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tv   News  RT  January 19, 2018 6:00pm-6:31pm EST

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we should probably have a ten hour workweek by this point because there you know there's not with with the dances we've made and they're not even considering what the impact is going to have on with the artificial intelligence out there they don't even have automated trucks on there for there are so many jobs that can be done now without any human beings but again we don't have any foresighted leadership at all they're not even thinking about what the impacts are they just kind of cavalierly say well you know maybe ten million truckers all lose their jobs or something more one of those truckers going to do for a living then i mean it's great i guess i mean it but. and that's why i think probably benchley we're going to have to come down there and i know it's not going to happen for half of this country but you know if the economy goes down the drain americans may eventually come to agree to adopt some kind of modified universal income or something because it and that's why that's kind of ideas been floated out there because they're just not going to be enough jobs for the people there so you can either let people die in the streets or you can come up with some kind of basic income and i never thought i would you know advocate something like that but i
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don't see any other way to do it because the way society is going i mean salaries are dropping for the average citizen when half the country is making a wage that can barely get a one bedroom apartment in most areas i don't know you know the dream of having a home and are owning your own home and what the real estate impacts of the tax law mean there are so many things that are going the wrong direction it's just i try not to be too cynical about it but i don't see anything happening that that's positive a very little and. i think that the universal income actually makes a lot of sense when it comes down to it but the other question then becomes you always always critical of going back to this issue of people who criticize those who are on the dole and they're lazy and don't want to work but you know what fascinates me is where is where do our taxes actually go because it's really not going out to people on welfare it really is not it's going much more to massive government bureaucracy as we know in a massive military industrial. complex not that we don't end with those budgets are
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still secretly know how much money is spent on the intelligence agencies but you're right and i that's why what i don't fall into the left right paradigm and most people would you know right in this book they probably call me a communist but i'm i'm far left far right whatever i'm on different issues i'm a populist and. you know when you have the kind of situation you have you have to look at things i think you know independently and look at each issue and right now we're just we're not doing things the right way and i think we did have awful leadership at the top and i think it's shortsighted and it's basically based. and whether it's you know ignoring the crisis is going to come in social security and all the baby boomers retire and there's not enough money going into the system but i mean that that goes back to the o.b.j. and certainly to reagan who started dipping in this security fund but we already hear it was one of the republicans dropped i guess a hint rubio i guess it was dropped a hint that this is the plan is to is to eventually get rid of security in medicare so how i mean i don't understand what they think is going to happen to because
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their pensions have been all but eliminated the idea is to work yourself to death we already see in the yeah you know people retiring older and older ages think you know the spread of cancers and other diseases and when he was living on long enough to enjoy the retirement it's a it's a very scary world for a lot of people it is and i think that they're usually their typical solution to these things is let's keep it then to keep raising the retirement age and then eventually that's what it will come down to because that's the only thing they can think of they want to address the real situation which is i mean if something like social security should be means testing and they're all in the people or us whatever rest of tax so security is it only taxes the first hundred nineteen thousand dollars in income so bill gates and warren buffett people are paying tax on one hundred nineteen thousand dollars and that's i don't i don't understand democrats don't make much of an issue of it either want small they say a few things but i don't know what why isn't you know all the income is taxed you know for other purposes why isn't it taxed for that and as ross perot floated back
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in ninety two he wanted to voluntarily so i don't need security why my take it but they are p. and they went nuts over him he was attacked yeah that was just for saying he was advocating voluntary means testing where we can't get that done i don't know i said the country is divided and i and i understand half of the half of the country or more is going to be opposed to a lot of what i'm saying in the book and certainly anyone that's doing well should read it but i hope they do i hope they do yeah don thanks so much for joining me to talk about some of the richest thank you frank. having. the same cold air from the same storm eleanor that blew one hundred mile per hour gale force winds across the alpine slopes of italy left a rare present on the sands of the sahara desert the european space agency's copernicus sentinel two satellites snagged these images of the tangerine snowed snow in the sahara one of the hottest places on earth is not unheard of but extremely rare having only occurred four times and the last forty years which makes
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sense since it only almost never gets below forty degrees fahrenheit during january now the sahara is the largest hot desert and the third largest desert in the world after antarctica and the arctic that's right antarctica and the arctic are technically desert it's sadly unlike those deserts snow doesn't last very long in the sahara the sixteen inches melted by nightfall so when the weather seems to be getting a little flaky try to remember there's no way around a. while when i snow in the third desert that's like you know that's like all those things where you hear the term you don't want hell freezes old yellow you know in the center of suddenly is present for half a day that. i've got trainers in politics most know or like you well are going out in this world all right out of our show for you to day remember everyone who lives world we are not told the story tell you all i love you i rolled the earth and on
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top of the wall as keep on watching those hawks over three days. later on the. the fight against terrorism is no longer at the heart of america's defense policy
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u.s. defense secretary's outlined a new strategy in which countering russia and china takes priority. and scandal worse than watergate some republican lawmakers are describing a top secret memo that allegedly exposes political bias against donald trump at the highest level of wall foresman now they are demanding it be made public. the moment the law that someone you want a credit card. and a teenager has attacked a school in eastern siberia six people have been injured also a teacher is the third such incident in less than a week. joining us this evening you're watching on internet. if you decide to challenge america's
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experiment in democracy it is going to be your worst day those were the words of the u.s. defense secretary as he unveiled america's new defense strategy which will now primarily focus on deterring russia and china. but we will continue to prosecute the campaign against terror that we're engaged in today but great power competition not terrorism is now the primary focus of your security first and foremost this america's defense strategy so to speak is so much on the offensive side of the tracks it almost makes you think that someone copy and pasted the old name into the you know into the headline space so it's the first time since the cold war american military is focusing on this great competition of powers so this can really be seen as sort of a that sort of mentality making a comeback what it also means is the infamous war on terror is taking the backseat
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it is being put on the back burner so to speak instead washington is focusing on russia china iran and north korea but really the pentagon is singling out moscow and beijing have a listen we face growing threat from revisionist powers as different as china and russia or from each other nations that do seek to create a world consistent with their authoritarian models pursuing veto authority over and over nation and economic diplomatic security decision doctrine calls for modernization what what would you expect to see well another word used by the u.s. defense secretary was fundamental this is how he characterized this modernization that he's been talking about and mostly the pentagon is going to be focusing on space on cyber security and on its nuclear program so in terms of cyber security they're going to be overhauling the whole thing really we don't know the details yet but obviously big big big changes are coming up especially with all of the russia and china hackers craze in terms of the nuclear program they're seeing it as
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a reaction you know as sort of a reaction to what russia has been doing in this sphere and if you're talking about outer space and defense position that this is not going to be cheap what's the money being talked about the. secretary of defense use this opportunity to ask for more money or at least while making a step in the direction saying that budget cuts arguably delivered the worst blows to the pentagon and to the u.s. national and national defense but at the same time you have to remember that it's not only about how much money the pentagon gets but also how it chooses to spend it for example hundreds of billions of dollars have been splashed out on the new have thirty five fighter jets and that development hasn't been even passed the most basic stages. ok let's bring in former pentagon official michael maloof joins me
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live on the line and i speak to you michael. not to talk about islamic state this year the focus is is change but just how different is this defense strategy from ones we've seen under previous administrations. well that's recognized as a more strategic vision and i think it's also meant to be a justification not only for greater defense spending to keep the defense u.s. defense industry in business but i think it really shows also because they've singled out moscow and beijing a reversion back to the cold war era. and also that the neo cons have won the won the day at least in the policy formulation arena i think that this is. this is their comfort zone they've been this was the this is what the intelligence community and the defense department did for more than fifty years that's what they're most content with i think it's going to be a diversion. of resources. to continue watching terrorism i
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think that remains a major major threat and yet the neo cons want to single out russia and china as the main adversaries and again i think that this is meant to and the timing is not is not coincidental maddest the secretary is really appealing to the n.s.c. quit seaquest ration of defense funds and boost military spending very very high at a time when the government u.s. government's about rate is shut down and there's major major differences between the republican and democratic parties over increased defense spending so this is really going to be a major tug of war internally but i think it's also a signal that politically. they want to mix to extend a cold war mentality that's really dangerous and very very expensive it's also
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going to question to the extent to which we will be able to. have sufficient resources available for our spare. forces to go on and and try to meet the challenges in some thirty six countries of the world at least where there's where terrorism thrives and it really displays the fact that the joint chiefs of staff have won over others who would see a more modernistic approached we're dealing with twenty first century threats. just briefly i'm just curious do you genuinely believe that the u.s. perceives china or russia as a threat or. what do you think of my belief which is that actually if we lived in a global pace you would still see defense secretaries of major powers creating enemies and demanding more money. well i don't think they said that they were a threat so much as adversaries that i think that was an interesting choice of
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words there is competition militarily china indeed is expanding its military and and russia of course is to the head trump has already announced he wants to have new nuclear weapons those are incredibly expensive and it's again a diversion of very vital resources that. could be applied elsewhere and it and it's. sure we can have competition and all of that internationally but we should be working more cooperatively with each other because last time i heard the cold war was over and what i'm really concerned about is that we're going to be seen. draining i drain resources to something we really really don't need already they're talking about a hypersonic fighter who needs it we can even get the sixth generation fighter up and running the f. thirty five so. that really requires billions upon billions of dollars
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of research and development and again it's really aimed at keeping the defense industry in business to create jobs if you will and i think that this is what's appealing to to trump. it on a day to day basis he'll probably make decisions that will call for more cooperation and discussion with beijing and and moscow and that's certainly the case and i understand that. russian foreign second russian foreign secretary lavrov has are the indicated you know we want to continue discussions notwithstanding the strategic. blueprint for the future but i think we've got some serious challenges ahead and we don't have the resources for the kind of spending that they want to.


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