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tv   News  RT  January 8, 2018 3:00am-3:30am EST

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allegation. of mental health problems make headlines across the mainstream media u.s. president. germany . as the country's political.
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international. thousands of marched through the streets of tel aviv in israel demanding the resignation of the country's prime minister it's all over corruption allegations the protestors were carrying placards and shouting slogans denouncing the government correspondent. this story. for six weeks now its release have been demonstrating against the prime minister the crime minister. not just in tel aviv the capital but now. israel proper and always been here for years everybody is talking. all the time to
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the media. there is a feeling that the government is corrupt and puts its interests before the citizens . is corrupt. they're tired i think is going to get elected again. there are two publicly known cases against netanyahu in the first his wife and he alleged to have accepted illicit gifts tobacco and alcohol from a hollywood billionaire luxurious champagne for the lady and fine cigars for the gentleman case number two netanyahu reportedly struck a deal with a major newspaper where in return for more favorable coverage he would weaken a rival newspaper using his office and powers as prime minister serious allegations stuff like this has put people in jail you think bebe's scared
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if there will be recommendations by police to endure so here's a fact i doubt the public knows the vast majority of police recommendations in with nothing more than sixty percent of police recommendations are thrown out here of course denies everything just like his predecessor who would or met also denied ever taking bribes even as he was handcuffed and convoyed off to jail b.b. doesn't care police can recommend whatever they want it's only if the state prosecutors decide to act will he face trouble and he seems sure they won't they knew a year ago even before the investigation why did it take a year and a waste of time and public funds there's more of course questions about netanyahu has connections how babies cousin ended up in the middle of a controversial billion dollar deal to buy german submarines you know how these
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things happen but isn't it amazing how a man can be so flippant about corruption allegations against him and so righteous about corruption allegations against. others bridgie reunions are poor into the streets they seek freedom they seek justice i wish the renewed people success in their noble quest for freedom. is the support. against other corrupted reduce the new learn but try to manipulate. criticism against him where it is really a corrupt government and lisa still months away from issuing an official recommendation on whether to try the netanyahu or not the b.b.c. allies as striking back they've passed through legislation that would be the police
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for making any public recommendations on whether people should be taken to court netanyahu is a survivor israel's longest serving prime minister he has weathered and survived plenty of scandals and next time this law will make it even easier under the israeli law the prime minister does not have to resign even if he is indicted and even when he's standing trial only after he has been convicted in a certain district court in jerusalem and after he's appeal has been denied by the high court which could take two years or so but this is only billygoat point from b. public and political point of view there will be a lot of pressure on him to resign or at least step aside for
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a while once he is indicted. the mainstream media has a new op session donald trump's mental health or alleged lack thereof of speculation that the u.s. president has psychological problems has been driven by the tell all bestseller about the white house under trump called fire and fury although the book's author says he can't be sure of all the parts of it a true it has led to a heated class for example between trump's senior policy adviser and one c.n.n. host. because you have president one hundred four hours of negative and hysterical coverage on this network ok the lead in recent weeks is some spectacularly embarrassing false report i think the wrong word that i can ascertain it was that if you are as are entitled to have my three months of the truth why you should just give me three minutes to tell you the truth about donald trump that i know and all of our campaigns you guys know my show and i don't want to do that so there's one viewer that you care about right now and you're being obsequious we're going to find out when you're going to be ok and i have you know if you know you like erica
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wasted enough of my viewers away you know thank you very. much chief strategist has expressed regret over comments of his that were included in this new book. my comments were aimed at pool manifolds a seasoned campaign professional with experience and knowledge of how the russians operate to reiterate those comments. i regret the delay in responding to the inaccurate reporting regarding judaism has diverted attention from the president's historical accomplishments in the first year of his presidency i don't think this has much impact on the president going forward i think it just shows that there's a few people that he has put himself around that he may need to take a second look at steve bannon was one of them that's already done if you look at this book this is the biggest bout of fake news we've seen in a long time they quoted the fact that donald trump didn't know who john boehner our former speaker of the house was he played golf with him he was the speaker of the house for four months when trump began his campaign so i think steve bannon if you
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look at what he's really doing here the agenda of steve bannon is to run for president right out of a large bit of political action committee and that's why i got fired i think steve bannon was pro trump until he got a taste of the power that they came with president trump and then he became pro steve bannon he was doing interviews he seemed to go rogue i think this is all about steve bannon and his agenda and i think he lost the thought that he was damaging trump who he helped get elected in a tweet trump said he's had to put up with fake news evidence here about announced his bid for the presidency and the now and now he was having to deal with yet a fake book he also promised to announce a special award for a fake news the ceremony was shuttled for this monday but it's now been postponed for next week.
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nothing gives you more credibility than donald trump calling you a life i. don't want to get. crazy the problem is. the people. previously says. that he's mentally unstable i'm not going to give you a new steak or you are fake. temperamentally.
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president one united states president donald trump is pushing back against allegations that he is mentally fit. to the best callers calling. in the u.s. media to battle over a fake news one piece of misinformation has caused a law on american social media a man called hunter fisher was giving an interview to a local t.v. station john lewis that i didn't believe he'd given them his real name is how he describes what happened. he stopped me randomly in the crowd and at the end of the interview he asked for a name and for me to spell it out which i did and he kind of had a little bit of a look of disbelief with all the festivities and how crazy it was i left pretty rapidly i got interviewed and i knew that i would get my five seconds of fame on t.v. so are scouring the internet looking for the shot and when i pulled it up it it said
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benjamin holcomb instead of my name and so i was a little bit confused and decided to take a screenshot of it and put it on the internet i wasn't as insulted as as much as i thought it was funny my name is always kind of been a talking point with all my friends and family and yeah you could probably guess that my mother definitely has a good sense of humor for deciding that that would be a good name it's a catchy name but. i wasn't insulted i thought it was kind of funny the man later shared his story over twitter prompting some online giggles. it kind of blew up way fast i was not expecting it at all like i said it really was
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just for my friends who kind of knew me and knew my name was obscure my small group of friends really and then when it took off it happened fast my phone was buzzing off the hook with notifications i was googling it and found it on a lot of different sites and i'd never her ever anticipated my five seconds of fame on a smaller news network to now this interview on russian television. new coalition talks have kicked off in germany and was seen as a last chance to form a majority government and avoid yet another election the social democrats in the ruling christian democratic union will now have five days to enter into a so-called grand coalition and apparently at this point in time both sides fairly confident of a future success of forming an alliance with the social democrats is the only live option for. the previous coalition talks with the green party and the free democrats collapsed two months ago the current political crisis is seen by some as
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the worst in germany for years. sizes up merkel's chances of resolving the situation to put together a coalition it takes a match angle has been desperate to make any match she hopes her party could match with the greens but that plan also required matching what the or the free democrats are writes why appear to. but i know it's a match pop ups angle almost got it right with the green party but she's still in favor of using coal power plus her transport minister in the old government called the greens tofu that has fallen into our meats when it comes to the d.p. these folks were nowhere near matching with deep divisions and how to deal with tax and solemn and environmental policies. we will not abandon our foreign policy
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with which we are not convinced it is better not to govern than to govern badly so that was it for the so called to make a coalition talks. one guy quit using the coalition building up all together but then signed up again. and through a grand coalition we said this clearly in this room after the elections and we still stand by this. time politics that's why these tools necessary to meet the great challenges facing the world europe. so angle crossed paths with park there swipe left or swipe right the conservative leader is having another go at matching with the social democrats but here again angle may find herself matchless here's why. migration was
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much less of an issue in twenty third thing when agreeing on the c.d.u. s.p.d. grand coalition was no sweat today it's one of the main if not the number one issue for germans to worry about the success of the right wing force the conservative blog to get more tough on asylum seekers something the social democrats refuse to accept. instead what they'd love to accept that actually push for is more integration after all the s.p.d. leader wants to see the knighted states of europe and while angle as c.d.u. as moore has it in the very end wing of her blog is turning increasingly euro skeptic you don't invite hungary's leader slash the man viktor orban to a party summit for nothing. then there's the issue of how much to spend on the army the conservatives are seeking more military spending to reach the nato target
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of two percent of g.d.p. the social democrats though say that's not what germany needs if eventually these things are nuff to cause a mismatch angle of merkel may end up in real trouble well as the prospect of yet another election looms recent opinion polls show that more than a half of all germans are against mccomas chancellor. we spoke to run our office who says an election rerun could be closer than many people think the trust in the great coalition is beginning to diminish quite considerably in german population there is already much of a majority of people calling for new elections as recent polls have showed a good negotiator would have seen much earlier that one of the three or four or even negotiating parties. why i'm to represented in two different points that were gathered to flow into question and obviously angela
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merkel failed at that point she did not realize how bad the situation was perceived liberal i can imagine that were replaced even if there are new elections already in twenty eight. so i wanted the political uncertainty some speculating that merkel may not run again if indeed the latest coalition talks fail the media has already lined up who it thinks could succeed.
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since. the sun. what is the dome for on the reichstag. well have any of you ever seen a circus with a flat roof. because the and. since you are you an expert in german winds and if we were to do wine tell us now yes it's pretty easy to distinguish between red and white wine.
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in the mix of stories still coming your way here on the program today one millionaire businessman like to spend his time picking up other people's little details on that after the break. it's a new year but the same stories persist out front is the chaotic trump white house followed by the steel dossier and a possible breakthrough with north korea. power
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corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely and the measures over their heads up saudi arabia these days is as corrupt as the day is long and he's just stealing money from folks and with us right to be had it but america is like that's reform meanwhile ok already there actually are in the process of reform but that's evil. twenty past the hour here in the us and the department of homeland security have developed votes will reality training game to simulate active shooter situations in schools intended for teachers and first responders that leads you through classrooms and hallways as children run and scream for help.
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i think that. there have been more than two hundred fifty school shootings in america in the past five years on average that's about one a week already in twenty eighteen there have been two reported incidents involving a firearm in school and then one third of all mass shootings in america since two thousand happened at schools here's a reminder of some of the deadliest. over
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to our guests now discussing whether the new school shooting simulator will help the cause of gun violence in schools. we have to really understand that we do live in a day and age when children are going to have to understand this at a younger age than we would have liked then we were probably raised with and because of that you know it is good to utilize technology in order to train them to either defend themselves against it or defend others against it and just to be ready for it because sometimes the worst things will happen when children or a those in its situation have absolutely no idea how to handle what is happening in the group by teachers with at least some information in order to repair any of that
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they're actually use and sold them on their school and what that does say is it is sims that the assaults will come there will be more socks and dare i say it is there will be there will be more shooting there will be more bashing digs in schools across the united states we have seen this and there's nothing that tells me that that's simply not true will technology and video games make decision ration safer i don't know i hope it will but here's what i do know i know that we have seen mass shooting after mass shooting after back shooting children in the united states were working in the schools with young students to help them understand the modern threats of that time and to better prepare with that to know exactly what to do in the case of the current modern threat happiness upon their school in this case it is school shootings the united states and so you know teachers first responders being able to take part in the simulations is going to help them better train their students for what to do in the event of
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a school shooting but this is to some degree and acceptance that that is the ongoing reality and that the only true response the only thing that the u.s. can do at this point is simply to prepare teachers for what is coming rather than to point a legitimate alternative to stopping those actual shooting themselves. from i think a successful business has better things to do than to spend his days. he's picking up litter on the streets but not so when you're on a mission. i think it doesn't matter how much money of. course you always need to pass on positive energy. but it doesn't matter how old you are either.
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public pick it up enough to do it again because. percent of citizens who are like him our environment will be much better. i believe that if i persist the environment. keep doing as long as i can even when i'm seventy eight years old thanks for sharing a monday with us here at our international live from moscow we're back in about thirty minutes.
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in the fog johnson i. tell. her that. i played for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside guides. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super manager billionaire owners and
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spending two hundred twenty million one player. it's an experience like nothing else on to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful game played great so one more chance for. the base this minute. in two thousand and sixteen the panama papers show the world with a tax haven the secrets two trillion united states dollars past are most often fake in the amount of time that we get them in the panama papers exposure that's what it shows a lot of money it really is. journalism it's an act of journalism looking at things that people want to keep secret and asking why would they want to keep these things secret. millions of most like fonseca documents were examined. me all the people which basically have tried to get an advantage out of this sort
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of newspaper. and probably other politician which was stuff that other politicians the media would point to find their targets such as the kings of morocco and saudi arabia the president of argentina several prime ministers. and russian president vladimir putin of course. oh my god i've had so i have sued so many newspapers for defamation some things don't just happen by chance it was very striking there were no more americans to go specially good ole lot of people from the brics countries specially brazil russia and china that their special project reveals what was missed in the media coverage. the panama chronicles. in the heart of the swiss alps this is
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a place probably more secretive than the pentagon more mysterious than the cia and better guarded than for knox ellis was customs are here permanently all the site is controlled by them and they impose the opening times. to prosecute these forms all plus the procedures in place of the strictest in all europe masterpieces by art. like picasso and modigliani i can't boards unsold inside this warehouse that's where the report comes in that it covers a jar naturally discreet commercially discreet but also discreet because they concern fraud. some of those paintings are linked to dark secrets nobody knows how many of these secrets they kept inside the geneva freeport. you'll never obtain an inventory of all the works in the freeport who knows how many there are three hundred three thousand three hundred thousand it's a matter of confidentiality only is it the world like the our business.
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hello and welcome to cross talk we're all things are considered i'm peter lavelle it's a new year but the same stories persist out front is the chaotic trump white house followed by the steel dossier and a possible breakthrough with north korea. cross talking the new year i'm joined by my guest mark sloboda he's an international affairs and security analyst and we have to he's a political analyst we spoke nick international ok gentlemen as.


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