tv Sophie Co RT January 8, 2018 1:30am-2:00am EST
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waves are withering away and we'll have citizen stead i heard you say that lots of times. but look all over europe all over the world there are people fiercely obsessed with their national identity london voted to stay in the u. england voted to leave new york voted hillary but the bible belt look bible belt voted trump what makes you think the nation state pendle don't want swing back i mean it looks like it is making a comeback no. it seems like they're looking for an identification after thirty five years of intensive globalization. be can now see that there is a little bit of a backlash and it's difficult probably for us human beings to identify with the globe as a unit of analysis however what i think we can clearly see is that people identify with smaller units of analysis and the unit of analysis seems to be the
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city so cities seem to be more interesting than ever particularly if we look at the numbers where people are migrating borderless society has already existed in the e.u. for years but for the migrant crisis and a spike in terrorism borders are being green traduced and sassed is it premature to hope for a world without borders. no i don't see see a world without borders i see a world full of borders the question is what kind of borders we will have whether they are soft or hard that's number one number two migration is driven by many factors it's not only war and terrorism also you people are in search of a better life if you look at the border between mexico and the us or between the north of africa and europe you can see that many people are also in search of
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a better life but tell me something how can sit is exist on their own without a bigger framework who will produce and feed all the bright minds and innovators sitting in skyscrapers look at singapore i mean the van a sieve our times which imports almost all of its food ingredients from elsewhere that's where we are today and the city of course need the surrounding area. to support itself that's true also in the case of the three case of singapore however or we will see of course the technology will help us to make the safety in terms of degree somewhat more. independent however there is no i can see no state in the foreseeable future where the city is independent no the city would always need the surrounding areas so do i understand
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right that your idea that the future is based on cities sali is is no where near us or aren't you say weren't you saying in your ideas that the world is going to be made up of entirely of cities i think we have to look at it like this two thousand and six that was the year when more than fifty percent of the world population lived in cities so that was a kind of a breaking point and now we are racing to ward stood next level and that is probably about eighty percent of the world population in cities twenty five to thirty years from now and then the world in terms of its population will be six hundred the cities that account for eighty percent of the world population and that's just you know
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migration yes i understand your idea and i understand how it can work the total urbanization somewhere like in europe because there are things close by it's well connected in terms of transport but is it a one in thirty or forty years is it possible in a vast place like russia. you know russia do have some similarities in terms of for example canada australia and actually to certain extent the nordic countries because you might know that both finland sweden and norway have very small population in turn in relation to the size of the countries and these three scandinavian countries are some of the most urbanized in the world so it might well work the other way around if you see what i mean. so let's imagine all that you're saying is going to happen one way or another so fifty years
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from now who will have the briefcase with the nuclear codes they san francisco mayor or the mayor of boston. i think for the foreseeable future. san francisco moscow barely in the cities will have to accept that the power the ultimate power is still in the hands of the nation state although i think both you and the rest of us will experience how the sixty's gradually of course claims some of the power jus to the fact that there are many people in the six hundred number one and number two the city account for so much of the value production the creation of value and that usually can be translated into power if you see is over a longer period of time but i want to move on to money matters will we see
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a kind of money to the middle ages with like every city having its own currency. i see what you mean. you're having the virtual currencies in mind of course that we now have somewhere between seven or eight hundred different currencies one of the most well known today so of course bitcoin i think most people have heard about bitcoin. and this is some kind of currencies so what we're all with will crypt a currency like bitcoin play in this process self you know this intro ization could we be taken it more seriously or is it a market fad because there are a lot of controversies about becoming today i mean it's a great idea but it's not totally working. it's
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a great idea it is not totally work and i guess most of us would not like to save our money in that's currency and the primaries and being that it fluctuates dramatically and most people don't want their savings to fluctuate that dramatically so that's number one number two. we do have some countries in the world that now are interested in reducing the use of cryptocurrency. and various script to currency kind of offerings china is one such country that have said no to the use of a certain of all of these currencies. and the central government in the country do have a monopoly on currencies. but can you actually fight the technological trends i mean can you stop the cryptic our currency from
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happening in a future. no you should you cannot stop technology and that's an excellent question sophie thank you very much because this is sometimes a little bit misunderstood we cannot stop the technological revolution in any area whether it's these stem cells you know the ability to grow certain organs on the skin of a human being or computer technology in a general way or any other technology because it's driven by human curiosity so i can see no state where we stop technological development as long as we human beings are here digitalize services are a big factor in this enormous shift you are talking about the internet of the ninety's was perhaps less omnipresent but it was decentralized now most of our
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lives are facebook apple amazon netflix google not just a handful of companies do you see the danger in this one applies ation any kind of monoplane sation introduces of course problems and this is not new we have seen it before in a number of industries how one or two sometimes three companies totally dominate in industry we have seen it in the motive industry we don't handful of players dominating the industry we saw it in the oil and gas industry one hundred years ago we have seen it in the telecom industry so this is not the first time that one two or three companies totally dominate an industry and what has happened is either of two things either technological development has you know made some of these.
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giants more or less obsolete because new technologies have introduced new players so that's one thing that tend to happen another thing that tend to happen is that we go after d.s. giants with the law book of law and basically break them up and this has happened before companies have been broken up monopolies are usually a bad idea all right shelly don't take a break right now and when we're back we'll continue talking about how age acknowledge is transforming our lives stay with us.
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altie we have a great team we need to strengthen before the free world cold and better than a legend to keep it so it's at the back. in one thousand nine hundred two that must qualify for the european championships at the very last moment no one believed in us but we won and i'm hoping to bring some of that waving spirit to the r.c.t. . recently had a lot of practice so i can guarantee you that peter schmeichel will be on the best since my last will come from that. thousand zero zero zero zero zero. left left left more or less ok stuff that's really good. power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely and the bell of the match is over their heads up
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saudi arabia these days is as corrupt as the day is long and he's just stealing money from folks and with us trying to be had it but america is like that's reform meanwhile ok already there actually are in the process of reform but that's somehow evil. in the hearts of the swiss alps this is a place probably most secretive than the pentagon styria than the cia and better god than forty six. place while all the science is controlled by them and they impose the opening times the way. it was to do this for me all plus the procedures in place of the strictest in all europe most to pieces by artists. and modigliani camps and soon the scientists well house that's where the report comes in it covers up deals which are not naturally discreet commercially discreet but also do. discretely that's because they concern from. some of those paintings
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a link to dark secrets nobody knows how many of these secrets a kept inside the geneva free pool it's such a position that you'll never obtain an inventory of all the works in the freeport who knows how many there are three hundred three thousand three hundred thousand it's a matter of confidentiality only is it the world like the art business. that we're back with shell or strom discussing how innovation and technology has shaped the future we're going to live and so shall you once said that the market is a machine that has no so that we need to put so in it how do you do that i mean socialism. socialism was of course. the effort or.
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trial where we tried to do that now markets do not really have a soul technology is usually don't have a soul that we have to instill that from the outside the way we do it is usually by legislation in our respective countries but technologists are neither good nor bad i mean the internet in itself is neither good nor all what we use it for. the same goes for markets markets are in themselves neither good nor bad it's what we trade how we trade it on the ward circumstances we trade yeah but also on i'm trying to figure out what they will look like in a future for instance there's an experiment going on in finland where the idea of universal basic income what the sample of people game in
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a limited amount of money but the government regardless of their employment or wealth is this scandal neighbors russia isn't gone too far is finland actually a step ahead of the rest you know actually they are trying to answer exactly that question no one knows. no one really knows what happens if people are gave. a certain amount of basic salary every month when they work harder when they work less will they do art will they play games how will people act and behave over a longer period of time if they are given a small i should say basic salary because the basic salary here is like between five and six hundred euros a month which means that it's not that significant. so this is this is
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a piece of research i think we have to see it for what it is it's research basic research also in talk about the university education that's been discussed a lot lately how it's over rated and all and you can also saying that a university education is becoming worthless you don't have to go to harvard because everything you need is already available online however a university education isn't only giving you a diploma right it's supposed to teach you this skill of self education peer severe and stis a plain i mean if you go to ivy ivy league schools that's really the network that it gives you that you know then you live in in the world lately things that will be useful in any work environment will that not be enough to keep colleges going where else will we be taught all that you're exactly right but i think what we can see. many of the. our human very basic human activities now for.
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in two to cathay greece and i would try to explain let's start with something basic that we do in almost any country banking. one part of banking we do from a distance we do it with our mobile phone with our computer it's totally robotized if you want there is no human being involved in the process so that's one side of banking then there is another side of banking which is when it's super sophisticated and that is when you are buying your first house in a city where you were not born when you are for some reason divorcing and you have to split all the financial resources in a fair way then you need advice human advice and you need to see the bank care and you need to see your bank back to universities lecturers old
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school lecturers we need one to four or five really good professors that do that and they can do it on camera for people in oxford call go moscow stockholm and san francisco at the same time and from a distance it's fully automatic if you see what i mean very limited involvement of the human beings however if you want to learn that discipline. perspectives on knowledge feel loss of the how to analyze shakespeare's best and compare it to hamlet then you need to sit down and discuss in a small group with a senior professor then you need to seek shelter and you need to spend a long time together furthermore so i think it will split many of the
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human activities into two parlous the want component that can be fully automatic and the component where you really need human interaction so and the rule of thumb is anything that can be digitized will be difficult to earn money on you know how with the internet but there is overwhelming amount of information that comes into our lives i mean people stop reading books but the amount of words that they read are actually more than before because you read so much stuff on internet whether it's useful or not what can we do to keep up with the flow of information that we get into our lives every day because actually i feel like we need to do something with it to prevent ourselves from becoming more stupid every day. in principle if a reticular speaking we are all becoming more stupid every day for the simple
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reason that the brain is the brain and it doesn't develop very fast however we almost doubled the amount of information in planet earth every second year which means that in relative terms we know less and less and less but that's of course just a theoretical sort of spin on things. now on a serious note. we get a lot of the information we get a lot of data points but to make sense out of them it's still not that simple. which means that many of us now are informed but in a very weird and sometimes kinky way because we are putting information on and data points together that actually don't belong in the in the same context and it within the same framework i think the answer long term. will be
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machines we need the help of machines here because it's far more they thought than any human being can process so seeing or a longer period of time we need an innovation here or an invention even not even an innovation rather an invention of basic invention. you know google was such an intimate invention once upon a time how to navigate all the home page so are you saying are you saying we need an invention that would actually help us sort out the information that we intake we need an invention that can validate test the reliability the relevance of the day that you and i are looking for let's assume that you and i are looking for data on diabetes ok if you google diabetes to type two today you
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will get massive massive massive amounts of data but the question is what about the quality of these data the reliability of the state of the source of the state and here we need the help of a machine that can classify care fager rise standardize all these data. otherwise you and i are at risk of course that we read a lot about diabetes too but it is not really up to date and that's where we are today so how of the world's population have never used a mobile phone regardless of everything that we're talking about right now how awful of the world's population hasn't used a mobile phone what we talk about digitalisation the globalization of everything they say hardly has anything to do with those parts of the world were children still have to walk four miles to school they don't have clean drinking water arctic
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knowledge is leading to the reality in which to developing part of the world will trail hopelessly behind the developed it's a fantastic question and reflection now a number one over the course of the last thirty forty years we have and by we i mean the world we have lifted so many people out of ultimate the poverty that today you could argue that we have one to one and a half billion people that still live below the poverty line which is of course. horrifying what we can see though. is that technology is the way we think of it today the fact that we trade with each other seem to create value also in the most poorer corners of the world so a decent assumption is that if we continue along the lines we see today with global
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trade human interaction and cross borders we will probably have eradicated poverty the way we define it today in about ten years and then we have to redefine poverty to feel like we're maybe headed into a high tech low life into cyberpunk i mean they use twitter in kenya to prevent ship theft or delivery drones in syria to drop bombs on people the technology is seeping into the so-called third walls but is it really changing it that is the question. i don't think technology usually changes human behavior it to certain extent you could say that over a longer period of time we are affected by technology we know for example that in a number of countries and in a number of cities people also young people prefer to do
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their dating using a machine rather than hanging out in a bar and then you can say ok technology has all been. in a very fundamental way change human behavior because we didn't have any machines before one with our dating but now we use there are any old that they thing apps. but i would say on average no technology doesn't change human behavior it's are all the other way around that that the technology to our ambitions and the foreign bishops are good we use technology for good and if they are bad we use it for bad technology is neutral in that sense shall thank you very much for this interesting ench of the it's been a pleasure talking to you for talking to dr and north strong discussing the changes our society is undergoing in the information age with economists innovative speaker
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and best selling author once again dr shelved or strong that's it for this edition of so think oh and i'll see you next time. i had a great education a good job and a family that loved me. i never had to worry about how i would eat somewhere i would sleep. i'm facing christmas alone out on the streets of london. i thought the tory like. you know the slogan though still give up food for the stuff. you don't really feel
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like you have the big you know. and then. the guy just came over to me saw me and gave me a change of this book. it's a new year but the same stories persist out front is the chaotic trump white house followed by the steel dossier and a possible breakthrough with north korea. in two thousand and sixteen the panama papers show the world with a tax haven the secrets to trillion united states dollars passed through most. in
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the amount of time that we've been in panama papers exposure that's what it shows a lot of money it really is. journalism it's an act of journalism looking at things that people want to keep secret and asking why would they want to keep these things secret. millions of most like from psycho documents where examine. the all the people which basically have tried to get an advantage out of this sort of. newspaper. and probably other politician which was the other politicians the media were quick to find their targets such as the kings of morocco and saudi arabia the president of argentina several prime ministers. and russian president vladimir putin of course. oh my god i've had so i have sued
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so many newspapers for defamation some things don't just happen by chance it was very striking there were no more americans to go specially a lot of people from the brics countries specially brazil russia and china that this special project reveals what was missed in the media coverage. the panama chronicles. i. know. that.
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the israeli prime minister faces mass protests mounting corruption allegations with thousands again marching in the streets of tel aviv. new coalition in full swing in germany. attempts to wed. the country's worst political crisis in years. and allegations that donald trump has mental health problems make headlines across the mainstream media as the us president promises to give awards to alkaloids he regards as fake news provider.
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