive and knife
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stabbing migrant mobs now at this stage posts are being investigated by the police she can become the first person to be found guilty under a controversial new law here in germany that went into effect on the first of january it's known as the emits dig a lot. and it aims at cracking down on social media hate speech now you'll remember that cologne back in two thousand and fifteen was in the headlines on new year's eve when more than a thousand men were accused of causing basic disruptions on the streets they were accused of financially harassing and attacking women now all of this comes at a particularly sensitive time for germany the parliament still does not have a ruling majority since talks collapsed at the end of last year. the russian defense ministry shown a softer side in
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a congratulate three new years post twenty eighteen is the year of the dog with the chinese zodiac sign keenly followed in russian the ministry use video from one of its training centers during summers youngest more energetic of recruits. yeah having fun before the work begins twenty four seven news live from moscow this is our to international more program start in just a moment and i'm here in half an hour with the stories affecting your world today.
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we do believe that it. is going to no use in the illusion to deal with what is mine with. the. workers who. are. really going to do to support not let me. give. you forgot my. welcome to mexico as are plentiful survival guide. looking forward to your pension account. yonks this is what happens to pensions in britain don't let this happen to you watch kaiser report. in the heart of the swiss alps
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this is a place probably more secretive than the pentagon more mysterious than the cia and better guarded than for knox ellis with customs are here permanently all the site is controlled by them and they impose the opening times the opposite it was a dirty forms all plus the procedures in place of the strictest in all europe masterpieces by artists like pecan so and modigliani camped boards and sold inside this warehouse that's where the report comes in it covers up deals which are naturally discreet commercially discreet step but also discreet because they concern fraud of some of those paintings are linked to dark secrets nobody knows how many of these secrets a kept inside the geneva freeport system you'll never obtain an inventory of all the works in the freeport who knows how many there are three hundred three thousand three hundred thousand is it
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a matter of confidentiality only is it the world's black box of the art business. themselves somers and i built tiny houses for the homeless. years back and they are here why do these guys know me a tiny house is not a solution it will be a free for all. is my safe conditions to live or. to sooth. the city of los angeles. always good terrorist. nobody should be homeless anywhere but especially in one of
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the richest countries in the world. i build there in english because i make a lot of mistakes. and it's easy to back out your mistakes in compton south central l.a. a pint sized idea as well the summers in a battle with city off already so when you have nothing in order to go. you know having something like this may as well be a castle. the mayor of los angeles has to clear the city is in the midst of a homelessness crisis. overseas trying to solve it one tiny house at a time the tiny house idea is very simple it's shelter.


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