tv News RT January 11, 2018 5:00pm-5:31pm EST
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then in the panama papers exposure that's what it shows a lot of money it really is. journalism it's an act of journalism looking at things that people want to keep secret and asking why would they want to keep these things secret. millions of most like fonseca documents were examining. all the people we basically have tried to get an advantage out of this sort of newspaper. and probably other politician which were attacking other politicians the media would point to find targets such as the kings of morocco and saudi arabia the president of argentina several prime ministers. and russian president vladimir putin of course. oh my god i've had so i have sued so many newspapers to defamation some things don't just happen by chance it was very
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striking there were no more americans to go specially a lot of people from the brics countries specially brazil russia and china that this special project reveals what was missed in the media coverage. of the panama chronicles. brian cox you did two terms as a rector of the director of a scottish i mean sions coalition of the it's a huge position of influence elected by the student body and sometimes the way that academic body but actually chairs the governing body of the university what i loved about being rector was the fact that i could set up surgeries and i could talk to the students about the individual problems they had and they still i have great criticism of university educations but because i was great believer in the conversation my time there and what i realized is a lot of the way universities are planned in relations with the students need to be dealt with and of course i had the problem not the problem but i inherited the
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difficulty that students had the lawlessness that they feel in the university set up their inability to deal with their own perhaps social diseases like. what have you the some of the young women and young men suffered from so it's it was something that was very very you know it was something that really a put you know because that the idea of rector and it's all sense was that you know the chancellor took care of the academic side. the rector took care of the spiritual side so you know being a humanist and you know almost. i took i took that responsibility which was a humanist aspect of hope the students dealt with their time but your time is right just ending quite recently. twice tell me that can say that with a big change in your home city have done the end of your names for the better many things moving forward you know in the university and in the city also and the rise of you know well i mean he is. a much blighted city its history is one of blighted
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which is you know there's a kind of parallel element but i have with my city that we're survivors and they're called on to the city of discovery but i i think it's a city of survival actually and it's always come through because the people are great. you know it was the most corrupt city in scotland in the main nine hundred sixty s. i mean literally the labor party a corrupt labor party literally destroyed the city in the mid and it was like the biggest car park in europe no exchange and you know you mention it we're told in our book arising from the love of china. we've funked and we have aspect of the tape which was never there before you know you couldn't see the t.v. you know but we have this great frontage now and it's fantastic what do you think would be any will be as influential in the india's let's say the guggenheim as i have no question of that i mean i think it leads on to a lot of things and people are beginning to market because i also am
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a great even though i criticized a lot of the i think it was a great university and i thought i would recommend any kid to go to the because it's a great environment but you said that these are said here survivors but when sometimes children survive and. he was not tolerated because he was there from one thousand or he was m.p. from one thousand know it one hundred twenty two. and he was greatly supported by the irish but when he got to one hundred twenty two with the black and tans with the whole six counties deal in northern ireland and the death of michael cole of the irish community held where he went from being a friend a fireman to an enemy of the other way of drug abuse murdered by the electorate and you had a family connection i had a family connection here may well call jordie when i was a wee boy used to tell me about churchill who he admitted that he really ultimately said ah but he was the man for us when it came to the war but he said but before
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all that he said i remember he said he said i remember we'll he said we were there didn't the city square he said and churchill came in and they brought a bag and he was on a big wheel it was what a big armchair with a sort of look like puddles like orse they were carrying them because he was sick and he was nowhere when we show it to you that i showed the guys that were kerry was a. how much of the player the guy shouted back a quid a pound the buck we're here to have you drop of. so what and. when you would went across thompson wasn't too pleased to be a lawyer i was very sickly he really does d.y.k. go by a temp and scandal. story but i'm so he had didn't buy templar's kind of the. cost the city the only did he actually made a speech on the platform the train he actually got them to hold the tree in the back and he made the speech to all these people who are sort of trying to get the
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city said and he was very brave i have to say the dog the dundonian the way dead but he did say i will see the grass grown green over what will be an industrial whistler and the great foam and for those of us innocent definitely catch all of it was a fantastic fantastic film so if played by bevan if played chuck show. any other big politicians you've played well i played my emmy the emmy award for playing hermann goering. just because the scripts lead somebody completely different and boring was really interesting because again you get into the skin of somebody who was hitler's pitcher and he was that was front man for so long and even though at the end of nine hundred forty five hitler sentence him to death because goring was not part of the final solution even though he had created the concentration camps and by the way he created those concentration camps based on
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the british example of what happened in the boer war in them than they were the inspiration for during but he was a very complicated money was a bit of a show of he was a cross dresser so that was elements to which were quite quite a sensational but he was brilliant and also. he was extraordinary in the way he defended his position because you know he wanted to be sentenced to death as a soldier this is a new number of nuremberg and he wanted this new list from the senate and you must get around europe it was certain in the near of the process and he it was really interesting because he he was wanted to be executed he wanted to be shot but they were going to hang him so he actually took his own life but what he did was he gave them a lecture robert jackson who was the american prosecutor or the attorney general had been or what did become the attorney general there concern ito he did give him a lecture on why. you know why national socialism happened and it was
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a very plausible lecture to about you know the state that germany was and the punishment of aside the fact that he himself. during an amazing thing he took his own squadron and threw them and abandoned them in switzerland walked back he went to sweden he lived in sweden for a long time and he came back with this funny we character this week house painter from vienna started up and he became his promoter and i mean you really said you've been you deprecate the politics of president long you deprecate the process as a sort of thing where you see and understand some of the forces which of of all lead to the. i don't see it as well i do that it's the fact that you callow ignore the populace you know and the populace has been ignored on both sides of the like there for far too long and of course what happens when you ignore the proper lists is
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that ignorance builds up and let's talk about your own past all campaigns and you've been very prominent and diabetes shuki. condition you suffer from yourself and this aspect of the profile it can be given to key campaigns by so major figures and stars do you feel you've embraced this as one of your projects well i mean diabetes or k. of course touch me personally because i am diabetic and i have a terrible sweet tooth which is developed in childhood and of course that's the danger point it's all to do with chill wasn't kudos candy world was everything you know it was germs and. delicacy here supporters ladies and gentlemen it's more you know exactly sports but it's a lot also to be recommended not a told to be recommended and but i was i was raised on all that and of course that's how it starts it starts with the children and we we still do not acknowledge and this we in the sugar industry is pretty low you know. undocumented
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a documentary about to go to the addiction of sugar yeah and sugar is addict up i mean i interviewed a guy in this documentary who was he was addicted to one of the big things is low fat the whole loaf which was created by well it was actually created by in america the idea that again the sugar industry didn't want to be touched so they said it was all fats well actually fats are healthy for you and equate to the should get in the state with the alcohol industry and the the drugs in the sky i think sugar is much more pernicious i really think it's infinitely more pernicious than either of those four things diabetes is costing a fortune in the national health service if you could cure diabetes the national health service bills would drop enormously and that's that's real that is a real problem so this is a real crusade yet on and because i'm also an addict that i am i'm a sugar addict you know and i have problems and only i just got a letter from my doctor today saying you know richie one c.
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is up you know you got to get it don't fight does that mean the jobs will dry up like a fish right for his political career around the war. a must to be stay and many many going to key decision is also depressive also a depressive but you know one of the ninety's and became the greatest burthen the whole time well i mean i think that i mean you know the process of living is still such a mystery to us why some people die at the age of i mean a lot people sort of die get to the late sixty's and then pop off around about sixty eight sixty seven is a big figure for people with a loss but no us no us but over here we're over the earth but friendly and you know which was completely unexpected which was alan rickman you know yes well it was a great great man a great mother the theater just a great man generally speaking and died far too young as far as i'm concerned and he had pancreatic cancer which of course by graphic cancer is the pancreas not
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function in the way it should in that can cause build up and what have you and that's also linked with sugar as we because that's where you create insulin you know so those are the health aspect of prevention is very very important and that's the thing that one should look to and and i feel that we haven't done enough about it have your hopes for politics or been with other stuff to for a year you know if you were doing you know your new year resolutions for change in politics in scotland what old mtl national well what would you like to see as this though there's a sort of conflict between the particular in the general what is needed in that community as opposed to what's needed in the bigger white world and i think there's always this conflict that goes on and it came to me really joining the referendum this is going to have the scottish referendum and when i got behind it which was always intellectual the reason i got behind it was because of social democracy and because the labor party i felt had lost
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a lot of its values that i believed in and i had gone and so i i embraced scottish independence but what i felt was that. and it's the thing that really irks me about still the u.k. is a still very feudal it's still based on old feudal notion of everybody in the place you know america for all its problems and there are many probably many more than here in many ways but it's fundament is a gallant area where you're the you're the only actor who played in both believe whop ireland and rob roy similar to me it's the same thing it's positive in the negative first. but in terms you don't pass no been what projects you're working on no and i'm doing a training for h.b.o. which i'm in the middle of based in new york playing a very very playing the leader of the fifth largest media conglomerate in the world and he's a model of his self-made man called logan roy as he of scott's answer he does have
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scott sounds as though he came across as a child it was as if the school it was a refugee to canada and he worked on his own cause ranch and then he went back to scotland for a while then he came back and then he set up his empire and he has these four children who hate him and he's not very fond of them and it's a really disposal media family it's very it's very sharp it's very dark and luck and quite often we fictional of course shortly fictional into it we put it right cause there before before you go before you go for the new year oh you're entitled to the alex salmond quick thank you and of no circumstances put any sugar in there you go out of the holy and only more whisky. kids thank you and thank you so much thank you thank you very much what i thought was interesting about healing from these film stars of east and west is
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a both the part of the public role was campaigning for causes in the case of faisal and asia's dimentia in the case of brian cox diabetes the last sort of good work seldom gentle. it's criticism is commendable nonetheless what does often provoke attack is when actors ventured into the more directly political arena they are partially dismissal if someone cares enough about the human condition to enter public debate then the celebrity is being used to good advantage they are prepared to put their heads above the political part of that acting is no disqualification from political knowledge after all are not hugely talented actor once became a successful president of the united states those who lead criticism in the press these people who love to exercise power of taking any responsibility they should be shrugged off meanwhile those in rival parties are going the attacker.
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