tv News RT January 7, 2018 10:00pm-10:31pm EST
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the top headlines from the news this week at least twenty one people die as iran is rocked by massive bro and anti-government rallies with external pressure and fake online images fueling tensions. on the u.s. and north korean leaders in gaijin one upmanship over the size of a nuclear button new hope for mergers for a deescalation of the crisis with pyongyang agreeing to talks with south korea for the first night in years. and thousands of migrants are still sleeping rough on the streets of paris despite president promised to solve the issue by the end of twenty seventeen we hear some of their stories. in this memo. to proof read your story in iraq is this the life you thought you would have moved.
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thank you for watching the weekly headlines here at r.t. international broadcasting live from moscow. this week twenty one people have died during a series of mass rallies in iran both for and against the government these began as protests about the economic situation that then turned political and then violent. while washington has been openly supporting the county government activists and ignoring the rallies in support of iraq. leadership the u.s.
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also calls for an emergency un security council meeting about the situation but some members doubted that internal political unrest in iran is a matter of international security. in the past week what has happened on the ground throughout the nation of iran is something the world must take note of. however worrying events of the last few days in iran may be they do not constitute per se the threat to international peace and security every un member state is sovereign but member states cannot use sovereignty as a shield when they categorically deny their people human rights and fundamental freedoms money we as a council should not discuss the issues of any country or its human rights issues if the founding principles of this institution mean anything we will not only hear their cry we will finally answer we are witnessing an attempt by some delegations to bring to the attention of the security council issues that do not fully
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correspond with the mission of this body the united states stands unapologetically with those in iran who seek freedom for themselves change in iran will not come from outside it will come from the iranian people themselves nothing will stop americans from standing in solidarity with them no they do not. let iran deal with its own internal problems since this is precisely what is taking place when you are wasting the energy of the security council. however cia boss might pompei our house threaten the european countries will pay for turning their backs on the us the meeting why is it that our top european allies failed to support us on this and in fact france when we brought it up before the emergency meeting of the united nations security council joined with russia and china and said this isn't a fit subject to bring up yeah they'll have to answer for their behavior. we are some of our experts for their reaction to america stand on iran historically the
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united states has tried to stay out of least publicly stay out of any internal oppressed was going on within iran happened in one thousand nine hundred nine to happen again in two thousand and nine but with the change in the administration the ministration current mistress and tromping ministration must take more of a hard line against iran and don't lend support to the uprising and when you it sort of has a mentality where if you don't agree with us you must be against us and therefore you must be punished and that might not be the most in your prudent course of action when dealing with some of our allies especially our longest standing allies in europe what is so surprising about some people coming out to destry com plaining about you know that economical social issue if you look at france itself since micron's presidency didn't. if that is the path to take for the security council that wherever there's some protest for the security council to take action that
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would seriously cause havoc and chaos in the international community and that is the wrong path to take and with the united states now itself isolating and you know any anything you could sell from the international community on these mouth is i really think it's time for them to reflect on their behavior and reconsider that and wife course of action that only adds to disorder in the middle east and beyond . well he's an associate churkin a has more on washington's selective approach to protests outside the us when they ask for a better economy when they ask for the government to spend money on their own country as opposed to terror exploits overseas or in other countries sure we would certainly do when they say that to you i support mat i'm not going to go i'm not going to see that's why you're trying to trap me into something like that i'm not going to go there to try that is not that is not our that is not our policy but we hear what the iranian people are saying poverty corruption and economic uncertainty
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have the potential to trigger protests in the world over. and they can quickly turn ugly. but the international reaction to such unrest seems to depend on the country and question this is the precise picture of a long oppressed people rising up against their dictators that's a little bit on you know i mean in any country people can protest against high prices but when have a such to muster ations happen in our country opponents of the establishment come out and support them and some western leaders are barely able to contain their enthusiasm for regime change and are rushing to throw their weight behind the demonstrators we are now seeing an organic popular uprising organized organized by brave iranian citizens on the largest scale since two thousand and nine the great a radiant people have been repressed for many years they are hungry for food and
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for freedom along with human rights the will is being looted time for change it is essential that western powers. the. america of the west the powers. back in the arena. because it's only with. that being the iranian people will be secure and can go all the way to securing their freedom in the of the previous regime who. we've seen where this apparent pro-democracy fervor can lead. to in a year. the american president says he supports the protesters but these protests are not protests against the government these kinds of demonstrations happen in any country and they are against rising prices but each time these demonstrations happen we see that the authorities opponents use them for their own purposes the majority in iran i believe want evolution not revolution or up here. arrow
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spring style which has brought so much suffering elsewhere on the other hand the west seems oddly quiet about the massive rallies that are being held across iran in support of the government to. the root of it is just a canard it's the problem of youth unemployment i personally haven't been able to find a job for a long time but if people have a job they don't have any problem with the government of course most of iran's economic problems are domestically generally but another reason why investment and thus new jobs have been slow in coming is that contrary to their obligations under the nuclear agreement western countries notably the united states have not taken sufficient steps to facility normal financial flows when it comes to iran the west says it's listening but clearly selectively as co-opting
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democracy for its own ends is a difficult habit to break and as i said you're going to r.t. london well as the process in iran began to gain more international attention and number of fake images were widely circulated on social media the following trade shows a photo of a woman attacking police officers with the caption iran but it turned out to be a screenshot from the iranian movie after being exposed the man who posted it caned it was supposed to be symbolic how do you. which gained thousands of years and was said to show a march in iran was later proved to be of a protest in bahrain from two thousand and eleven while other fakes were perhaps less clear one post claimed to show the uprising but it was actually a photo of a pro-government rally. president trump's former chief strategist has expressed his regret for comments included in the sensational bestseller about the white house fire and fury were comments were
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aimed at paul manifolds a seasoned campaign professional with experience and knowledge of how the russians operate to read through those comments were not in that jr i regret that my delay in responding to the in the current reporting regarding julian has diverted attention from the president's historical accomplishments in the first year of his presidency well here are just a few allegations from the new book claim that trunk for the white house daunting and that his own behavior contributed to chaos and despondent show it also alleges that the person behind the leaks of personal data was the president himself and the trial enjoys eating cheeseburgers in bed. well trump senior policy adviser was invited on to the mainstream media in trying to explain the revelations but was cut off by the presenter and one of the four hours of negative and hysterical coverage on this network could lead in recent weeks to some spectacularly embarrassing false report i think the vulgar and can ascertain it was that if you are entitled to have
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my three months of the truth why you should just give me three minutes to tell you the truth about donald trump that i know and all of our campaigns because i know my show and i want to do that and we asked political talk show host brian crabtree about steve bannon's role in the book control to say he told us the former white house advisor is pursuing his own now. i don't think this has much impact on the president going forward i think it just shows that there's a few people that he has put himself around that he may need to take a second look at steve bannon was one of them that's already done if you look at this book this is the biggest bout of fake news we've seen in a long time they quoted the fact that donald trump didn't know who john boehner our former speaker of the house was he played golf with him he was the speaker of the house for four months when trump began his campaign so i think steve bannon if you look at what he's really doing here the agenda of steve bannon is to run for president run a large bit of political action committee and that's why i got fired i think steve
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bannon was pro trump until he got a taste of the power that came with president trump and then he became pro steve bannon he was doing interviews he seemed to go rogue i think this is all about steve bannon and his agenda and i think he lost the thought that he was damaging trump who he helped get elected. for a diplomatic resolution to the korean crisis and now in slicing off to the north agreed to hold formal talks with the sas the head of the winter olympics but it didn't take long for the u.s. president to take the credit for a possible deescalation of the crisis lot of people have said a lot of people have written that without my rhetoric and without my tough stance and such just. stance i mean this is this is what has to be done if it has to be done that they wouldn't be talking about olympics that they wouldn't be talking right now well this week it was confirmed that north and south korea will meet for their first official talks in two years the meeting on january the ninth will discuss the upcoming winter olympics in south korea and he's also hopes it will
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address the tensions in the region it will be held in a so-called peace village in the demilitarized zone on the border between the two countries want of a diplomatic breakthrough this week saw north korea reopen a telephone hotline with the sas and it been closed since twenty sixteen and on thursday the u.s. president finally accepted souls' request to postpone joint military drills during the olympics but the dean for darren law school tom brokaw's thinks the white house intervention has only made things worse these moves to have dialogue between north and south korea didn't start a year ago when trump was elected president they've been going on for some time and i think you know the white house has probably something close to nothing to do with this with the steps i think this is something by the efforts of others in him
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i think here to the white house and help this progress happen the white house has really done a lot to endanger it and i think it's a credit to both sides in north and south korea that they've got to stick to open talks to open dialogue and and one only hopes for the sake of the people who live on the korean peninsula some good comes out of that irrespective of what tweets come out of from donald trump. well despite some diplomatic progress donald trump hasn't pulled any punches in his twitter exchanges with north korea's leader this week the insults reached a new level after the u.s. president brought about the size of his new clear button it seems that for donald trump size really does matter. look at those hands are they small. and he referred to my hands if they're smaller
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than something else most baseball i guarantee you there's no problem. i have the biggest crowds big the biggest standing ovations best the best in the world the greatest health care plan very very successful i would build the greatest war you have ever seen by i happen to be underrated by the way it. made me feel they were bragging about who has the bigger but when we got to the big you should be bragging about the size of your missile.
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as the first week of twenty eighteen comes to an end the thousands of migrants are still on the streets of farms waiting for permanent shelter president mike kroll vowed to clear the streets of rough sleeping mind by the end of last year but his pledge seems to have foreign flags. but the first battle is to house everybody in a dignified manner by the end of the year i want normal women and men in the streets or in the woods last. artesia de bensky has been talking with migrants living on the streets still hoping to start a new life in france a new year may have begun but for these my quince the problem is still the same ahead is yet another freezing night on the streets of paris. look we've got a president said he wanted to resolve the problem by the end of the year it's not resolved in the neighborhood there are another thirty camps which are settled like this and these migrants are seeking asylum there is
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a problem with violence between the people who are waiting in the queue at the reception center because they want to be the first. to stay in it but it's not the fault of the migrants it's the fault of the system is poorly organized which is pose problems for two years is completely dysfunctional and creates a situation of confrontation and violence people have been injured at the reception office the people are angry at the situation because it continues in the same way and because there is no solution. one of those waiting to find a way off the streets is rafi he's been in france for seven months. you look everybody so the a billion here already called about more forthcoming. water but. you know you hear mach one hundred one one i'm a little one another this is my life. three people sleep good real story. is this the life you thought you would have
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moved. across france thousands of migrants are living in similar conditions all hand to mouth summer found shelter in tents along the canals and streets of paris others in the metro stations all a just looking for a place to call home in the last two years more than forty thousand migrants have set up camp as metro station. and this is a boy they come it's a reception center where migrants can register to possibly start a new life in drugs every day hundreds of feet up outside the fences like this and base just simply won't cope with the demands despite a pledge that no migrants would be sleeping rough by the end of two thousand and seventeen president might call and has failed to keep his promise and migrants across the country see no end in sight to their suffering. r.t.
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paris. or me while israel is offering african migrants money to get out of the country or go to prison israeli prime minister binyamin netanyahu has labeled them infiltrators and said force will be used if they don't comply provoked actually with something here that is completely illegal and complete us and then for traitors have a clear choice cooperate with us and leave voluntarily respectively humanely and legally all have. he's other legal tools at our disposal i hope the cheese to cooperate with us as well that is why guns who voluntarily agree to leave by the end of march are being promised three and a half thousand dollars and a plane ticket they have the option of returning to their home country or going to a third one the alternative is jail well israeli or thought is say that most of the
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mind grants came to the country for economic reasons despite their claims they fled persecution and war at home while officials estimate that around sixty thousand migrants have crossed the border from egypt since two thousand and five and a third of those have already been deported of those that remain nearly one and a half thousand are held in detention centers one of the detention centers is whole lot which some refer to as an open air prison. the her whole or in a lot i just exist it's not a normal life to live in a lot is not easy ten people sleep in one room you have to queue to take a shower to do anything the doctor is only here from one to three there's only one doctor for about twelve hundred people and why did i leave eritrea because eritrea
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is a dictatorial country that i couldn't live there you cannot do anything you work there like a slave for them it's all you can do you can only call it slavery and first i didn't choose to come to israel i didn't think about anything i just wanted to see where there's peace where i can take care of myself where i can protect myself well as soon as the deportation plan appears the un refugee agency reminded israel about his duty to protect those who need it and we invited two guests to debate the issue . and not refugees they're criminals who crossed the border illegally and they've done quite a long way they didn't want to stay in egypt for example for some reason they crossed for via so done via egypt they came to use rail they're not refuges not the asylum seekers they want to benefit from our reach from our merciful society they are looking for rescue in their spirit didn't do anything
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possible to save their lives some of them of course behaved fine and they've made it here that the government of the world pays each one of them thirty five hundred dollars puts them in the nature of the environment whatever they are from or close to there i think israel must be admired and praised by everybody by doing so how we face the problem so-called problem of some city seven thousand asylum seekers refugees who lift part of them have children here they should stay here they have to stay here no human regime would experience and if israel is going to expel them by force it will be one of the most shame still ever taken not less than this. place name instead of thanking israel for the years they spent here earned money were treated by the
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way by israeli madison which is one of the best in the world instead of thanking they what they're going to protest they're going to do it and then they can't come back but by the way of stories wherever they are they're welcome everybody is welcome but you have to keep the law they've brought a lot from time to time it's also good tools things to fix and the fact is that the rate of cry by among those migrants is much lower than the ever interest of crime it is good it's not true oh it's absolutely no new. rose those. false statement i am not going to speak as though because this baby's interrupting me eighty percent over there it's rare in europe are recognized as refugees it is less than one percent how can you call it but racism how could you call it but racism in. yemen has been the target of another saudi led air strike the second so
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far this year according to local media one person was killed and at least three more were injured a strike on the arab world's poorest country took place on saturday morning saying a busy market in the northern province of saddam it comes after another attack on january the first when more than twenty people were killed in the major port city of hard data. it would. be. i am poor i have no time to work a lot of i suffer from the cold and. i was given a free society one some people to warm up on hot days right on the sidewalk. being . the. worst you know
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how can area where i want security but now we have no health or blanket i try to return to the people and their sleeping let alone. a saudi arabia's campaign in yemen is now in its third year the devastation war has claimed ten thousand lives and displaced more than three million people saudi led strikes have also obliterated much of the infrastructure and the blockade of the country's ports has left around twenty million people in dire need of food and medical help. saudi arabia recently allowed to keep order in yemen to be temporarily reopened so essential food and fuel for ten however locals there say supplies have yet to arrive and the red cross is calling for the blockade to.
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yemen is a country that depends on imports ninety percent of its needs are from imports so when you have three years of a devastating war when you have restrictions on imports and people cannot have enough to eat and to feed their families every day this is when you see the bigger picture of things when you look at twenty four million people who are deprived of the basic commodities that we all have free access to and the fact that this is handled by the restrictions on the arrival of goods humanitarian aid but most importantly actually commercial goods are more important than humanitarian aid because you cannot feed a population of twenty seven million people just by providing humanitarian aid. and you guys who all see dot com for more on these and other stories up next maxon stacy bring you the latest kinds of reports.
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when you don't. see the teachers who are. there to court. what are the most true only ten space to. make. love to the. club into no servant is messy that a. few speak french. yes. that's the. new. it's a new year but the same stories persist out front as the chaotic trump white house followed by the steel dossier and a possible breakthrough with north korea. about
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your sudden passing i've only just learned you worry yourself in taken your last wrong turn. you're out to get up to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry suddenly i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each breath. but then my feelings started to change you talked about war like it was a game still some more fun to feel those that didn't like to question our arc and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave
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a funeral the same as one enters the mind it's consumed with death this one quite different i speak to you now because there are no other takers. claimed that mainstream media has met its maker. all. planned welcome to worlds apart an old latin adage goes that if you want peace prepare for war countering the deterring of russia through the use of force is part of the most basic human instinct the one that when indulged righteously often leads to barbaric waste of humanity what would it take for the world to adopt the prepare
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for peace rather than prepare for war action should well to discuss that i'm now joined by still worth it this advocate and founder of oxford research group it's great to talk share thank you very much for your time here to what you've been an advocate for for nonviolence. any day could see side the examples of mahatma gandhi nelson mandela and unsung city as people who personally inspired you and they all strike me as heroes of the twentieth century i wonder if their lives stories as inspiring as they are still valid today when the nature of conflict and the nature of politics have changed so dramatically i agree with you that the nature of conflict has changed dramatically but if you take the qualities of somebody like mandela they're enduring and i can give you a very clear example of that i think it was the second time that i met monella and he started speaking to a room of about sixty people and he's now.
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