tv News RT January 13, 2018 11:00am-11:31am EST
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to whom do you have confidence and to have not. some animal rights activists are just upset that we eat meat period which makes no sense by the way because animals eat other animals and we're supposed to be equal with animals but suddenly they don't want to humans eating other animals so in a sense they're saying that animals have the right to eat other animals but humans don't have a right to eat other animals even though they think we're all equal so somehow there's a logical inconsistency that. young children have worked in bolivia for generations almost three quarters of a million doing so today. this culture led to the development of bolivia's new liberal and highly controversial children's code in two thousand and fourteen which
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gave children as young as ten the right to work under certain circumstances but there's a new thing this. is all new for. the . elite bunch of them with us in the end all. the things years. but there are hundreds of thousands of children in bolivia operating completely outside the local. mining work is strictly forbidden by the children but it's never enforced and that means the school boy minus continues risking their lives for the money they need to survive.
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i first still learned about bitcoin in two thousand and one i know. so i was working in the gold industry in two thousand and one we founded this company and actually ran an online gold backed payment system and built them as well and we did about what liebling and what not so it was first then that i sort of got introduced into the world of like the possibility of a not centralized currency an alternative to what we had going on for you know centralized actors so the cypherpunk label goes back to this period of time in other words obviously by clay and the way paper was in two thousand and eight of the issue of it goes back. years before that in terms of looking at de sexualize ways to create value to certain value different companies have been trying to do that for a while and your background goes all the way back into the early early days yeah
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yeah actually i worked with some people that had formerly worked at eagled and eagled was probably the first clarence in settlement system of micro payments and so that's that's that's that's a whole beginning of bitcoin i think that's when the conversation really started to materialize into software right and you were already in the legal business law of not at not at all not at all i was in the business of building things and you know and working with teams to to build the systems out to build up build out these protocols so it was lead into technology yes and then the law. what got you into the law side of the legal side that's actually really interesting because you know we reached a point post nine eleven where people were going to jail and starting to seriously you know crazy things like i think our conversations are being monitored we started to see the closure of bank accounts with bank accounts that we previously banks
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that we preview previously worked with and so as we say i was getting real lot of i can say that but it was. it was getting real and i thought wow i love technology i love to build stuff i love this ecosystem i love the idea of having an alternative to a centralized authority having a monopoly over how and when we can move value and so i thought i need to understand the regulations behind all of this i can't no couple of pramod you're in the gold space yet and we had a couple probably people in the gold space like a peter schiff for example origin records for example folks and they don't seem to . really understand but cohen are there anti brake on or there because skeptics so you know you're somebody for the business for a while you're in the legal space what are they going wrong wow i mean do you want to be all here. look i'm going to take it back to something that i use in that i
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see in my in my in you know in practice all the time and it's that we're dealing with regulators for years and back in two thousand and fourteen twenty fourteen i thought twenty thirteen twenty fourteen ok these guys have a long time to figure this out this is new it's exciting the value propositions obviously there you know in the form of a white paper we started seeing the b.t.n. companies coming out so the regulators really do have time to figure it out but it's twenty eighteen and we still not really far ahead from where we were in twenty thirteen i think it's the same of these guys. i think there's a lot of intellectual laziness going on and i know a lot of them are super super prominent. you know intelligent but i've noticed coming from those guys is that there's skeptics and they have arguments but they're not the arguments that one would think one would use against but claim because there are some arguments that can be made against bitcoin but they never
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used those arguments they is kind of hackneyed ideas about tulip bulbs and things like this but let me move on for a second here so let me get your take on the perennial question that folks which is the means of exchange versus store a value question you know the white paper is called digital cash essentially a digital payment system digital cash so it started off really as a medium of exchange and it wasn't all the last couple of years or so that actually this idea of a store of value took off and people started buying it as a store of value and of course the fees have made the medium of exchange argument problematic and you've got bitcoin cash coming around saying hey you know we've got a solution to this how do you weigh in on that debate well yeah that's that's actually a big one because we need both things for a currency to actually be successful you know it needs to be a store of value and it needs to be we need to be able to transact in it easily and we're seeing problems on the second part of that. i think because it has turned
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into like a sort of holdall tourism destination when mobile tourists who was. just booked well. so it's kind of like the the the the maximalist idea of holding on to every single big queen that you have and never ever transacting in it and that's become very very popular especially in the sort of like underbelly of the space and on the other side of that we're seeing a lot of tourism so i have people writing me daily in my inbox i mean posting about this for ever from jump like you i've been talking about it forever posting articles and people are now writing me emails like hey how can i buy stock in the big koreans how can i get rich online with bitcoin so. i think you know one of the problems is adoption we're getting there we're getting so adoption another huge problem with that is understanding and again people taking the time not taking time to really understand what it is so sad about real attack vectors ok because now
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that because i jamie diamond was a skeptic now he's saying i regret having called it a fraud he's done a mayor culpa essentially but the central banks the world the big banks the world governments are starting get nervous that maybe their ability to tax is going to be diminished because everyone's in the crypto space and there's no way to track them down that's going to be a problem for their coffers you know so that governments this is now on their radar some governments are taking it on board like venezuela started crypto russia is looking at crypto and these are countries that have been kind of manipulated by the u.s. dollar and its status as role reserve currency and it backed by the pentagon really and so they've got a whole new geo political element you're in the legal aspect of this what do you see as a genuine call an attack vector or in or a vulnerability or problem of bit coy going forward oh my god so real world application the banks are i would see the hugest problem right now just in
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use every single day and use case and the problems is the problem is where you know the where where do the banks stop and the regulators start and so i think by by extension banks have acted out and they are refusing. all the major bitcoin companies bank accounts so there's a bit of a system de under that set up on ramp is choked because the decrypt conversion is controlled still by the bank absolutely and you're saying the what the not ready but you say. system the system do yeah there's a french term it is yeah which means kind of. chaos making. sense out of ten. just yeah it's also an economics term where people sort of transact and find ways around the status quo what is different or that culture missile system day bed today dave. barry day or e rs of
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a thought thing like that. have a live in france for a while it's as if it was somebody says are you going to do that it's a common cold local isn't the same system d. just means i just fussed futz around to get it through to some somewhere so this is what the the the principle guiding big coiners through the bank. blockade is is to just wing it. well to wing it i've seen i've heard that you know some people. probably misrepresent what the count is being used for of course you know auditors figure out you know be queen is involved through you know wires to the registered exchanges queen bees etc come cumberland which is a proprietary trading firm they track it down and they shut them down to give them couple days sometimes if they're nice or they just get shut down overnight and so there's a lot of banking tourism that's going on right now people just moving from bank to bank seeking. a more hospitable situation and
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what i have seen a lot of is you know companies having to ten you know even more than that bank accounts right so you've got a portfolio of bank accounts and you're trying to cover your bases you know different countries are vying to become quote switzerland they want to be they see this as a competitive edge they want the business they want the technologists they want to be the leaders in this field what countries are leading this remember isle of man was considered to be a forefront or a forerunner of this so it's a lot itself is looking like it's an attractive space what countries now are kind of in the good position to be leading the charge we do a lot of jurisdiction and we you know seen a lot of good things out of switzerland what's becoming a little overplayed and i know for example one of the companies one of the major exchanges right now is having a problem right now because swiss want them to register as some sort of you know
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not a financial institution but kind of a financial institution and to do k y c over amounts of five thousand dollars. so what i'm seeing is a shift right now to the eastern caribbean. caribbean ok. well yeah. and i think the regulators so far have been very receptive. they've learned a hard let her learn a hard lesson this will be never say do things in. dami domenica yes so they also have the ability for people to buy citizenship from nice places in the caribbean have for a couple hundred thousand bucks you can buy a passport easy them now or it's becoming leaders in the script space as well i hope so i would love to see that i want to see more interaction with you know with the crypto companies and the regulators because the regulators are asking questions
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there's a think tank down there that i do some work with that i few know done some peepers for they're asking the questions i would love to see that that that space dominated by that area let's change gears for a second or so. i c.e.o.'s and issue a coin offering this twenty seventeen we saw billions of dollars raised by hundreds of i.c.'s the summer during the summer the f.c.c. said most of these i suppose are securities of course that you know they they have to make that distinction what's happening in the i.c.a.o. market i believe you represent i c o companies and you're you're doing so from a legal perspective what's happening in the size you know space we're going forward so my firm we do a sort of soup to nuts type thing you know from the very beginning we often deal with issues on the backend you know so that it represents what happens on the front end because there's a lot of issues with that. you know there there are
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a lot of different types of. products being offered through these i.c.'s i think you know my feeling on it is like do you really need to raise one hundred fifty million dollars in two minutes a part of our tab probably not us and we have a ten seconds to say growth in that area yet there is that there is immense growth in twenty eight teams and it doesn't leak is another big growth area absolutely but i also see the coming down on it a lot harder than they have and also they are looking at these tokens to see whether it is a you know a purely utilities he took in our candy crush coin or a security right yeah adults along to israel guys report thank you so much for having me all right well as i do it for this edition of the guys report with me most other states or i guess adelle it's a loan if you want to reach us on twitter it's kaiser report and so i thought.
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i had a great education a good job and a family that loved me. i never had to worry about how i would eat some where i would sleep. but i'm facing christmas alone out on the streets of london. to be able to. apply the glory like going to school you know disability to still get out before the job that. you don't really feel like he would be needed. and then. the guy just came over to be soon gave you a job in this book. global
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warming selling you on the idea that dropping bombs brings police to the chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battle is going. to do socks for the tell you that every gossip in public by fell for the most important news today. off after telling me you are not cool enough to buy their product. all the hawks that we along with all love watching. when you don't. see the. most true only ted space to. make. let alone. said. claiming to know german did that. you speak french. most of those i'll never let.
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them send them continue. as busy as the council itself to. join me every thursday on the alex i'm i'm sure and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. in two thousand and sixteen the panama papers show the world with a tax haven the secrets to trillion united states dollars passed through most. in the amount of time that we've been in panama papers exposure that's what it shows a lot of money it really is. journalism it's an act of journalism looking at things that people want to keep secret and asking why would they want to keep these things
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secret. millions of fonseka documents were examined. me all the people which basically have tried to get an advantage out of this sort of. newspaper. and probably other politician which was attacking other politicians the media would point to find targets such as the kings of morocco and saudi arabia the president of argentina several prime ministers. and russian president vladimir putin of course. oh my god i've had so i have sued so many newspapers for defamation some things don't just happen by chance it was very striking there were no more americans to go especially a lot of people from the brics countries specially brazil russia and china that
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this special project reveals what was missed in the media coverage. of the panama chronicles. one last chance president trump agrees to waive some iranian sanctions but warns that the u.s. will quit that nuclear deal unless more of visions of me. come up with the washington post's bureau chief in beirut is called out on twitter after praising the syrian t.v. journalist with suspected links to al nusra terrorists. new york's biggest police union sues the force commissioner adam air claiming that the selective release of body cambodia's are politically motivated.
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by r.t. international weekend with me kevin zero in today welcome to this latest live update from h.q. in moscow then first president trump as far a warning shot over the iran nuclear deal he's agreed to extend sanctions relief but says it's for the last time in a hundred twenty days from now the u.s. president will again have to decide whether or not to continue the suspension of sanctions troublous again insisting on revisions to the hard fought agreement or he says the u.s. will walk away. in the event we are not able to reach a solution working with congress and our allies then the agreement will be terminated we cannot abide by an agreement one of the worst deals ever negotiated we cannot and will not make this certification on saturday the russian foreign ministry said that moscow will oppose any attempt to undermine the existing nuclear agreement which echoes other world powers beyond the deal to as a d.c.
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correspondents american reports next even though trump has repeatedly vowed to tear up the iran deal he has decided to keep the deal intact extending sanctions relief but also warning that this will be the last time until the deal is strengthened about sanctions will be added on iranian entities for their alleged support of terrorist groups now this comes after his national security advisers and other signatories have all urged him to comply with the remit and the e.u. has been urging washington to stick to it for months and great the value of the c.p.o. way that you do you leave the room the deal is working you want to. protect just a few a few is why it should pay for this do this crucial for the security of the region but also for the security of the well the agreement was signed in two thousand and fifty and it was hailed as a breakthrough in u.s. iran relations as it ended international concern over iran's nuclear program and it's often described as obama's signature foreign policy achievement but trump has
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always accused the country of violating the quote spirit of the deal now at the last deadline at trying to wave sanctions but decertified iran's compliance with the deal which is completely unrelated to all of this a it's not part of the deal and b. iran's ballistic missiles already been capable of carrying nuclear warheads now we'll just have to wait and see if congress and u.s. allies will agree to trump's demands. the reaction from other american officials to the u.s. ambassador to the u.n. says washington is looking to take further action against iran she said more sanctions could indeed be imposed on iran outside the nuclear deal as for the arabian foreign minister he hit back at donald trump for trying to scupper the nuclear deal he said iran will not accept any changes to the deal neither now or in the future one former advisor to iran's nuclear negotiation team told us that trump has no real reason to scuttle the deal with iran is the president that makes it hard decisions and you have to go one day at
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a time and don't place too much. in his alternate on today because this deal sears uses national interest. defense secretary mattis and tillerson another's and we've heard from the leaders just a couple of days ago that this is you know working. through nine reports has confirmed that iran has fully fulfill its obligations so there is really no rationale or justification for trump to go against the deal and the scrappy and really you know land a big stop on the u.s. is quote ability international scene. while the u.s. tried to suppress the rands nuclear industry the pentagon has been busy working on a major revamp of its own atomic weapons the plans word to full release next month but it's all been leaked to the media beforehand the nuclear posture review
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outlines extensive plans than to upgrade and replace some of the dated nuclear arsenal and develop more new warheads for submarines it also wants funding doubled over the next decade or two and the document lists russia china and north korea as threats which need to be counted the federation of american scientists says the u.s. already has well over a thousand that low yield nuclear warheads they are those powerful as the bombs dropped on japan in the second world war the proposed expansion is in contrast to president from earlier pledge to seek global denuclearization number what i would like to do you know the world i would like russia and the united states and china and acus there and many other countries that have nuclear weapons get rid of them robert nyman from just foreign policy campaign group told us the plans would mean a windfall for pentagon contractors. it's
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a troubling development that they would put this out but the administration doesn't get to do this by themselves congress will have to approve it and hopefully there will be pushback and what is. obviously a religious in foolish idea united states already has more than enough nuclear weapons the idea of building more is robbery of other priorities and you know contractors are going to make money off of losing a clear weapons so they'll create parochial interests there are pushing these things there are now something that's not in the interest of the world is not in the interest in the jury. or. elsewhere that day the washington post is under fire after one of its bureau chief for the middle east post of the tweet apparently praising a journalist from free syrian t.v. questions who raised over the reporter's possible links to al nusra front
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terrorists as our correspondent he goes down off reports next everybody needs a hero even beacons of independent journalism like the washington post and what better candidate than a man doing his job despite the constant threat of bombs this syrian jauntily standing in the open field while bombs explode all around him is very lucky to be a life now flood jacket or helmet you can barely hear about the explosions he and his colleagues are very brave. a professional for all of us journalists to look up to right wrong this book may have a pretty cover but it's the gripping content that's of most interest this man in the video is to hear a martyr and possibly the best way to understand him is this tweet shiite militia turned into minced meat sixty people killed in an eyesore suicide attack some respect for the dead maybe no now i'm satisfied he writes the different
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mission of bloodlust if you ask me in this picture is all smiles and handshakes with a saudi cleric a jihadi role model here. is sitting down against the backdrop of terrorist flags here's the one of i saw and here's non-stress as he worked as a mediator trying to reconcile the groups back in twenty fourteen he set up and ran a training camp for child soldiers in syria and has reportedly made repeated calls for sectarian genocide no wonder he's on the u.s. security blacklist my city is far from the only terrorist has rubbed shoulders with . the hard are now bit of that. thought the group is embedded within this video. is internationally designated as terrorist born as a branch of an al qaeda affiliate later they swapped sides figuring i saw flavor
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terrorism was more to their liking when i reached out to the washington post's beirut bureau chief about her tweet she disputed the fact that she ever gave praise to the man or his so called journalism i dispute that they gave praise to the journalist or his journalese i pointed out that standing up in the field and continuing to talk well explosions they were not all around you is brave. she still admires is bravery though the mainstream media has a history of becoming in chanted by jihadi affiliated want to be reporters take karim the story teller when it came to the battle for aleppo people executed it's as simple as that what can i do here in syria blend in the crowd i don't think so am i going to turn my so over to the regime forces absolutely no so what that he's giving a platform to a suicide bomber right at least he's taking all the right boxes they say you have to protect human rights. they support the terrorism so how on earth.
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of course it's human rights supporter of that's that's the bottom line of the hippocratic they have double standards. if this happens in the u.s. mainland would they accept terrorists to be available terrorist organizations. to say they have good cause of course not the mainstream media has a habit of putting itself on a journalistic pedestal getting the facts right giving balance and using trusted sources but those standards appear to be selective and only if the story fits the cover. down of r.t. we can report next the fighting is still ongoing in series it led problems between government forces and the. newsroom front for his exclusive video.
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