tv News RT January 17, 2018 8:00am-8:31am EST
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that's right. canada hosts western allies of the nine hundred fifty s. korean war to discuss the current crisis on the peninsula but with the absence of russia china and north korea itself the proposed solutions appear limited. supply of that pressure just could include cutting off diplomatic ties with north korea. russia's investigative committee presents evidence that it says refutes that key claim about alleged systemic doping by russia during the sochi olympics. plus thousands stage a demonstration in cancer lonia demanding the release of politicians as the first session of the newly elected regional parliament with a pro independence majority is still.
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a very warm welcome to new york watching r.t. international broadcasting to you live from moscow and the caring. now south and north korean officials are meeting for a third time in the space of just a few days to discuss peace efforts that includes the potential participation of the two countries under a unified flag at the upcoming olympics meanwhile the western allies of the nine hundred fifty s. korean war have gathered in canada for separate talks on the current crisis with a seemingly different approach. the first continue until north korea takes decides to do nuclear i think that. is to send out a very clear message that we want to intensify that pressure it is not the time to
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use pressure or to revert career the surest path to peace is to keep threatening north korea into submission after a long and challenging meeting that's the best the value of a group could come up with the purpose of our meetings today is to improve the effectiveness of the maximum pressure campaign and combat north korea's attempts to evade sanctions the united states looks forward to hearing from our protest votes on how we can best do that more sanctions toughest sanctions though one might wonder what there is left of north korea to sanction or why they would work now when they haven't for seventy years a few of the participants also proposed ripping up all diplomatic relations with the north that were to work and diffuse things re-inforcing autonomous majors when where available. including cutting off diplomatic ties to his north career
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solid meeting of north korea's former enemies literally almost all of these countries were participants off the korean war on the side of south korea states such as luxembourg colombia greece belgium difficult to imagine what relevance they have to the korean crisis these days but there you go noticeably absent with two countries that are actually relevant to the crisis apart from north korea itself the two countries that actually share a border with the north china and russia. russia and china were not invited to this meeting so they just said the meeting would take place on the sixteenth of january. you can come in the evening we will tell you what we have agreed on this was unacceptable what the state department said about russia supporting this meeting that's a complete lie we consider this meeting home for. the most important
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parties involved in the korean peninsula nuclear issue are now taking part in the meeting but we don't know what the goal of this meeting is so i don't think this meeting is legal or representative from the very beginning china has been opposed to this meeting should ok so you invited a bunch of countries that have little to do with the crisis and came up with all the tried tested and failed solutions they went a step further refusing any advice russia and china have long stood by a double freeze meaning north korea stops doing this. and south korea and the united states stop sending nuclear bombers to harass the north and poor's with the war games.
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no said rex tillerson when the north does it it's a provocation when we do it it's deterrents have a jew away but couldn't you wait. at long last after years north korea and south korea holding direct face to face negotiations the olympics around the corner and everyone with any sense once things to settle down so what does the vancouver group do while it gathers all of north korea's former enemies and declares it intends to tighten the noose around kim jong un's neck how's that for a path to peace. independent and international china specialist andrew young thinks the presence of russia and china at the meeting would limit western countries upset to pressure north korea. well obviously. the trauma administration
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doesn't the feel the time is ripe for them to talk to the north koreans yet because they want to put more pressure on north korea and put it. up the rhetoric and also the tactics of foreclosure for example they're not ruling out something like even up blockade problem seems to think that all his higher octane sort of rhetoric has achieved something at least the north koreans beginning to talk to the south koreans so they don't want to give up the option. of trying to talk with the allies so trying to group the allies together the exclusion as i said of both russia and china is because they fear that if russia and china are invited to join they're likely to scuttle. america's option for for for coercion. russia's investigative committees claiming a new evidence refutes allegations of state sponsored sample swapping at the sochi olympics well joining me live now is daniel hawkins who has more on the story
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daniel if you so what exactly is the investigative committee claiming here. well this is the result of a low inquiry by russia's investor committee going all the way back to last year with regards to that doping scandal they've looked into some new details of course of garage in coffs account the former head of moscow's anti-doping abroad treif now whistleblower and fugitive in the united states into some of the technical details in his allegations namely how allegedly the samples were transported and tampered with the investors committee interviewed the workers of the laboratory in sochi as well as around seven hundred athletes these were all interviewed under oath their findings were legally binding they were warned not to give false information to those investigators they found out that the samples were transported to the social abroad tree under strict conditions of supervision and then processed during daytime periods of between thirty minutes and two hours so very rapid turnaround
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that of course contradicts erotic of the count which was quite different. these people coming through the fire a few. hours ago. they're claiming that this alleged operation took place in the dead of night it was of course his claims that resulted in this scandal last year and previously which resulted in the banning of many russian athletes and blanket ban and subsequently on the team at the rio olympics as well as other international events including the paralympic team as well. and got himself of course is a controversial enough figure as we said he's the former head of moscow's brought tree he is wanted though in russia on drug trafficking charges on selling a moving dangerous and illegal substances we understand he's now under
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a witness protection program in the united states nevertheless despite these charges it was his evidence his allegations that led to the mclaren report subsequently used as a basis for this banning blanket banning of russian athletes at international olympic events and i said earlier on seven hundred athletes interviewed by the rest of the committee contradicting russian cops account nevertheless though just last month we learned the r.u.c. decided to impose a ban on the blanket ban on russian athletes at the south korean winter olympic games. making them participate hundred neutral flags not under russian flag not playing the russian at them. so this result really puts into question many of allegations raises more questions than answers but certainly a very interesting turn to this story very interesting to see to follow it and see where it goes after this indeed it is that's not a stunning hawkins' with those details thanks to that down. now in pass alone
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or almost twenty thousand people have stated demonstration demanding the release of pro independence politicians the politicians faced accusations of sedition after they took part in actions promoting catalonia split from spain. protesters gathered outside the region's high court they accused the spanish government of repression they also held a minute's silence in solidarity with those arrested massive rallies have been a common sight since catalonia is a vote for independence was declared illegal by madrid. we demand freedom for prisoners and show that we won't accept repression and the spanish government's abuse against the democratic will it's a great injustice that is the reason we are here to free them now it's not just pro independence activists making their voices heard anti breakaway movements have been gaining popularity as well meet to bali or it's
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a fictional land inside catalonia which includes the barcelona and terra goanna regions the activists who came up with it want it to split from catalonia and join spade here's their reasoning. we went from being one of the main drivers of the spanish economy to mediocre autonomy the exit of more than three thousand companies was followed by encouraging the civil population to disobey the constitutional order to get a republic lost today seconds and without any international support. the pro and anti independence comes have been upping their rhetoric ahead of the first session of the new castle on parliament which has just wrapped up after a recent snap election in the region pro independence parties gained a majority in the parliament seats of those parliamentarians who were absent due to imprisonment or exile marks with yellow ribbons for the symbol of the independence
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movement the question of the election of the region's president remains open one of the candidates is carlos whose demand the former president deposed after the referendum and who fled to belgium where he currently remains he claimed he could run the region via skype or through a special representative. activist supporting the recent movement against sexual misconduct are taking aim at their peers all those actors and other public figures who dare to doubt the direction the so-called me to campaign is going face the furious backlash jacqueline vehicle has the latest examples i feel like every time you turn around another me too headline has hit the press with new accusations from directors to actors to fashion photographers but it seems we've reached a turning point as renowned feminists are concerned that the campaign is becoming a witch hunt take margaret atwood author of a handmaid's tale and acclaimed work attacking massaging who says she's starting to doubt the movement this structure of
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guilty because accused has applied to many more episodes in human history than salem my fundamental position is that women are human beings the full range of sente and demonic behavior as does entails including criminal ones they're not in keep a ball of wrongdoing. the backlash she's received online and in the media has been ruthless strange how someone so brilliant can demonstrate so little insight and self reflection i guess privilege is blinding wish margaret atwood would get back to writing to step into fiction about a message in this world instead of you know actively creating it. i mean seventy eight year olds on exactly knowing that progressive takes congolese a right the first female african american secretary of state also says me too maybe changing perceptions of women and not for the better i do think we have to be a little bit careful let's not turn women into snowflakes let's not
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infantilize women over in france one hundred influential female artists are being led by actress catherine deneuve and signing an open campaign letter against me to rape is a crime but in system comes the floor is not a crime nor is gallantry ocean of the nest aggression now this liberation of speech has been turned on its head but the reaction to that was furious and another was forced to issue a hasty apology a few prominent men have also voiced their reservations one of them was actor liam neeson there is a bit of a witch hunt type of thing that people. are. touching some girls in the forest something suddenly they're being dropped from their programs or something and surprisingly nice those comments have also been less than well received by many the problem here seems to be that there's often a if you aren't with us you're against us mentality with movements such as me to those who are speaking out about their concerns are not condoning sexual assault
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nor attacking the campaign itself but more often than not their words are twisted or go unheard attwood may have said it best herself in times of extremes extremists when still to come on r.t. and so that the topic of russian meddling in u.s. politics takes a new turn we'll bring you all the details on that after this short break. is iran must going to fit into steve jobs which is coming up with innovative products you know the electronic gadgets market is a little bit different in the car business because the car business is you know you kind of bound by the highway system and you're bound by the whole infrastructure
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that is the automotive industry and the lobbying of the automotive industry so it's a bit difficult to be disruptive in that industry in a way he's going to open up his charging stations with one nine hundred fifty style burger and shake joints with servers on roller skates ok that's that's an idea that might take off that might be a new like starbucks like third place that people go to to have an experience that might work. welcome back now any theories emerged of russian meddling in u.s. politics the kremlin's supposedly behind us whistleblower chelsea manning's decision to run for a seat in the senate and he's trying again to subvert american democracy without
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the claim being promoted by some in the democratic party including the head of its leading things. senator cardin authored and released a two hundred page masterpiece on russian influence in western elections suddenly he has a primary from kremlin stooges songes weekly leaks prime resource chelsea manning the kremlin place the stream left to swing elections remember that oh my god this is how to arrange to fish to washington is the president of the largest them policy think tank genuinely believes chelsea manning's candidacy is a criminal implant conspiracy theories throwing more in mainstream d.c. than on internet fringes now exact connoisseur a prominent member of the hillary clinton campaign also tweeted out purporting this conspiracy theory that somehow chelsea manning's bid for the senate was a lockout plot now interestingly and now those print porting this conspiracy theory they they have quite
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a bit of explaining to do now with those who will recall chelsea manning was just in prison in a u.s. military prison for seven years now is it are they purported that somehow russia infiltrated the prison and was able to recruit chelsea manning at that point and then furthermore viewers will remember that barack obama pardoned chelsea manning as he was leaving office so then the question is was russia in on the plot to pardon chelsea manning did they somehow convince obama to pardon chelsea manning so there operative could then get out of prison and run for the u.s. senate ites not exactly clear so those who are trying to get to the bottom of this vast conspiracy theory that they have come up with have a lot of explaining to do about the details of how exactly russia is to blame for someone running for the u.s. senate in the united states vice chair of the u.s. libertarian national committee often vera thinks the establishment tells reasons to try and keep money out of the race. blur's russia has become an american cola
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capital is which i don't think is. there is nothing for russia the game there are many things however for established interest to gain from keeping an anti-establishment candidate out so many people in america or so excited to see a true american hero really stepping up and standing up to the establishment and we know she can do it because she's already done it she has already put her own freedom and safety on the line to fight for the american people that somebody that even though i'm running against her even though i have some different policies that someone i can respect. big points been on a roller coaster ride of late but the last twenty four hours have seen its value plummet to below eleven thousand dollars in fact all major cryptocurrency s. are down in theory and fell drastically in value by thirty one percent and is currently just under one thousand dollars the crash follows a global crackdown on the digital currencies in terms of regulation in brazil
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investment funds and are prohibited from buying crypto currency all in china or thora teaser targeting online platforms that offer exchange services and india is actively targeting wealthy bitcoin is income tax regulation some believe asia will bring in even harsher measures and there are warnings is could now be a survival of the fittest for digital currencies. china has always been opposed to or to but quite korea now is becoming increasingly concerned japan has gone what the most of the action but quite all crimes are just childish speculation is really extreme particularly in japan and they know that this is going to have shown so they're corrupt they're going to try and i might add. the communist congress has a taking a turn to deal with speculators the only issue right now is that this sector is so
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technologically advanced that it went to be key big outside the bounds of national governments and what they're doing is catching up the world doesn't need on a business sense all of these. all of these projects they're not necessary some of them will perform compete their peers just because they have a better management teams better products better solutions their technology etc just look at the as very speculative start of business is some of them as it happened in the us that in the nasdaq bubble of the late ninety's some of them will be a dominant company dominating business in ten to twenty years but most of them will be wiped away the underlying technology blotching technology is good. we knew about energy benefits everyone also we're told that turns out in germany the wind turbines are costing taxpayers money germany has seen some strong winds
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recently so much energy has been generated by the wind power prices have gone negative that happens when supply is greater than demand especially on weekends or holidays but that creates a series of other costs like storage shed during pit pit like storage during pit period sound in the end taxpayers are left to pick up the tab and. amany the issue of renewable energy was central in recent electoral campaigns and now as the prospect of a new grand coalition government looms the issue has come up again if successful the new coalition looks like it will seek to double over nearly all energy production by twenty thirty we are aiming for about sixty five percent of our energy to be renewable by twenty thirty the production of renewable energy must be significantly increased we want to further develop and modernize our energy networks a recent survey shows that more than half of germans questions that the cost of
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moving to renewables has been too high weiss while seventy four percent what the shift to be much better planned. geopolitical analyst rayna roth versus concerns the government's not addressing the problem of taxpayers having to pay extra to go green. what really goes wrong in germany is that. some of the costs that are attributed to the renewable energies they in fact cover other costs of. their energy providers and if it comes for example to the dismantling of nuclear power plants normally expect. power companies themselves how about the costs of that but you know all that will in the end also be covered by the consumer by the taxpayer and therefore we don't have really a transparent and system of attributing the costs. the way
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that it. is reflected by the real cost of. energy production. facebook's being accused of revealing to prosecutors detailed information about a group of anti oil pipeline activists that's after documents were obtained by online news site the intercept after any executive order from president trump to build the dakota access pipeline across native american land and passed underneath the missouri river the activists organized a protest using their facebook page a local prosecutor had twice thought information on the demonstrators from the social media site and according to the documents facebook apparently helped get a warrant approved through the department of justice kohut administrator of the page kim thinks it was part of a deliberate effort to scare demonstrators away. the group received many threats at this time several passons the certain members of the public believed to be at the
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action personal information such as home phone numbers addresses and which places were posted in various places online not only does this warrant attempt to scare people from organizing this warrant attempts to scare people from even looking at information the protests around the one hundred indigenous people blocked traffic on a motorway for about an hour although they later pays for latest bus stands no rests were made a probe was launched after a couple of minor incidents took place due to the protest leaving one person injured thousands of native americans along with environmentalists and activists from around the world have been fighting against the pipeline says twenty sixty journalist myron do we have reports on native american issues i think facebook's violated constitutional rights violations are continually happening as we're seeing now in the course of this so with facebook it's being an outlet in the beginning
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we're seeing they're also being used by leaders in our constitutional rights as u.s. citizens present because people are going to do what we can to protect our land and we've been seeing that abuse for five hundred years and. it's important for us to protect the earth we can't violate that natural law and we're seeing it happen we're seeing more and you that we're seeing individual corporations do their individual corporations dakota access in all. federal and state and local. officers and mercenaries and national guard and how much security in border patrol and disposal. well we have requested comment from facebook and we'll bring you any updates if and when we get them. well there would all say we also love to hear your thoughts on the day's stories so do get in touch by following those on social media all the back with all the latest news headlines at the top of the hour don is
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that. anyone else chose seemed wrong. why don't we just don't all. i mean you get to shape out just they become advocates and in the gay trade equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. hey everybody i'm stephen bob got to ask hollywood guy the suspect every proud american first of all i'm just george bush and r.v.'s to say this is my buddy max
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the famous financial guru well he's a little bit different i'm not a abraham lincoln hard you know with those up with all the drama happening in our country and i'm hitting the road to have some fun meet everyday americans. and look for the start to bridge the gap this is the great american people. act had. a could have plea state that the abuse really made it to contracts awarded to k.b.r. represents the most blatant and improper contract of abuse i have witnessed during the course of my professional career it's suspicious on how we got a no bid contract because dick cheney before he became vice president was c.e.o. of halliburton he left. with twenty million dollars worth of stock options from
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nine eleven till two thousand and nine and those stock options quadrupled in price he made about eighty billion dollars off the war there's a great usu the cheney. defending the woman he was on for about five minutes he's being interviewed i think the american enterprise institute and he said it would be a disaster the fast be spent the civil war we have no exit strategy oh no i'm for you say the only advantage in this well for united do you do this is work for however nation hundreds of millions of dollars you see you know next to that in the means of you know. u.s. military contractor k.b.r. is under legal fire today. real fires in iraq the firm is charged with causing illnesses from massive burn pits used to incinerate garbage there. the veterans who are now suing k.b.r. because of their what they believe service connected. injuries say that
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k.b.r. short cut it didn't install generators when they should have had burned all this hazardous waste when it was a against the regulations to do so and as a result they're sick all the contracts the k.b.r. and helberg received require them to comply with e.p.a. regulations the allegation is that k.b.r. rather than complying with the contract complying with these environmental regulations disposing only of what should be disposed of using incinerators doing it the right way for reasons often related to profit margins was disposing of dangerous toxins in a way that directly impacted the health of the serving troops. of seeing stuff that was nuclear biological and chemical products do not burn truck tires all types.
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