tv The Great American Pilgrimage RT January 7, 2018 9:30pm-10:00pm EST
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our ancestors suffered the most shallow things come to freeze riding high from the majestic sights of mount rushmore. live to. lead. live. is that an hour earlier a lot. more done lost even a real car but keystone max heads into the woods so we can finally get touch with this interview period. i can still i can see well i can't touch this so oh. dear little spirit welcome flora. long here take me i'm ready to go i'm ready.
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turns out it was a beaver now that max is ready it's time for our heroes to continue stephen the real coast back to the r.v. while max has awoken his inner spirit of doing so and he is also open the spiritual door the consequences of this your guess is good as mine. are heroes hit the road and head north stephen is continuing its particular striving but also appreciating having max around on a slick guys there really i gotta tell you people out there in pilgrim land it wouldn't be the same without the great powerful maxwell kaiser i'm still in it and i want it. back in elektra that i thought you know i'm going to die in a flaming wrecked on mt rushmore better to do it and see about. how you're char can actually put both hands next enter into the great plains. seen
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through rapid city on the way so who would you put on mount rushmore aside from the four presidents around there. well that's the question i was asking myself as we were driving along i would go yeah that's me not only because i agree with his politics in many ways but i just think his face it looks so much better up there and then other stuff. so. that's hollywood in here what about you maker is a guy who represents a very soulful. tradition of giving back you know these are the message he's a real great guy. great you're going to hollywood had on raising you think jimmy carter is not photogenic enough to be a man rushed. me ok i don't say the other i only said that the president reagan would look nicer up there yet. you think until the fall when they run for president i'm like his billy carter so if you think reagan would be
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good are you saying you like jimmy carter that's your choice no. i don't think so so you wouldn't do it jimmy carter. what do you still love me who i put on mount rushmore i'll tell you what but i'm not sure neil armstrong first man on the moon that was america's finest moment because he hit me up on the classical problem was my friend an american that. stephen still the ways to go before their next stop on the field. after a morning of the court matters in russia our heroes got a late start so with sun setting and their stomachs empty they decide to pull over for dinner and get some shots. as the sun rises stephen is awoken by the sounds of a banjo on the disc. well this is easier in those exploring traditional.
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statement i'm still paying a ph. as the best bell. goes out of the. now that they're pretty good you. figure let me ask you something how long you've been playing the banjo well a style a broomstick when i was not in my parents' atmospheres about ten and a half and they bought me a real banjo since you're yeah. how old are you now twenty. have done a lot of little gigs in all the way i've been up for a football game and not for tennessee so a little bit of bars in there for. rowdy biker. right oh man what was your first.
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name are bedroom are bad the best man show. you very brave. i'm thinking maybe me and you can put our heads together and do like great american children midge moonshine that's probably the best and. i mean t.v. needs. they did america. just give us a year and then if you want to go out the world can tell somebody hey listen to these different sounds a bit most of them would relate the sound of the banjo to. it's. part of tree like american culture you know i came over on ships. it started out an irish band first settlers came here as living off farms and things like that they'd be. old guys sitting down for play in a band and women used to be a big thing women would do to a. like
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a woman would be played banjo. show would submit. to you. a lot of plays a lot of people say it's land of the free place. but i think america to me is a place where you have a choice not everybody in america chooses to be free why do so. because a lot of people are terrified of certain things like say not having a shelter of their one so that will continue to work jobs they necessarily don't need the line just so they don't have to be. i look at myself as home free. not homeless and so my does sometimes they choose not. to so they're free of that burden i'm sure so that's how i respond. how long have you been home free. for years now. that say roughly about four years.
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traveling that much most middle short people show your perspective what do you think americans have become so. i'd say it's. just a different thing i come across a lot of people that really fell hard down so hard. i think people forget how to love and how to help their fellow man and that's going to cause a divide because you're not going to understand each other as much. i want you is an understanding of your fellow man you can develop a. that's powerful broad. gum original song. if we play it for the folks at home sure but your income to your mom. may not be. and yet me no no no no. no. no no i
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got no name and you know i'm not. in no way. come down. on are. being. treated a place. after being in lightened by the banjo and a fellow stephen our heroes continue on the pilgrimage. coming down in both. narnia. mistreated. by. steven starts to notice the power some outside sources also know. the ways.
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that destroy the secret. tribe leaving. us where. i just can't believe how gorgeous. the colors the sky it's unbelievable max is taking in all the sights while stephen is taking in rio make sure i break out the sub. zero three zero. zero i would love you stay for her this is why i can't remain. take it away. while there is like that last railway. iron horse. this is what conquered the west basically right trains this was the technological. of that era the new technology that kids speculative bubble in markets and rise of cars to america's robber barrons played under its own.
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this was the technology that. decimated the land of population. and that's what kind of messed things up there from the kurds and herds of buffalo. railway tracks from entire north. bill and a buffalo show no more buffalo you know i played buffalo bills on t.v. . pick up a lump in the throat to say the. civic . just just just just a pilgrimage just appeared. to me. when
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i was told seemed wrong but old bulls just don't hold. anything close to get to shape out these days to come out to play and in games from an equal betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. first. in the heart of the swiss alps this is a place probably more secretive than the pentagon more mysterious than the cia and better guarded than for knox swiss customs are here permanently on the site is controlled by them and they impose the opening times so it was it it was it is from his office the procedures in place of the strictest in all europe masterpieces by
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artists like pecan so and modigliani i can't boards and sold in the side this warehouse that's where the freeport comes in it covers up deals which are naturally discreet those commercials discreet felt but also discreet because they concern fraud of some of those paintings are linked to dark secrets nobody knows how many of these secrets a kept inside the geneva freeport the physician that you'll never obtain an inventory of all the works in the freeport who knows how many there are three hundred three thousand three hundred thousand is it a matter of confidentiality only is it the world's black box of the art business. with lawmakers manufacture consent to instant of public wealth. when the room in clusters protect themselves. when the final merry
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go round lifts only the one percent. going or middle of the room signals. the real needs. work. our heroes have arrived in north dakota stephen is a man of course strong winds along with narrow roads of the bad. besides the eerily strong winds stephen is also distracted by the cuteness of rio de janeiro. and now they're heading towards keeping track of the best ever. but we've got. a good. day somebody said there
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was like something about spinning ball on this road. on this road would probably buy the water and wait a minute wait a minute when i left a sec this could be this could be. stephen i'm accept made their way to the sitting bull monument to pay their respects oh well people burn and stuff and everything oh yeah this is it to turn you take. time ok ok to talk about it i think it's how you sell your town. right otherwise on a single day this guy pete custer along with his whole tribe and crazy horse. he's one of the greatest american heroes of north america all the america's great warrior great wisdom great learned man. the idea is that this is
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a memorial and burial ground but it's not confirmed. this is it this is the memorial. i guess just looks like something kind of humble for the people here. and i guess it's true sweet day you know it strikes me as being a bit inadequate. you know why we were just at mount rushmore the contrast between this and mt rushmore couldn't be greater. rushmore is like a cathedral of american colonialism here is a guy who was tribal existence was thousands of years and this is all we have in memory here we couple of transparency and seems like there's a. good maybe to get a little. more. yes spectacular when you respect the color green the sun show a little more love this seems
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a little you know small. compared to mount rushmore sure yeah i guess you make a good point kind of seems odd. this great american right yeah well what we see here says a bunch of stuff about how we kind of didn't do the right thing right but we're trying to do that now on a pilgrimage is what i think and stephen listen to me now you know. what i've been learning on this program which is that we are quite small in this universe. i worry that we might meet a similar fate as the native folks here pretty mean well you know what did them in the train and horse apocalypse. you know there could be a point where we need a similar fate with the emergence of artificial intelligence. is coming and we could be similarly wiped out. the next story playing
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artificial intelligence quite possibly. well. sitting bull. thanks for all you've done. for it's been nice to have this experience and we hope to be an inspiration in ways that reflect your ideas and your legacy. for a brother. thank you for. the journey of the pilgrimage thus far if i understand correctly your station you have to head out for kaiser report things that we will see down the road of the great american tell the ranch flushed down the. god bless your body. as our hero say a very long and heartfelt goodbye temporarily breaking up this bromance stephen
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remembers he forgot the most important part of the pilgrim church. if you. can. only read it on over here come to think better check back. with. good afternoon one of the amazing motorcycle. these winds are starting to get a little foreboding what do you think of my dog and he's cute he's cute i don't really really motorcycle raised lady. what's your name janet janet i'm stephen this is rio how real. room my little macho man the pomeranian rio de janeiro the rio de janeiro wow fish reel in the sweet
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yeah we're just checking out the memorial here to sitting bowen stopping along the way trying to learn more about you know the the natives locally here and . taken real for a little walk beautiful day for a ride home yes it is it is it's a beautiful day who around here would be like the almost the best person with some of the best knowledge maybe. there's a lot of elders that you can get different versions of our history and our knowledge of it so it's not just one. person there is many but. chairman dave our sample day is that right yeah he's our chairman you be a great person to talk to wouldn't yes he would would you like to meet him that would be awesome if you could lead the way i can go say hi to this so i can give you a ride you in rio ride with winds like these what a great idea what would you do then i could give you guys a really now and get r.v. to follow us and they are ready. what do you think hopping around feel for my
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a long winded motorcycle ride stephen really janet fine and we are. pleased and pump you. should you take a motorcycle ride mr. janet thank you that was a beautiful ride your family yes i hope that ferry street heard there was so much fun what a treat you got is your safety thank you let's get in there and say a lot of days klyn. how do i have time to call. my friend steve in. this new city rich region road tell me you are you know just got blessed here and then to janitor or sitting bull monument i asked her who do you think of that can be sure surround a little bit meet some of the locals to. take you for
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rides and show you some different sites and. just kind of introduce you to the area and. you'll learn more about the people. who take them from here steve i gotta get back to where your biggest banks are right now thanks to you guys. so much about the suit people. not too much dogs are like one of the most loyal friends to our culture he's the most loyal and most compassionate there live for a man's best friend man's best friend. so just so you know. we are known for eating dog. the sewer known for eating dogs and it was because when we. sacrificed them it was their wish it's something that their spirit said they wanted for our people so that we can live. you have a name for
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a dog so this is yes he has a name this is. so what time should i prepare him for dinner lunch which we want because he has a name as long as long as we we know that. so. we make the sacrificial cut sort of just us the pot shelf where all the other is rez dogs that are on the roofs of puppies. everybody here is a tool to the folks. who got to say to my boss. my wife. she likes to do this little teddy bear cup with him. so it's ok with you let's go for a run and i can tell you more kind of like what i just shared with you let's head on else this is what we're rolling with here on the great american. very left for.
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the front seat watching those that or somebody would. go and try to start me up that's one two three. let's see delta. at least the if you haven't seen any of this pilgrimage that's probably a good idea somebody traveling out. something just prolongs that to lay down now the world. cup i didn't see felt that's. usually the driver where the seatbelt company to put mine on. so that's not just some comment about the hell.
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with the winds hopefully behind it and stephen hits the road the day for a tour of standing for insight into the history of the original americans next time the great american pilgrimage if you were to come here last year at this time there would be over ten thousand people they came because we're standing up against like this struggle to protect the drinking water and sastra lands from the pipelines construction of the time has led to violent confrontations i think you see where the tower is. that is where the pipe. there's a high chance that they can break this is right below my house. it's.
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really. i had a great education a good job and a family that loved me. i never had to worry about how i would eat somewhere i would sleep. but i'm facing christmas alone out on the streets of london. playing. a clip of the glory laden. you know to simulate it still give up food for the whole of the see. her. but you don't really feel like a human being in that. and then. the guy just came over to me so me and gave me this book.
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power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely and they fell of the matter over their heads up saudi arabia these days is as corrupt as the day is long and he's just stealing money from folks and with us trying to be at it but america is like that's reform meanwhile ok already there actually are in the process of reform but that's evil. in two thousand and sixteen the panama papers show the world with a tax haven the secrets two trillion united states dollars passed through most. in
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the amount of time that we did then in panama papers exposure that's what it shows a lot of money it really is. journalism it's a fact of journalism looking at things that people want to keep secret and asking why would they want to keep these things secret. millions of from documents were examining. all the people we basically have tried to get an advantage out of this sort of. newspaper. and probably other politician which was attacking other politicians the media were quick to find their targets such as the kings of morocco and saudi arabia the president of argentina several prime ministers. and russian president vladimir putin of coolness. oh my god i've had so i have sued so many newspapers for defamation some
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things don't just happen by chance he was very striking there were no more american symbols specially a lot of people from the brics countries specially brazil russia and china this special project reveals what was missed in the media coverage. of the panama chronicles. the top headlines one of the news this week at least twenty one people died is iran is wrought by massive pro and anti-government rallies with external pressure and faith online images fueling tensions. all the u.s. and north korean leaders engage in one upmanship over the size of a nuclear bottoms a new home for mergers for
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a deescalation of the crisis with pyongyang agreeing to talks with south korea for the first mike in years. and thousands of migrants are still sleeping rough on the streets of paris despite president promised to solve the issue by the end of twenty seventeen we hear some of their stories. dismembered. really are you know the story in asia is this.
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