tv News RT January 4, 2018 6:00pm-6:31pm EST
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from the land native plants whose seeds have been dormant in the sand for decades bloom and the plants that support butterflies bees and even birds are starting to come back now kaiser a chicago based greeting card scion is part of the reason wisconsin was named the best hope doctors nation destination in the world in two thousand and seventeen due to the diversity of its landscape and as we move into twenty eighteen let's find more ways to use our love of the links to conserve and serve the ecosystems are part of that is a wild story plus it's like i mean i think golf courses of always have that like bad yeah you know element like all they look pretty for the people walking on them but they like decimate the environment with all the chemicals they use. and the pesticides and all that so this is a really wild story but there was no then you tell me about earlier today the really just blew my mind that you have to tell people right now which is about bird watching as an industry yes as someone who clearly in the last year or two i've always been around birds because i grew up in wisconsin so bird watching is sort of
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bird conservation is a big thing but the actual i someone who does give money to sort of bird watching things important part of the ecosystem bertie's is birdies but they're also a big part of financially looking at the bird watching industry the bird watching in the united states canada and mexico generates way for it twenty five billion dollars a year in hard cash and employs over sixty thousand people. while it's. right i would have thought the little dinosaurs there martin we got to we also got to jump over to the what we've also been seeing with the and part of the thing that's killing birds and killing a lot of animals is you know human beings love of creating habitat loss. love to get rid of who we do. believe is the equivalent of one hundred thirty yellowstone national parks get a map look it up go to a computer look it up that's that's more than two hundred ninety million acres of grasslands have been converted to agriculture in north america which then impacts the species we're talking about three farming yes remember the. part converted to
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all this most recent in the illinois third good not bad for the land i've heard more than eighty five percent of the globally threatened birds in latin america have been impacted by large scale logging in your cultural operations was that the . you know this takes the stand take stands and what's the what are called jack pines and there punctuated by open areas the blue in the summer glasses top of those talk about the scots and thrive in their sunnier landscape pine barons prairie savannah's without the canopies all of this is possible by simply kind of just allowing the land to do what it naturally does rather than trying to excavate it and create it shifted in the what we want it to be right you know exactly and this was the thing is that what happened in wisconsin is that a lot of non-native pines were grown there after timber in that the turn of the century a lot of houses built the united states were built with wood from wisconsin and once that was all done they started growing but the pines that they did were red pines are non-native they're used for wood pulp for what paper manufacturing and what floors because they were native they mess up with everything so now what he's
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doing is literally just allowing these jack science and all that natural habitat to come back for butterflies and all of this and be is as we've talked about and so the a lot about twenty thousand audubon magazine actually remarked on how the silver lining of the great recession of making golf courses not making as much money in closing is that they are now being bought up by conservationists and so now maybe these new golf courses built by people like cars or who are avoiding pesticides and all the bad stuff and using the natural land itself instead of messing with it that could make you know golf or conservation like we like that's a very different than our presidents idea of what golf clubs i mean you know let's remember that made sure it you know majors been around a lot longer than us they probably perfected how best to create places for animals to thrive and then we can. there's way about majors way better out of that as we can learn from her art as we go to break our borders don't forget to let us know what you. think about topics we've covered on facebook and twitter see our poll
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shows at our t.v. dot com coming up filmmaker and former wisconsin congressional kind of marvet collector and first the hawk's nest to discuss a new political party for the new year stay tuned for watching the hawks. it's the cradle of jazz. this is america and america we have. the oldest jazz feeling. a city of climatic contest trophies of alligators on the loose of poverty and crime of the years by the at least twelve members of mob family close most. of street racing in the heat of the night this is new orleans itself and man it was the best place in the way.
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i played for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside guides. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money just billionaire owners and spending shouldn't twenty million a one player. it's an experience like nothing else want to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful guy my great so will more chance with . the base it's minute. i had a great education a good job and a family that loved me. i never had to worry about how i would eat and where i would sleep. i'm facing christmas alone out on the streets of london. oh you look
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spirit i'm a cut above the kool-aid. you know the slogan the still give up food for the home the sea. but you don't really feel the actual human being in that. and then. the guy just came over to me saw me and gave me a change of this book. thank . you but every new year comes a new set of resolutions for most people they can range from losing weight drinking less to being more active and finally cleaning out the front hall closet dangerous
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the front hall closet dangerous but for filmmaker amar. the beginning of the new year marks the beginning of his quest to bring a real third party challenge to the two party dictatorship that dominates u.s. politics after the killing of his father and five others in the two thousand and twelve sikh temple shooting in wisconsin collate his political activism found cause and purpose in fighting for gun control and the reduction of hate crimes and collate the is no stranger to the two party system after running for paul ryan seat in the us how to house of representatives as a democrat wisconsin's first district back in two thousand and fourteen but now he shed his to party past and is fighting for a third party future colleague joins us now from chicago to discuss his latest endeavor welcome. hey tabitha how are you always always a pleasure to talk with you one of the things i want to you know we're starting the brand new political yours now upon us and you believe that this is the time is truly now to be going to third party movement in the u.s.
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why do you believe that why are you twenty eighteen is the year to do it. i think after watching burning go through that last election we've all realized the importance of the independent and the independent has gone by the wayside over the last forty years at one point we had twenty to thirty in the house and the senate and now we have one bernie and then usually polling suggests forty two percent of all americans consider themselves independent and ideally if they actually had a party that had a strong platform which we do they might continue their independence but usually the fall by the wayside in pick a party and that's kind of creeping like a bipolar attitude and almost like. an uncivil rest you know civil unrest you have to pick a side or you have to pick you have to give up certain things that you have to pick a side that isn't too far from you and how do you that's really the challenge so
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how how will you go about building that new third party movement and i want to tell me a little bit about independent party united. so as you know probably the republican party was founded in wisconsin and rooted in wisconsin. very near where i was born and actually i was thinking you know you literally thirty minutes from where i was is where the republican party started. in something like this is like a twenty year project a ten year project and the best way to to do it is do it almost like teddy roosevelt tried to do the progressive party remember when he was shot in milwaukee and then his speech ended up like ricocheting the bullet and he still gave a two hour speech you. were at that point where we can see that both sides don't have the answers they're going to bark at each other for another two decades they've been barking at each other for these past two decades so the best way to do it is grassroots on the ground suggesting in nominating new congressional
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candidates or new state representatives or new city you know representatives and we're just launching now just to start rolling into that. that's interesting you say you just launched now so did tell us a little bit about that website independent party united dot com like what can people find on there. that's a great question tyrrell like so what we tried to do was summarize all of the salient points that you need to know to catch up on all of politics in america today we did that because if you have a two hour experience on that website you'll know what's important and what's not important and you'll get the evidence the firm evidence not from the fake news but from people like you guys who really study it and really get into the nitty gritty of it so that if you go to that website you'll have everything you need to know about where you stand interesting where we're where we're have other third party movements you know failed where you believe you know you will succeed you know i
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mean we heard this talk a lot over the last push in the last i would say ten fifteen years you know even ninety eight when my father ran you know everyone parties here it's here and then it kind of fell to the wayside you know what what what sets this apart from the other attempts to kind of organize in these independent disenfranchised voters. i think your father by the way jesse did an amazing job at showing how two hundred thousand dollars could oust both parties he was a true independent and. i think where it's going to it's going to succeed is in coalition building something that the green party doesn't do something that the other third party candidates don't do we suggest coalition building so something that we're doing with the independent party is it's not a religious conversion if you become an independent rather you are caucus with the democrats you can caucus with the republicans you still an independent and suggest
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you know based on their rules you can show up at their events and you can have suggestions and discussions with them so coalition building is primary some. thing that we've lost since the one nine hundred ninety s. since the internet has dawned everybody's kind of built their own silos and the built that does seem to be the hardest part because the truth is third party third parties or you know we call them third parties i mean the side of that two party monopoly is is considered you know it's going to ruin things it's going to do this it's going to mess up but now we have a congress and we see in the last twenty thirty years the whole time i've grown up is seeing this go from one side who has power who has this how can you do it they can even coalition build within them in their own parties now with the power of independence is that you have they have to come they have to win with the last election started with they have got to have to learn to cope coalesce with with people from other part is like we saw with the bernie thing so how will you one of
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those things is how will you build those but also also. the suppression that that third party suppression by of republicans and by democrats in the corporate media who consider anything about third party as you know a threat to democracy. i mean it's a tough one you guys know coming down the brass tacks those two parties don't represent the normal person one party is the party of big business the other party . intellectual elite that wants to speak for the people write. this forty two percent that we talk about if they stop giving their power to other people and say you know what we're going to select the best amongst us to run then i think we can you know we can offer a challenge we can create that that vibrant conversation. however it's difficult because the amount of mudslinging that has happened in the past two decades it's unseen i mean down the fake news down to you know fake. like people
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actually alleging assaults or you know negative things that are detrimental defamation so as a third party our job would be to throw that mudslinging aside to get right into the real political strategy and philosophy of our country and i think if people stay there will be able to raise this party pretty quickly now you mentioned earlier the greens and libertarians are the good part of the true biggest third parties out there today what what about those existing third parties you know where where do you see them fitting in to to your efforts for this independent party like you said coalition building you're is that something where you would reach out to those two and say look you guys have ballot access especially to federal level you've made some moves here and there you know how do they fit into this overall movement. and you hit the nail on the head to the already started moving in these
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steps it's a matter of galvanizing them throwing away some of the differences and going at the similarities and a lot of similarities are we want corruption and both parties have proven themselves so corrupt that i mean most other countries are looking at us not as their philosophical leader on democracy anymore they're looking at us as a corporate oligarchical regime that needs to be handled and then i think with those third parties especially the green party is a good example we can show them there is a bit of organizing that happens on the democratic and the republican side and though they have the philosophy right they're not playing the political game correctly and that's ideally maybe something we do in the midwest to have a very well. chicago out of wisconsin. you know and sometimes minnesota sometimes wish. i didn't have very midwestern thing is
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that we kind of say it doesn't really matter which is why i think it surprised people in wisconsin since it's been this whole wisconsin ruined everything because we voted for trump but at the end of the day you didn't you expected them to just vote for a democrat you didn't realize that they vote on the issues they vote on things that are very important that they you know if they feel they can actually affect their family they'll vote that way not about party and i think more people are like vote for the party and the person who has my values at stake and you think that's the thing that it's more about your values it's about what are you going to do for your average working class americans that have to be first and foremost or you think. i think so and i think both you guys know primaries are the election process so if you do not pass the primary you're not getting elected and this allows us to bypass the primaries on both sides because those primaries are rigged when i ran against
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paul ryan oh my god i got backlash from both sides i had made up stories from one side and i had e-mails going out from the other side telling people all he's from california he lives in california he doesn't actually come back to wisconsin though i used to come back all the time and if we can bypass those primaries we can actually get people who are like jesse like your father tyrrell somebody who succeeded in another field sees the corruptions from sees the corruption from outside and enters with a strong. philosophy and that's what we need right now we don't need people who are shelled to party we need people who are like stand up americans i couldn't agree with your more we wish you good luck in your efforts here and definitely people supposed to. check in with you as the as the as the time draws near. for the upcoming elections this year thank you very much former congressional candidate m r d calais good thank you. thank you that's. civil rights activists erica garner
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passed away recently at the age of twenty seven erica fought tirelessly after the death of her father eric garner at the hands of unjust and racist police violence she chose despite the fact that at work or down physically to fight to never back down she didn't choose the struggle it chose her and erika garner rose to the occasion with an already broken heart she gave love and those silly unlike many african-american families they suffered but in that suffering she taught us all inspired us and in that we are rising to the occasion as she did hold up by her strength let's take a moment to remember her words for spirit and her inspiration thank you erika and much love to the entire garner family. never in a million is without being. that what happened so mom for over it was the nation. you know protests and everything and never would i do it would be our family so dish just goes to show everything that was happening and i pads with trayvon martin
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and everything it could be you everybody you know it everybody could be there regardless it's a lot of evidence out there a lot of innocent people being beat down by police. and that is our show for you today remember everyone in this world we are not told we love them up so i tell you while i love you i am tyrrel them for a while and keep on watching those hawks and have a great day at my. clinic. hello my name's peter and i've been living in bushnell for about seven years and
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live i started choking. i'm. such a leap. i got. both. washington and seoul will hold military drills and hold them after next month's winter olympics being held inside korea. israel offers a caution incentive for african immigrants to leave the country as the prime minister calls them infiltrators and threatens force if they don't go.
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twenty four hour news live from moscow you're with r t international i mean and welcome to the program our top story this hour the u.s. side korea have agreed to suspend joint military drills during the upcoming winter olympics in china we can go to our tees up in ny for the latest on this hi there kalib so no war games next month in the region we understand yes the war games and the military drills will be on the whole during the olympics now we've seen a statement from the white house donald trump says that both south korea and the usa are committed to putting maximum pressure on the north but in order to ensure safety during the olympic games that these these drills will be suspended now recently we heard the opposite just just in the past we heard u.s. leaders saying that they intended not to suspend the drills this is what we heard
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earlier from rex tillerson. it is possible for south korea and the u.s. to review the possibility of postponing the exercises and i have made such a suggestion to the u.s. and the u.s. is currently reviewing it but these are two sizes have been ongoing for many years i'm not aware of any plans to change what is scheduled. now it's been an intriguing turn of events on the korean peninsula over the last few days now we've recently learned that there have been five phone calls between the leaders of the north and the leaders of the south talking about north korea's participation in the upcoming games now we heard the statement from north korea's leader about the nuclear button he maintains and how he has a nuclear button and then we've seen the response from donald trump tweeting out that his nuclear button is larger however we now see as as we watch what's going on we look at donald trump's twitter page we see donald trump taking credit for the
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fact that the north in the south are talking and negotiating regarding north korea's participation in the games so the world is watching the korean peninsula wondering exactly what will happen next but at the moment we do understand that there will be a suspension a suspension of the military drills between the usa and south korea during the olympic games itself next month thanks very much live from new york this hour well donald trump's twitter. provoked a furious response from pakistan's foreign minister he plus to be us president for claiming islamabad how's being. able partner in the war on terror is america and joins us now live with the details on this hi there against mira yet bring us up to date with the heated exchanges not the first time we've been hearing this yes well the foreign minister of pakistan has issued a fierce response to trump accusing pakistan of harboring terrorists and not one
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tweet but three take a listen for yourself. you ask what we've done from our bases you carried out fifty seven thousand eight hundred attacks in afghanistan thousands of our civilians and soldiers became victims of the war you initiated we stood by you treated your enemy as our own we feel guantanamo bay now history teaches us not to blindly trust the us we are sorry they were unhappy but we were not to meet exactly held back when it comes to this particular issue he even said in the paris pakistan is accused of harboring were once quote darlings of the us white house so danis in general haven't taken imran khan the chairman of said the war in afghanistan is far from over and the u.s. has already lost thousands of lives and spent billions of dollars but without the neighbors support it's unclear how far the u.s. can go live from america's capital cities from your account with the updates thank
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you for the. french nationals who fled to fight with islamic state in syria could be facing trial in kurdish held territory not by confront in syrian kurdistan there are judicial institutions that are capable of assuring a fair trial with guaranteed rights of defense they will be judged there. debate over what action should be taken against his holding french passports has been gathering pace that since the arrest of a notorious female recruiter in syria last month she was blacklisted by both the un and the us and is said to have recruited more than two hundred french citizens according to u.s. based research group more than fifteen hundred extremists or french origin joined isos ranks over a three year period and around three hundred of them have since returned to france we spoke to anti terror expert louis harrington about why front's could be willing to allow its nationals to go on trial approach. before she went to syria was
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heavily involved as the jihadists recruit up bringing her back to france to stand trial could incite others to commit acts those there's no there's nothing of any interest to bring her back for that i think the french would rather see a languish in kurdish jails for years to come you know this is this is a fight for values that we believe in innocent until proven guilty that if there is evidence that should be transferred from the kurdish authorities to the french quarter interest then she should stand trial in france and take us to me is on this forty thousand four hundred fighters from one hundred twenty countries nobody's nobody's interest to have these people returned to their homeland simply because the radicalization programs that we have in place now they can't even account they can't even do anything with the guys who cannot be on the front lines how these the radicalization programs going to cope with hardened jihadists that may return not
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peace but better to keep them languishing in syrian jails keep them keep them. for as long as possible. iran's military chief says the unrest that has been blighting his country is now over at least twenty one people died in the weeklong government protests well these are the latest pictures we have of large pro-government rallies for two days they have been taking place across several cities to condemn the op rising and voiced support in fact for the. according to the really an interior ministry around forty two thousand people were involved in the anti regime marches the protesters were initially speaking out against declining living standards and high unemployment but the civil action quickly fared into violent government families u.s. leaders were quick to throw their support behind the op rising but they may have misread the will of most during. when they ask for a better economy when they ask for the government to spend money on their own
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country as opposed to terror exploits overseas or in other countries sure we would certainly do when they say that to you i support mat i'm not going to go i'm not going to see that's why you're trying to trap me into something like that i'm not going to go there for that is not that is not our that is not our policy but we hear what the iranian people are saying poverty corruption and economic uncertainty have the potential to trigger protests in the world over. and they can quickly turn ugly. but the international reaction to such unrest seems to depend on the country in question this is the precise picture of a long oppressed people rising up against their dictators so we don't get hung up i mean in any country people can protest against high prices but when have a such them astray sions happen in our country opponents of the establishment come out and support them and some western leaders are barely able to contain their
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enthusiasm for regime change and are rushing to throw their weight behind the demonstrators we are now seeing an organic popular uprising organized organized by brave iranian citizens on the largest scale since two thousand and nine the greats of rain young people have been repressed for many years they're hungry for food for freedom along with human rights the wealth of iran is being looted song for change it is essential that western power was. written during the. time of the west of the mullahs. back in the arena. because it's only with their backing that being the iranian people will feel secure and can go all the way in securing their freedom of the previous regime but we've seen where this apparent pro-democracy fervor can lead. to an a you get them.
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