tv Redacted Tonight RT January 13, 2018 2:30am-3:00am EST
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square in the very heart of the city in the center of mayfair which many people know is the most expensive location on the monopoly board but the interesting thing about the president's tweets is that there was a slight error and he accused the obama administration of selling that old building for peanuts it was in fact the bush administration before him and there have been suggestions that this whole embassy rau is a way of diverting attention away from the fact that perhaps the president didn't feel like he was going to be particularly welcome in the u.k. almost two million people has signed a petition against him coming here claiming perhaps the most british reason a rule that it would embarrass the queen donald trump arriving here and the mare of london hasn't been too welcoming either take a listen to what city khon has had to say about donald trump it appears that president trump got the message from the many londoners who love and admire america
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and americans but find his policies in action the polar opposite of. this just reinforces what a mistake it was for it's a reason to rush and extend an invitation of a state visit in the first place and a special relationships go this one looking special for all the wrong reasons right now we know diplomacy hasn't been donald trump strong suit but perhaps a year into the job he is managing to support us even himself because he has reportedly insulted highty and host of other nations as well on top of this round with the u.k. according to media reports he referred to high tea and a number of other countries as quote undesirable second rate countries and not in those words the white house hasn't even denied that he said it instead they've issued quite a plex things statement saying that certain washington politicians choose to fight from foreign countries but president. fights for the american people so. with haiti
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now room is that the island nation could be recalling its ambassador to washington and probably bridges to build fences to mend for us. all in a day's work or should i say if he tweets for the u.s. president. meanwhile the u.s. president has denied reports that he made offensive remarks about a number of countries he tweeted that his language in the oval office meeting was tough but that he did not use the words attributed to him trump went on to accuse the democrats of making up the allegations that he was derogatory about haitians although in fact several republican senators have corroborated the claims one democratic senator who was present at the meeting insists trump is lying about the meeting but it's not true. and said we. shouldn't come and some of us. want to get to the truth. the alleged
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comments have triggered backlash from around the world a spokesperson for the un described them as racist haiti's envoy to the u.s. called the remark misguided while the country's former president accused of ignorance incident was also met with outrage in africa with botswana uganda and the african union all condemning his alleged words we discussed the incident with investigative journalist patrick endings in and shaheen from the u.k. labor party. i certainly don't believe the president i certainly do believe. has said some very strong very harsh very cruel and very undiplomatic words about other nations compassed been relatively safe disgraceful message and if the comments that he made in the run up to the election he still managed to win but. he is not going to make america great again by making these ridiculous gaffes on the world stage if you look at the media reporting over the last eighteen months with
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anything related to donald trump or dossiers that are presented to the media of things that he supposedly did or things he said i wouldn't trust anything coming out of the mainstream media much less any democrat senator or congressman clearly there's a partisan agenda here but clearly this is a president much like the foreign minister of britain boris johnson who continually will put his foot in it and in terms of trump it's a bit more dangerous because he has a twitter account these very active with. clashes have broken out in the tunisian capital tunis during an anti-government rally. was.
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mass unrest has been escalating since the start of the year amid public of fury over soaring prices and budget cuts at friday's gathering people held up yellow cards calling on the tunisian government to scrap its austerity policies over the past week the demonstrators have to dozens of government buildings on fire and prompting the authorities to send soldiers out onto the streets i was one demonstrator has been killed in the unrest and almost eight hundred have been arrested. a copy of the pentagon's nuclear development plans has been leaked to the press the nuclear posture review was due to be released in february now of a sixty page draft document scribe's plans to upgrade and replace outdated nuclear weapons that includes the creation of new low yield nuclear warheads for submarines a document highlights the need to counter threats from russia china and north korea and proposes a doubling of nuclear weapons funding the u.s. already has more than one thousand low yield nuclear warheads according to the
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federation of american scientists expansion of u.s. nuclear capability comes despite president trump earlier pledge to seek global denuclearization. number one i would like to do you know the world i would like russia and the united states and china and pakistan and many other countries that have nuclear weapons get rid of them i stated america's intention to pursue the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons but i put forward a comprehensive agenda to pursue it to stop the spread of these weapons to secure vulnerable nuclear materials from terrorists and to reduce nuclear arsenals robert naiman from the just foreign policy organization told us the plans would mean a cash windfall for pentagon contractors. it's a troubling development that they would put this out but the administration doesn't get to do this by themselves congress will have to approve it and hopefully there will be pushback and what is. obviously an outrageous in
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foolish idea united states already has more than enough nuclear weapons the idea. building more is robbery other priorities pentagon contractors are going to make money. so that creates parochial interests there are pushing these things there are not something that's not in the interest of the world it's not in the interest of majority people. the european court of justice has prevented sweden from deporting a moroccan asylum seeker whom security services considered a potential terrorist swedish intelligence recommended the man's deportation after concluding of that he was a threat to national security individual whose name has not been released appealed to the european court of justice then the court ruled that his extradition would violate article three of the european convention on human rights as he could face
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torture in his home country and the case bears similarities with a ruling in germany a few days ago germany's high court prevented a turkish man convicted of supporting islamist extremists from being sent home the reason again was that his rights could be violated in turkey we asked our guests for their views on the story. primarily is about the european court of justice. which accounts of. the design of the swedish state's term move an unwelcome alien threatening game in a security risk alien from their own country and the european court of justice says that this individual rights. trying to stoke the wants of the state to protect its own people and we've got to be aware that there is a jew process of law that should be conducted only if anybody's involved in preparing terrorism and supporting it curry cian it then the jew process should
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take its course being called of human rights of passage judgment which is that he cannot be deported but it hasn't said that this state of sweden cannot take action against this individual to lock him up if he poses a threat to the security of that country he wasn't born in sweden he's come as a guest of sweden and the swedish have looked at him and they've said this man is a security risk to our society he needs to go back home now why the you may disagree with that decision or not we've got to respect the right of those institutions to make those decisions and i go back to the central point if these people are involved in terrorism what these what the country should be doing is taking criminal action against those individuals and putting them away if you know i'm bars or should they do that the boat came across as a guest he's a guest in sweden he's clearly i'm our non welcome guest because they feel he's a threat to their society there are no chuck him out send it back home that's what
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they're going to do the swedish government nor the european court of justice they're talking trollop. to back to morocco anyway that's where these to go is a threat to their society quite clear that investigate that the threat was already but he goes and he'll have to take his take his chance back in morocco i just think due process is very very important and we live in a democratic society where we have to understand and respect that process if the judiciary is making a decision we have to abide by. the school in the u.k. has decided to stop referring to its peoples as girls in a move to adopt more gender neutral language altering a grammar school for girls defended its policy saying that they are trying to break in green habits to help students with gender identity issues adding that quote we welcome and celebrate diversity and to quote the announcement drew ridicule online with users pointing out that the school's very name violates its own policy.
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meanwhile a grammar school or says it has no plan to drop the word girl from its name we ask the locals what they think of the new gender neutral policy. majority would be happy to be called girls ridiculous girls or girls and boys or boys there's too many pressures on pupils too much attempt to move everything towards gender neutrality i think it actually leads to more confusion rather than clarification this is a girls' school and it's extraordinary that children are being encouraged to go along the path we're going to have more and more children with mental health
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problems who are confused and unhappy by all means support children who have a gender issue but don't do it at the expense of the majority do not rob them of their gender identity we only need to apply those basic principles of religions that we treat other people how we wish to be treated and we solve the problem we need to stop. pushing adult neuroses onto these young children. clashes between anti austerity protesters and police have broken out next to the parliament building in the greek capital. officers used tear gas to disperse demonstrators on friday crowds gathered to voicing their anger over pay cuts and restrictions on strike action thousands of people from the labor unions joined at the rally in athens to disrupt and public transport. i can't get over the story it's
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reason to keep your skin covered when posting pictures online stay with us all that the headlines in about thirty six minutes you are watching are two international. politicians to do something to. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. or somehow want to.
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get into the right to be close it's like a full screen the whole can't be good. i mean first of all those in the waters in the. first six. the central bank is first where there's a lender of last resort or to provide liquidity case there's a credit freeze to fact that you central banks becoming the buyer of first order and that their printing money to buy stocks is a complete inversion of what their role is supposed to be in the economy and they become a giant hedge fund. will come to sophie and co and sophie shevardnadze in this thing in the military this
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woman never thought she'd be in danger from her soldiers grapes assaulted and harassed she was forced into a struggle that ended her career to victims of rape have a fair chance of justice in the u.s. military air force veteran and military rape crisis center worker jennifer norris is with me today to share the story of her back home. american women are reaching the highest ranks in the modern day military but away from the front lines the fund themselves defenseless against a threat much closer to home why is sexual assault so rampant in the u.s. military what happens to victims who dared to speak out this is the pentagon willing to concede its own soldiers face. jennifer norris retired u.s. air force veteran activist in the military rape center who herself had firsthand experience of sexual assault in the military sank you for joining us on this
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program. i want to start right away now the first time this happened you were drugged by your recruiter did he trick you into having sex with name do you have any recollection of how they incident happened. when i look back on the incident i realize that i was actually tricked by this man to even go to the party to begin with he had told me that it was a new recruit party for other recruits and i was excited to go meet them because they would understand exactly how i felt so he had ill intentions from the get go because when i got there there were no new recruits i was the only one how many times were a year subjected to sexual assault or abuse or is it just that one case. it started with that one case and i thought that maybe it would be over after that that i was just on lucky at the wrong place at the wrong time so i pushed forward
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but unfortunately as i entered into the military service it happened again and again and again within the first two years of service so tell me this why didn't you report straight away after that happened the first time i didn't report the first time because i hadn't even gone to basic training yet and i didn't really know what to say to i don't even know where to go if i was supposed to go to a commander in the military if i was supposed supposed to go to the police department i was completely clueless as to what sexual assault and rape in harassment were at that time so i just tried to soldier on and move forward with a career that i was looking forward to doing for at least twenty years so what happens at that moment when you know you're assaulted sexually what what do you feel what do you go through is it guilt is a shame is it what uncertainty. it used to be shame because i used to
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feel like i was an eighty it for going to this person's party but after years of counseling and working with rape victim advocates i learned that predators operate in much the same way they're very manipulative and they will set you up for an attack or they will take advantage of an opportunity and so now i realize it was a calculated crime but it took me years to realize that so far those. who hasn't been faced with this kind of ordeal but you know what danger is always there tell us how do this manipulators actually trick their victims into it how do they lure you in. i think they do what you would call grooming so they make you believe that they're trustworthy and that they're going to take care of you and it almost seems like it's too good to be true and so when you're naive you
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don't necessarily realize that not everybody is speaking at face value so as an eighteen year old or even a twenty four year old it's easy to fall prey to the niceties because you don't know that there's evil lurking behind it and i think that's the real danger of these these kind of people and how they operate is that it's they're able to get to us based on a trust that has been established in the military we depend in are dependent on each other in every way especially in trust so how old were you like eighteen when that happened no i was actually twenty four i had already graduated from college as a social worker i worked in the field for a couple years i worked with as a case manager i worked on a suicide crisis hotline and then i decided i wanted to go and get my master's degree and. the military offered a g.i.
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bill that could help me accomplish those goals so that's the number one reason that i joined aside from being patriotic and wanting to give back in being involved in something that was bigger than myself ok so i was completely clueless as to what was in store ok you know one woman who went through a similar ordeal airforce seargent marty riviera she said that the military has a way of making females believe they brought this upon themselves do you feel that as well. yes did you blame yourself for what happened i did for the longest time because especially with the recruiters incident i. says if i knew that as soon as i walked through that door that there was danger but it was too late to turn back and that particular incident taught me a lot about how to take care of myself in the future unfortunately if you're working for someone that's assaulting you you can't escape them so no i don't have shame or blame or any of that stuff anymore as far as what i did all i did was go
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to work in uniform and these people took advantage of their power an opportunity and that's what we're trying to change is that. it's taken more seriously if someone does in fact abuse their power in that kind of a sad but i'm trying to figure out the psychological aspect of it how exactly does the whole military structure make you feel guilty for what has happened and not the other way around i understand so. given the way that you report currently in the military it's not you don't go to a police office to report a crime you're supposed to report it to your commander in my particular case and in a lot of soldiers cases that the commander is also has a relationship with the perpetrator and he may or may not have known the perpetrator way longer than he knows you and so what it does is it creates an
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atmosphere of intimidation that if you see your commander hanging out with the same guy who assaulted you then you feel like oh wow he's not going to take me seriously that looks like they're both really good friends and then when you do go ahead and report the first thing that the defense attorneys start looking into is whether or not you're this here that you know how do you conduct yourself you know they immediately go into well you shouldn't have been at this place and if you hadn't you know that wouldn't happen well they could have done that to me too but it's not our fault that i know we thought we were attending what was supposed to be but i'm thinking jennifer i'm thinking there are also other women working in the military i mean they you know there are there are compassionate creatures you could have shared your story with them they certainly would have understand what you once through especially if this happens all the time maybe there are other women alongside you who are actually subjected to the same sexual assaults did you share
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your story with any of your female peers what i learned is that first of all i was one of very few women in my squadron there may have. ben if we were lucky three of them and one of them is an administration or personnel and then maybe there's another one in another shop but i was the only female that was working for satellite communications in combat communications so no i didn't have other females that i could turn to and say you know hey this happen to me as a matter of fact i didn't want anyone to know that this had happened to me because i didn't want to be judged unfortunately it appears that once people learn that you've reported in a sexual assault or may have been involved in an incident that they become scared of you instead of being scared of the perpetrator they think that you're going to be hypersensitive to if they swear or if they say something in offense you know offensive when in fact it's not going to be that way at all so there's
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a culture of fear built up in the military and i think that's why they want to automatically blame it on the woman because if she goes away the problem goes away and they can get back to work as normal human rights watch reports very dire picture of what happens to victims of sexual assault and they say i quote. that these people are being spat on deprived of food assailed with obscenity threatened with friendly fire during deployment discharged for misconduct is it true is it really that dangerous to come forward it is in some cases it just depends on your situation if you're isolated you're in way more danger than say other people would be on some big base that has security forces in a in a jag office but if you're in someplace like the eighty's ors or you know in some other random location across the world in all you have is the people that are with
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you then yes you could be in grave danger if in fact someone harms you and threatens you and says that if you say anything that they they will kill you it happens i research it we have had non-combat deaths occur overseas that include homicide and unsolved cases that nobody is talking about and that's what we're trying to tell people is. did you get threats where you threatened. yes not only was i threatened but i was physically b. after i reported by one of the perpetrators friends the entire squadron turned on me i was automatically the liar even though they didn't know the circumstances and even though we did have proof and we were able to move forward with two of the four cases the other people in the squadron did not know what had happened so they believed the perpetrator who was able to tell them the story while i was at some
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other squadron waiting for the case to go through but see for me it's just mind boggling that you're saying you just like standing there harassed assaulted in the open with other people just standing by and not interfering how come no one interfered why didn't troops come forward for a fellow soldier. well i did have a couple people that had my back along the way but it felt more like it was a culture of fear like nobody dared stand up to those that were higher ranking if they were the ones that were doing the the harm because they were afraid that it would have backlash on their career to me now. i don't have respect for those people that didn't stand by and take a stand and support the ones that were actually being harmed but along the way there were some silent people that came up to me and said that this person had done that to them that this person had done this to them and so people opened up along
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the way but they wouldn't take it as far as i did in actually report although i must say it was because of a senior master sergeant that i finally confided in he's the one that finally convinced me to report the four individuals to the commander jennifer we're going to take a short break right now and while we're back we'll continue talking with jennifer norris u.s. air force veteran talking about the epidemic of rape in the u.s. and what happens to those dare to speak out against it. it's called an olympic truce after months of over the top rhetoric the two careers
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are talking again the first time in two years is this a serious diplomatic opening or merely. south korea appears to welcome this is the same apply to washington. in the heart of the swiss alps this is a place probably more secretive than the pentagon more mysterious than the cia and better guarded than for knox swiss customs are here permanently all the site is controlled by them and they impose the opening times just the opposite it was abducted from his office the procedures in place of the strictest in all europe masterpieces by artists like pecan so and modigliani i can't boards and sold inside this warehouse that's where the report comes in it covers up deals which are naturally discreet commercially discreet step but also discreet because they concern fraud of some of those paintings are linked to dark secrets nobody knows
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how many of these secrets a kept inside the geneva freeport system closet and you'll never obtain an inventory of all the works in the freeport who knows how many there are three hundred three thousand three hundred thousand is it a matter of confidentiality only is it the world's black box of the art business. i think there is indeed a potential to kind of come out of this impasse of implementing the mainstream it's by recreating the u.n. peace operation this is a very sensitive politically was contributing countries to believe in chile offer troops it's off to decide to whom they have confidence in him to have not.
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