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tv   News  RT  January 10, 2018 6:00am-6:30am EST

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people out of the big cities of the campuses or at the then what happens is you move them all you move into something something like grand will happens and instead of having to spend a pack a pound on a problem you have to spend a thousand and what's happened with grumble is it's alerted people to the fact that we have been getting increasingly we're moving further and further away from the concept of social housing and with that where men were allowing borrowers like kensington and chelsea who have a real problem their big problem is how does a posh borrow with a shed load of money on a log bridge people how can that how how can they relate to a very very poor part of the borrower where you've got people who are destitute as anywhere else in the u.k. it's very very difficult who has learnt to you know see the pasha off and make sure they get all that they want you know paying their rates and at the same time help
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people who are absolutely desperate it's almost like asking people to be schizophrenia you know the two opposites and that is why that is why we need we don't need to believing we can't live in poverty to local authorities we have to have a almost a kind of minister of poverty a minister who looks after who runs of the poverty unit who runs the prevention unit and is in a in a way struggling to kind of balance all of this and bringing people into the fray rather than just leaving it to kensington and chelsea or westminster westminster it's some of the poorest people this isn't tower hamlets this isn't you know this isn't you know sell sheffield it's a mile and i should say labor councils. do the same as the library. unisa paul you missed municipal socialism is as guilty as municipal can. services and in this area
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the most revolutionary idea arguably you've come up with and i'm surprised that you know whether you thought you were going to get it through the private member's bill given the property is the bedrock of capitalism you wanted to treat private rent is the same way. young. people getting moved which is do yeah there is only about the private member's bill because it seems pretty fundamental oyo what happened to it and what is it it's a it's a private member's bill it's had its first reading it's number thirteen in the list certain it will at some stage get a second reading but that might take a year or two so i'm trying to just tell me what i'm trying to push it forward the idea is that what you do is if you got a mortgage tomorrow and a year later your credit rating you're create rating will go up the more you pay your mortgage if if i am living in rented accommodation a brain there pretending is that the people who decide your credit rating say i'm
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sorry you're in rented accommodation so what you've got is you've got to go i mean it's them and asked over credit rating now the problem is if you've got a low credit rating that means you've got to pay more for your credit whether it's bart getting into a mortgage whether aspiring white goods whether it's going on a holiday whether it's buying school uniform for the children so what's happens is you're paying more so the poorer you are the more you're paying because even though you're paying the rent and the council tax so what we're doing is we're saying no no no you've got to change that so the big issue investor which is a part of the big issue has over the last three years lifted quite you know i think in the region of over a million people working with experian good capitalist country company we working with them and we've helped to raise people's credit rating eighty percent of the people we work with so we're talking about over a million people who are paying less for their credit which means to say that
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they're not being penalised simply because they are buying rent there whether any thing good could have come out of the heretic atrocity in kensington and chelsea i mean we talked about. increases in homelessness i think with ninety seven percent down and terms of social housing says david cameron a tradesman went to the government do you think the way they are reporting the aftermath of grandville the faces of mainstream media they actually look frightened now it's as if they suddenly realise the kinds of issues you've been talking about for two three decades maybe. i do or do think as a kind of bit of the writing on the wall i think we're all a bit cheesed off with the way that we're treating the poorest the most needy the way that any borrowers they always move their poor into the same area so for instance you could be bringing up your children you could be having a very very hard life you could be on a minimum paid work it and they'll move you into social housing where you've got
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other people who are very very similar so in a way it kind of depresses everybody or i'm talking about and i've been advocating is that we don't need more social housing what we need is more social housing and sociable housing is where you and i and other people in our children and grandchildren wherever one of our we all mix in together so there isn't a gated community i think gated communities are a killer for the people who live in them because it turns them into zombies social zombies and it also turns pit it kind of is them and us so i have been talking about social housing. rather than just social housing and that is where you mix it up it used to be mixed in other areas other times where i lived in a slummy part of notting hill after the second world war there were people who were there was slums here and then there were other people right now there's this kind
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of cleansing notting hill is is a new kind of slum it's a really really posh. lot but thank you after the break art of vandalism we speak to the artful dodger about using spray paint to fight against police brutality tourism aid and social cleansing and from the headlines will be finding out who is striking at the heart of the health service and taking a cheeky peek at some poverty pong ball the ball coming up about fear of going underground. for. in two thousand and sixteen the panama papers show the world with a tax haven the secrets two trillion united states dollars pass through most. in the amount of time that we've been in panama papers exposure that's what it shows a lot of money it really is. journalism it's an act of journalism looking at things
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that people want to keep secret and asking why would they want to keep these things secret. millions of. documents were examined. all the people we basically have tried to get an advantage out of this sort of. newspaper. and probably other politician which was the other police and the media were quick to find targets such as the kings of morocco and saudi arabia the president of argentina several prime ministers. and russian president vladimir putin of course. oh my god i've had so i have sued so many newspapers for defamation some things don't just happen by chance it was very striking there were no more merica specially good ole walks off people from the
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brics countries specially brazil russia and china that this special project reveals what was missed in the media coverage. of the panama chronicles. unfortunately it appears that once people learn that you've reported in a sexual assault or may have been involved in an incident that they become scared if you instead of being scared of the perpetrator. welcome back with me now is broadcaster and former liberal democrat member of parliament member to pick lembit before we go on to your real newspaper stories i noticed a lot of interest in this country about the diana story in the daily mirror saying british police told me princess diana was murdered death quest driver's dad claims
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on was collateral damage implored what do you make of all that you see the documentary it continues to be the conspiracy theory of the day it's been going on for twenty years now frankly somebody saying i was told that princess diana was murdered isn't really proof is it i mean ok maybe maybe she was maybe she wasn't but on the balance of evidence is that the main thing you got to talk about she died it was tragic the princes of chad their hearts which is far more interesting let's get on with the news this is from global research yes global star says u.s. has budgeted forty nine million dollars for venezuelan right wing since two thousand and nine it's not that much nicer here in the country club area of caracas maybe maybe where you come from and i think it's quite a lot because these are the people who are complaining about president maduro and suggesting that he's not up to the job you've probably seen in the western media a lot of complaints about madeira saying that it's corrupt saying that it's becoming a despot and the americans quite keen to stir it up none of this money is to help
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stability in venezuela is to help oust the pastors democratically elected just in this month but i mean is it all grossly that important to me corbin says for instance that we must condemn violence on both sides presumably a bit like apartheid south africa nelson mandela a violent terrorist who must get vs a violent apartheid racist government you should just be ever going to win are you really stretching it here corbin is being under fire because he won't condemn the democratically elected president of venezuela. really i've been to venezuela there are lots of problems there but in reality copenhagen said anything wrong it's just another chance to have a positive end because the people who don't like him don't like the fact he supports madeira oh and that's probably all of the americans and anybody else is too lazy to see what he's really done and at the same time if washington really wants to create another syria in venezuela i still live there actually hundreds of
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thousands dead in venezuela is that what washington wants it might be the price worth paying for far more oil reserves than even in iraq just put it out there ok meanwhile back here them mainstream media not as interested in this story as they are in venezuela for some reason there's going to morningstar this is about industrial unrest the morris morning star says nurses scrap the wage cap all well strike the morning star claims probably correctly that there is a risk of having a strike as a result of the problems in the health service or aging the royal college of nurses and that's a fairly reliable source so you would say well many stars down to be trying to stir it up and on this occasion they are saying that john a davis is warning the chancellor of the exchequer that if he doesn't pull its finger out and get decent wage rises to then it's as still going to go wrong this on top of the fact that the n.h.s. can't currently recruit enough nurses that's all tied into brac set and probably to do with poor wages too and lots of problems brewing of course the edges paid for by tax very hard at the rate that other countries some other countries do g four s.
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results today though four billion in revenues why don't these nurses who are on low pay get shares in g four s. who get the contracts despite being under an s f o series for diversification the same to it's a brilliant idea actually let's not eat for four weeks and put all the money we save into the forest shares how do you do next i didn't know jack shit before we go on to the next one i did notice this thing that someone was saying that they went to the n.h.s. for cancer care and was offered a leaflet on going private it's a little story it's a better. a tragedy i suppose she's terminally ill i think school dolly show field and she got a letter advertising private cancer care now i think it's been big up a little bit in the press but it is insensitive and the fear is just outside the gates of the national health service all spittles the private sector is waiting to catch cent and perhaps this is slightly incentive example of that private sector of
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to him subsidized backed up by the taxpayer through different tax concessions and the problem of private partnership which will be paying for for years ahead but don't get me going on that we come back that's not the time let's go to the guardian an exciting competition that could solve all these problems instantly the guardian has uncovered this as if it wasn't tasteless enough already gets a house for free poverty porn at its most pernicious the man pictured here is called marco until innocent generous philanthropic with a very difficult upbringing he was poor himself what's interesting about this story is he's getting the poor the deserving poor to bid for a free house i'm not sure it's bit i mean it's a channel for all of bush's british t.v. station which is long been controversial and increasingly grids are they going to fight for this in a gladiatorial style way of syrian refugee family a person with partially sighted it's not exactly a glove he made is what you probably development is yes but the idea is he's
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actually quite empathic and said i'm still in the story of the actual program but apparently he comes across as quite a good guy but as you say execute the refugees if they don't get their house whatever you think it's a virtual execution if you're homeless then then there are actually cited personal ratings or go through the roof in that case but no they're not going to. perception know what public bowie of greater faith than me the fact is that one of the families will win the house on the basis of whatever criteria marco's sets i just can't believe that they're going to have some of the poorest vuln. all people in society competing for a rich man's house could be done tastefully that's accepted might be done tastefully it minds have a good social subtext but really what are we watching we're watching families competing to get out of at least one part of their poverty just maybe they'll be talking about the extremes of wealth and poverty and in that sense the millionaire
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a poor man come good maybe has something useful to say so i don't want to knock it until i've seen it but i don't like the idea you're going to be just you know just three families that are made homeless is a statistic from a shelter in scotland so this is one family i think they get a place and that's only two made homeless so that's a better statistic that the current three made homeless every hour because of austerity policies and we're going to have all of that u.k. now to be one slightly less bad day that's the good it like them video pick thank you. forty six years ago today britain's tory government sent the army into catholic homes across the six counties of northern ireland operation demetrius conducted by m i five and the royals to consider.


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