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tv   News  RT  January 19, 2018 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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he wasn't working but it's not at all clear that the new policy of sending more troops will work either the trouble is that whereas five or ten years ago the main opponents were the taliban and since then we've had other people coming into the picture there was the hakani network there was a good bit in hekmatyar but then the third group that's come up in the last five years it's i.s.i. says they've been conducting some very dramatic suicide bombings in kabul itself so that kabul itself has become much less safe than it used to be. back to our top story now if you decide to challenge america's experiment in democracy it's going to be your worst day those were the words of the u.s. defense secretary as he unveiled america's new defense strategy which we're now primarily focused on deterring russia and china but we will continue to prosecute the campaign against terrorists that we're engaged in today but great power
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competition not terrorism is now the primary focus of us now from security. for more details on what james mattis had to say i'm now joined in the studio by a correspondent he goes down of you know what exactly is this great power competition that matters is talking about here well like you first and foremost u.s. offense strategy is a more apt name for the document that has been unveiled today this competition global competition of powers is something the united states hasn't been focused on since the cold war so it has been decades really and this new paper you know this new doctrine i should say is sort of a room in nissen's back to the days of the competition between the united states and the soviet union now everything there is everything in this document is more it's more troops more weapons more everything really and what it means also is that the infamous war on terror has taken sort of a back seat and now russia and china are in the front seat instead washington has
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these two countries in the in its sights quite almost literally here's a listen take a listen how they justify this. we face growing threat from revisionist powers as different as china and russia or from each other nations that do seek to create a world consistent with their authoritarian models pursuing veto authority over and over nations cannot make diplomatic curity decision. so they're talking about the authoritarian model this is how washington sees what russia and china apparently trying to trying to do with this is what their policy they believe is about now also iran and north korea also on the list of the bad guys but they have been there for a while now and so they are just keeping their sort of a placeholder places really so this is this is what is doctrine in short this is what it is about so many explosive statements made there by mattis let's get more
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analysis now and bring in our guest without joins live by jennifer breeden an attorney specializing in foreign policy. thank you for joining us on r.c. international now what do you make of the new defense strategy that's been outlined by james mattis in the past hour or so and what kind of consequence is the on tests apace. well i mean a lot here you know i think this shows first of all this shows again a lack of understanding of just the foreign structure that many people in the u.s. government have including general mattis and lack of what's going on the threats of the world i mean keep in mind this statement came where he's saying basically that the war on terrorism or terrorism itself is no longer a great concern of the united states this comes just hours after a prisoner and a french prison just stabbed several persian officers yelling allah akbar and so this is certainly still a concern not only should it be a concern for the united states but for most of our allies and other countries around the world so put that on the back burner by saying that you want to reestablish your standing in the world and reestablish kind of power or the power
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between powers like russia and china and the u.s. will focus on that by then not even addressing terrorism global terrorism which is a genocidal movement targeting millions of people is really it takes really a backseat to kind of anything else you want to do because the u.s. has to be a leader in targeting terrorism especially genocidal acts of terrorism and by just ignoring it you're never going to be able to claim that standing a second consequence is really just now stating that rather than kind of ignoring or just allowing economic partnerships or conferences with russia and china and some of these other nations now he's saying that no it's more important to us to show that we're now back in the sort of semi cold war mentality almost where and sort of just ignoring it and continue to be a leader in the free world of the united states has tried to do as has been the policy of the u.s. he's now basically almost publicly admitting that ok we have fallen several years and now we're just going to focus our energies on trying to kind of get back up
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again so to speak in the world's eyes so this is a very troubling for foreign policy statement specifically for our allies in europe and the middle east who rely on us powers to combat global terrorism now see in the u.s. just wanting to sort of compete with russia china and all these other things and focus on this power struggle there. i want to. money here because more troops more weapons all of that doesn't come free and much as has spent a lot of time talking about how budget cuts have been the biggest threats for the for the american national security now but at the same time the pentagon keeps spending hundreds of millions of dollars on projects like the f. thirty five or the cole and columbia columbia submarine and in terms of these projects nothing much really has come out in terms of results would you make of those desponding decisions spending decisions the united states makes in this sense well again this comes back to the cold war i mean we look at the things that was
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always sort of who has a bigger say we even look at rockets like but now when the soviet union was able to launch a rocket for us that was who has more and better in the us is going back it's almost like backtracking to that mentality of do i have more weapons are my weapon new or or better than yours are they more technologically savvy and that just shows the rest of the world that what he's trying to prove here spending lots of money on things that aren't even threats gets to show that hey we have a bigger powerful military than you guys do because that's all it is are going to bigger than yours rather than actually focusing on some of the main thread throughout the world and some of our main policy objectives such as iran's proxy wars throughout the middle east and everything else of selling are specifically the muslim brotherhood the al-qaeda isis even though iraq is stated that isis is neutralized they're still terrorist attacks occurring by their supporters in iraq and now it's happening in syria so rather than having spending money on resources to really help prop up government new government stabilize civilian communities we're now seeing this play let's just make bigger bright shine your weapons and
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military so that we can show that it's bigger than yours on this power struggle rather than on something than chilling concrete that the world really needs to the freedom that is honey specializing in foreign policy thank you for your time thank you and my colleague neil harvey will be with you at the top of the hour with more analysis on our breaking news story. for that. the new global economic war is unfolding in the realm of education the right to education is being supplanted by the right to access educational loan higher education is becoming just another product that can be pulled from the sold but it's not just about education anymore it's also about running a business where you could get most of the regime could this also. mean that the fellow really couldn't. want is the place of students in this business model before
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college i was born now and i'm extremely more higher education the new global economic war. everybody i'm stephen baldwin on the task hollywood guy you know suspect every proud american first of all i'm just george bush and r.v. enthusiastic this is my buddy max famous financial guru and well he's a little bit different i'm not a. good one of the well you know we know that up with all the drama happening in our country i'm shooting the road have some fun meet everyday americans. and hopefully start to bridge the gap this is the great american people which. i think that is what the world needs confidence and confidence is based on on
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common goals i strongly believe that the u.s. and europe have any place to be croly and the united states has been a partner in creating that tool based system. i'm afraid that's. true air force and especially language there. and trump has been using. i'm not confident that the contribution of the states to that school based system is as relevant as the speech. the fight against terrorism is no longer at the heart of america's defense policy the u.s. defense secretary has outlined a new strategy in which countering russia and china takes priority.
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u.s. republican lawmakers are calling for the release of a classified memo that they say exposes political bias at the highest levels of force but when it comes to handling the trump russian investigation. in turkey shelling of the kurdish held african region marks the start of its military operation in syria it comes despite washington now didn't dying claims that it planned to support a large kurdish border force that claims that ranged. from out of mazar someone i knew more screwed up. also a teenager has attacked a school in eastern siberia injuring six people including a teacher it's the third incident in less than a week. in germany the right leaning a.f.p. parties proposal to verify the age of migrants is roundly condemned by all parties .
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thanks for joining us this evening this is our international now if you decide to challenge america's experiment in democracy is going to be your worst day those were the words of the u.s. defense secretary as the unveiled america's new defense strategy which will now primarily focus on deterring russia and china. but we will continue to prosecute the campaign against terror that we're engaged in today but great power competition not terrorism is now the primary focus of your security. correspondent has done us with following this story of what exactly is this powerful battle power competition that james mattis has been talking about well first and foremost neal u.s. offense strategy is a more apt name probably for the document that has been unveiled today and this
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competition this great power competition is talking about is something the united states military hasn't been focusing on since the cold war so really this hasn't been the primary focus focus in decades so the this doctrine i should say that has been unveiled is a reminiscence to those times really it's like a bit of a return to that era and it also means that the war the infamous war on terror has sort of taken a back seat it's been put on a bad burn and instead washington has russia and china in its sights and hear how the justify choice. we face growing threat from revisionist powers as different as china and russia or from each other nations that do seek to create a world consistent with their authoritarian models for sure and veto authority over and over nations economic diplomatic and security decision. so or thora tarion model this is how the united states apparently see russia's and china's
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geopolitical goals julep geo political ambitions now these are of course not the only two countries on the list of bad guys drawn up by washington iran and north korea they've always been there they remain there and washington wants to challenge them and to compete with them as well the doctrine calls for modernization what what would you expect to see well this is something that matters to use the word phenomenal to describe phenomenal modernization first of all we have to look at space cyber space and also nuclear now we know that in terms of cyber space warfare the pentagon are going to be creating a whole new department apparently a whole separate unit to look into this and to develop the i don't know defense strategies in cyber space also washington is planning to work on expanding its nuclear program and they're saying it's in response to russia's and china's actions . i'm going to try and play devil's advocate here i'm going to say that the defense
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secretary never wants his budget to get smaller its main enemy islamic state is all but disappeared off the main enemy anymore not the main enemy well isn't this just about building up another makes to justify getting more money in tell us more about the money well you're absolutely right they need they want more money and matt is has talked a lot about how budget cuts have more damage to american national security than anything else really so obviously he wants more money and this new document is all about more more troops more weapons more everything in this doesn't come free but we have to also realize is that the pentagon spends a lot of money on projects like the f. thirty five fighter jet or the columbia submarine and these are the projects that have been in development for many years in terms of the after the five it's been decades really and that that thing has not been past the most basic development stages even yet despite hundreds of millions of dollars splashed out on this really
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one should also look into how the pentagon spends the budget it is being given rather than just how much ok many things would get a good picture of what's going on there thank you ok let's get more analysis now political analyst charles will tell. charles you've had a chance to sort of understand what's in this doctrine now what do you make of it as an american do you feel safer well the first thing i would caution is that dark drop as many times that the united states under the drop of ministration is not going to telegraph it's so if we're expected to get you know a precise forecast of what the travel ministrations going to do militarily it's not in the document i think that document as you correctly point out is an argument for verge of authority.


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