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tv   News  RT  January 5, 2018 4:00am-4:30am EST

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thousands of migrants are still sleeping rough on the streets of paris despite president promise to find a solution before the end of twenty seven we hear some of their stories. in this memo new group people to prove me we're just in is this the life you thought you would have. also become washington is causing security assistance to pakistan accusing its ally of not tackling terrorists pakistan says it's learned not to trust the u.s. any more. sign of conciliation north korea agrees to the first official talks with the south in two years while the u.s. finally accept a request to suspend military exercises during the upcoming in the. day
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here in moscow you're watching international in our top story the french president's promise to clear the streets of thousands of rough sleeping migrants by the end of twenty seventeen seems to a fall and flat he had promised housing in one form or another but instead they faced police pressure to move on while trying to survive in freezing temperatures charlotte dubinsky reports now from packers the new year may have begun but for these migrants the problem is still the same ahead is yet another freezing night on the streets of paris. no question the president said he wanted to resolve the problem by the end of the year it's not resolved in the neighborhood there are another thirty camps which are settled like this and these migrants are seeking asylum and there is
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a problem with violence between the people who are waiting in the queue at the reception center because they want to be the first this poll to stay in it but it's not the fault of the migrants it's the fault of the system is poorly organized which has posed problems for two years is completely dysfunctional and creates a situation of confrontation and violence people have been injured at the reception office the people are angry at the situation because it continues in the same way and because there is no solution. one of those waiting to find a way off the streets is rafi he's been in france for seven months. you look everybody in here already calling about more food. water but. you know. one one one one i'm a little one another this is my life. people really the story. is this the life you thought you would have.
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across france thousands of migrants are living in similar conditions all hand to mouth some are found shelter in tents along the canals and streets of paris others in the metro stations all a just looking for a place to call home in the last two years more than forty thousand migrants have set up camp as metro station. and this is boy they come it's a reception center where migrants can register to possibly start a new life in iraq every day hundreds of scientists and just like this base just simply won't cope with the demands despite a pledge that no migrants would be sleeping rough by the end of two thousand and seventeen president has failed to keep his promise and migrants across the country
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see no end in sight to their suffering. r.t. paris well people sleeping rough is also a problem in the u.k. at the moment but for a whole different reason an official has caused uproar over calls for move the homeless from the streets around the venue with the royal wedding in may the prime minister has even had to step into the we've got the details on this a bit later on in the program. the u.s. is spending its security suspending its security assistance to pakistan which has long been its ally in the fight against terrorism in afghanistan washington accuses pakistan of not making a serious effort in fighting terror groups like the taliban. you're suspending security assistance security assistance only to pakistan at this time in till the pakistani government takes decisive action against groups including the afghan taliban and the haqqani network we consider them to be destabilizing the region and
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also targeting u.s. personnel the united states will suspend that kind of security assistance to pakistan it is in the wake of terms first tweet of the year which lined his regret that the u.s. paying pakistan billions of dollars in aid he cues washington's regional ally of being a safe haven for terrorists in afghanistan which america is trying to defeat from twitter diplomacy sparked a furious response so from pakistan's foreign minister. has more on mass and also the wider ramifications well the foreign minister of pakistan has issued a fierce response to trump accusing pakistan of providing safe havens for terrorists there fighting in afghanistan and not one tweet but three you ask what we've done from our bases you carried out fifty seven thousand eight hundred attacks in afghanistan thousands of civilians and soldiers became victims of the war you initiated we stood by you treated your enemy as our own we feel guantanamo
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bay now history teaches us not to blindly trust the us we are sorry they are unhappy but we were not to mean ourselves any more than the foreign minister hasn't exactly held back when it comes to this particular issue he even said in the past that the terrorists that pakistan is accused of harboring were once quote darlings of the us who are being wind in dined in the white house so trump's tweets rightfully struck a nerve and immediately following those tweets pakistani officials converged for an emergency security meeting to discuss the issue but pakistanis in general haven't taken trump's tweet so kindly and ironically enough it seems to have united the country's warring factions for example imraan khan chairman of pakistan's they take in soft party had a pretty interesting reaction. calling trump mentally weak now the u.s. has even place pakistan on a special watch list for allegedly violating religious freedom but with all that being said the war in afghanistan is far from over and the u.s. has already lost thousands of lives and spent trillions of dollars but without its
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neighbors support it's unclear how far the u.s. can really go but we're reporting what we talked to the author of blood on our hands the american invasion and destruction of iraq and he believes that washington's move may actually have a very different effect from the one that was intended. in the past when the u.s. has pressured pakistan to drive militants out of its so-called safe havens. this is not necessarily worked out as the u.s. would hope two years ago in twenty sixteen pakistan did exactly that and drove out you know hundreds or thousands of foreign fighters from the border areas to northern afghanistan and join the taliban there so in fact helping to strengthen what is being really a resurgence of the taliban in northern afghanistan i think in the larger
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geopolitics of the situation pakistan has always had a close alliance also with china and i think you know these kind of actions by the us could simply drive pakistan into much closer relations with china which i'm sure is not really what the u.s. would want. now it has been confirmed that north and south korea will meet for official talks next week it will in fact be the first time the pair of spoken in two years the meeting on the ninth of january will discuss the upcoming winter olympics in south korea but they're also hopes that it will address recent tensions in the region two it will be held in a so-called peace village in the demilitarized zone on the border between the two countries another diplomatic breakthrough this week saw north korea reopen a telephone hotline with the south that had been closed since twenty sixteen and
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also on thursday the u.s. president finally accepted souls request to postpone joint military exercises during the lympics that is a complete u. turn from just a couple of weeks ago. but these exercises have been all going for many years i mean not work really to change what is spiritual well even before the talks between soul in pyongyang were agreed to donald trump rushed to take credit for the progress in a tweet touted his firmness and america's stance against the north the dean federal moore school though tom brooks thinks that if the white house indeed played any role in the dialogue it only made things worse since these moves to have dialogue between north and south korea didn't start a year ago when trump was elected president they've been going on for some time and i think you know trump white house is probably something close to nothing to do
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with this with the steps i think this is something by the efforts of others in him i think here the white house and help this progress happen that the white house has really done a lot to endanger it and i think it's a credit to both sides the north and south korea that they've got to stick to open talks to open dialogue and one only hopes for the sake of the people who live on the korean peninsula there are some good comes out of that irrespective of what tweets come out of from donald trump. donald trump and the north korean leader have exchanged the barrier of threats over the last year or so but this month the insults reached a new level perhaps a new low after the u.s. president bragged about the size of his nuclear button does seem that trump is keen to tell the world about being the biggest and the best.
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look at those hands are they small i. referred to my hands if they're smaller something else post baseball i guarantee you there's no problem. i have the biggest crowds. the biggest standing ovations best the best in the world the greatest health care plan very very successful i would build the greatest world you have ever seen finest i happened to be underrated by the way. they were bragging about who has the bigger butt got the big. bragging about the size of your soul i.
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time is running out for african migrants and they have. left the country or they could face jail israelis offering them three and a half thousand dollars to read but if they don't these are a prime minister says he will. show me something here that is completely legal and completely essential infiltrators have a clear choice cooperate with us and leave voluntarily respectively humanely and legally all have to use other legal tools at our disposal i hope to choose to cooperate with us. well officials do estimate that around sixty thousand people have crossed the border from egypt in recent years a third of them have already been deported of those that remain no nearly one and a half thousand are held in detention centers and one such facility is israel's
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southern never give desert which is referred to as an open prison just under thousand migrants are held there at the moment but they can leave joining the day if they have work although authorities have decided to close it we spoke to one of the residents there the whole lot i just exist it's not a normal life to live in a lot is not easy ten people sleep in one room you have to queue to take a shower to do anything but the doctor is only here from nine to three there's only one doctor for about twelve hundred people and why did i leave eritrea because eritrea is a dictatorial country that i couldn't live there you cannot do anything you work there like a slave for them it's all you can do you can only call it slavery and first i didn't choose to come to israel i didn't think about anything i just wanted to see where there's peace where i can take care of myself where i can protect myself what we've got opinion on this story from the right from political commentator yes can
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also get in levy the new fraley carets newspaper. we face the problem so-called problem of some city seven thousand asylum seekers refugees who lift both of them have children here they should stay here they have to stay you know human regime would expand and if israel is going to expel them by force it will be one of the most sharing food stamps that israel had ever taken no less than these are not refugees they're criminals who crossed the border illegally not all now but you can talk about this solemn seekers when the people come from that country to not the contrary to save their lives they how well they they have done quite a long way they didn't want to stay in egypt for example for some reason they want to benefit from our reach from
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a merciful society not people like you don't live a who are all true liberal radical bourgeois they live in pure white neighborhoods of television where they have no problems about the government duffy israel is here to protect this citizens of israel and the people in poor neighborhoods that maybe the roads are suffering tremendously from of this invasion of criminals who and third the contras now some of them of course behaved fine this is exactly the way that they spoke to the surtees in some european countries they change the nature of the country sixty says. they are off a country of nine million people i mean how race i said that people are here both sombrero has i am older i am getting a say that i said just a very long neighbor holds a terrible problem we cannot accept any illegal immigrants no one no
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more. are no more and west sending them to the places where they will be safe with a mani in their pocket with the money which they are and eighty percent over they are in trains in europe i recognized as refugees in israel less than one percent how can you call it but ransoms those fighting for their lives israel is a refugee society can absorb a certain seven thousand on big kid. to speak in such a racist way but the country. apply
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for many clubs over the years so i know the gang so i got. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the fun of school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the superman to just kill you narrowness and spending shooting twenty million of them flying. it's an experience like nothing else not to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful game but great so well both transfer. and thinks it's going to. welcome back now saudi arabia finally succumbed to international pressure last
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month reopen a key port in yemen to allow in supplies of food and fuel the blockade had been seen as worsening what the u.n. calls the world's biggest humanitarian crisis but as far as locals are concerned little has changed since had either reopened. the summer is the blockade isn't lifted we won't be able even to imagine its consequences humanitarian organizations have already warned of the worst catastrophe in the history of the yemeni people.
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we don't know where to get the livelihood begging for food people die from starvation i have nothing else to say it's too good to die and it's better than living like this. saudis have been leading a military campaign in yemen since twenty fifteen to back the government against the uprising but nearly three years of conflict and the blockade to plunge the country into the world's largest famine and cholera crisis director various asked center for strategic studies believes the saudis promise to lift the blockade was just for show and in reality little has changed. those is still a blockade on at this point and the problem is. the goods are offloaded in the port of. ninety percent of the food
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in yemen goes through the point of. through the port of poti there to two other places in yemen so the saudis or the coalition rather is making it very very difficult for the ships that would. actually dock. porter for be there through you know to raleigh mineral old as fast as possible if basically to do that they're not going to allow any more than. you would probably. for something like that to sure the world. are keeping their word in essence this war is far from over. now in other news today virtually all computers including smartphones and tablets are at risk of two major security flaws discovered in processing chips no breaches have been reported so far but the bugs could potentially allow hack is to get hold of users passwords photos and also
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e-mails both floors work by exploiting the way your device handles your data it is supposed to be locked up and isolated but the meltdown bug potentially lets hackers grab it while it's being sent to requesting it the problem affects intel chips used by almost all apple devices meanwhile the suspect a bug works a little differently but affects almost all machines and cloud based services and it tricks applications into leaking your private information and that makes it harder to fix the floor well in late november intel's c.e.o. sold off a large chunk of his shares after he was apparently made aware of the problem with the chips she done after takes a closer look now at the extent of the threat posed by the security flaws. it is a safe bet if you own a computer or a smartphone a newfound vulnerability has almost certainly opened the gates to your most intimate information whether you have a p.c.
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america a linux computer or an android phone it doesn't matter this whole could be built in to billions of devices worldwide have some pictures you're not too proud of well a hacker can access an awful lot more on your passwords and christian keys emails and cached files all of the above from the comfort of the living room you can slip onto a malicious website have your private data exposed and you won't even know about it a perfect crime security experts say the attack leaves no traces behind what's particularly embarrassing normally companies won't publish this kind of information until a fix has been released this time however someone's been trigger happy with sharing the problem which means hackers everywhere now know about it too while security updates are only beginning to come out and the fix itself is expected to come from many at a cost researchers say computers that came out just three years ago could suffer up to thirty percent before men stumble manufacture is of course downplaying the
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potential impact saying the average user won't notice the difference you've done of r.t. well all are connected devices might actually be obsolete to our lives in the future apparently on today's off the in cohen r.t. digital on printer and cane explains how he expects younger generations to go back to their roots and abandon living online. there's a growing backlash against social media and actually the smartest the most independent the most interesting people particularly young people are actually giving up social media and i think over the next few years what we're going to see is the only losers will be left on social media really. and i've been saying this for years that the real reaction to social media and technology is going to come from the digital natives the people who have grown up with this stuff you seen in the way in which this young generation is embrace vinyl
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records you see in the way in which they now buy most skin pads you see in the way that they're starting to write letters again you're seeing it in the way in which the physical books survived against the digital book. can watch the interview in full a bit later on now britain is getting ready for another royal wedding this year however one local official might have gone a bit far with the preparations he called on the police to remove rough sleepers as head of the big day it didn't go down well with the public and even the country's prime minister has had to weigh in. prince harry and megan michael. prince harry got in. happened and how i mean the way it is to have yeah i nearly happened.
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sadly there is an epidemic of rust sleeping in vagrancy in windsor the whole situation presents a beautiful town in a sadly i'm favorable light. it's absolutely abhorrent that anybody has got these views in this day and age especially leading councillor of the borrow.
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international times been with us softening don't forget you can keep across all the stories on our social media pages and teaching. it's the cradle of jazz. this is america is the america we. know as dysgenic feel. a city of climatic contest of alligators on the loose of poverty and crime or used by the least twelve members among friends close most. of street racing in the heat of the night this is new orleans itself from the best place in the world.
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in the heart of the swiss alps this is a place probably more secretive than the pentagon more mysterious than the cia and better guarded than for knox customs. is controlled by them and they impose the opening times so if. it is from his office the procedures in place of the strictest in all europe must to pieces by artists like pecan so i'm modigliani i can't boards unsold inside this warehouse that's where the report comes in that it covers up deals which are naturally discreet commercially discreet felt but also discreet because they concern fraud for some of those paintings are linked to dark secrets nobody knows how many of these secrets they kept inside the geneva freeport system you'll never obtain an inventory of all the works in the
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freeport who knows how many there are three hundred three thousand three hundred thousand is it a matter of confidentiality only is it the world's black box of the art business. a very warm welcome to the stan callie will show this week which starts on full mcclim a poll you'll never walk alone people a sat down with a superstar in senegal international side i'm on i to discuss the supercycle team of two thousand and two and he hopes for the tauranga lions at next year's woke up
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the. load all up well either hand. luggage yet the . all over the hill i am in the outfield dressing room soiree this chair all doubtfully youngsters like trent alexander on the move and the past the present and the picture of the football club a man i'm going to interview today is a tauranga lion is a senegalese international and he's very much a superstar here in liverpool but i do think it saw them on a. so do i since you joined us here i'm thrilled it's been
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a little while since i played there you're doing fantastic stuff now for liverpool but it's senekal and the world and african football had lots to cheer about. your place in the olympics and a couple of african cup of nations were all it's claimed for senegal the world cup in russia be at the very top of even that very impressive list you know you know them they begin from the typical remain a shot him and then.


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