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tv   Worlds Apart  RT  January 14, 2018 2:30pm-3:00pm EST

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by the agent and the mash on their line some of the implications but they really want to do is be able to monitor royce communications or any kind of communications text and be able to assess it and. check it for threats or things like that or even. from some of the manipulation programs even respond. and try to manipulate the other person at the other end so i mean our intelligence agencies have had this is one of their objectives white papers are generally circulated among contractors who do business with the government so it is a little unusual to see these things out in the public as far as i know the most obvious interpretation would be that this is a pushback against the allegations that have been made consistently for the last eighteen months about so-called russian troll phone influencing elections across the west and it's interesting to see that the languages that they're advertising for are the language of iran and of course north korea and russia so that would be
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a bit of a sort of give away about which countries they want to be targeting. the week just gone was a week of diplomatic slip ups again for donald trump on friday it was reported that he launched into a foul mouthed rant in the oval office about immigrants several democratic lawmakers who were there claim that the president was deeply disparaging about people from central america and africa. he has this implicitly strong language itself salvador and other countries he could see with express our strong protests and then the jets of the good close ups of state it's. just incredible declaration because those supremacist graces the
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freshest expressions like the ones that donald trump used people with nothing to do . these shocking shameful comments from the president of the united states. sorry but there's no other word on can use but racist. trump took to twitter very quickly to deny that he'd used those actual words but he did admit that the language he had used in that meeting was quote tough and there are fences to mend in the u.k. too after trump announced thursday he was canceling next month's visit to london he was due to open the new u.s. embassy there but pulled out very shortly before he says over the cost and location of the new building although maybe there could be more to it than that as police report. this is what all the who is about is the new u.s. embassy in the area of nine elms which is being regenerated in sort of an embassy
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quarter. to the public next week donald trump was supposed to arrive in february or was widely expected that you'd be cutting the ribbon and that's not happening any more clearly the old building of the u.s. embassy on that was on the sort of grand old square in the very heart of the city in the center of mayfair which many people know is the most expensive location on the monopoly board but the interesting thing about the president's tweets is that there was a slight error he accused the obama administration of selling that old building for peanuts it was in fact the bush administration before him and there have been suggestions that this whole embassy rao is a way of saying attention away from the fact that perhaps the president didn't feel like he was going to be particularly welcome here in the u.k. almost two million people has signed a petition against him coming here claiming perhaps the most british reason of all
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that it would embarrass the queen donald trump arriving here and the mare of london hasn't been too welcoming either take a listen to what city khan has had to say about donald trump it appears that president trump got the message from the many londoners who love america and americans but find his policies in action the polar opposite of our cities values this just reinforces what a mistake it was for it's a reason to rush and extend an invitation of a state visit in the first place double trouble hey did. the new embassy there is or isn't the looks realistic enough it's works work of course got a bit of a love from construction workers in the old boy who try. to source museum couldn't resist a bit of marketing when the local labor party official believes it is clear all that aside the trump council because he wasn't expecting a warm welcome. we know that it's because he was going to face. huge
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protests when he came here he's a deeply unpopular man decide to take and i'm never going to be hundreds of thousands maybe a million people on the street this is the kind of pressure the donald trump would be facing if he came over here and he doesn't have the spine to take that you know he as soon as someone insults him he's straight on twitter i don't think it's going to alienate his support base you know there are a lot of angry people out there and trump was manipulated back and go into into a support base and he's been wholly disingenuous about it but he has managed to whip up a lot of just content about the the drawbacks of globalization how globalization is not working for everyone there are some left behind people and those left behind people flocked around truck so i went to him talking to me in the week coming up the kind of bedtime message really don't want to get a fold about an incoming missile sent people in hawaii last night running for cover we'll tell you all about that coming up.
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we're told to. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. some want to be. too great for us this is what before three of them will be good. i'm interested in the war in the . first. some animal rights activists are just upset that we eat meat period which makes no sense by the way because animals eat other animals and we're supposed to be equal with animals but suddenly they don't want humans eating other animals so in a sense they're saying that animals have the right to eat other animals but humans
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are never right to eat other animals even though they think we're all equal so some of there's a logical inconsistency that. everyone should run the world weekends going good this is the weekly from out international with me kevin zero in and behind me you know that's not the kind of message you really want to get it's a text alert from the government in hawaii last night telling them on the island to run for cover because basically a missile was coming for them that was a message received or people know why you can see it on your screens it caused a panic islanders fleeing to cover as you would took about half an hour for the authorities to scramble to get themselves together to confirm that if there was nothing to worry about there and it was just a false alarm. what happened today was totally unacceptable and many in our community was deeply affected by this and i'm sorry.
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for that pain and confusion that anyone might have experienced suppose mistakes happen before and he said an employee had pressed the button by mistake we spoke to international affairs expert dr shriram chillier about the incident he says it shows that people there lack confidence in the u.s. government's ability to protect them there is a lot of panic and alarmism that's going on and the united states is fighting the superpower has been spawned by rocket man and i think the build up in the media about the imminent threat of jungle has drawn into the minds of the consciousness of people so even if it was a technical error and the wrong one that was first i think it shows how much it is that no confidence in the american society of both the government's ability to protect its all citizens and i don't know why not one or any of the other you want
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specific data to reste should have lots of sleep but they are and the actual course that the scare tactics of the comic has risen so much that people are not willing to rely on their government source security guarantees and i think it shows also the administration's failure to manage the narco your prices in a bit that assures the american population of basic security. the u.s. embassy in iraq amounts to on choose day that one hundred fifty million dollars will be spent this year rebuilding cities left devastated by the war islamic state but that's only a fraction of what america's earmarked for its own go it military operations there our senior correspondent laura garza he of reported in the week what does this look like to you mad max. resident evil no this is mosul or rather what's left of it quote a sea of thousands of air strikes we filmed this
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a few weeks ago and nothing's really changed from when we were there last this is what the aftermath of a classic strike in mosul look like neighborhoods that numb but in the thousands it's been reduced to a handful. the iraqi army and the u.s. led coalition seem to make sure to not leave a square meter on scorched earth it took a pre-season i haven't yet seen a single house and moonsault untouched by fighting the neighboring street all but destroyed the street across rubble the street over there it's the same story wherever you look cities and towns that house millions a devastated hospice even now in mosul you are never far from the stench of rotting bodies or unexploded bombs help reconstruction no one
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seen any of that module be it the. way i did they enter was little when it was two and it was. doing. well she's a little hungry alice get a lot of you know she be going to school in the citizen not. what else is there to do in mosul watch the servants and just a little dog in the holocaust and that to me that if she ever put it to you. as strange the u.s. had pledged to help and do what it's bombs did they're already helping fund reconstruction iraq says it needs one hundred billion dollars to rebuild and the united states has doubled its. to one hundred fifty million dollars or about zero point one percent of what iraq needs and no one seems to have seen any of
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that but a city in your city if you had mice if you. but you would. all die for. i don't have sherman. i love coming out of the shiny about i would die i said i hadn't this way. now one of the magical set had it now adversary. went up five as i had the start of a dallas market and if that's not filed many of us said so lucky rather than left to send a message back at the numbers are an entirely different leagues but the united states spent on burning isis out of iraq and what the us has pledged to repair the damage it did or entirely in comparable numbers the average cost of a u.s. air strike in iraq at the beginning of the operation very roughly counting fuel flight time cost of bombs made an uncertain military pay was hard for
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a million dollars for one their strike they carried out fourteen thousand their strikes in iraq alone and after helping turn iraqi cities into this all the complex has one hundred fifty million dollars the equivalent of two mid-sized passenger jets that isn't going to change many lives in iraq. other news russia's defense ministry announced on friday that it killed the terrorists behind a mortar attack on russia's air base in syria on new year's eve issued a video showing its strike on the militants positions. three weeks thank you during that attack two russian servicemen were killed according to the russian
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defense ministry no warplanes were damaged in the incident days later the base was targeted for a second time by more than a dozen drones was successfully apparently repelled with no casualties will. has made headlines in the week the clothing retailer h. and m. provoked outrage in south africa it's been accused of racism after releasing an advert showing a black boy wearing a hoodie wearing the words coolest monkey in the jungle every. day. we're going to fire rubber bullets to disperse crowds of demonstrators who trash one of the h. and m. stores there the retailers already removed the picture apologized that hasn't called public anger the mum of the boy the photo though says she doesn't understand why there's been such a reaction to this that it was social media however it was completely wrong they say. marketing h. and m.
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puts a black child in a hoodie that reads and the coolest monkey in the jungle and the white child is the survival expert and now fox has pretending like they don't know the black children have long been racially characterized as monkeys the h.n.d. is just irony i highly doubt they will like let's put the monkey hoodie on a bill like al making it seem there is a white supremacist who works for a train down the thought it was funny to make a blackboard model of hooty that said coolest monkey in the jungle we are striving for during a from the models of diversity organization and luke get off from spike magazine where they thought about the controversial ad. the whole issue is with this advertising campaign it's an advertising campaign that it's international it's an international campaign and it's so obvious that if you're going to use a connotation like monkey whether a child is a monkey you're going to choose a black child hold for the campaign and the white child as a survivor of the jungle there is not going to have connotations it's ridiculous to
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think it's not going to help any contagions whatsoever i think is a really sad i think what has happened is the word monkey has been used because this boy is a child and the word monkey is used to describe children of all races because they're cheeky and mischief first and you can see this across children's clothes for children of all races and this was part of a jungle themed clothing line the idea that this was somehow racially malevolent i think is utterly ludicrous i'm so disappointed by this campaign i've seen them do they always use a mix of models but this is really not you know it's real time to say the least is what this campaign is it's really badly thought by a board of white directors because even if it was even if there's that opinion it's just like buckley thought it might be parents that are negatively thinking about this you cannot deny the connotation that it held i don't think this
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has that connotation for the vast majority of people the vast majority of people think this is a perfectly innocent campaign involving children of all races involved in the jungle show you got your views either which way you can always tell us what you think about all our stories online article dot com for now it just after twenty seven minutes past five or a moscow cover though in saying thanks for watching the weekly that so the last seven days looked bad anyway our programs continue after this break. young children have worked in bolivia for generations almost three quarters of a million a doing so today. this culture led to the development of bolivia's new liberal and highly controversial children's code in two thousand and fourteen which gave
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children as young as ten the right to work under certain circumstances but as a new thing this. is all news. eat but without the end of. the sincere. but there are hundreds of thousands of children in bolivia operating completely outside the local. mining work is strictly forbidden by the children but it's never a force and that means the school boy minus here continue risking their lives for the money they need to survive on.
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when gold make its manufacture come sentenced to of public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the famous. lifts only the one percent. we can all middle of the room see. the real news. previously on the great american pilgrimage to hire cars this was the technology that decimated herds of herds of buffalo friends you're dealing who's the best person some of the best knowledge dave campbell. to this business is richard good
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fifty four as i'm doing to learn more about the people saying. hey everybody i'm stephen baldwin charlotte task hollywood guy usual suspects my favorite movie proud american first of all i'm just as george washington and r.v. enthusing just uncle steve to me is a joy to be ignored because this is my buddy max famous financial guru and will he's a little bit different i understand your abraham lincoln hall i know that there were no windows up last but not least my larger than life. the night an aspiring star rio. with all the drama happening in our country i'm hitting the road to have some fun. every day americans call it what's america our ancestors suffered the most and see how things come so crazy i was naked completely. keep my finger on the start to bridge
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the gap this is the great american pilgrimage. with a culture where people. really pick back up with their hero in north dakota and the pilgrimage continues on stephen and dave head out on the road to take a tour of standing rock there we go and drive the story one two three. stephen is excited to show dave his r.v. and his awesome driving skills somebody gregorio. but don't don't don't just put him on the bed to lay down the road. what do you think so far did. i read this on the.
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seatbelt on that support. the driver awareness to. come for me. so that's not just some kind of an indian custom and has come. as they leave dave's convenience store dave explains to stephen why starting his own business wasn't important what that means for his people. was my little store right we bought it probably about fifteen years ago and we've been running it since then there was no indian owned businesses here on standing and i wanted to show our members that we could do it we could own our own businesses we could have our own commerce with each other sure i wanted to be an example and i also wanted to be a role model we bought it and it was really challenging because. we have about. forty percent poverty rate. with poverty we have high
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unemployment. abuses abuse alcohol abuse. all the symptoms of poverty exists on setting off. the result of all the things that have taken place over time over two hundred years. david love to hear more about the history of the last. there's a long history where they took the federal government took and took and took to the point where not just standing off but all indian tribes all in the nation by saying stop doing that every since these lands were discovered we have been considered less than human with a fourteen hundred foot with the roman catholic church and the papal bull in the. doctrine of discovery when you discover new lands those lands are yours with all the riches and when the question is asked what about the people who are part of them and they said well they're less than human because they don't know. they don't
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know about the church and that was in the fourteen hundred. laid out the history for this government and. the foundation for the law when it came to property in eighteen eighteen twenty three there was a case johnson versus macintosh and the judge bases ruling off of the doctrine of discovery and that became the foundation of. wasn't eighteen fifty one where the federal government we should enter into agreements so there's agreement became the first treaty if you want is a treaty that defined them. where we are today and it was over sixty million acres with the sixty million acres we had disputes because more and more westerners were going through our treaty land to bozeman montana they called it the bozeman trail from the point of the bozeman trail is that the black hills know that the bosun trail goes to bozeman montana the rocky mountains in montana gold and there
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was gold discovered. that was eight hundred sixty eight and short a short time after that eight hundred seventy four. custer general custer led an expedition into the black hills on the black hills. the heart of our people where our tribes are to grace the nation said this is our origin story this is where we came from we came from the black hills we came from when came and we came with the buffalo at one time as far as i can see there were buffalo. and the buffalo was everything it was our our our our relatives. he provided our our housing for us with thirty p.c. provided food he provided tools he provided anything and everything we needed it was he was our economy the buffalo were part of who we are. so railroad systems came through our lands and for sport. people on the rail system would shoot buffalo and just kill him first pictures in the north korea story will side that showed mountains of buffalo skulls they had to go out and pick up the buffalo stalls. on
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the prairie because there were so much everywhere for a million so there were seventy million buffalo in the early eighteen hundred by the end of the two hundred there was less than one hundred that changed our will life and that was the that was the result of one infrastructure project so this is the type of stuff that has been happening to our our nation over and over and over in eight hundred seventy seven after gold was the skull for the federal government came in and passed and i threw congress to take more land so they took our black hills by eight hundred eighty nine they put us on the current the reservation standing rock sioux tribe was established as two point three million acres the size of connecticut. one thousand nine hundred ten. we had less than a million acres less so over half of the acreage was dispersed and not indians coming onto the reservation for settlement and they disregarded us at that time we were not even considered citizens of this country. we we wish. become citizens
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until nineteen twenty four there are those in prison so so we don't have a voice we don't have a say but yet every action that lead to a negative impact on us and the reason why they took the land was for economic development. stephen is learning how the history of the treatment of native americans is repeating it so what we're going right now this. last year that we had a movement that started here on standing friends our top story tonight the ongoing dispute at the standing rock reservation tensions are heating up once again at the dakota access pipeline that's where thousands of people have been coming to for months this is a three point eight billion dollars pipeline that cuts across four u.s. states the struggle to protect the drinking water and sastra lands from the pipelines construction trying has led to violent confrontations between activists who call themselves water protectors and the police if you were to come here last year at this time there would be cars horseback riders and tepees there were people
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coming from all over we had over ten thousand people from the standing rock and they came because we're standing up against. this pipeline is going to fall on their list side of the river. if anything happens to it the first people impacted by this is are people. we wanted to do a more in-depth. study of the. what impact will it have on people as well. this is where they can feel right but also this whole field right here this whole field on this side was look at the g.p.s. and everything and on top of media center but it was nicknamed facebook feel. this ill here. why facebook killed because i was only place people could get on facebook well thank goodness for that. there wasn't even life i was just just getting ready to record any connection to the internet was really fun and this was the main
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entrance into the. we have flags from all the nations that came and visit all the not like the ones like. you come around the corner there's a bridge here and this is called the backwater bridge there was a confrontation here where the militarized police law down protesters. with water extreme temperatures temperatures and they use water to go around the corner . everything really started there was a row the pipeline and then they needed to build an access road access road being built that's where the main. protest began i was another altercation we had there was a tug so as we progress the police became more and more militarized more and more force was used and there were more and more people coming there are thousands of people right now heading to standing rock to be water protectors. maybe military. like you know what the guy district looks like the group amnesty international says
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it's very concerned about how police in north dakota have treated protesters it says the use of force by police violates protesters rights to a peaceful protest i watched people shot with rubber bullets i watched peaceful prayerful water protectors get mace and pepper sprayed and none of them fighting back one time we had better and all around the world. it's done with over four thousand. people and that's what happened here there was an awakening because there was an awakening tribes now know that this is a turning point for us to try to make their lives better and come away from. what the the federal government has left for people. who are not people are wondering if they're going to and not not tomorrow. right here in the upcoming approaches that sort of pipeline pumping out.


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