tv News RT January 10, 2018 8:00am-8:30am EST
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no but one of the of the. u.s. announces it will spend one hundred fifty million dollars rebuilding iraq is cities devastated by the war on islamic state a figure dogged by how much the pentagon has requested the military operations there this year. i could always considering outside help to results like a subdued you just saw on the wiki leaks chief being holed up in the country's london embassy for five and a half years. to news years and gold in economic protests despite having been raised as a model for the arab spring but the demonstrations failed to gain the same attention as the in the west and similar on the red in the wrong.
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a warm welcome you're watching r.t. international coming to you live from the russian capital and the karen good to have you with us. the u.s. embassy in iraq has announced one hundred fifty million dollars is to be spent on rebuilding cities left devastated in the war on islamic state but that's only a fraction of what the u.s. has earmarked for its continued military operations there are these more advanced you have has more on the story what does this look like to you. mark. resident evil no this is mosul or rather what's left of it quote a sea of thousands of air strikes we film this a few weeks ago and nothing's really changed from when we were there last this is what the aftermath of a classic strike in mosul look like neighborhoods that numbered in the thousands
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it's been reduced to a handful. the iraqi army and the u.s. led coalition seem to make sure to not leave a square meter and scorched earth it took of precision i haven't yet seen a single house and mine still untouched by fighting the neighboring street all but destroyed the street across rubble the street over there it's the same story wherever you look cities and towns that house medians a devastated hostel even now in mosul you are never far from the stench of rotting bodies or unexploded bombs help reconstruction no one seen any of that module be it the. way i did they enter a little when in which i. do it. while
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she's a little hungry alligator that if you know she'd be going to school in the citizen not. what else is there to do in mosul watch the symbols and distill it down the hollow questions like did you feel that if she ever put it to you. as strange the u.s. had pledged to help and do what it's bombs did they're already helping fund reconstruction iraq says it needs one hundred billion dollars to rebuild and the united states has doubled its. to one hundred fifty million dollars or about zero point one percent of what iraq needs and no one seems to have seen any of that but a city now it's been six months since the liberation but even if sixty months have passed nothing would happen because the rebuilding efforts are limited and small there's massive destruction here as if it was he regime and nagasaki in japan.
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there is rubble in the streets and we can smell the corpses of islamic state there's no electricity or water no n.g.o.s came to check honest you see the debris my children are in sixty fourth and third grade but they haven't opened any schools the numbers are an entirely different leagues what the united states spent on burning isis out of iraq and what the u.s. has pledged to repair the damage it did or entirely in comparable numbers the average cost of a u.s. air strike in iraq at the beginning of the operation very roughly counting fuel flight time cost of bombs made an uncertain military pay was hard for a million dollars for one their strike they carried out fourteen thousand strikes in iraq alone and after helping turn iraq east cities into this all the complex has one hundred fifty million dollars the equivalent of two mid-sized
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passenger jets that isn't going to change many lives in iraq. i could always pushing to resolve the case of julian assange the wiki leaks chief has been holed up in the country's london embassy for more than five years and leaves now i could also for a minute and called the situation of our sons living in the embassy here in london unsustainable look with a person can't live in those conditions. we're considering the option of mediation . that could be done virus that country or individual. no solution is possible without international corporations or without that if the u.k. has expressed interest in finding more in terms of the u.k. expressing interest in finding a way out the government here has reacted and it's pretty awesome swayed says that the government of ecuador knows that the way to resolve this issue is to have
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julian assange as leave the embassy and face justice for their part songs his legal team have welcomed this new initiative they're saying if the u.k. wishes to show that it's a nation that respects its human rights obligations and its commitments to the united nations then it should. walk free when they refer to the united nations they're talking to about a two thousand and sixteen ruling by the organization that was being held in arbitrary detention meanwhile the media here is speculating that what ecuador really wants is to push us out of the embassy to get rid of him in september he tweeted in support of the catalan separatist movement the ecuadorian president tweeted in response saying that our son should keep his nose out of the business of its allies if president marina wants to get my reporting on human rights abuses in spain you should see so explicitly together with the legal basis there are other issues at play here as well several days ago the ecuadorian foreign minister also
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said that our soldiers health situation is very delicate he added that he is receiving medical help but there is only a certain amount of help that he can receive. from inside the embassy she reconfirm though that ecuador is guaranteeing his protection he has been living in the embassy in knightsbridge here in london for five and a half years now since two thousand and twelve and there have been several key moments during that time not to the least of which was last year when swedish prosecutors said that they were dropping investigation into rape allegations that he had faced people thought possibly that he would then be able to leave the embassy but the police here reiterated that if he does set foot outside the embassy he will be arrested for being in breach of his original bail conditions and wiki leaks has always voiced fears that he would then be requested for extradition by the united states several months ago ecuador and officials said that they were going to call on the u.k. to guarantee him safe passage to ecuador but that's something that the u.k.
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as we just heard doesn't seem to be any closer to doing so for now despite this little bit of movement on his fate still hangs very much in the balance and it's very unclear who or which country might step forward and offer to be that mediator meanwhile people are still puzzling over a cryptic new year message of songs left on twitter and seemingly indecipherable code and i linked to a popular rap song since then he's gone silent has generated plenty of debate about what the tweet could actually mean.
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although a song hasn't posted anything since he has made a minor change to his account adding a small funds time moji to his name. to as he has been engulfed in violent protests with thousands rallying against rising prices unemployment and tax hikes police used tear gas against the crowds after people started burning tires and hurling stones at least one protester was reportedly killed they are the rest of up to around the same time a similar demonstrations in iran but unlike the situation there has gone largely
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unnoticed artie's paullus leader has more. well these protests intern is here started after the new year and they came in reaction to the tennessean government introducing a new budget plan for two thousand and eight that included amongst other things a rise in fuel prices and tax hikes the response from the trinity and street was one of anger and what we've seen is protests taking place in several dozen cities around the country with us out there one person has been killed and several people have been injured now it is familiar to protests happening in another country namely iran what you're saying we have here are two countries with protests taking place on the street by people who are unhappy with the economic situation. the root of it is just a canard it's the problem of youth unemployment i personally haven't been able to find a job for a long time but if people have
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a job they don't have any problem with the government about the demands of the following to spend the twenty eighteen famine and slow returns to the original prices of goods and high of one member from every poor family these are in short see a. rise in picher prices this time is huge we have a lot of privilege you have to pay a lot of fines it's only acceptable that we pay for this government's mistakes. but we are protesting here because of high bryce's and employment we were the growth in these and we have been subjected to violence by security agents now the tunas been prime minister has said that there is no place for violence and the sentiments echo the words that were used by iran's leader what happened yesterday is a violation of the law since a state of emergency has been declared in tunisia these protests are the result of operations that aim to review social unrest we are a free nation and according to the constitution and human rights the people are
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absolutely free to criticize the government and even protest. this should be in such a way as to aim to improve the situation in the country we the government will definitely not tolerate some protesters who want to destroy public property will disrupt public discipline and create turmoil in society western leaders for example the french president crown and the e.u. high represent me were quick to condemn the iranian protests even have the american president donald trump calling for regime change iran is failing at every level despite the terrible deal made with them by the bammer ministration the great iranian people have been repressed for many years they are hungry for food and for freedom along with human rights the wealth of iran is being looted time for change but when it comes to the current potest that are taking place in tunisia while here they've kept mum and now it might be better to live here was the first country back
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in two thousand and eleven at the start of the arab spring to ask a dictator in a move that was widely akun by the western world as being one of the democratic change but since then there have been no less than my own government in place in tunisia all of whom have been unable to get a handle on the economic situation the question of course is whether or not we'll see these cause for vision change and condemnation and criticism against him is here like we've seen for example against him when. sociology professor sayyid sontag believes iran is getting the attention over to over to musea as the only one viewed as an enemy. tunisia is on the military it's a small country not many people know about that in american society. who many in america have been the enemy i mean enemy and a major obstacle for american policy in the middle east since it's the volution one
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hundred seventy nine in their case all to you on the very happy to look at any small detail that happens all in a small part this to inflate it in the media to look as if this is the end of their vision so it is totally different pool which in covering tunisia and the politest totally different still to come the german army is recruiting a record number of under eighteen's go the details for you after the show break. and when else should seem wrong. but all wrong just don't call. me. yet to ship out just to add to. it against me because betrayal. when something find themselves worlds apart we just are the common ground.
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a cursory glance at the media environment could easily give you the impression that the vast majority of journalists studied psychology at university so many are convinced donald trump is not mentally fit to be president or the same journalist suffering from the arrangement syndrome. unfortunately it appears that once people learn that you've reported a sexual assault or may have been involved in an incident that they become scared of you instead of being scared of the perpetrator. now precious mounting on the israeli prime minister after a controversial recording involving his son the idea was leaked to the press benjamin netanyahu is lawyers reportedly trying to prevent the tape being broadcast
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on local television. i would forgive me if. i was half wits god. without that knowledge and. well in that recording reportedly made in two thousand and fifteen you know it can be heard chancing to the son of israeli gas tycoon koby mime and outside of a strip club coping my mom is a shareholder at the gas company that allegedly benefited from a controversial two thousand and fifteen law on natural gas drilling rights legislation concerned to huge newly discovered gas fields of israel's coast it essentially gave corporations control over the development of the deposits with the government arguing it would stimulate investment however critics slams the proposal as corrupt giving too much power to corporations and demanded nationalize ation of
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the deposit following the release of the controversial video yeah netanyahu denied any knowledge of the plans saying his conversation was nothing more than a drunken took read the remarks and apologized if anyone was hurt by them in addition the things i said to my mom were a dumb joke and joking around with him as anyone could tell and this comes as prime minister netanyahu is already being investigated in two separate corruption cases the allegations include receiving bribes and negotiating favorable media coverage the prime minister strongly denies all ickes ations birth in the meantime he's pushing for a special immunity law which could allow him to avoid prosecution while we discuss the latest controversy surrounding the netanyahu family with regional analysts. looks really bad for the prime minister and it doesn't look like you know someone
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who wants to be a leader of a country to have his son running around in a government vehicle doing things you know don't look so complimentary and is not the kind of why the prime minister would want to do whether it's a danger to the prime minister or undermines no i mean it's a self undermining thing and the reason he did it is because it looks bad but you know in a democratic country and as long as. he's living in the prime minister's residence you may have to answer some questions this is not the first case that we're speaking about corruption in the family of binyamin netanyahu as the prime minister of israel all these were you may lead to that would draw all of confidence and that's the main threat. that's why they're trying as a family to play with words showing that it's not. a fact but it was just a matter of a guy who was hanging around with his friends and he was just chatting about
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different things but this is not the matter of fact. a german army is recruiting an increasing number of under eighty according to figures from the country's defense ministry more than two thousand teenagers are now volunteering for germany's armed forces that's a sharp increase over the last few years germany is one of the few countries worldwide that allows the under eighteen's to volunteer but only in a non-combat role teenagers can apply if they are seventeen and have parental consent the german military is currently conducting a recruitment drive with officers giving talks in schools across the country the campaign also features an online reality show.
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excuse. me. the program follows army recruits for twelve weeks and is one of germany's most popular online projects however it's drawing criticism for making the military more attractive to youngsters the un's concerns the recruitment drive specifically targets children the german army has defended its methods insisting that the training is done under strict supervision well earlier we spoke to a regional m. pay from germany's left party martin dolls or he's against the idea of focusing on the under eighteen's for on the recruitment had been a huge campaigns in schools even in kindergartens. to. make the army more attractive to young people there have been some schools who have been working together with the army to put the young students in some kind of camp for we support some initiatives called color blindness where for example which see
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us where that education should take place without bundeswehr other people who are under age to they shouldn't be to. get into the army the united nation already in two thousand and fourteen. the german government to stop this and erase the h. of soldiers i think this is a problem. but the main problem is if you do a foreign coach policy with this which is based on dialogue you don't need such a strong army all so many soldiers i think that is the main problem behind it. as the old saying goes hell is other people and that's especially true of things on twitter which might be why the devil has taken an interest with the church of satan accounts now fast becoming a twitter beast. what
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if you get to have your say on the day's stories by following goes on social media i'll be back at the top of the hour with the latest headlines join us then. i had a great education a good job and a family that loved me. i never had to worry about how i would eat and where i would sleep. i'm facing christmas alone out on the streets of london. well you know look here is. a clip locally like going to school you know the slogan the still give up food for the over the.
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past you don't really feel like the big you know. and then. the guy just came over to me saw me and gave me a change of this book. in two thousand and sixteen the panama papers shocked the world with a tax haven the secrets to trailing and united states dollars passed through most of conseco in the amount of time that we've been in the panama papers exposure that's what it shows a lot of money it really is. journalism it's an act of journalism looking at things that people want to keep secret and asking why would they want to keep these things secret. millions of most like from documents where examiners.
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the all the people which basically have tried to get an advantage out of this sort of newspaper. and probably other politician which was tough other politicians the media would point to find their targets such as the kings of morocco and saudi arabia the president of argentina several prime ministers. and russian president vladimir putin of course. oh my god i've had so i have sued so many newspapers for defamation some things don't just happen by chance it was very striking there were no one american single special a lot of people from the brics countries specially brazil russia and china their special project reveals what was missed in the media coverage. the panama
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chronicles. a fight for many flips over the years so i know the game inside guides. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money kill you narrowness and spending two to twenty million fly a. book it's an experience like nothing else on earth because. i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful guy a great so well more chimes for. and thinks this minute.
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this is boom bust broadcasting around the world from washington d.c. i'm bart chilton. coming up artie's holland cook joins us from las vegas to talk. plus wall so talk cyber crime and what to expect this year with todd shipley of various software and later we'll discuss a big trade deal with the french airline manufacturer air bus and french president emmanuel mccrone and finally we'll discuss the economics of the new now let's get to the top stories that business and financial have. late yesterday president trump addressed the now the american farm bureau on a range of issues including nafta the north american free trade agreement the
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o.p.o. crisis and regulation while many listeners were hoping to hear more about the administration's plans on rita go shading the nafta the president only repeated familiar language about getting a better deal the president also touted the release of a report from a task force on rural america in the report it says that of the five key areas of concentration for rural america increasing internet connections is vital well yeah like they said in the jerry maguire movie show me the money it is unfortunately there were a number of fact all errors in the president's farm bureau speech and here's one take a listen and we have just signed into law the most significant tax cuts reforms in american has. in the. it's a total of five point five trillion dollars in tax cuts. sounds super five point
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five trillion dollars but it's untrue the tax cut is one point five trillion not five point five trillion i mean it's still a huge deal to get a tax cut done and surprise people like me but getting these key high level details correct you know one point five trillion or five point five trillion sort of an important deal the speech also made the president the first incumbent president of the united states to address the farm bureau since george h.w. bush in one thousand nine hundred two kudos to the president for doing that we'll spend some time on the u.s. farm and real economy on tomorrow's show should be interesting. the technology sector was the biggest market mover in twenty seventeen in fact the s. and p. five hundred tech index jumped thirty seven percent last year and they've started off with a big bang in twenty eighteen in recent days the s. and p.
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five hundred index rose above twenty seven hundred for the first time and other major indexes hit record closing highs as the techs climbed amidst robust economic growth for technology stocks alphabet i.b.m. and chip makers have been the biggest drivers recently but it isn't just the big players in techs that are making moves hollin cook hosts the big post of the big picture which airs at seven pm on friday joins us from the consumer electronics show in las vegas holland thanks for being with us should assume or electronics is a big business in and of itself what's going on in vegas well this is a three hundred twenty one b. billion dollar business each year this year in the u.s. sale.
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