tv Sophie Co RT January 12, 2018 2:30am-3:01am EST
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software would be deployed for what kinds of operations and such we have not received a reply former m i five officer any much shawn told my colleague nicky aaron that she's not surprised that the us is seeking to develop some software. the most obvious interpretation would be that this is a pushback against the allegations that have been made consistently for the last eighteen months about so-called russian troll forms influencing elections across the west and it's interesting to see that the languages that they're advertising for are the blog which of iran and of course north korea and russia so that would be a bit of a sort of give away about which countries they want to be targeting having said that though the timing is interesting because for sure the west has been running these so-called troll farms against other countries as well for a long time and so are they just trying to expand their operations by developing this new software or are they trying to disingenuously suggest to people that actually have done it before only the big bad russians the big bad chinese have run
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troll farms and they're beginning to develop this software that's a big mystery isn't it where there is such software would be a threat it's all whether it would be for snooping it's one to try and influence people's attitudes certain issues of course so that can't potentially be a threat i mean that's what americans been saying about the so-called russian hacking of the american election last year but yes it can be used for snooping too and interestingly it was only a couple weeks ago i think that we can leaks revealed a program. from d.c. h.q. which is the u.k. government communications headquarters are listening post which was actually doing the same sort of trolling and developing the same sort of software between the years two thousand and nine two thousand and ten so britain certainly has been doing exactly the same thing for almost a decade as well. the u.s. president versus a friday deadline on whether to extend the sanctions relief for iran as part of the
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two thousand and fifteen deal trump is a vocal opponent of the nuclear agreement and currently u.s. officials are suggesting new sanctions will be imposed. i am expecting new sanctions on iran we continue to look at them we've rolled them out and i think. you can expect there will be more sanctions coming the president still strongly believes this is one of the worst deals of all time the administration is continuing to work with congress and with our allies to address those flaws and will keep you guys post says a decision on that front is made. all the statements came on the same day that e.u. officials gathered in brussels to throw their backing behind the ron deal top diplomat and called on the u.s. to stick to. the great divide in the chase e.p.o. way that you deal with iran the deal is working you want to. protect just if you were a white support for this deal make sure that the lifting of nuclear related sanctions
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has a positive impact on trade from iran is in compliance with this agreement of the only agreement which prevents us from the proliferation of nuclear weapons it's crucial for the security of the region but also about the security of the main target is really to press to pressure the american government to stick to deal to do a nuclear deal with iran that is the main objective i believe from the e.u. side not just the e.u. as a whole but also from the france and germany as separate member states of the. u.n. security council what would happen if really the u.s. stepped out of the deal this is not something like like like the climate the climate agreement this is something that would have much worse consequences. the iranian nuclear deal was signed in two thousand and fifteen after nine years of talks with six other countries including the u.s.
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it was seen as a major breakthrough ending a long running confrontation and washington now insists that the deal is allowing tehran to. expand its nuclear capabilities we discussed the story with two middle east academics what we see at the moment we see a historic drift between the united states. and the e.u. we never ever seen such a gap such distance between the e.u. and the us at least over the last thirty or forty years so what happened today in brussels was really interesting effectively every important player in the e.u. defied the verdicts of president trump i don't think trump has any problem in particular with the deal because i'm not even sure he's ever read the deal but one thing is clear and trump has a problem with anything that obama has done before him and we've seen that when it came to the perils of core on global warming health care or or
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obamacare anything that obama has. considered to be a part of obama's legacy is something that trump wants to demolish. president putin believes the only way out of the north korean nuclear crisis is dialogue the russian leader gave his views on the standoff and some other key issues during a briefing with journalists here in moscow regard to have comments. it seemed like a vicious unbreakable cycle the north launches ballistic missile united states and south korea respond with ever more frequent war games the north launches another ballistic missile or more war games but this cycle is now on pause and these competition between donald trump and kim jong un well vladimir putin says that there's a clear winner. has definitely won this round he's achieved his strategic goal
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he's got a new clip payload a long range missile that can reach any place that he sees as an enemy now he wants to come the situation he's a world grounded and intelligent politician putin was of course also asked about the upcoming presidential elections in russia he was asked what he thought about the fact that there are so many people that want to run as candidates and he said well gordon the more the more choice that russians will have to express themselves so long as it all happens according to russian law and that there's no outside interference so long as russians decide who their next president will be he will also remark that specific countries certain countries love to lecture the world others on how to how to vote and who to vote for yet when the tables are turned and the same countries believe that their elections are being interfered with well they
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become very irritated which led to me or putin says as somewhat of a two faced approach he also talked about resonant topic here in russia the drone attack in syria drone attack on the russian airbase in the in the port in titus more than a dozen drones were launched from the syrian rebel held in libya these drones carried small bombs and a number of them was shot down by the russians a number of them land. several detonated an impact but those that survived were examined they may have looked simple but that was largely camouflage the russian leader said because they're incredibly sophisticated advanced from using satellite guidance to get to their destination to the bomb release mechanisms to how the electronic engineering inside them worked obviously whoever made them had outside help help from someone very experienced and vladimir putin says this technology
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could now be exploited out of syria and they were provoke a target play the birds it wasn't the turks we know who they are as regard the attacks themselves we have no doubt they'd been well prepared beforehand those drones were made to look makeshift but in actual fact they clearly contain high tech elements that couldn't possibly have been assembled on the ground in syria more details are expected as these drones are further examined and hopefully we'll hear about those behind them in the coming weeks. the head of the libyan national army has claimed the country is not yet ready for democracy after our believes the u.n. back to elections this year will not change anything. libya is not ready for democracy the upcoming elections in the country must bring a solution to the current bloodshed but if the situation and the chaos continues after the election then we will say enough is enough and take action. general is
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not a new figure in libyan politics in one thousand nine hundred nine he helped colonel gadhafi rise to power in one thousand nine me he was exiled and spent two decades in the u.s. in two thousand and eleven he returned to libya to lead the rebel forces fighting against gadhafi is army now. is the head of the libyan national army. now the two rival libyan government in the one based in tobruk is allies to us forces the other based in tripoli is backed by the un and enjoys wide international support but the libyan national army led by half tarn now controls more than half of the country's territory and in an exclusive interview after told r.t. that libyans won't tolerate any foreign intervention in their country than. we conduct business transparently with states to take the initiative france did that to help rebuild and establish peace but it physically took the initiative we would
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work with them we're not biased we're not seeking to create problems instead we have conflict in our country and we look at just solve it we should also be able to decisively face aggression against us some may think that libya is weak and you can slice it peace self yes we're not strong but we won't give an inch of our national territory would rather die than live in humiliation on our land that we are in some contrast saying views on the situation in libya from the way editor of the pan-african newswire and also oliver miles former you came back later to libya. it is an open question whether or not libya is ready for what is perceived to be a multi-party democratic election there's huge disaffection displacement there at least three different regimes that are claiming to be the sole authority within the country the libyan people want. i have no reason to doubt that they want something like
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a democratic state but they can only have one if they can persuade the president. to compromise this was said some six years ago that this was some type of democratic rebellion inside of libya but what has actually happened over the last six years is chaos western coalition dropped ten thousand bombs on libya that is the real genocide that is taking place the alternative would have been to allow gadhafi to commit an act of genocide against his own people the notion that the previous government was going to engage in atrocities is unsubstantiated to libya to twenty eleven was the most prosperous and affluent country on the african continent i don't accept at all the description of libya under gadhafi as the most prosperous country in africa i think that's absurd. let's bear in mind apart from the question of prosperity that. gadhafi was responsible
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for shock across to people. if india has surfaced online allegedly showing a u.s. soldier opening fire on a civilian truck in afghanistan the helmet camera footage shows a person firing from a military vehicle and as you can see the window shatters on the driver's side of the truck cabin as the shot is fired is unclear whether anyone was injured now the pentagon is investigating the video which is believed to have been filmed last year during an anti eisel operation in eastern afghanistan security experts bridge give us his view on the case. of course you have to look at what the context of this is this isn't to defend what's happened here it appears indefensible but this is a nine second clip and we have to acknowledge that we don't know what happened before this video clip and we don't know what happened afterwards and maybe conceivably for example this truck perhaps even inadvertently went through a checkpoint for example and this is one way to bring that vehicle to a halt certainly on the face of it it appears to be just
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a very casual disregard of the failings and indeed the safety of people involved in countries such as afghanistan and from a technical perspective when you slow down the video here you can see that it's very likely that this was a shock and it was being used and it was being used to fire up quite probably non-lethal rounds that's to say. the pellets or plastic pellets something like that but nonetheless extremely dangerous an extremely foolhardy act to undertake it would be useless if that against taliban or isis attacking them that suggests of course that this ammunition has been loaded into this weapon specifically to target vehicles and afghans in this way and that in turn might suggest that this is far more common occurrence than this one video would suggest for propaganda purposes this is a gift to isis the taliban and so on who which say that actually americans are their oppressive come close and occupies and don't have the interests of their
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local population at heart in response to our request for information u.s. central command confirmed an investigation is underway but is only in its early stages they said that they are concerned by the video and it is not representative of the professionalism of u.s. soldiers. there is allegedly a rift between two of the biggest organizations in the world of sports the international olympic committee and the world anti-doping agency believed e-mails suggest american officials were seeking waters independence from olympic chiefs so they could unilaterally apply sanctions earlier artie's volga discuss the matter in detail with my colleague macaire. well these emails leaked by the fancy bears hacking group allegedly from officials in the i.o.c. seem to show incredibly high tensions between international olympic committee officials and wada and by extension also richard mclaren whose reports on the alleged doping across russian sport started all this back in two thousand and
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sixteen of course so where is the blood coming from between these two organizations well according to the emails it looks like wada is pushing back against the i.o.c. reportedly was one point was actually making attempts to withdraw from i.o.c. jurisdiction mean they could both test and punish athletes that they found to be guilty of any sort of doping violations and apparently the i.o.c. was strongly against the idea of water become becoming jury judge and executioner on that front and an email about a meeting where such a move was discussed detailed mistrust and tension aimed at i.o.c. members now we see that according to one of the leaked emails i.o.c. officials even accused mcclaren of lying about the level of communication between the two organizations as well is that correct yes there's another email from the i.o.c. is director general to richard mclaren reportedly showing that the i.o.c. has been baffled by statements that mclaren was making to the press saying that the i.o.c. leadership had never gotten in touch with him and according to the i.o.c.
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that's one hundred percent false they claim to have reached out to a number of times offering assistance and further cooperation with him and if that is true that those statements to the press were completely false the question becomes why would mclaren be making statements such as that if they're not true what was the motivation behind such a lie and we talked about the i.o.c. was talking about what they were talking about mclaren i'm going to assume russia comes into this somewhere yes that's one of the really interesting bits according to an e-mail allegedly written by i.o.c. officials in response to mclaren's reports they believe that those reports had a very very specific aim let's take a listen to an excerpt of for the problem was created by your report simply being used to try and justify total burn of the complete rushed. team from the rio games and the games when in fact the international olympic committee and the international sports federations are simply not of the view that a collective punishment should be or should have been imposed upon russian athletes
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so there we have the i.o.c. concluding that the mclaren reports goal was to achieve a blanket ban against the russian team and that the email goes on to say that that was something specifically that the i.o.c. was against that they wanted to be able to go after individual athletes found to have been using doping but want to force them into a corner and put them on the path of getting the blanket bans and then also further lamented the lack of cooperation between the tour going to say sions and it really shows a pair of potentially disturbing divide between those two huge anti-doping organizations such a complicated story isn't it but luckily we have an expert in the studio with us as alan moore sports radio host at moscow's capital f.m. thanks for coming in i mean one shed some more light on this convoluted story does this suggest that there's something of a rift between want and the i.o.c. to be appointed to do it is kind of like a devoid in the doping world you call the anti doping business because it is big business and huge money you know you have water which overseas are supposed to go
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overseas or anti doping efforts in sports in the world and on the other side then you've got this new kind of breakaway group call i nardo. who which is led by the nose by you sort of which do you assign to doping water will take over i.o.c. actors. and the u.s. olympic committee they were going to take over water through the backdoor takeover in one of the emails that i was discussing earlier the i.o.c. official allegedly cast doubt on the clearance intentions saying his reports were meant to achieve a total blanket ban on russia why would he be interested in something like that do you think i don't think he had any modeless or a bad intention of trying to take over like you know to rubbish russia but a lot of what he said including saying that the. there was a state sponsor with one state through and state into it or she was immediately guilty he used that i mean after which he said well well you know it's just language but language as we know was very very powerful and that's what the use of destroyed and prevent the buying blanket by which the i.o.c. themselves didn't want setback to fight against doping by five ten years because
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now everyone can get away with it and you say oh well the russians are worse. because value has plunged after south korean officials said that they're planning to ban crypto currency trading there are great concerns regarding virtual currencies and the justice ministry is basically preparing a bill to ban crypto currency trading through exchanges the fallen bitcoin means it has dropped to its lowest level since the new year the highest value so far in two thousand and eighteen was reached on the seventh of january when it hit seventeen thousand dollars we spoke to economic professor at kingston university steve keen who thinks was only created for speculators. it's perfectly designed for speculation it's very very badly designed for money now once people can see the speculation to down as well as up then all this left is it's used as a form of money and i don't believe it has that capability so i think the the
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downside is a damn sight larger than the upside there sure the concept of having a guy in alberta than replacing having a trust that the saudis are transactions can work if the transactions can occur at the speed we need which is something of the order of you know hundred thousand old mole transactions per second so i know there are some crypto currency s. that are working in that direction there are even block china technologies that don't use a crypt currency they use existing currencies that enable you make the transactions through the algorithm rather than through a banking system so one of those more than one warlock is going to survive but i don't think that coin is going to be the one that does or that does it for me i will be back in just under thirty minutes with a look at your headlines here watching our two international stay with us. it's being called an olympic truce after months of over the top rhetoric the two
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careers are talking again the first time in two years is this is serious diplomatic opening or merely. south korea appears to welcome this opening is the same apply to washington. throng for a loop just as both parties began talks on the so-called dockum program a federal judge steps in to reinstate it so now it will take a look at it on this edition of. burden of politicking on larry king on tuesday a federal judge brought president from scum to racial plan to end the obama era initiative known as the deferred action for childhood arrivals of dr as is more commonly known this ruling comes on the heels of a much publicized meeting at the white house between the president and leaders of both parties to address their differences on this issue so what is the really
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ruling rather mean for the future of daca funding for the president's border wall along the southern border which he places a condition of any republican movement toward easing his tough stance on the dot com program. let's start with democratic congressman steve cohen of tennessee ranking member of the house judiciary subcommittee on the constitution and civil justice he also serves on the house ethics committee joins me from statuary hall in the u.s. capital all right what do you make of the judge's ruling and how will this affect where this goes well i haven't had a chance to read it out heard about it most many of my colleagues who are very happy about the ruling i'm sure it's going to be appealed i tend to doubt as it works its way up i tend to doubt that will be upheld but i do think there's an issue concerning using regulations as distinguished from legislation although the president can prioritize who he chooses to. have the. our
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forces agencies send out of the country we can't do everybody at once and then as president obama prioritize people who committed crimes and violent crimes were first on the docket kids were last and he could do that but he did he will further giving them an opportunity to stay in the country in a different system which is generally a legislative back so i think it's going to end up having to be a legislative act and all be dealt with in congress eventually so as to legislate in the act what's going to happen to all these kids well i think they're going to i think they'll stay because i think the democrats are pretty much one hundred percent lined up for them to stay and it caught by a few of the republicans think it's the right thing to do to the problem i think is that. there's a lot of constituents in the republican side and some of the democratic side too they're concerned about illegal immigration these kids aren't the problem but they may be the ones they become the victims of it and they'll be some of those people
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don't want to see anything that resembles a full opportunity to continue to live and be citizens of the united states with these kids it's going to be tough to get together in a measure but i think we can even president trump yesterday i'm sure he was he was off key. you know when he said that they agreed with senator feinstein that we had to deal with just plain doc a bill first and then he was who corrected by kevin mccarthy you kind of said president you're off you're off the program you're off the reservation. he doesn't have a hard position i think on this except politically and politically his base i'm sure hit him big time after that statement and said we want to have that wall and don't do anything without the wall so he could probably back to the political position he was in earlier and we'll have to see what happens the president doesn't seem to know what a clean blue ones. no i don't think he does i think a clean bill to him as is the jockey club and it's one hundred thirty dollars republican senator jeff flake did not resign and said that the judge's ruling were
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reasonably close to the less than the urgency of congress to act. and that's possible and jeff may be right on that but i think we're going to have an urge to see the act because the kids are in jeopardy and you don't know when a court might rule but it's a if that's a possibility congress puts things off to the end too often and doesn't deal with the issues in a realistic manner using doc who will be solved before the midterms. i suspect they will because i think otherwise i think it's going to be a tsunami it's not going to be a wave but i think it could be such a tsunami if they don't deal with dhaka that you can forget i think the republicans could be down to one hundred eighty five one hundred ninety members really they could be could be really wiped out. who live in a government shutdown later in the month i don't think there will be at suspect they'll be a short term c.r. neither party wants to shut down the republicans of course have the majority in both houses they can control it but they probably can't get ten democrats to vote
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for some of the things they want in the senate that will be a problem. was have to see but i don't think they'll be a shutdown i think they'll be a c.r. will keep the ball down the field to californians and leave a. they're not going to run for reelection ed royce and now downer allies is the latest to say he won't rerun what's your read on that well i think they saw the whole to look good for these that both at districts at every clayton carried by a pretty good number and i think those are those it's bally those seats but seats where we were close are probably going to tip democrat i think they fall a difficult time to get reelected ed royce has done a great job as a court affairs chair he's been outstanding so representative he and their allies are both very bright they brought quite a lot to congress they're both friends of mine and i'll miss their service but i understand when the tsunami come she want to be out there on a surfboard you really think it's going to be that bad for the republicans in
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november and i think they deserve it. steve it's always great to talk with you thank you you're welcome larry take care larry elder is the conservative a nationally syndicated radio host new york times bestselling author he joins me here in studio we'll spend some time with him for his take on the dot com program as well as the effort to keep government funding past the end of the month he also wrote a book i'm anxious to read dear father dear son two lives eight hours ok during an intense fight over this doco program a federal judge issues an injunction. the white house calls it outrages. my democratic guests have said that they think that the pyre court will overrule it but some think that nothing will get done where do you think this doctor thing is gone i don't understand why a doctor has become a top priority in the first place these young people aren't going anywhere and no
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one's going to round them out and throw them out of the country donald trump already said he wants to prioritize deportations what they get bad on brains out so these docket kids aren't going anywhere in the first place secondly why do daka why allow. hundred thousand people to have some sort of regularize status when you haven't secured the borders haven't done with it one of the room move well i understand that but we're going to have the same problem down the road if we don't do something about the borders the reason these kids are brought here against their own will is that their parents one of them eventually become american citizens mothers and fathers right now in central and south america want the same thing for their kids if we don't secure the borders we're going to have the same problem again we did in eighty six when ronald reagan did amnesty and two things were promised border security was promised and also sanctions harsh sanctions against employers who knowingly violate the law would be applied neither was done reagan got rooked he knows he knows he did and i believe the republicans are going to going to get rolled again if they don't get border security along with doc or will you admit that the president did say mexico would pay for the horse he said it and
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i didn't why didn't i didn't i didn't believe it when he said it i don't believe it now i think most americans don't believe it and that was really the point the point was we didn't know how to lead the war helped elect him i don't think most americans believe the mexicans were going to pay for the wall right away the head of the head of mexico former head of mexico said f. donald trump wall next to get people who are opposed to it there's no way donald trump going to get mexico to pay for the wall and by the way larry it wouldn't be that expensive in the first place i don't know why americans can't pass the hat and have the private sector build a role. and the wall is going to stop the bullet tunneling but all people who want to get out get out if it will help people have walls we have. they build fences in and israel has kept out terrorists the walls do work it doesn't it's not one hundred percent nothing one hundred percent but we have to do something once you read on the trumpet ministration to me i know you're very strong conservative you
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have to see some things are a little bizarre so i don't have to do is mention one name steve bennett well said to be one of the heroes steve bannon is is toast he's dead meat he's dead man walking the millionaire donor to breitbart has already withdrawn her fund by barca's kick kick him out he's already apologized to the president he has had a spectacular fall from grace so that's on him but he was one of the heroes well i wouldn't call him a hero i was supportive of donald trump and i think that steve benen had a role in helping him get elected but it was a relatively minor role the primary reason donald trump got elected in my opinion is because most americans were unhappy with the economy and if you look at the at the exit polling the primary reason that people gave for voting the way they vote it was the economy and obama gave us the worst economic recovery we've had since one thousand nine hundred nine and unfortunately that's what hillary had to deal with when she ran how do you assess the troubled ministration after a year i gave it a minus.
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