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tv   News  RT  January 17, 2018 3:00am-3:31am EST

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seriously send us an e-mail. the headlines. of the nineteen fifties korean war to discuss the current crisis on the peninsula with the absence of russia china and north korea itself the proposed solution is to limit. the pressure. pressure. diplomatic. career the specter of russian meddling return a number of influential u.s. democrats. to run for the senate. cryptocurrency suffered a double digit losses in the past twenty four hours of. regulation.
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wednesday worldwide news headlines live from moscow thanks for joining us this is. south and north korean officials are meeting for a third time this in just a matter of a few days to discuss ongoing peace efforts now that includes the potential participation of the two countries under a unified flag at the upcoming olympics in while western allies of the one nine hundred fifty s. korean war have gathered for separate talks on the current crisis with a seemingly different approach. it is not the time to ease pressure or to rework no it's career the pressure campaign will continue until north korea takes decisive steps to do nuclearize i think a job that could be not is to send out
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a very clear message that we want to intensify that pressure disco that included cutting off diplomatic ties to his north career. now joining me live in the studio with more on this as far as you know what have the countries agreed upon more of the same largely they've agreed to diplomatically strangle north korea into submission to capitulate to give up their nuclear ambitions their ballistic missiles their nuclear program to cancel it all under the threat of more sanctions more sanctions tougher sanctions though it's difficult to imagine what there is left of north korea to to sanction or why these sanctions would work now when they haven't for seventy for seventy years but nevertheless that's their new approach to go beyond what the u.n. security council called for and to clamp down on north korea even further.
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you know an approach that has been likened to waving a knife in someone's face and expecting them to draw their own so what about this meeting this meeting candidate who is invited to this well this is the interesting thing the countries the vancouver group the group of countries that were invited by the new to bill exception of ethiopia with the countries that participated in the original war back in the fifty's well look one of them on behalf of the south korea these were all participants of the war and you have countries such as look some colombia greece belgium attending and one might wonder you know no offense but what relevance to the these countries have to the north korean crisis now noticeably absent with the two countries that actually share a land border with north korea.
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russia and china were not invited to this meeting they just said the meeting would take place on the sixteenth of january you can come in the evening we will tell you what we have agreed on which this was unacceptable and what the state department said about russia supporting this meeting that's a complete lie we consider this meeting harmful to. the most important parties involved in the korean peninsula nuclear issue aren't taking part in the meeting but we don't know what the goal of this meeting is so i don't think this meeting is legal or representative from the very beginning china has been opposed to this meeting. so they got together a bunch of countries with little relevance to the crisis for now they talked about solutions that have been tried and tested when they have largely failed they also refused russian and chinese advice russia and china have long stood by
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a double freeze illusion meaning the north koreans stop their provocative behavior stop with the launches with advancing their nuclear program and on the other side the united states and south korea stop harassing the north with by sending bombers to their coast by carrying out endless and ever big war games a double freeze to get the two sides to get them apart to get them to cool down and for the tensions to dissipate they refuse that rex tillerson the u.s. secretary of state said there's no equivalence of north korean behavior them carrying out war games or what not and the south and the u.s. carrying out war games those those are good more than that there was even talk of tearing apart the diplomatic relations with north korea between the participants of this summit a sure path to peace and yet all this happening why while the two koreas are
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actually holding another. round of talks themselves on this is this is the remarkable thing now that at long last after all these years you have the north and the south in gauged in fish to face negotiations really making progress they've agreed on the north has agreed to send performers to south korea for the olympic games and everybody wants things to be calm during the olympic games for there to be no provocations no military activity because this is all very high profile and while they're engaged in these talks you have these group of nations meeting up on the other side of the world and coming coming out with diplomacy that more like war talk and you know the russians said originally we weren't invited but the least the least we expected was that they wouldn't they wouldn't that chiva anything we knew that but the thing we hope for is that they wouldn't damage anything. against the f. thank you. well just
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a bit earlier in the program we spoke with international independent china specialist andrew he thinks the presence of russia and china at that meeting would limit western countries options to pressure on north korea. well obviously. the trauma administration doesn't the feel the time is ripe for them to talk to the north koreans yet because they want to put more pressure on north korea and put it out of the refereeing up the rhetoric and also the tactics of foreclosure for example they're not ruling out something like even that blockade probably seems to think that all his higher octane sort of rhetoric has achieved something at least the north koreans beginning to talk to the south koreans so they don't want to give up the option. of trying to talk with the allies so trying to group the allies together and the exclusion as i said of both russia and china is because they fear that if russia and china are invited to join they're likely to scuttle.
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america's option for for for coercion. you theories or most of russian meddling in u.s. politics the kremlin is supposedly behind us whistleblower chelsea manning's decision to run for a seat in the senate and is again trying to subvert american democracy that is the claim being promoted by some in the democratic party including the head of its leading think tank. senator cardin authored and released a two hundred page masterpiece on russian influence in western elections suddenly he has a primary from kremlin stooges songes weiqi leaks prime resource chelsea manning the kremlin place the stream left to swing elections remember that oh my god this is how to arrange to fish to washington is the president of the launches them policy think tank genuinely believes chelsea manning's candidacy is a criminal implant conspiracy theory is throwing more in mainstream d.c.
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than on internet fringes now exact connoisseur a prominent member of the hillary clinton campaign also tweeted out purporting this conspiracy theory that somehow chelsea manning's bid for the senate was a mosque out plot now interestingly and now those proport in this conspiracy theory they have quite a bit of explaining to do now with those who will recall chelsea manning was just in prison in a u.s. military prison for seven years now is it are they purported that somehow russia infiltrated the prison and was able to recruit chelsea manning at that point and then furthermore viewers will remember that barack obama pardoned chelsea manning as he was leaving office then the question is was russia in on the plot took part in chelsea manning did they somehow convince obama to pardon shall see manning so there operative could then get out of prison and run for the u.s. senate i it's not exactly clear so those who are trying to get to the bottom of
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this vast conspiracy theory that they have come up with have a lot of explaining to do about the details of how exactly russia is to blame for someone running for the u.s. senate in the united states vice chair of the u.s. military and national committee often vora things the establishment has reasons to try and keep manning out of the race. yes russia has become an american crony capitalist which i don't think is it has there is nothing for russia to gain there are many things however for established interest to gain from keeping an anti-establishment candidate out so many people in america are so excited to see a true american hero really stepping up and standing up to the establishment and we know she can do it because she's already done it she has already put her own freedom and safety on the line to fight for the american people that's somebody that that even though i'm running against her even though i have some different policies that's someone i can respect. in barcelona almost twenty thousand
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people have demonstrated demanding the release of two pro independence activists both are facing accusations of sedition after they took part in actions promoting catalonia split from spain. protesters gathered outside the region's high court they accused the spanish government of repression also held a minute's silence in solidarity with those arrested massive rallies in a common side since catalonia is a vote for independence was declared illegal by majority. we demand freedom for prisoners and show that we won't accept repression and the spanish government's abuse against the democratic will it's a great injustice that is the reason we are here to free them now it's not just pro independence activists making their voices heard and tea break away movements have been gaining popularity as well to bania it's
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a fictional land inside catalonia which includes the barcelona. regions of the activists who came up with it wanted to split from catalonia and join spain here's their reasoning. we went from being one of the main drivers of the spanish economy to a mediocre autonomy at the exit of more than three thousand companies was followed by encouraging the civil population to disobey the constitutional order to get a republic that lasted eight seconds and without any international support pro and anti independence camps have been upping their rhetoric ahead of the first session of the new catalan parliament later today after a recent snap election in the region pro independence parties gained a majority in the parliament the body now has to elect their region's new president and one of the kind of which is. the former president deposed after the referendum and who fled to belgium where he remains he claimed he could run the region via
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skype or through a special representative. are still to come on the program here want to see cryptocurrency suffered double digit losses in the past twenty four hours across the market details and i. join me every thursday on the alex simon short and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics or business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then. dropping bombs brings police to the chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battle with. the new stock to try to tell you that every gossip that probably. doesn't tell you all and i like.
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all the hawks that we all. want. are the mainstream media intentionally gaslighting the public against president donald trump the reverse appears to be equally true trump does with style gas like the media what kind of body politic is this creating as the us become an election of hysterical drama queens. quarter past the hour here in moscow activists supporting the recent movement against sexual misconduct are taking aim at their peers all those doctors and other public figures who doubt the direction their so called me to campaign is going face a furious backlash. has the latest examples i feel like every time you turn around another me too headline has hit the press with new accusations from
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directors to actors to fashion photographers but it seems we've reached a turning point as renowned feminist are concerned that the campaign is becoming a witch hunt take margaret atwood author of a handmaid's tale an acclaimed work attacking mythologising who says she's starting to doubt the movement this structure guilty because accused has applied to many more episodes in human history than salem my fundamental position is that women are human beings the full range of sente and demonic behaviors this entails including criminal ones they are not angels incapable of wrongdoing the backlash she's received online and in the media has been roofless strange how someone so brilliant can demonstrate some legal insight and self reflection i guess privilege is blinding wish margaret and i would get back to writing dystopian a fiction about a miscarriage in this world instead of you know actively creating it. i mean seventy eight year olds aren't exactly known for progressive takes connelly's
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a right the first female african-american secretary of state also says me too maybe changing perceptions of women and not for the better i do think we have to be a little bit careful let's not turn women into still flakes let's not infantilize women over in france one hundred influential female artists are being led by actress catherine deneuve and signing an open campaign letter against me to rape is a crime but in system comes the floor is not a crime nor is gallantry of sharpness aggression now this liberation of speech has been turned on its head but the reaction to that was furious and another was forced to issue a hasty apology a few prominent men have also voiced their reservations one of them was actor liam neeson there is a bit of a witch hunt toppling famous people. accused of. touching some girls in the forest something suddenly their been dropped from their approval
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rating or something unsurprisingly nice and common have also been less than well received by many the problem here seems to be that there's often a if you aren't with us you're against us mentality with movements such as me to those who are speaking out about their concerns are not condoning sexual assault nor attacking the campaign itself but more often than not their words are twisted or go unheard outward may have said it best herself in times of extremes extremists when. it cohen has been on a rollercoaster ride as of late but the last twenty four hours have seen his value plummet to below eleven thousand dollars in fact all major crypto currency is down bitcoin it fell by sixteen percent but ripple dropped twenty nine percent and is now just worth over a dollar for the crash follows a global crackdown on the digital currencies in terms of regulation in brazil investment funds and are prohibited from buying crip. currencies in china thora
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targeting online platforms that exchange have exchange services and india is actively targeting wealthy bitcoin is through income tax regulation and some believe asia will bring in even harder measures and there are warnings this could now be a survival of the fittest for digital currencies. china has always been opposed to it too but quite korea now is becoming increasingly concerned japan has gone wild but most of the action crowd and all crimes are. speculation is really extreme particularly in japan and they know that this is going to happen so i'm sure they're correct and you know china i might add. the communist congress has taking a turn to deal with speculators the only issue right now in this sector is so technologically advanced it went and became a big outside the bounds of national government and what they're doing is catching
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up the world doesn't need on a business sense all of these. all of these projects they're not necessary some of them will outperform in compete their peers just because they have a better management teams better products better solutions their technology etc just look at them as very speculative start of business is some of them as it happened in the not in the nasdaq bubble of the late ninety's some of them will be a dominant company dominated business in ten to twenty years but most of the way the underlying technology blotching technology is. very much. renewable energy benefits everyone or so we are told but it turns out in germany the wind turbines are costing taxpayers money strong winds are resulted in a recent oversupply of electricity and energy prices going below zero in germany
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and this extremely rare phenomenon is called green electricity peaks and while the difference between fixed and market prices increases it's taxpayers who have to plug the gap in germany the issue of renewable energy is of key importance and now is the new grand coalition of the social democrats loom as the issue has risen again if successful the new coalition proposes to double renewable energy production by twenty thirty. we are aiming for about sixty five percent of our energy to be renewable by twenty thirty the production of renewable energy must be significantly increased we want to further develop and modernize our energy networks in a recent survey more than half of those questioned say the cost of moving to renewables has been too high and seventy four percent want to shift to be much better organized well a geo political analyst iran iraq for us is concerned the government's not
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addressing the problem of taxpayers having to pay extra for when you're a ball of energy as explained. what really goes wrong in germany is that some of the costs that are attributed to the renewable energies they in fact cover other costs of. their energy providers and if it comes for example to the dismantling of nuclear power plants we should normally expect. power companies themselves how about the costs of that you know all that will in the end also be covered by the consumer by the taxpayer and therefore we don't have really a transparent and system of attribute to costs. in the way that it. is reflected by the real costs of. energy production.
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facebook's being accused of revealing detailed information about a group of dakota access pipeline activists to prosecutors that's after documents were obtained by our online a news site of the intercept after an executive order from president trump to build the pipeline across native american land and parts underneath the missouri river the activists organize a protest using their facebook page the local prosecutor had twice sought information on the demonstrators from the social media site and according to the documents facebook apparently helped get a warrant approved through the department of justice and co administrator of the page or tatum mckim things it was part of a deliberate effort to scare supporters away. not only does this warrant attempt to scare people from organizing this warrant attempts to scare people from even looking at information the group received many threats at this time for several passons that certain members of the public believed to be at the action personal
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information such as home phone numbers addresses and workplaces were posted in various places online the protest so around one hundred indigenous people blocked traffic on a motorway for about an hour although they later peacefully dispersed and no arrests were made a probe was launched off for a couple of minor road incidents took place due to the protest leaving one injured thousands of native americans along with environmentalists and activists from around the world have been fighting against the pipeline since twenty sixteen and journalist myron doing who reports on native american issues thinks facebook's violated constitutional rights. the violations are continually happening as we're seeing now in the course of this so with. facebook is being an outlet in the beginning were seem to also be used by a leader in our constitutional rights as us citizens present because people are going to do what we can to protect our land and we've been seeing that abuse for
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five hundred years and. it's important for us to protect the earth we can't violate that actual law and we're soon to happen we're seen men do that we're seeing individual corporations do their individual peroration is dakota access have been all assets federal and state and local. officers and mercenaries and national guard and all much security and border patrol and disposal . we have requested comment from facebook when they reply we will let you know what they have to say for the meantime though it is your wednesday headlines here when i see international program returning in about half an hour.
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followed how. it's monster i bet you know who on the low. side. of the fight for many flips over the years so i know the game and so i got. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the . action from the fans it's the age of the superman each kill the narrowness and spending two hundred twenty million on one player. it's an experience like nothing else not to because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful
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guy a great so well more transfer. and thinks this minute. prescribe medication is widespread on the us market and a frequent cause of death at that point in my life i just felt like everything with ash as my family was literally coming unglued i had actually planned. to commit suicide watch all who has made antidepressants so commonly used we were doing what the doctors told us to do we were being responsible and what the real side effects . was was chemically altered what i did was done on a cocktail of legal drugs. just because something's legal doesn't mean it's safe.
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young children have worked in bolivia for generations almost three quarters of a million are doing so today. this culture led to the development of bolivia's new liberal and highly controversial children's code in two thousand and fourteen which gave children as young as ten the right to work under certain circumstances one doesn't use them as. his only. eat one without the end of. it. from the things years. but there are hundreds of thousands of children in bolivia operating completely outside the local.
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mining work is strictly forbidden by the children but it's never enforced and that means the school boy minus continue risking their lives for the money they need to survive. hello and welcome to cross talk where all things considered i'm peter lavelle are the mainstream media intentionally gaslighting the public against president donald trump the reverse appears to be equally true trump does with style gas like the media what kind of body politic is this creating has the us become
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a collection of hysterical drama queens. gaslighting i'm joined by my guest reverend jesse lee peterson in los angeles he is a counselor activist media commentator as well as author of the antidote healing america from the poison of hate blame and victimhood also in los angeles we have ron paul call him he is a comedian and a frequent guest on the jimmy door show and the young turks as well as host of his own streaming program get your news on with ron and in new york we cross to political pundit and journalist contributing to the huffington post all right gentlemen crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want i always appreciate ron let me go to you i mean who is gaslighting whom here and is it a country that's her it's just turned into a a bunch of drama queens because from
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a distance from my vantage point my perch it's a lot of drama queens out there not saying anything worth much listening to go ahead ron yeah you know here's the thing the media was in bad shape the corporate media in the united states was in very bad shape long before trump came along and they're still in very bad shape now the way the media really gaslights the public has to. they try to make it out like everything was just hunky dory and we had this this perfectly functioning democracy where everybody was happy and then all of the sudden trump came along and disrupted everything well one fact that's not true you know i mean if if trump is frankenstein the media is very much victor. and you know this constant amplification and trump pretty much all of his policies are just general republican policies and i dislike these policies i strongly dislike trump but you know i'm not going to sit here and entertain.


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