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tv   News  RT  January 12, 2018 3:00pm-3:30pm EST

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ations here i mean it's or it's kind of a golden bluff nobody really wants to test it at this point right now ok and i think that's really quite interesting i mean i am not a technical expert in these things here when they tell me this is an i.c.b.m. or maybe it's just an intermediate missile with extra fuel i mean i i remain agnostic about these things i don't believe the intelligence services and i don't believe north korea ok but i do believe in bluff. but do you think they're going to sort of in washington before the break. i completely agree with you on that point. he is deterrent is not completely in place but he seems to be sufficiently adequately confident and comfortable in this regard and there is some element of bluffing because we do need to know that he does need some additional testing to to refine that if the parent but that he hasn't played sufficient for him to book deter the u.s. for him and him for him to feel confident to reengage in
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a diplomatic process i think he has actually been waiting to see where the trumpet ministration was going when trump was president elect he saw trying to be going more in a hawkish and oppression maximum pressure direction he felt he needed to have the deterrent he's got that deterrent he's now willing to open conversations and so i think there's something fairly pragmatic not just for teachers were fairly pragmatic about his approach you know michael right before the break hasn't is back and for the great korean leader interim just highlighted the significance of north korea a way out of proportion because i think it has go ahead michael well it showed that the small guy can stay there the david can still beat the guy. happened here is that he's outsmarted the u.s. and and the u.s. is left hanging dangling and he hold he retains his nuclear weapons and at the same time he makes nice with with the south which is fine and brings a little more. call me through the situation the problem and i see an emerging
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within the trump administration is that some neo cons want to bloody do a bloody nose approach yep and hit a. target just to show him that they mean business that could just absolutely. going to jump in here and that no gentlemen might jump in here we're going to go to a short break and after a short break we'll continue our discussion on the korean peninsula stay with our to. everybody i'm stephen ball. test hollywood guy you know suspects every proud american first of all i'm just george bush and r.v. news this is my buddy max famous financial guru just a little bit different. than your windows up with all the drama happening in our
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country i'm shooting the brood have fun every day americans. and the stork to bridge the gap this is the great american. unfortunately it appears that once people learn that you've reported in a sexual assault or may have been involved in an incident that they become scared of you instead of being scared of the perpetrator. in the hearts of the swiss alps this is a place probably more secretive than the pentagon momus stereos than the cia and better than for. all the science is controlled by is a monday in. the opening time so at the top was it it was
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a good piece from the top class the procedures in place of the strictest in all europe masterpieces by artists like picasso and modigliani can't boards and sold inside this warehouse that's where the report comes in it covers up deals which are naturally discreet commercially discreet step but also discreet because they concern fraud that some of those paintings are linked to dark secrets nobody knows how many of these secrets a kept inside the geneva freeport system you'll never obtain an inventory of all the works in the freeport who knows how many there are three hundred three thousand three hundred thousand is it a matter of confidentiality only is it the world black box of the art business. welcome back across the uk where all things are considered mind you discussing the korean peninsula.
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ok we left the first part of the program with michael talking about the possibility of a mistake and i think that's the that's one area here that is the what is the known unknowns if i could quote a famous former secretary of defense i think you work for him how michael but. yeah yeah yeah. charles. you know there's not a lot of discussion in the mainstream or hartley's of zero is the the russian chinese plan of a freeze for freeze freezing the program for freezing of the exercises and if we go back i think it was the penultimate round of sanctions against north korea it was televised i watched the whole thing i saw the western nations you know again the sanctimonious nonsense ok. but then the chinese in the russians put out a plan and it was actually quite lengthy it was quite detailed and it's still on
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the table and that is the way forward and that that table the us can still sit if it so wishes go ahead charles. it's very interesting you mention this is the if you like the geo political backdrop to it because that is also on the show we say the micro level of the tactical level exactly what has caused this breakthrough if indeed it turns out to be that to take place the only reason why these talks have been able to take place in the first place is simply because south korea agreed to pressure the u.s. to postpone the big military exercises that were planned until after the olympics take place on the basis of those exercises being postponed and the north has made it quite clear about this those talks then take place so it's of course that's ironic in a way because of course the u.s. is constantly stated the aim of those exercises isn't to threaten the north korea
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and elsewhere but it is to reassure the south and yet it's the south that has gone to america and said listen let's actually stop these exercise or at least put a hold on them and perhaps we can make some progress here and i made this comment earlier this week that you've got a situation where as in korea now it would appear as so many other places around the world comes to mind to some degree syria and so on that when you've got the us and its policies being placed to one side. in these different theaters of potential conflict then that allows local players to actually exactly gather and talk nor in what sense is this interest in its policies and actually solving problems only starting on the road to solving problems themselves so i think it kind of follow up with what charles was saying there is that the dilemma that the u.s. faces is it's very entangled in alliances are because i think all of us on this program would agree that this overture is worth exploring the u.s.
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should sit down at the table and talk about real security issues where everyone needs to feel safe but then you know that the japanese are good reason oh are you going to walk away from your commitments that you're changing your mind see this is the nightmare that the u.s. has with all of its alliances because it makes one false step then the entire region is going to take a lesson from that and maybe it will be a lesson that the u.s. wants them to because the u.s. obviously does not want to look weak in the pacific go ahead and washington. you know you you if you spoke on a really important subject you know this issue of either being in entrapment or abandonment issues where. either being entrapped or being abandoned and then it creates various there limits but let me out here throw out a proposal which is a little bit off the charts ok to deal with this situation on the korean peninsula you know i think one of the important things that needs to be done is
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a little bit of this tangle ing off the korea u.s. alliance within the context of the united nations command south korea is capable of carrying fighting and defeating of course not korea by conventional means of course if south korea just was able to take care of that responsibility it would also find that it has a greater autonomy in its political and diplomatic decision making with regard to north korea what do. does depend on with regard to the u.s. is the extended to turn the strategic deterrent that has to remain in place and that needs to be credible but if we could have a little bit more separation between the war fighting in the aspect between south korea and the united states and south korea takes the lead on that perhaps they might also become a little bit more brave on the diplomatic front and drag america a little bit more towards more diplomatic means of tackling these situations then
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just purely military means seems to be michael particularly since american public opinion research major poll that came out is that the american public is reste by a very sizable majority frowning on all these foreign adventures an interest in trapping alliances here but i mean the one of the interesting things is that in the west they don't think about or talk about is that there's always been on the agenda of unification of the peninsula of course the issue is under whose terms ok because the chinese well they certainly don't want to see it under souls are mrs and of course the united states as i want to see it under the north korea what they called quote unquote the regime here again i think the region has to give more agency to the koreans to find out what they want to accomplish where they want to go because the south koreans have been brigaded that responsibility for free depends but i would say having all those american troops there makes the place far more dangerous
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and the u.s. is way long overstayed its need to be there in south korea go ahead michael. well i think that's part of the dilemma for the united states now and on the one hand a green well i love this let's proceed with talks but on the other hand how does this in the long term affect our relationship because you have to take into account the united states need to take into account then what is strategic relationship will be toward japan as you pointed out earlier and toward the. because we do have existing alliances with south korea i think that the the reality is the united states is unless it takes some preemptive effort which is going to knock everything out it needs to allow the koreans to figure out their own destiny on the one hand we have to accept the fact that north korea now has nuclear weapons it's like except in whether india or pakistan has nuclear weapons or israel are our influence over that was zero or even israel you know israel is you know we they they deny
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that they haven't but they've got a lot of four hundred units of them and it's really well you know my my my my for well let me let me go ahead my my proposal is it's always been my proposals always been the united states needs need needs diplomatically to go and challenge north korea by offering an ultimate lee diplomatic relations lesson this lesson the sanctions accept their existence and and accept the reality and that they're there and let the two koreas figure out their own destiny ok michael one more thing i'll go to charles here they're going to have to accept that north korea is a nuclear power because just as you said a country that is determined to get those weapons does it ok and there's not much you can do beyond obliterating it we have india we have pakistan we have israel south africa decided to give up you know ukraine gave away their weapons to negotiations but you know north korea as charles you started out with the program
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they've learned the lessons of regime change so part of the list that into the numerate what michael said is to recognize them is a nuclear power state nuclear weapons state ok that's going to be very tough for a lot of people to swallow but i think it's almost an inevitability and then when you have a unification of maybe a south korean peninsula maybe those weapons go away too it's a long long process charles go ahead. that's right and this is all tied into didn't our ancient concepts of course of deterrence. destruction and all that now the as things currently stand in for the forseeable future the fact is that north korea does not pose a threat to the united states even if it develops a capability to have a couple of nuclear weapons on board quite unsophisticated i.c.b.m. systems that doesn't pose an existential threat to the us whereas of course the use of those weapons would very much pose an existential threat to north korea the
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problem is is that of course america has got other interests in south korea that are beyond simply ensuring peace on the peninsula that for example it's we talked about its military facilities earlier there is also a dispute of sorts going on between the south korean government and we're talking about diplomatic. over that deployment of anti-ballistic missile systems there and especially the radars that the americans are deploying which of course are important perhaps not so much for the south korean security but for spying on china that certainly china's fears and so that's quite it's quite a complex situation in respect of the strategic picture. other countries such as japan it's understandable that they from their perspective see korea a threat with these weapons and therefore that threat needs to be mitigated but the question is how and what is the best way of doing that and it would seem to be the case that with the progress we've made so far in terms of these talks starting in early the beginning is that in many talking about sport but it may go to other
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issues and hopefully it will that actually when you take the pressure off and reach use the rhetoric deescalate then progress can be made in the canceling all of the postponement of these exercises which north korea sees as a threat to its existence is a start for that process ok i'm going to go back to michael gives you a real expert one of my experts on donald trump and i'm going to get a silly idea i was i mean it's like put. you have to fight going to put up the flag and i want to see if you want to salute this is a golden opportunity for for trump to prove his critics wrong you know think out of the box be decisive you know put up or shut up you know i mean this it's in the cards he could pull this off if he wanted to ok but does he have the guts or does he have the strength or is he just him did and i'm this is a real serious question go ahead michael. well i think he's being hammered in by the neo cons who want to two. who are who are committed to regime change to
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to nation building and i think trump needs to go back to his original promise to you during the campaign that he wouldn't do either one of those things and yet he's doing them today or attempting to or he's under pressure from a lot of the near constant in order for that that they can remain relevant in this town i think that he needs to. if he's going to look inward into the u.s. to rebuild infrastructure yes foreign policy in effect should become his domestic policy and i think that that that is where he needs to go and he needs to let the koreas work things out he's got to recognize that that if he takes. military action anywhere it's going to cost tremendous amounts and he's he's always thinking in dollar in terms of dollars so i think that that's going to be a major well you know to get it also means to influence influence throughout the region it what do it what is the going to mean and i want to know what i want him to think about his legacy a peaceful legacy that's all the time we have gentlemen many things of i guess in
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washington and in london and thanks to our viewers for watching us here or to see you next time and remember. in two thousand and sixteen the panama papers show the world with a tax haven the secrets to trailing and united states dollars pass through most conseco in the amount of time that we in the panama papers exposure that's what it shows a lot of money it really is. journalism it's a fact of journalism looking at things that people want to keep secret and i'm asking why would they want to keep these. millions of mossad from psycho documents were examined. the only people which basically have
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tried to get an advantage out of this sort of war is over. and probably other politician which were just attacking other politicians the media would point to find their targets such as the kings of morocco in saudi arabia the president of argentina several prime ministers. and russian president vladimir putin of course. my god i've had so i have sued so many newspapers for defamation some things don't just happen by chance it was very striking there were no one america single special good ole lots of people from the brics countries specially brazil russia and china that their special project reveals what was missed in the media coverage. of the panama chronicles.
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about your sudden passing i have only just learned you were a south and taken your last to bang turn. your attitude up to us we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry family i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each breath. but then my feeling started to change you talked about war like it was again still some are fond of you those that didn't like to question our arc and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters my mind it's consumed with death this one quite different s.p.t. now because there were no other takers. that mainstream media has met its make.
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moscow time america's bought invasion the us army is on the lookout apparently for software that can interact with the potentially helped to influence social media users in other countries will tell you all about that this hour coming up to. one diplomatic blunder to another president trump pulls out of next month's u.k. visit over the cost of relocating the new u.s. embassy they're taking a move five bomber for what was a bush era decision either which way then reportedly launched into an anti migrant tirade in the oval office. headlining to this friday one of the u.k.'s top schools for girls is banning it staff from referring to pupils as girls in a move to adopt more gender neutral language. and in germany long drawn out
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government coalition talks finally yield a positive result of the country's three major parties suffered setbacks in september's election. by great to have you come here this friday the twelfth of january my name is kevin i live from r t h q you're a moscow first the us army says it plans to step up its activities on social media it's no one to hunt for a software tool which can understand and respond to foreign users online posts and then potentially help to sway public opinion but isn't that something the us has been advocating against it explains. the classic bonds have been out there for ages and we know what they're usually used for that is sending out spam messages in some cases performing hacking attacks but it seems that uncle sam is after
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something much more sophisticated here if you go online and check out the us federal business opportunities website you will come across a pentagon request from earlier this week and this was something that really caught our attention with the us army wants right now is a software system that will be able to translate between languages most notably russian korean farsi in arabic and we all know which countries these languages are spoken in this kind of technology this kind of translation technologies radio there was no hold on because far from giving you the full list of requirements the tool is meant to understand and know how to use correctly dialects slag and even a mode g.'s plus must be a tool that is capable of analysis all these millions of posts comments and replies and we all that these things can be really dodgy are to be at a loss for emotion and sentiment that's how complicated it gets key question is
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again it's probably overused but what's it going to be used for potentially they want the software to be able to communicate with users online maybe not one hundred percent like a human being but somewhat close to that just take this requirement that i have printed out right here it is the ability to generate at least three or up to ten unique statements derived from the original social media statement while retaining the meaning and the tone of the original again the software will monitor and adeline as its own impact from the messages that it sends then a just plus it also needs to be self-taught in a way that it can learn from its own mistakes and then improve an upgrade which provides potentially unprecedented. opportunities for influencing opinion on life course company you're going to notice the irony of this big plan is that saw on the heels of the u.s. leaders complaining about all the potential fuss about online interference from
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other parties other countries really haven't been the case when russian troll farms and bots there are all over the media news about that the first question that i asked the pentagon what is your intention guys for this particular new projects we sent them out or request to comment they didn't get back to us for now but the languages are either regions will give you a hand and also some experts have already told us that it's part of the u.s. campaign could be to expand their online influence in capabilities something that they have been up to for years but really the sophistication of this new project machines being able to analyze the emotions and the sentiment of comments online or something alarming you know we discussed the issue with n.s.a. whistleblower william binney and also former m i five agent on the marshawn they outlined some of the implications of using this kind of technology as they saw it.
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what they really want to do is be able to monitor. communications or any kind of communications text and be able to assess it and. check it before threats or things like that or even. from some of the manipulation programs even respond. and try to manipulate the other person at the other end so i mean all intelligence agencies have had this is one of their objectives white papers are generally circulated among contractors who do business with the government so it is a little unusual to see these things out in the public as far as i know the most obvious interpretation would be that this is a pushback against the allegations that have been made consistently for the last eighteen months about so-called russian troll phone influencing elections across the west and it's interesting to see that the languages that they're advertising for are the language of iran and of course north korea and russia so that would be
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a bit of a sort of give away about which countries they want to be targeting. meantime talking about online interfering if you will if you feel maybe your twitter account isn't getting the attention it deserves i being a tad paranoid or could it be down to the social network itself censoring you without your knowledge and undercover investigation by anti corruption group project veritas has indeed revealed there is a practice known as shadow banning one. shadow into from one. of the truth here but you know what you should. think that you want to. when you know what's according to project a shadow band hides the content of a particular user i.e. the user continues to post on the platform to their followers but the tweets don't actually appear anywhere else on twitter people of the video there is said to be current and former twitter employees claim these measures target right leaning
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content with more from d.c. his samir a can. well the social media giant has presented itself as politically neutral but project veritas seems to revealed otherwise according to several employees who've been caught on camera twitter regulates its content by controlling what its users can see on their feet now one of twitter's policy managers says that the company is currently developing a system that down ranks controversial users and another employee says twitter is trying to ban a certain way of talking online so it's going to. change the user the things that. we've seen and. it's good to see them in the mindset of the use of twitter can also apparently dig into its users profiles and conversation history to figure out their political leanings and then determine whether or not they should be banned and another issue that came up was julian assange just twitter account and the fact that it was deleted without explanation a couple weeks ago but an employee was asked about it and he did hint at one
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possible reason. why. we can't verify if these are real twitter employees are not and if they are they definitely could be lying but regardless the whole issue is definitely something to investigate further you know all twits who responded to the allegations saying it's committed to enforcing its own rules without empowering every voice on the platform the group behind the revelations many times go to mixed reputation as to be said critics say the project veritas fails to provide an edited video of some of its revelations with some saying for the group has got a strong political agenda we spoke to russell verney he's the executive director of project veritas he believes the group's methods though are justified. they don't know they're talking to a reporter so they're being honest they're not they're talking to a c.n.n. reporter with a microphone says c.n.n. in front of them and give them talking points so what we do is we have
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a false name of last background story maybe for instance we might set up. a website for job seekers and try to recruit people from a certain company or force a certain company and there can be in thinking they're talking to a recruiter and join in a conversation and give away information we may go meet them in a bar be it just happen to be next to them since sitting in a bar we have lots of ways of making friends and then being introduced from one person to another and gaining information we've done hundreds of stories and not one of them is of been proven to be other contact your doctor. meantime nothing to do with out the stay was social media facebook post has led to the capture of one form a japanese gangland boss who been on the run for more than a decade. are
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going. to go.


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