tv News RT January 18, 2018 9:00pm-9:30pm EST
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turkey demands the u.s. ends its support for syrian kurds amid a spat between the two countries over washington train all the forces. hundreds of prison guards go on strike over unsafe work conditions or french jails thought to be a hotbed for islamic radicalization. and r.c. obtains a new leak from the fancy bears hiking group that raises concerns over how doping cases were during the rio olympics in twenty sixteen.
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this is r.t. international coming to you live from moscow i'm kate partridge thank you for joining us. the u.s. has urged turkey not to attack syria's african region and focus on fighting isis instead that's according to the state department spokesperson has and now it we would call i certainly on the turks to not take any actions of that sort don't want them to engage in the violence but we want them to keep focused on isis or turkey threatened armed intervention in the kurdish held african region after it emerged the u.s. was planning to work with kurdish fighters in establishing a so-called border force in syria following ankara's furious reaction washington seem to have tracked artie's senior correspondent what i guess theory explains. turkey isn't kidding around day after day it is pulling more tanks and more missiles more troops to the syrian border this is the predator you would to
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a new war a war within the u.s. led coalition should. now america's acknowledged it's established an army of terror along our country's border it's up to us to drown this army of terror before it is born. one of the reasons is america's new army or border force which is what it was originally the u.s. led coalition told us in this letter that it was establishing a border security force an army of kurds that would patrol the border with turkey now that is preparing to invade the u.s. has done a one hundred eighty degree turn that entire situation has been missed but treat misdescribed some people misspoke we are not creating a border security force at all the story has changed it's not a new army or a border force it's thirty thousand troops that will be trained to prevent isis is
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return on paper for now and if turkey doesn't put a stop to it state department is now on overdrive you get the sense that they'll be bending over backwards for a valuable ally turkey is a very important value nato ally we have a lot of interactions with the turkish government as you probably know the foreign minister of turkey is in vancouver right now i where i believe he will be meeting or have some sort of a chat with secretary taylor sent or at least some of our representatives later today so an important nato ally let's not kid around by all appearances america doesn't want to leave syria victory or no rex tillerson all but said so himself and that is the tragic twist to expend so many lives so much time and money to defeat isis we need to set the stage for another war a war within the anti isis coalition. turkey expert heiko in
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believes there's growing discontent with american policies in turkey pushing ankara closer to moscow. the u.s. administration right now is trying to lower the pensions but. you know in the fields what we're going to see is the continuation of the u.s. support for this entity is and the turkish administration would like to see the end the end the clear end of the american support to the kurdish people why the n.y.p.d. and to basically to redesign the american foreign policy in syria i can tell you that there is a very increasing anti-americanism right now in turkey because of the american policies and this friction between the united states and turkey is basically pushing turkey towards more to russian arms. over two hundred guards have gone on strike you want to france's most notorious prisons over
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security concerns. the army. the. the. the following the strike almost one hundred twenty and makes refused to return to their cells and jail is reputed to be a hotbed of islamic extremism among the inmates in salah who was behind the deadly attacks in paris nov twenty fifth think it's not the first trying to hit a french prison this week with guards across the country fearing for their safety. it will be all discussed only look at his own eyes today we've all come here for a strike because discontent is spreading across france. a crucial problem is the
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security of prison personnel today for each god there are ninety inmates on top of that there's the issue of islamic radicals who were also kept in our jails and who are not isolated from other inmates you don't know if you lucia it's dangerous for us to be around the inmates because for them we are everything they hate for them we are enemies by definition. our work is very dangerous we're weak teams of aggression an insult we experience violence which is not taking into consideration by the government. it has become more and more difficult for us to act like i was in physical aggression towards my colleagues every day it happens every time we open the cell doors are supported we denounce the wording in addition of our colleagues in the prison the security conditions the numerous acts of aggression against them we want salaries to be increased for those who face such risks that work as well as an increase in
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personnel and better security to the war you know french justice minister nicole bell you've met so number of prison workers on tuesday she outlined a ten point plan to improve their working conditions among the point she highlighted when more staff better equipment and a new director further discussion only issue has also been shared all for march we spoke to former m i five officer and he may show she says certain types of prisoner need to be held separately. you have a situation where obviously the prison staff are concerned about their safety the ratio of reported one prison member looking after ninety prisoners is really an acceptable when it comes to safety and there have been a number of attacks as well in different prisons across france over the last few weeks showing that they are vulnerable you know to nice things and being beaten up one of the issues they really need to address is this question of how they manage the prison population because we have seen time and time and time again if the last few years with these so-called lone wolf terrorist attacks across most of the
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western world many of these people perhaps are not you know hard line jihadists who've been fighting in syria but actually they've been people who were petty criminals perhaps doubling in trucks coming out of the deprived areas of our countries and it's when they were serving time for those lower level crimes that they are indeed radicalized because they can indeed associate with islamic jihad is in prison. russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov says syrian militants now have the means to produce their own chemical weapons and made the statement during a un security council session on the situation in syria. militants are not only using chemical weapons but they also have their own technological and manufacturing capacity to synthesize toxic substances for military purposes. at the united nations security council and his remarks he emphasized that while allegations against the syrian government regarding chemical weapons continued with the focus
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of western leaders at the same time the extremist forces that want to topple the syrian government are expanding their capacity to develop and use chemical weapons but i'm working and british leaders are there envoys to the united nations they repeated the same old saw the syrian regime has repeatedly used chemical weapons against its own people the syrian regime have repeatedly used chemical weapons in syria regrettably it has been russia that has gone to great lengths to prevent the assad regime from being held accountable of course the u.s. and british envoys were referring to the chemical attack in qana shakoor last april well people will remember that. we heard last leaders immediately blinding the syrian government. yesterday morning. we awoke to pictures to children of beautiful little babies being carried in the arms of
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desperate parents these haters actions by the assad regime. it cannot be tolerated later we heard about how the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons formed the joint investigative modernism. begin investigating you're talking about with a report but throughout their investigation at no point did they ever actually use it of the chemical attack in consciously can't and this has been pointed out by russia so much focus is going to blinding the syrian government without much evidence. the russian foreign minister also pointed out that the west has turned a blind eye and to chemical attacks by terrorists in syria leveling the same accusation and damascus in turn two sixteen western backed militants reportedly used poison gas on several occasions in their attacks on government held areas in aleppo. during all of.
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this. ok. let. me tell you. i think that these kinds of weapons could be just self made i do not think you know i'm like nuclear weapons there doesn't need to be part of government sponsored it's not difficult getting into its own material very incentivized to use them to be friends with the international community more and that's definitely made him you know the security in their environment and the russians without suspecting the
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rebels and so the last time there was a chemical attack and people for. that attack all sorts of sympathy for the so-called syrian opposition fighters so that the rebels certainly know that . and so if they do have chemical ruffo's i wouldn't be surprised if they were used on. an avalanche in southwestern siberia has killed two tourists the victims were part of a snowmobiling party and witness to the tragedy explained what happened. i saw a white ball of snow coming towards the street i thought the others would get through and that everything was fine i shouted on the radio but no one answered it was silence. well in this video you can see people trying to dig out survivors five people were rescued from under three meters of snow the avalanche affected an area
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of around one hundred fifty square meters it happened in a proper tourist destination though the author which is don't deem it a safe place for snowmobiling. harsh weather has also struck the netherlands where three people are being killed during powerful winds this video gives you an idea of just how strongly mean people some with bikes and freight containers can be seen blowing over the weather alert was issued in the central part of the country where winds reached up to one hundred forty kilometers an hour hundreds of flights and trying journeys hope you can sort. r.t. has obtained a new league from the fancy best hacking group which raises questions about how don't think cases were handled during the rio olympics in twenty sixteen earlier on trying to discuss the revelations with mickey aaron. so new leaks about the summer olympic games twenty sixteen and remember during before and after rio the
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russian doping scandal was all over the news and that was when the and hire russian track and field team stayed home because of the band's well one i.o.c. e-mail exchange that we however can not confirm is real was a therapeutic use exemptions or to you now correct me if i'm wrong but is that when athletes to use banned substances for medical purposes yes if you're an athlete and you're sick and this case you may get permission to use medicines from the list of prohibited substances in a sense that is illegal doping but that requires a certificate and judging by some of these unverified e-mails as many as forty four such certificates were given out right during the time of the olympics and most of them just days before the olympics were over that's where all the finals are happening but according to water rules the window between the time when the
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application is followed the next competition must be thirty days plus if we are to believe more of these on verified emails eight. from rio we're never entered into the universe so anti-doping database that is interesting have we had of any consequences we don't know but i can tell you that among proved to be a real mess if it indeed happened during the rio games and we know that it is the most high profile sporting event ever the summer olympics and also another email that the fancy bears leaked was supposedly from a brazilian anti-doping professor about crucial flaws and the doping test bottles again it's an unfair. five email to the manufacture of the bottles from the times right before the beginning of the real olympics did it weird situation this
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happened the rio twenty sixteen berlinger bottles seem not all to be stand it did not fit the berling forcing them resulted in breakage of the cap and sometimes it can be used to close the able to look after our quoting e.g. photos you know just bowling i have a record of this kind of non-conformity so nikki opening the bottles could cause damage according to dr ratner if the emails are real but this is the point when i want to go back to all the russian winter olympic athletes that were banned the head of the winter olympic games in korea besides the testimonies and besides all the things that the main. whistleblower grigori watching of was saying the cornerstone element of the i.o.c. evidence or basically the only forensic evidence was the damage on the bottles or the scratches on the ones that were used in saatchi and the question i want to know
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that as to whether both was at the center of suspicion in sochi produced by the same company yes they were produced by berger that was providing the anti-doping officials with equipment for as well however neither the mcclaren team nor the investigators they were appointed by the international olympic committee have ever shown us the visual results of their experiments and we were constantly told that the bottle technology is flawless but what if it isn't. social media giants twitter facebook and youtube have again been grilled over alleged russian interference in the us presidential election. i'm assuming that none of you have any doubt there the russians meddled in our two thousand sixteen election and attacked our democracy any question. you know. there is the latest of the us senate hearings the three social media giants have participated in this
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time twitter also announced it was preparing a tool to warn users about russian trolls this has sparked concern about exactly how these trolls will be identified artie's daniel hawkins takes a closer look. this time they've been grilled at a u.s. senate committee session about dealing with terrorist content and other dangerous materials a letter that i wrote calling these companies to individual inform all users who are exposed to false misleading and inflammatory post generated by russian agents we will be working to identify and inform individually the users who may have been exposed to the ira accounts during the election now facebook already enables users to check if they've been exposed to russian bots and trolls from an apparent russian troll factory named the internet research agency which so division and
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mistrust back in twenty sixteen fair enough if you buy the russian election meddling narrative but it doesn't stop there now it seems twitter is going down the same road we don't yet know the full details of how this will work but in a hidden recording of a journalist group project veritas allegedly discovered how exactly twitter picked out other apparent bots. good we'd try. to get what you. guys. really. was. for sure but now we have requests that comment from twitter can they confirm that the top aimed at tackling and identifying these kremlin trolls is one hundred percent effective what he supposed to do in the case of a mistake or the company has previously stated people in similar recordings didn't
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represent official views project veritas of course themselves have in the past been at the center of controversy as a result of their methods for tackling bots is all well and good but what about target. opinions that are controversial unsavory or unfavorable nine hundred eighty four anyone. knows that it. so next time you're browsing social media and come across material that may go against the grain don't overthink things the platform itself will give you a heads up what to believe or not we spoke to an independent political and financial commentators adam gary and paul rosenberg they told us twitter could face
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repercussions over how it treats its users and possibly even legal action. they're a big company and if they try to defame small individuals well the world class action lawsuit means something in the united states where most of this is going on so this is something the twitter needs to be very careful about this do they really want to expose themselves to these kinds of claims just to make their friends and congress happy about an election really it's well the three year old at this point it's really ridiculous and if the lawsuits start to come in and if people's pockets start to be crunched then i think we'll see possibly a slightly more rational reaction how stupid do twitter really think us the members of the public or that we need to be warned about this as though it was something that actually matters like credit card fraud or allegations of trading obscene images online this is just an exchange of opinions and by barking up the tree of trying to expose the source it's really just trying to talk down to people as if
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they're not intelligent enough to make an informed decision based on a variety of opinions that they come across online from a number of different sources in every country on earth just about twitter is doing this to keep politicians happy these companies don't really have your their users interests in heart the users don't pay them. the user uses twitter or facebook or google or whomever for free so you're not the client you're not the customer you're the product and they are selling you and your personal information to whomever gives them money or whatever in recompense for it. twelve activists in the california city of el capitan may now face jail after they were caught trying to feed homeless people in a park according to current legislation it's illegal to share food in public places . for instance the other you know and there's been you know we are.
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you know it's an abomination. well the city's ban on sharing food in public was introduced last october's to prevent an outbreak of the infectious disease hepatitis a the penalty for breaking the law can be up to a thousand dollars fine or even six months in prison when we talk to the activists who were called by the police they claim the legislation has the opposite effect to what it's meant to do the homeless people who were there were very things fall that we were standing up and they were very upset that the mayor in the city council members could pass such a heartless ordinance and none of those government officials come out to the park and talk to those people it really seems like this is part of the city for to realize homelessness they've already made me that against the law to panhandle to sleep on the sidewalk so this is really like the next step in trying to push the
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homeless out of their city and the big justification that they use was the happening outbreak in the in the eggo and they say all the parkers the parks are so contaminated with hepatitis a that we don't want the homeless people to catch it and start trying to protect them but everybody else can still go and have a party at the park and share food with each other and they wrote out into the ordinance and that's what makes it discriminatory because it targets which are really it's everybody else is not magically immune from have to try to say within the same space so clearly either this is not about hepatitis a and the mayor has made comments in public session at the city council meetings where he has said we're trying to make the park less inviting to homeless people and a recent report by the un on human rights is not a line the difficulties homeless people in america commonly face.
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we see an average of seven to eight hundred people every single day. congress has reached an agreement on tax legislation that moves the livermore doing higher wages and massive tax relief. since recession we have not recovered the homeless homelessness is actually increased there is a problem with high property values air b.n. b. is buying up a local property even evicting the tenants the mayor of alcohol of like everyone to think that all homeless people are drug addicts and that is absolutely not the case we have a very high percentage of our homeless are veterans we have a high percentage of people who are working in this growing criminalise ation of people who are poor and powerless. really is also
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a bigger problem with nothing hurts or ration of that happens in our country where we have for profit prisons with companies making money off of jailing people. and finally for those people who like to live on the edge we bring you a bridge from eastern siberia damage following a fire and its wooden floor decaying the slang hundred meter river crossing is still braced by fifteen hundred locals every day and he which is why you.
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well for more on these stories plus plenty of other news and video just go to our website r c don't cause i'll be back with the latest headlines at the top of the am . pissed off watch. i don't think that any country can push a button and get rid of trade this is far too important to be farmers to political backlash money is a very fine people think and i think it will be very quick before people find ways around it because there's a stake in that it may be damaging it might cut it back but the idea that you could
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do anything nearly to the south of it is very unlikely. with the islamic state and its many confederates defeated or facing defeated in syria what is next for this war torn country what justification exists for the us to maintain military forces that does washington want syria partition is so huge and why. tale of two trumps how can lawmakers work with a president who can't seem to stick to a position for more than a day we'll take a look at that on this edition of politic. politicking on larry king politico is calling it a credibility crisis for president trump other news organizations are reporting it
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too is it possible for lawmakers even those from the president's own party to negotiate with a chief executive who can't seem to stick to a position for more than a few hours and where does that leave important legislative matters on this year's calendar we'll talk about that with eleanor clift columnist for the daily beast political commentator and author she joins us from washington d.c. what do you make of this is political reporting that his fluidity on important issues has killed more bipartisan deals than he's managed to strike. well the amazing thing is that some of us are still surprised that this is how he behaves the premium is on whoever gets to speak with president trump last because he doesn't really read anything he doesn't do his own research he doesn't have six views on hardly any topics and so whoever is with him last can sway him and so we
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saw that really on display last week when he had democratic and republican lawmakers into the white house and he was agreeing with senator feinstein that we need a clean doc a bill which is to give legal standing to the dreamers people who were brought here when they were children and he agreed with her had to be reined in by someone but he told a symbol lawmakers i will sign anything you bring me i have great confidence in all of you forty eight hours later republican lindsey graham and democrat dick durbin came to him with a plan that outlined exactly the conditions that he had proposed two days earlier and he rejected it out of hand use crude language to do so and in the room were hard line senators tom cotton of arkansas or and sonny perdue of georgia who have a competing immigration bill.
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