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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  January 11, 2018 7:30am-8:01am EST

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city insanity that has grown out of russia gate and the new cold war two point zero now let's jump on our b.m.x. bikes pop some reese's pieces and turn the upside down right side up and start watching the hawks. what. it looks like. it's like. analyze to keep the ball out of. the play like you know that i got. to. look at. this. list. this week so. well done one and all the watching dark so i am i rolled with it and on top of the list i am also very confused i don't but. i know men apparently know fox news is the propagandists over there or they could be the evil foreign intelligence agencies could could get in the fox news because donald trump watches it all the
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time when they could they could they could infiltrate and buy off people and create agents and useful idiots and spread evil propaganda through the us like fox news isn't already spreading for years propaganda for the republican ideals they've been spreading nonsense for the republicans for a very long time they don't need anybody else help with that so strange about this to me is this idea that everyone who works in news is just one cup of coffee away from getting honeypot and which they still as our wonderful productive actually kept that where the money bought because there's not one yet. but it really is this idea of the. everyone of media is just so ridiculous and stupid that we're all just you know falling for these k.g.b. called who are tired dicks. you know and in a serious side when you look at this because it's easy to look at a headline like that what's easy. is this really gotten this ridiculous now but
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when you look at the other side of it and when you realize that in this kind of new cold war climate you know we're news agencies are being targeted as propaganda and you know you know they're directors being forced to you know sign on to x. from one nine hundred thirty eight against nazis and and having press credentials congressional presidential candidate in a way you know these things can turn dangerous very quickly and can turn into a sense of support censorship of free speech you know is this dangerous stab at the end of the day in your opinion is this kind of like. you know the guy writing this article didn't like say like he believes this is actually happening he's just more like throwing it into the ether that this would be someone with a lot of the self-indulgent musings of everyone from the right and left over everything and we'll get out a little later of the fellow but this one is one of really gets me because. you look at what he's saying which he's basing this all on a.p. reports of russian hackers supposed allegedly going after journalists summoning
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what your journalists have have gotten phishing emails and they must be from from fancy bear and everything i don't even know what to say about that but what's interesting is when you when you go down his list in the article of things that are you know k.g.b. be right from the crate k.g.b. cold where playbook they're actually not what they're actually much more in line with the cia tool used during the cold war which we now use today to sell to base. and i know right i mean. it reaks you're i'm sure the k.g.b. did you know crazy stuff in europe and things like that back in the day like in projects not in bird was the actual documented cia tactic during the cold war and once what you see and that's when you get to like realistically the cia is the more to influence us culture and influence your so-called six through by using a journalist which was the entire idea of our broderick mark mark on board which
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was in one nine hundred forty eight the cia's prince wiseman who was appointed to the director of the office of special projects that was made later renamed the office of policy coordination. while sitting in a shop called cordoning policy many question why isn't a created what was called which we found out later during like the investigations after watergate after watergate and like the rockefeller like the church investigations the secret of what was called project operation mockingbird which was designed to basically influence the domestic american press and push the cia's agenda which was an anti-communist anti russia and anything that was remotely socialist or made america look bad you never want to make america look bad these that these things were all going to play amazing that doesn't happen. anymore and philip graham actually the publisher and co owner of the washington post was recruited to run mockingbird within the news industry by wire the guy runs was involved with this article ends up in the washington post and so you know it's
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pretty incredible and i think what people don't realize is this isn't just oh no conspiracy theorists in the fifty's but if we're going to bring up things that happened in the fifty's we have to look at things like project mockingbird not because we're it's crazy government did wild things in the name of democracy and our safety it's how big it was right and i think that's a part so in the book the secret history the cia before we move on the story joe trying to rights by nine hundred fifty three operation mockingbird had a major influence over twenty five newspapers and wire agencies including the new york times time c.b.s. so yeah you know why stars operations were funded by siphoning the funds intended for the marshall plan some of this money was used to bribe journalists and publishers you know three thousand salaried contracts or employees carl bernstein to nine hundred seventy seven wrote in the rolling stone that he knew that considered more than four hundred journalists had had an alliance with the cia so. and in turn of developments reminiscent to last year's protracted legal battles
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over the president's infamous travel ban it federal judge in san francisco ruled this week that the that the white house move to terminate the doc a program that shield so-called dreamers from deportation is not grounded in legal reasoning but was rather a capricious decision and being illegitimately used as a political bargaining chip in this verdict a judge cited some of the president's tweets on the topic new clothing one in which he throws cold water on the idea that anyone even him would want to actually deport americans brought here is your children and an ironic twist of reasoning agrees that since the president is on the tweet record theoretically in support of the program and claims to only oppose it because it was not implemented in accordance with existing law the courts have a duty to step in decide whether or not the program is legal and prevent the trumpet administration from scrapping a program trump appears to actually support. well nothing like a manual constitutional crisis and pack your hog watchers so where do we even start
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but this. is so much bizarreness going on with doc and i mean we watch the live you know everybody having kind of if you're paying attention watch the live round table thing of the president and democrats republicans all part of you know trying to iron out immigration and all that you saw just how terrible elected officials all active are really including for your own investigation deported more people more than anyone else and everybody sat back and every time you brought it up it's like but we but we but we got in the war does the democrats look we could not round table would trump that you know that i mean they were they were barely raising the people like oh a lot of we do. i mean there was no like big stand against donald would a moment to do that peace through strength right thing to use a little military style i remember that the whole deal then you need to show some strength to him now let me ask you this and it's about trump he claims he needs us twitter to order to get the sort of understood message to his followers that he
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doesn't like this idea that he has to be you know i don't know what. i don't get what he means but this i do need this distill and under still thanks to his to his followers but let me ask you do you think he would be better off in your experience without the sort of spontaneous pseudo straight talk of well this because he ends up in these kinds of situations where he ends up contradicting himself over and over while i mean you know look we live in the social media age so can i sit here and say a president shouldn't be on social media or. at the same i mean that's his right and still at the end of the day might be president united states but the man still is is own person and i wouldn't be like oh no the president shouldn't tweet you know let him tweet if he's not smart where there's tweets that's nobody's fault but his own and i don't think that i think if anything that allows us a better idea of to see just who the president is so it's easier to either impeach him or just not going back to a terrible. we have every i mean it's like that means that no no no i mean that i'm
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a man of honestly if he is honestly contradicting himself doesn't really help the resistance movement and what they're saying is we need to have these things on line and prove that he shouldn't be president and every president if they decide that they want to get on twitter and tweet out something crazy or contradict themselves or anything like that that's that's that is their prerogative but they also have to accept the consequences that people are going to bend question their decision making to grantley wait a minute you don't make sense with your tweets. what's also interesting is that the motivation is here on the part of judge also par you know we are clearly noble you know the judge sees the hundreds of thousands of young people terrified that their legal status is being used as a bargaining chip. you know. and he didn't use trying to bring some rationality to the process but it does seem like constitutionally speaking the argument could be considered shaky because you know who gets to decide what the president actually wants his own administration or an appointed judge you can't get a good judge should be crawling into donald's mind based on his tweets to say this
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is i'm trying to you know i'm thinking for donald right now you know you just don't get it legally right like i mean who should get to decide that the president or the law i mean that's really the question that we're that's kind of about whether what he means and has lie and why he has a problem is we don't have a clue he doesn't have a clue he's just on this i mean it's this thing about his base is based really likes this much as they did with the bronx that you know there is a base that really likes this we're going to get all the illegals and that's going to all that's going to fix everything somehow financially except what they don't realize and i think they're slowly starting to realize a lot of trump voters what i'm seeing is that people are starting to realize that what you said about the wall was going to get paid for and now i got to pay for it and they're starting to see these little things that now after he talks big but he doesn't follow through you know threaten daca but he won't follow through talking about social security but not follow it seems traveled. yeah not following through and then it's all look at all the it's it's the judges fault it's this that's
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become more of every president it seems in the last was actually barriers if they promise big and deliver very little all right as we go to break our watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics of the cover of facebook and twitter see our poll shows our two dot com coming up marcos top of the wall is break the valve all the and sanity and who holds the claims of a prop twenty twenty and r t's david miller follows up his report on the high cost fight over a new cure for blind faith to. chose seemed wrong. wrong just don't call. me. yet to shape out these days comes to educate and in detroit equals betrayal. when something find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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in two thousand and sixteen the panama papers show the world with a tax haven the secrets two trillion united states dollars passed through most of conseco in the amount of time that we've been in the panama papers exposure that's what it shows a lot of money it really is. journalism it's an act of journalism looking at things that people want to keep secret and asking why would they want to keep these things secret. millions of most like from documents where examiners. the all the people which basically have tried to get an advantage out of this sort of war newspaper. and probably other politician which were attacking other politicians the media would point to find their targets such as the kings of
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morocco and saudi arabia the president of argentina several prime ministers. and russian president vladimir putin of course. oh my god i've had so i have sued so many newspapers for defamation some things don't just happen by chance it was very striking there were no more americans to go specially a lot of people from the brics countries specially brazil russia and china that this special project reveals what was missed in the media coverage. the panama chronicles. this week the news media in all its forms corporate me independent left and right government run and privately funded prove that the shortest recorded length of time
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as it went on a black woman speaks and a round of self-indulgent think pieces and punditry. trying to shut her down oprah winfrey made a deeply important speech while accepting the cecil b. and b. de mille award at this year's golden globes in it she shared her journey from a poor working class child and fired to succeed by the women and men who fought before her making her career possible and told the next generation that quote when that new day finally dawns it will be because of a lot of magnificent women many of whom are right here in this room tonight and some pretty phenomenal men fighting hard to make sure that they become the leaders who take us to the time when nobody ever has to say need to again course my mornings c.n.n.'s n.b.c. and fox news were champing at the bit to have pen all after panel arguing about whether or not oprah should run for president but i thought to myself did i miss something i clean my ears i looked around did i hear a wrong note oprah never said she was running for president never in fact since
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facts are so important she told a hollywood reporter last summer that quote i will never run for public office that's a pretty definitive thing and quote oprah told c.b.s. this morning last fall that quote there will be no running for office of any kind for me and immediately following her speech out of all the globes she was asked by bloomberg politics if she planned to run and she answered quote i don't i don't and quit and yet within twenty four hours of her speech the host of c.n.n.'s reliable sources brian that lerner claimed his sources say she's actively thinking about it even misquoting her longtime partner steadman in the report our report which is at the time of the broadcast not been corrected but it doesn't matter does it the washington post posted no less than thirty articles regarding an oprah presidential run including such headline gems as oprah could run oprah could win is america
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going insane or coming to its senses or the oprah in twenty twenty talk is proof of . our democracy is degradation and my personal favorite oprah might run for president we did the opposition research for a year oh that's right you get in there and destroy her character and human value all in the name of your moral purity right leaning publication the federalist is so panicked at the very notion of a rich black woman with a strong personality running that they think we should abolish the presidency of if oprah when it runs in the intercepts that he has done proclaimed oprah winfrey for president how we all gone bonkers yet the president took time out of self-congratulation tour to respond. oh really a lot of thoughts on my nerves well you know i was one of the less sure she had donald rumsfeld on her last week and she got myself very much so i like oh
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i don't think she's going to but now i said the same thing about trump we've got this kind of nonsense from the right from trump and from the profit driven news cycle but naively i didn't expect to see it from the laughs especially the far left who were quick to labor what a great label oprah evil corporate stooge at the liberal current gross of your own accord savior we keep expecting because cantering toward us from middle of moral superiority it was sad to see white activists using other black women's criticism of obama to claim that there shouldn't be any black candidates for president because they would just be beholden to government corporate interests anyway however it isn't the criticism of a possible oprah run that bothers me i could not care less it's the fact that so many felt she didn't have a right to speak on this subject. facts oprah was raped at the age of nine she was beaten even whipped as a child wit her entire career in the news business was man after man telling her
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she would never amount to anything she had every right to make that speech it's just sad that the message was overshadowed by everyone's desire to get that hot take it in the end it took another celebrity to point out that the obsession with celebrity is what actually ails us family guy creator and actor seth macfarlane told twitter oprah is beyond doubt a magnificent orator but the idea of a reality show star running against a talk show host is troublingly dystopian we don't want to create a world where dedicated public service careers become undesirable and impractical in the face of raw celebrity i couldn't agree more. it is a it is a wild time in this world where seth macfarlane. you know because i have already written family guy and does the voice of reason yeah but legitimately so.
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there was a really good break because that's what really killed me about all this is that everybody didn't pay any attention to the come to think of the speeches she gave now which was a brilliant speech about me too and empowerment of stuff in harassment and all that brilliant speech and stirred everybody use of what's not talk about the speech it's not talk about the content of the speech let's talk about will she run in twenty twenty it's twenty eight team just the start of i don't care who's running in two thousand and twenty because we don't know yet and we had just come in tired. almost to. c.n.n. every panel was like oh my gosh she can run shouting around it's not going to she going to run i don't know maybe you should listen oprah she said no move on why don't you talk about what she actually was that's what was speaking instead of that this was the thing i feel at the far right in the far left or were. they were you couldn't tell the difference between either one of them and that's something i think those on the far left have to really look at the mayor you literally sound
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like nazis now you hate is in this you cannot see the two different articles some of i can't even publish i can't bring them up on here because they're so fouled like literally are so foul or poorly written but it's this idea that. we we have we have this idea of being on these far extremes that there is this moral purity that they have to get to that anybody who is rich or anybody who has this and anybody who doesn't fit into this perfect like i said the unicorn you know perfect liberal unicorn savior and you know and it's sad to me i'm all sides are saying the same thing i remember when my when my father one is governor given the fact that he had a military background everybody on the liberal side assume that he was this hard core republican right he was not people make so many assumptions and i'm not trying to like you know protect oprah winfrey from criticizing my boss our food no you know i know you know him he runs i don't know anything about her politics why
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because always is allowed to shoot and right and the day that she says yes i'm running then i'll begin to our politics then i'll say all right what's your platform what you stand for does she read even the military industrial complex does she know who she you know right only because she's not running i don't care i wish people would have listened to her platform at that moment when she was standing there because i am tired of oprah as the victim was a victim assault and as a victim myself of both as a child of abuse and and as an adult i find it disgusting for people on the left to use the abuse of women to make your political notions to be like well we're so left or we're so right that we're cool and we can know oprah's lady and or the people in hollywood because they've got their own little rusty don't suffer the same way the rest of us do we all suffer in different ways it's might be more and you know it's a real of different sorts of john assume like this i guess suffering is across the board we need to be opening our hearts and saying let's listen everybody stories
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and listen everybody's experiences rather than closing our eyes and i think we have a. medical technology is reaching new advancements bailey yesterday artie's david miller brought us the news of let's turn a new gene therapy drug now now with hopes of a new. cure on the horizon two brothers are out to make a difference while raising funds to offset the cost of the research and medical advancement artie's david miller story. kyra bather misson to raise awareness and help other victims the many brothers created to blind brothers using their sense of touch to create a clothing company to help find a cure for blindness at a young age brian and bradford manning were diagnosed with an eye disease that causes blindness over time and blindness is a societal problem that causes problems and economic productivity and education and we wanted to do something for all of these preclinical researchers that are trying to cure blindness so we thought clothing would be a great conduit for that we launched in may of two thousand and sixteen and since
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then we were really lucky to get great attention on it and at the beginning of two thousand and seventeen we realized we had the ability to come over full time and dedicate everything to it and that's how we got into it manning took that to by brothers can raise money for those crucial clinical trials like those from sparks their picks in developing what's turning a gene therapy in help finding a cure for blindness you know a great example is part therapeutics which just got approval to cure for this cure for l.c.a. i mean that started with the relationship between the gene and the condition in one thousand nine hundred four it went into the into a very noteworthy patient corey haas in two thousand and seven and then after ten years of clinical trials it's now available so it really is a want process and many brothers continue to inspire through their research and
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their personal funding in finding a cure for blindness reporting from washington d.c. david miller r t america. you know. like this is the great i'm not you know make an advertisement for this drug but i think that the fact that we're at a stage where through gene therapy and. and the fact that science has brought us to a point where we can actually sit and say hey we might lose this particular sort of blindness or you know because of the thousand or two thousand people that are affected by this we might have a cure that i love living in a time that has a flipside i don't like living in the time we're four hundred thousand dollars per . what the cost of the cure is ludicrous but that's the point if you if they can't profit from it it's going to be very expensive and if they can drop it from it from a lot of people the same thing you see in cancer drugs cancer or not as popular as other forms of cancer so the drugs and everything and so they can figure out a way to use this on all people to be very tight i think that's foul because yeah
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but i have a thing about i don't think people should make money off of. profit should not decide the cost of life saving our life altering technology is and i'd like to see more rich people paying for it if i had a billion dollars i'd be buying my sight for anybody who's give this woman a billion dollars and please. are you level headed and clear thinking while handling unusual incidents in situations such as severe weather conditions turbulence delays due to weather or mechanicals hijacking or bomb threats most importantly are you really really going to keeping secrets well you might be the flight attendant classified airline dramma is looking for the airline janet which many say stands for just another nonexistent terminal post of job listing for flight attendants to work a very secret route which one even the government won't admit exists but what we do know is that many witnesses over the years have seen the planes fly people from
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a heavily guarded terminal and mccarran international airport to the runways of secret military and government bases across the american west including area fifty one but don't expect to just snag a job because you can pour coffee a ten thousand feet it turns out in the us and. active top secret clearance is high so here i was only that would be one of the best jobs in the world that would be amazing says life right attendant burst secrets to see what it's the area fifty one . are about as hers are overrated everyone remember a girl in this world we are not told real love love so i told you all i love you i wrote them to. keep watching all those hawks out there that were great day and night. in the heart of the swiss alps this is a place probably more secretive than the pentagon more mysterious than the cia and
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better guarded than for knox swiss customs are here permanently all the site is controlled by them and they impose the opening time so it will come up with it it is from is all plus the procedures in place of the strictest in all europe must to pieces by artists like pecan so and modigliani can't boards and sold inside this warehouse that's where the report comes in it covers a deal which are naturally discreet commercially discreet step but also discreet because they concern fraud. some of those paintings are linked to dark secrets nobody knows how many of these secrets a kept inside the geneva freeport says from the position that you'll never obtain an inventory of all the works in the freeport who knows how many there are three hundred three thousand three hundred thousand is it a matter of confidentiality only is it the world's black box of the art business.
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unfortunately it appears that once people learn that you've reported in a sexual assault or may have been involved in an incident that they become scared if you instead of being scared of the perpetrator. join me every thursday on the elec simon shore and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then. i had a great education a good job and a family that loved me. i never had to worry about how i would eat somewhere i would sleep. i'm facing christmas alone out on the streets of london. well you learn to be a bit of a cut above it will be like going to school you know just wanted to still give up food for the see. her. but you
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don't really feel like a human being you know. and then. the guy just came over to me saw me and gave me a change of this book. i am pleased.
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wiki leaks chased julian a song just reportedly issued an ecuadorian id cards for the countries to resolve his long time case is being met with resistance from the u.k. government. classified for power in the world of fix for leak the e-mail suggest american officials were allegedly pushing for the world i don't think agencies independence from a live picture so they could unilaterally apply punitive measures. will germany get a coalition government all eyes are on the country's top politicians as they try to hammer out a deal on the final day.


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