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tv   Redacted Tonight  RT  January 6, 2018 2:30am-2:59am EST

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in quality and justice also the first set of j. twenty defendants were found not. sure there were further more marijuana is now legal in california which is. which is one of the largest economies in the world and no that doesn't mean the fight to keep it out of corporate hands is over and no it doesn't mean everybody already a raft for having a joint is released instantly but this is still a big step for a number of reasons let's go through a few of them let's start with freedom how much freedom you should be. ok to smoke i'll show you on your patio in your underwear in this so-called free country plant a plant that makes a lot of people my old lady happy all right. no no we can't have that you you could wave all gone around and threaten to kill people at an elementary school bake sale
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that's fine that's fine but you can't eat a pot rice krispie treat that makes you act not like a. like we have attorney in this country are cup runneth over with writing so why do you think that decrease is good grase you go should be supported and cheered on and probably subsidized ok ok. let's say some of that money that we dump into a wall or and factory farming or congressional sauna used to steam tim kaine's bag let's. take some of that money and instead pay for everyone to get a bong hit ok on top of that the war on drugs is nothing but a racist charade i've talked about that on this show also new studies show hospitalization rates of people suffer. ring from painkiller abuse and addiction
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dropped on average twenty three percent in states with marijuana. more good news from twenty seven seats in july the un ratified the first legally binding international agreement to ban nuclear weapons the group that helped make it happen also won a nobel peace prize which was. was a nice move for the nobel committee to stop doling those things out to war criminals like henry kissinger and brock obama and bob dylan. ok ok then tell him no it's not a war criminal but he puts no effort to do his concerts i don't think one hundred fifty dollars to watch him back at all baghdad death rattle says wait the hurricane . nobel committee. another great thing about twenty seventeen band couloir blew up. it was through the roof if you won't forty cents of
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bitcoin at the beginning of twenty seventeen then you're currently not watching this because you're drunk on a yacht somewhere where where underpants are made out of the carcasses of endangered three toed ring tailed pygmy lemur hippos. but that's not the point the reason cryptocurrency is matter is because they take bunny out of the hands of central governments and big banks which have a national need a national. have to create war and conflict and and keep a large percentage of the people of our society struggling i learned that from the what's the movie. oh history i learned over history. and the cryptocurrency surge is not just a trend it's the future basically at the very least cryptocurrency is the dollars.
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what napster was to buying a cd or masturbation is to go into a museum you know the. second one seemed like a good idea until someone tells you about the other one. and you're like i got lotion i'll stay here i'll have more i will have more on cryptocurrency in an upcoming show another positive from twenty seventeen the rise of basic income getting paid simply for being a citizen it's not a lonely idea any more people are talking about a line must promote it peter joseph stephen hawking and even zucker birds on board the writing is on the wall basic income look basic income will not stop unfettered capitalism from eating itself but it's a step in the right direction every job will be replaced by bots and three d. printers in the next you know thirty years it doesn't matter what you do or how awesome you are added or how passionate you are it obama will do it better in
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a few years ok and it will do it with with none of the attitude none of us stick to a lot of us sexual harassment laws. stick dong the whole bosses won't have to worry about a buyout being like my optical scanners are up here do. some look at my outlets look we have the technology to feed clothe and house and take care of everyone whether they're there there are jobs for everyone or not and once we've done that rather than being miserable because our livestock we can be miserable for completely meaningless reasons the way the way god intended you now like your best friend flirted with your girl or boy or the new superhero movie didn't live up to the hype or whatever you know. you know what i'll continue to grow in twenty seven thing electric car ownership clean energy a bike. alternative media sources the movement to bring down the confederate
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monuments acceptance of the transgender community of the community they still have a very hard time i'm not trying to say it's easy but at least the remaining states that hate gay people tend to be the states that no one wants to be in anyway. and twenty seventeen saw incredible scientific breakthroughs for example chinese scientists teleported a photon from the earth to space for the first time this has to do with quantum entanglement which occurs when two quantum objects such as photons share a wave function since they come into existence at the exact same time and place they share the same identity even when separated what happens to one happens to the other wherever it exists this is the type of advancement that ninety nine percent of us don't understand until one day jeff bezos teleports into every living
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room in the america instantaneously and then why i should read up on this what's. going on but most importantly twenty seventeen saw an explosion of grassroots organizing protest and activism there were major victories for the b.d.s. movement putting pressure on israel to treat palestinians like human beings for a change the black lives matter movement continued to call attention to police brutality and systemic racism and activists turano burks need to movement is helping to change our society both of those movements are our big steps for traditionally oppressed groups sure there are there are issues with any but women need to be resolved i'm sure there are people in black guys matter to think president obama was a savior just because of his skin color doesn't matter that he continued the militarization of the police and the prison industrial. complex which is
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a crime against humanity so look past all that because the fist bump jay z. at the white house christmas dinner. that's all really matters you know obama made the racist imperial system go down smooth a really bad he was the pickle juice to the imperial whiskey bird all right never had pickled use of whiskey i know it sounds weird but it's sublime. and there are people in the me too movement who unknowingly or you know degrade the horror of rape by acting like the saying nice is the same thing they're both wrong they're not the same thing but despite these issues black live matter and me too are all in all wonderful advancements in our society then there's the so called yes. then there's the so-called resistance movements which on the national level largely means all right and. it has been a way for a corporate democrats to act like they're doing anything at all to stop fascism
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meanwhile indorsing trumps war as his war powers his surveillance powers it's his big bank run a con to me and more but on the local level in various cities the resistance actually can mean something true progressives actually k. and are winning victories at the ballot box while the federal government is bought off change can still occur at a lower low don't give up just hang in there long enough for the nerves to figure out how to use the quantum entanglement teleporter to zip us to another planet with with more peace and equality and far fewer orange oligarchy doesn't even washington d.c. about the big. come
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from i'm like pamela take the news from behind and now that we're where we're at we're done with the good news is let's get to the ballista ringley awful make you want to take a warm bath with a toaster kind of news. ahead of the united nations antonio terrorist issued a red alert for twenty eight teams pointing to growing inequality the impacts of climate change and global anxiety about nuclear weapons apparently the donald didn't get the memo as he rang in the new year bragging that it is nuclear button is bigger and more powerful than kim junger ends. well maybe it is but who wants to bet trump button is flacid with awards all over it smells like speired goat cheese people try to avoid looking at it when they walk in the oval
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office. but don't worry about the un's red alert we have agencies here in the us to protect us like the f.b.i. and good all that. they celebrated the new year by boasting that they stopped a terrorist attack in san francisco the only problem is the f.b.i. helped create the plot and then the plotter wouldn't even go through with it he told them i don't think i can do this after all i've really considered. this is that the war. you create a fake terrorist attack so that you can stop it and look like a hero and then the stupid patsy want to go through with his end of it so then you gotta protect and he was going to do it and then you got to double pretend to stop him ok without reference. but the f.b.i.
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and other agencies have to keep up the fake air a stump so that they can justify the completely illegal surveillance they do on us it just came out that is nine u.s. cities airports are already using facial stance really facial skin no i don't think it's for a facial scan when the t.s.a. agent is company i don't think. less the government wants to make sure to have images of every american looking like this. that you know that should honestly be the new american flags the guy at airport security wear the pants around his ankles making this face. but of course it's not just at the airport that our privacy is being invaded it was revealed this week that hundreds of smartphone apps are monitoring users through their microphones without telling them now that sounds bad but it is better that
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corporate america monitor you through your microphone than what they used to do which was watching through your bedroom window you know this is. this is really fine when you throw your phone is the kinder gentler corporate totalitarian states is it's the pickle juice with the whiskey. moving on in a huge show of cooperation donald trump and hillary clinton and all of the mainstream corporate media and all of our governmental agencies and all of the corporate politicians came together this week to say they stand with the iranian people and they are very concerned about the human rights abuses over there. and you know just to speak just as a human being it's really great to see basically a hundred percent of our normally grotesque greedy belligerent morally.
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bank vipers. ruling elite bags speaking out in support of an oppressed people because there's clearly no altieri or motives here at all they are they are doing what's right just as they did with libya syria iraq and afghanistan and korea and vietnam and surely in indonesia. oh or or maybe our military industrial complex which owns our politicians in our media wants iran to collapse into a war torn failed state killing hundreds of thousands of people same way syria did you know just spent bawling here just a little. just a bit of a bad seed guesstimates you don't need. this is not to say these aren't genuine protests going on in iran that they they are just like we have genuine protests here in our country but the idea that our hack politicians. about the iranian
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people is a laughable they don't even care about americans. place you think they care about iranians. and if they did care about americans they could they would immediately start doing something about climate change for example and the fact that a new study predicts a quarter of the world will be drought ridden by twenty fifty but i don't hear from present big fat limp nuclear button and he plans to bomb the out of that droughts. we have to go to a quick break but you can get all of our videos at youtube dot com slash redacted in ny we'll be right back. the city of luxury and fame but also an alarming number of people living in the streets. of simple. fact in l.a.
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he's there's just not enough shelter even if people on the streets right now decided to come in there's nowhere to come in it's been a struggle. and this man found his own response to the problem and constructed dozens of tiny homes for people in need of shelter when you have nothing and nowhere to go. you know having something like this may as well be a castle but do the authorities accept such solution tiny house on a city parking space is not a solution your craft to have someone monitoring the site otherwise it will be a free for all there a better alternative to end the homelessness crisis. apply for many flips over the years so i know the game inside guides. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from
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the fans it's the age of the super money just kill you narrowness and spending suited to twenty million. it's an experience like nothing else going to because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful guy great so what chance with. the thinks it's going to. welcome back welcome back and its ongoing effort to get government out of business the trump administration is rolling back federal fines on nursing homes that put seniors at risk for serious injury or death trumps a businessman though you know if you could if you could find
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a way to open an at sea page to sell off your grandpa's wig to fund his golf trips i think you want to go out and buy now for more on this we turn to our senior nursing home expert now and again well. i think you know you'll agree with me the guy who should be in a nursing home should be making decisions about nursing home has a point these fines are a burden to nursing homes after the seniors if anyone knows what it's like to be a burden to the adult children they raised it's that. five hundred nursing homes alone have federal fines above one hundred thousand dollars and nursing homes hate regulation. where what was the last red said nursing home lobbyist hate regulation . are you mumbling lobbyists. of course state regulation as they work for the parasites getting rich off of their scam if they could find
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a way to store your name in a broom closet and make the same amount of money they would do it finds it normally would total hundreds of thousands of dollars would only be tens of thousands it would this change even even in cases where patients could die ok come on it's not like the staff working in these homes set out to be nurse ratchet's and training. are just victims of a nursing home model they're the victims yes see nearly seventy five percent of us nursing homes are owned by people who outsource service and seniors need like physical therapy to companies they control by eliminating competition nurses. homes are charged way more for these services while the owners collect the profits but a kaiser health news investigation found homes that outsource this way have fewer nurses and aides per patient higher rates of patient injuries and unsafe practices and are the subject of complaints almost twice as often as independent homes
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finding these nursing homes is pointless when the owners care more about profit than making sure they're staffed with nurses who care enough to burst their eye blood vessels while teaching my mom how to use an i pad. or an arts and crafts director that gives my grandma more mediums to work with inside while. she's very talented. not all regulation should be painted with the same broad brush here or there these fines ultimately exposed negligent care of our most vulnerable citizens it's. not a seniors fault that the corporations that own these holmes would rather use them as cash cows instead of spending that money on staffing to make sure they were actually compliant ok but the it was supposed to do. all right because forty years from now there will be ninety eight million people age sixty five and older or it's going to be raining by agger in fake teeth and only one of those. one of those will be covered by medicaid. we have plenty of money to take care of our
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parents and grandparents in the society for the cost to one and thirty five bomber you could take care of every senior on the east coast all right. or help pay those people so adult children have the resources to take care of their own ok yes it's true if society made it easier to keep my mom at home i would do it only i'm spending extra cash for a home health aide to teach my mom how to use an i pad she don't look at photos of children who would treat her better. that's right no yeah go on. baseball continues their wave over oppression against outside voices we go now to naomi caravan and the raging controversy. i dream of a time when you're no longer citizens of the us lebannon or luxembourg but we're
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all citizens of the internet i call use toby net my passport would be issued by reddit in the form of h.t.m.l. five point one second edition sub reddit baedeker but facebook is deleting accounts of the direction of the us and israeli governments there to leading people's accounts because the country told them to i thought we were just perjuring by who failed to capture test. nice try a second steal don't quit your day job counting how many steps i took today facebook recently removed the leader of the chechen republic's facebook and instagram accounts so was facebook appalled by counter rob's hatred of human rights and love for small animals he's corrupt and he gives
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a bad name to cars play no facebook shut down his accounts because he had just been added to a u.s. sanctions list. the new censorship it's now global and america's number one export soon you'll have to enter the new capture code do you agree with america's post nine eleven foreign policy agenda. last year facebook met with far right wing israeli officials and agreed to delete palestinian facebook accounts and violence israel blamed attacks on israelis. since as we all know the answer. really palestinian conflict started when the tribe of zucker burke migrated from cambridge to the silicon valley in the year two thousand and four tel aviv had submitted one hundred fifty eight requests in only four months asking to remove content it seemed incitement facebook granted ninety
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five percent and then seems fine if they were all calls to murder jews i personally would prefer not to be murdered but many news networks and journalists disappear from social media networks overnight such as the palestinian dialogue network gaza now the jerusalem news network and the shihab agency among many others facebook apologized and said it was an accident the fischel statement read move. or sorry we got a little too involved in the arab israeli conflict but if your high school friend who you fill hopelessly out of touch with his birthday on saturday ok you're right it's incredibly unfair to palestinians to shut down their news sources especially when ninety six percent of palestinians get their news from social media but check out this new born baby you know like do you love it to protest palestinian activists took to twitter which is now facing its own accusations of toeing the
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government line and they rightly showed that facebook was not at all censoring the hate speech of israelis for example zucker berg failed to act when a campaign of vengeance against arabs went viral on the social network where hundreds photographed and. holding signs emerging retribution for the killing of israelis and we're still waiting on cosmo's apology as mo much of the hate speech against arabs has been incited by the israeli rapper the shadow who has three hundred forty thousand followers on the page that fetching mother should be removed from facebook. getting a bad example for jews who want peace and wrapping jewish mothers everywhere he may selling the name a band about beasts the solution to the palestinian israeli conflict. is just.
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and that will save the children reporting from. this namely caravan e. zero euro headlines from the future coming up tomorrow five thousand iranian protesters linked hands to spell out us don't help. and on thursday. desperate f.b.i. takes out craigslist ad for a highly motivated patsy. and one month from now chinese scientists accidently quantum entanglement i am carrying a one legged ostrich spreading only slightly more unusual mariah carey. that started to show you can get web exclusive videos and more by texting the word redacted to four four four nine nine nine it's free in the us you can also get our
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show every week on directv channel three two one until next time goodnight. the free pool which. you'll never attain an intrigue of the as a matter of confidentiality. this is the. business. the. the ha ha.
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ha no. one and. the us is criticised by members of the un security council after washington called an emergency meeting over antigovernment protests in iran also to come this hour in italian journalist publishes a graphic novel based on the time she spent in war torn yemen highlighting the daily life of ordinary people and fire and fury the latest book to expose the private life of donald trump and this time the white house becomes an instant bestseller. hello there are you watching r.t.
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international this saturday morning worse just going to.


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