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tv   News  RT  January 9, 2018 2:00am-2:30am EST

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it's raising hopes of a. breakthrough over the. people . with the. program. you know.
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people think this is a perfectly. good morning. thank you. north korea and south korea holding their first official talks to us the negotiations are taking place in the demilitarized zone between the two countries and here's what proceeded the negotiations. so the reopening of a cross border telephone line the following day agreed to. hold until next month's winter olympics in south korea. in the studio as far as the talks on what is being discussed when it's all happening.
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secretive atmosphere there and you know just to give you an idea this is all happening happening in a village along the most militarized border in the world the most heavily mined border in the world so there's some tension some tension present nevertheless they have agreed on some things and we're getting bits and pieces from south korean press for example the north koreans have agreed to send a high profile delegation to the winter olympic games there is still a geisha include sporting figures as well as performers for the cultural opening and closing ceremonies they've also agreed on family reunions these of families that were split during the one nine hundred fifty s. war between north korea and south korea and haven't siblings brothers or sisters as they haven't seen each other for decades and decades they've agreed on that but they've also agreed and perhaps most importantly this is what everyone is hoping for the south koreans have offered to hold talks later between the military
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officials of north korea and south korea talks on deescalation after a very hectic year turbulent year and a very tense year this is what everybody was looking forward to talks on deescalation as well as denuclearization of the korean peninsula. i think we should be engaged in these talks in an earnest sincere manner to give a new year's gift namely the results of the talks to the korean mission. as you mentioned earlier we hope to bring a precious gift to your people but matches the expectations of our people and this all comes after quite an escalation doesn't it not out well the last year has been it has been you know a heck of a year the north koreans have been testing increasingly sophisticated advanced ballistic missiles with increasing reach. reportedly have in their arsenal now
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missiles that can reach continental united states this is a huge leap forward for them especially if you consider that there are now miniaturizing increasingly powerful nuclear warheads miniaturizing making them smaller putting them on ballistic missiles to carry them to their destinations kim jong un when he when he proposed these talks and in the new year he actually mentioned that he now has a button in his office with which to launch these missiles and the biggest the biggest danger here was if north korea didn't send a delegation to the olympic games winter olympic games it could do any manner of things for example it could as it did during during the last games summer olympics that south korea hosts that were it refused to send a delegation and eventually it was accused of bombing a civilian flight in over south korea hundred fifteen people killed north korea
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denies that few years back when north korea and japan were hosting a football championship there was an arm the clash and naval clash between the south koreans and the north koreans if the north koreans send a delegation to the winter olympic games they're much less likely to launch for lipstick missiles or anything else that is north korea then you have south korea and the u. . knighted states which have been sending nuclear bomb is to the borders of north korea holding war games naval exercises and you know this scene is provoking north korea they've agreed to hold those war games until after the olympics are finished next month but again this is been a terrible year anyway you look at it. i
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hope now is of course that with both sides talking again these runaway escalation that she'd happening it'll finally stop and babs will start seeing some negotiations in concrete results or certainly standing by to hear what comes out of these talks at the so-called peace village on the d.m.z. border line there will see what is coming out in fact we're keeping our ears and eyes on the pulse that we speaking to you soon but i guess d f thank you. well we also spoke with human rights lawyer eric cirrhotic who believe the talks will reduce the risk of a deadly confrontation. i think it's a step back from a military solution because there is no military solution it other than death and destruction of hundreds of thousands or a million people or more in the long run both sides would benefit from peace whether there are people within each government that have an objective to maintain this conflict to maintain the battle state the probably our however you know so
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it's hard to say put north korea into one camp however i see what can come from the talks is a type of peace. treaty and the type of situation where these countries can learn to live in peace and that's only going to come from building relationships the latest talks followed months of escalation in the rhetoric and saber rattling between north korea and the united states however donald trump claims that his aggressive attitude towards pyongyang is exactly what made the diplomatic breakthrough possible. totally destroying north korea that's called the military option the nuclear and ballistic missile programs of that regime require a determined response. little rocket man
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is a sick puppy. a lot of people said a lot of people have written that without my rhetoric and without my tough stance and such a stance i mean this is this is what has to be done if it has to be done that they wouldn't be talking about olympics that they wouldn't be talking right. now are still to come of the program here donald trump handling of another crisis u.s. presidents threaten to cut financial aid to palestine and move backed up by netanyahu it is sparking humanitarian concern aid agencies saying of the fire. a million people. hundreds of people have been protesting in the spanish capital against violence towards migrants and refugees coming to the country the outcry it was sponsored by the government's decision to temporarily housed new comers in a jail in. protesters
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demanded the closure of the prison holding banners reading no detention centers no borders just over a week ago one migrant was found dead in his cell. some media outlets reported the death as suspicious the spanish police however said the self in his cell all his relatives allege that police brutality in the prison is more likely the cause of his death the algerian migrants death added to the controversy surrounding the use of the prison as a refugee processing center the spanish authorities say they have resorted to using it only as an exceptional and temporary measure also stressed the facility is brand new and has never been used as a prison local activists insist that a place like this should never be considered as a refugee. nor it is not even acceptable to hold prisoners there as there's no drinking water yet the government has used this prison for five hundred seventy
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eight male migrants from algeria since november this is totally illegal first the spanish state is prohibited from holding migrants in a prison second the conditions under which the migrants live are legal they are guarded by riot police and have been unable to see their relatives they were not given any clothes for the first few weeks from them and some have defended the spanish government's argument that there simply isn't enough space to hols all the new arrivals however the mayor of out of his daughter the town where the jail is located says that's no excuse and i thought the airport is that we do not agree with the spanish government seeing a lateral decision to house almost six hundred immigrants in the prison they're not criminals and more appropriate a commendation could be found but it's not just one spanish region that has been facing difficulties with the migrant influx recent figures show that more than twenty thousand refugees have crossed into spain via the mediterranean in just the past year that is more than double the number of twenty sixteen and we spoke to
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maria was very eager from the united nations human rights council in spain she compares the spanish crisis to similar cases in other european countries and claims that are thorough he's can do more. u.n.h.c.r. has been always saying refugees and asylum seekers should not be kept in detention our team is just the top of the iceberg for situation that is not pro pretty. honest to each and has been a high level off in previous station for a long time the figures in two thousand and seventeen have increased over one hundred percent compared to the previous years but still we are talking about really money to board members there is no war then twenty seven thousand people breaking in one year when in the past we've seen freeze with one medium he said leave receiving over one hundred thousand people want to hear any basis so we
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therefore believe that spain should be doing much more in this regard. there are calls to boy called closing john h. and m. advertised a black child in a hoodie with the words coolest monkey in the jungle gyms now taken down the image and apologized over but that hasn't stopped a large row with the brand being labeled as racist. marketing fail him down puts a black child in a hoodie that reads i'm the coolest monkey in the jungle and the white child is the survival expert and now fox has pretending like they don't know the black children have long been racially characterized as monkeys the h. and m. is just irony i highly doubt they will like let's put the monkey hoodie on a bill like al make and say there's a white supremacist who works for h. and thought it was funny to make a playboy model who did that said coolest monkey in the journal nature nam is not an american company brands do not have to be familiar with usas or other countries
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historical conflicts non-hospital background research for advertising a simple hoodie you're all going to feel how you all feel about the nation i am new to the situation my focus to do was cute see you me that got a little black boy in a monkey hoodie of course it's offensive but it's so obvious i'm hysterical over the lack of awareness by h n n. we've discussed it whether the ad is racially insensitive with get off low editor of spiked magazine. for models of diversity. well i think it's a really sad day i think what has happened is the word monkey has been used because this boy is a child and the word monkey is used to describe children of all races because they're cheeky and mischief first and you can see this across children's clothes for children of all races and this was part of a jungle themed clothing line the idea that this was somehow racially malevolent i think is utterly ludicrous the whole issue is with this advertising campaign it's
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an advertising campaign that it's international it's an international campaign and it's so obvious that if you're going to use a connotation like monkey if you don't know it specifically choose a campaign where the child is chosen as the monkey and the white child is chosen as the jungle survivor in a climate of racial tension you know it's going to have connotations i don't think this has that connotation for the vast majority of people the vast majority of people think this is a perfectly innocent campaign involving children of all races involved in the jungle and i was bullied by a whole class called a monkey by the by a whole class of when i was going into a class and then really had an affair and if that's going to have an effect on me that's going to have an effect on generations to come because you're the parent of that child you can't get away from the strongest way we can deal with this is by moving children beyond race that should be the goal for everyone in society is
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making children not think about their race that's the way we should be proceeding the more you allow that kind of toxic level of debate that happens on twitter to permeate our interactions in the real world the more we become distance from each other the more we sow racial difference and the more any genuine racial solidarity becomes impossible because people no longer trust each other still to come here on the program reports from the u.s. that a dramatic number of highly skilled employees are leaving the national security agency i will address those issues after the break. they put themselves on the line they did accept the reject. so when you want to be president and. want to be. into going to be press this is
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what before you can't be good. i'm interested in the water. power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely and the matter over their heads up saudi arabia these days is as corrupt as the day is long and he's just stealing money from folks and with us right to be had but america is like that's reform meanwhile already there actually are in the process of reform but that's somehow evil. unfortunately it appears that once people learn that you've reported in a sexual assault or may have been involved in an incident that they become scared of you instead of being scared of the perpetrator.
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here with us today the national security agency in the united states is facing troubling times there are reports that a dramatic number of employees are leaving this one reason being a power slump in morale with high levels of distrust created in the wake of various leaks a former n.s.a. technical director tunde whistleblower william binney he says it's got to the point where n.s.a. workers are even spying on each other. the internally in n.s.a. see their program called see something say something about employees your fellow workers so they've got the workers inside n.s.a. watching the they other workers so that they can get their what their objective is to get somebody to tell them about someone who might be another edward snowden so that was the whole program that's what that's all about so i'm sure that that creates a very hostile you know kind of. a bad work environment that destroys the morale
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the people do it work doing the work there i mean can you it's like you were in the middle of the i was in the original program set up by the stasi to they did the same thing in east germany so i mean when you i mean anybody who had a vendetta or some gripe against someone else could say something about them you know in without giving their names and just to report them for something just to get them into trouble and have difficulty so i mean that just sets up a very bad work environment. they have to encourage you know creativity and independence and get get get the fear of actually trying to do something out of the employee so they're not afraid to try things i mean when you have people watching you all the time for some kind of slip up i mean that kind of that kind of makes you an inhibited that kind of says i don't want to try to do things because somebody might perceive it incorrectly and if they do and i get reported i get in trouble so you know that's that's a very bad thing for them to be doing so they need to correct that they need to
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they need to also out a magically audited on what they're doing so that you know congress can really know what's happening and the people can really know and so can the justice department they're doing illegal things like violating the constitution of the united states which are currently doing now. so they need to correct all of that and then that will create a better work environment and actually see that they get the people who are working there to see that they're actually doing positive things. well i mean i don't see them succeeding at stopping terrorism anyway i mean the only thing they stop for this set ups that the f.b.i. does you know they entrap people as far as the the attacks that have really been planned by terrorists or people who were in there who are intending harm to people i mean they haven't stopped this for any of them that i know of because alexander general alexander former director there and claim to the judiciary committee in the senate that they've stopped that before attacks and he was challenged by senator
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leahy to prove it and he couldn't prove any of them so i mean the point is the thing that they're doing is unconstitutional illegal it's crimes against the laws of the united states and they need to stop that that would change some of the way that the work and employees working there would perceive the job and the charter and the duties inside and say. with all trump threatening to cut funding for palestinians human rights defenders fair this could and foremost the u.n. relief and work agency a special body for palestinian refugees united states and the european commission of being the largest individual done as providing more than a third of the funding the fears have been for the aggravated by remarks made by the israeli prime minister. so close to home in the united nations relief and works agency for palestine refugees must become a thing of the past for those. who
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have not been informed. this. has been. used. in. the un relief and works agency serves over five million people including most of those in the gaza strip according to israel's prime minister though the lion's share of those it serves don't actually need its help while those that do should apply to the un's refugee agency instead but the relief agencies spokesman told us that one country alone cannot rule on this matter. anyone who want to date or.
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he must. do. to continue to continue our. there will be no change. two thousand and sixteen three years. if you in the human. race. meanwhile several humanitarian organizations in palestine have said they're ready to reject us aid this in the wake of trump's decision to recognize to rumors israel's capital and we spoke to the director of one local and. we will come any. assistance from any organization or the states but.
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consideration we are to take any political conditions so if. american administration would like to use this financial assistance as a tool for the political reasons and. the because. it's definitely we refuse that. google engineer who was fired over his controversial diversity memo is now suing the tech giant for alleged discrimination lawsuit alleges the company mistreated employees for their conservative political views male gender and race james the more he was fired last august after his internal memo criticized the company's culture and it went viral i'm simply stating that the distribution of preferences in the billets he's of men and women differ in part due to biological causes and that these differences may explain why we don't see equal representation of women in tech and leadership. in
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the ten page memo the former google employees suggested women were less suited to tech worlds he was fired off the google c.e.o. stated that parts of the memo violated the code of conduct and crossed the line by advancing a harmful gender stereotypes in the workplace neal mccabe a political journalist speculates on the future of this case i think the law and the constitution is on the side of the company but it is interesting that the courts are allowing this case to move forward i think it would be dangerous if private companies were being held to a first amendment standard that doesn't really apply you certainly don't want employees able to sort of provoke other workers and create this sort of animosity inside the workplace i'm very sympathetic to google's point of view by law but the spirit of the lawsuit is something i'm really enjoying watching well
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thanks for sharing your tuesday with us here on out he international more of your worldwide headlines very soon. when lawmakers manufactured incentives to public wealth. when the ruling closest to protect themselves. with the flame and merry go round listen to the one percent. we can all middle of the room sit. in the real news room. power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely and they fell of the measure over their heads up saudi arabia these days is as corrupt as the day is long and
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he's just stealing money from folks and with us right to be had it but americans like that's reform meanwhile ok already there actually are in the process of reform but that somehow evil. in two thousand and sixteen the panama papers show the world with a tax haven the secrets two trillion united states dollars pass through most of conseco in the amount of time that we did them in panama papers exposure that's what it shows a lot of money it really is. journalism it's a fact of journalism looking at things that people want to keep secret and asking why would they want to keep these things secret. millions of most like from psycho don't humans where examine. all the people we basically have tried to get an advantage out of this sort of war newspaper. and
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probably other politician which was tough at the other politician the media would point to find their targets such as they can. of morocco and saudi arabia the president of argentina several prime ministers. and russian president vladimir putin of course. that had so i have sued so many newspapers for defamation some things don't just happen by chance it was very striking there were more merits of single special. of people from the brics countries specially brazil russia and china that their special project reveals what was missed in the media coverage. of the panama chronicles. the two thousand and eight economic crisis turn some countries into pigs these are the countries with weaker economies that needed austerity policies if you are in
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a situation of low bloat even the recession austerity is a very bad idea it doesn't work and it makes millions of people very unhappy those who are unemployed see their wages decline after almost a decade how good are the results in your own peaceful by the people gathered in which the wider world beat people with you what i. believe will be she. means if a legal. challenge lasted more than this she was always think it's the sound they are not getting. why are the same measures still in place to one of the consequences to weaken bluebirds. will first. this is the truth the consumer is the consequences are actually quite acceptable to the decision makers.
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gratings and salyut asians oh right january nineteenth marg your calendars talk watch your because that is the date the united states congress will face it's the next deadlines and september fourth deadlines and september thirtieth to pass the twenty eight two budget for united states of america is the whole budget genuine eighteen twenty eighteen is they still haven't still haven't gotten around to giving us a budget but you see unlike the rest of us who face real world consequences for missed deadlines and unbalanced budgets the us congress gets to pass the old continuing resolution in order to continue to dodge their important responsibilities like say keeping the government funded and running properly
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january nineteenth marks the sunset of now their fourth continuing resolution but passing budgets on time isn't the only important responsibility congress has been ignoring now on a regular pretty regular basis. according to a recent survey by gov spend dot com congressional members and the u.s. voting public are incredibly far apart on spending priorities for example gov spend discover that when it comes to just the discretionary funding budget americans thought military spending should be cut in half and education science and energy and environment deserve to be roughly doubled or more but congress on the other hand decided that allocating six hundred thirty nine billion to the pentagon while giving just fifty nine billion for education was a was a much better use of taxpayer dollars i guess to our illustrious elected officials a brand new.


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