tv News RT January 20, 2018 7:00am-7:31am EST
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sure economies that needed austerity policies if you are in a situation of flow bloat even the recession austerity is a very bad idea it doesn't work it makes millions of people very unhappy those who are unemployed see their wages decline almost a decade how good are the results just all of it then usually these are people by the people gathered in which the why don't all get people to see what i do enjoy a choice he gets treated be it will be she did i thought climate was i mean if i need go. so much nothing more that this young girl who was always think it's the family and not getting paid while the same mission is still in place to one of the consequences to weaken bluebirds food dismantle who will first one this is the truth reconsider this is the consequences are actually quite acceptable to the decision makers.
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what politicians do. they put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. or somehow want to. have to go right to be cross with what about forty three of them or can't be good. i'm interested in the waters and the. question. over the past decade a great many european asian and african countries have introduced during crease tuition fees in their universities. in the name of excellence prices go up a little everywhere nothing seems to stop the process and yet among the foreigners some questions arise and for good reason.
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partly history student learn repayment that stands at around forty billion pounds a minute. that's going to rise around two hundred billion pounds by the middle of this century. at the end of two thousand and thirteen one year into the one thousand pound yearly tuition fee a parliamentary mission is called regarding the rising student debt. after several months of investigation in room fifteen of parliament the public accounts commission questions the public body in charge of student loan repayment. giving us research forty percent of the current money that goes up to students will never be collected at the moment that is at the top end of our estimates but it is not unrealistic ok so you don't quite know how you're going to fund it. well
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the longer term issue of lifting the cap the treasury announcement related in the first instance to potential sales from the future loan book the plan would be to sell transfers of the loads as a man you sell a particular tranche of debt the terms of compound terms and conditions upon which it is sold are as it were set in standard crystalized and the buyer of that debt buys them on those terms and that's it they don't change can we just be clear can we just be clear that the person buying the debt buys it on set terms and conditions that then cannot subsequently be changed by the new owner of the debt is that correct yes ok thank you. here in the u.k. the prospect of cutting the debt tranche is and selling it to private investors instantly brings to mind the disastrous mechanism of subprime loans that are shattered so many lives so many families two years ago thirty to forty percent of
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student loans remained unpaid today it's reached forty five percent we're close to the tipping point at forty seven percent of non collected debt the university system and its nine thousand pounds yearly tuition fee will cost more to the english state than it did at the time of the three thousand. england seems to be engaged in a dangerous game. in the us the paying university system became widespread nearly forty years ago. today the student debt has reached a catastrophic point. during
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the occupy wall street movement and one of the american citizens and research professors met with andrew ross professor at new york university the world's most expensive university. these activists goal was to fight the unbearable debt to weigh in on american citizens including the housing debt health debt and most importantly the student. the student debt problem in a state about one point three trillion in total in there about forty million student debtors about eight million of those students are already in default meaning they're not paying out loans people can't imagine social goods or public
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goods in the united states it's unimaginable that you could have free education so there is a kind of normalizing of a of a i like to say kind of economic violence that people are used to and they just expect that that's the way that is that's the way it always will be the right to education has been supplanted by the right to access education loans. they imposition of that has had the overall impact of stifling optional political imagination of students because they're so highly and and they have to think about their future in very particular ways that are tied to their financial position and their financial survival in the future. and then movement tackles a huge market a for profit schools that have developed throughout the country in recent decades
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was when everything we've been on all the jobs really you know people are going to force to work together again. amy and christine are two young women from the detroit area who grew up in working families and who continue role in the country's high profile universities they still believed in the prospect of a better life like hundreds of other young americans they put their fate in the hands of private for profit educate. no institutions the sector has grown by two hundred twenty five percent over the past ten years. america should be ashamed to even say that their education system is this way when we're supposed to be the best country in the world especially the richest country in the world but we are the richest country in the world for the rich but we're also the poorest country in the world for the poor and away. before god knows. i mean streamline board there's
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a whole new category of people there. extremely more rewarded. for is almost the new rich. and sad. when i was watching the television and seen that they could make my life better if i went to their school. soon as he has of the phone was hired how are you this is my name's terry winters i'm you know i'll be the one to answer any questions you have but now. so he basically asked me if i would be interested in coming out to the school and looking at the campus and seeing what programs i had to offer said that he was a graduate there that i should come check out the school when he walks through the school they have different things on the walls of jobs i could qualify for
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with the degree but they're not actually telling you the full details of everything and that they don't tell you that there's an arbitration clause that you can't sue the school whether individually or through a class action suit don't really know that you're getting into a predatory lending type of situation because they don't educate you to that they gloss over the financial aid it's very quick and you just initial and then you sign at the bottom. and then it was oddly he just asked you know i have a couple graduates that would like to come in and speak with you and you have an issue talking to some recent graduates and in my mind i'm thinking that's kind of cool and i can actually talk to some people it went to the school you know see what they say about the school so young female and young male came in and for all i know it could have been the recruiters working with this recruiter. he came and they both came in and said that you know they found
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a job before they ever graduated the school placed them and that they're doing really well and they're not struggling paying their student loan baton life is just so much better now they have so many opportunities they can jump job a job they want a lot of these student advisers at these schools used to use on students to get them into an education. this is an document from a for profit college if i can find that shows all the people that were. going after welfare moms with kids relocation and recent high school graduates career change of grades goes college freshman dropout physically mentally abused pregnant ladies recent incarceration rescind the forced drug ability military active every tired dennet no future steam college credits two years low income jobs vocational rehabilitation living with multitude of families
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experienced a recent death living with parents experience recent birth of living with significant other and d.d.'s in durham fired by a recent marriage self-employed no benefits so they specifically targeted all these people for these type of loans that were subprime and very expensive for the education they received and that's just the internet's filled with all kinds of stuff like this. my mom was extremely proud she'd like to brag to all of her friends like my daughter's a college and you know i never went and she's doing less great things for her life . after enrolling i called my mom and i told her i want to chop out and she did not understand why and i was like mom you know understand the school is a scam and she said i don't understand how can a school be a scam. i
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have a hundred four thousand dollars in student loans as of september two thousand and thirteen and they're only growing by the day. how long would it take before public european universities charging twenty thirty or forty thousand dollars a year how long would it take for a new crew to private educational system to get out of control like it is today in the us everywhere around the world students immobilizing can anyone out there hit them can anyone on this. day question our society of political choices what kind of world do we want to live in a world where the economy is that the service of man. or a world in which man is at the service of the economy.
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a larger pool but you. have removed all slow motion i also believe we'll do more slowly duncombe reward suitable for you know one of the of the most often little bushes i saw. many a part of me felt i had a hand man you gotta know the model was described more we knew the who cooks but we know to believe museo green meat you feel good. and you will know the old budgeted cut of the proceeds go to the armor issue you can you get other corys but when you get the mob boss may be a good thing as told me most of the original post they. have a winner take all bets i'll be at the lottery mentality in america you know where are your dead and the pharmaceutical companies of course a lobbyist going to washington the james laws of a possible the cattle whole cost in america and nobody friggin cares because it
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ever learned a lot as a wal-mart today they said let's do it again. about your sudden passing i've only just learned you worry yourself and taken your last wrong turn. your attitude up to you as we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each breath . but then my feelings started to change you talked about more like it was a cave in still some are fond of you those that didn't like to question our archives and i secretly promised to never be like. it's sad one does not need a funeral the same as one enters the mind gets consumed with this one difference he speaks you just never know whether takers. claim that mainstream media has met its
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maker. it's all to see we have a great team but we need to strengthen before the freefall world cold and you're better than a legend to keep it tight at the back. in one thousand nine hundred two that must qualify for the european championships at the very last moment no one believed in us but we won and i'm hoping to bring some of that weighting spirit to the r.c.t. . recently i've had a lot of practice so i can guarantee you that peter schmeichel will be on the best fall since my last world cup action and that stories are asleep. thousand zero zero zero zero hitter here i call russia. i fly strike strike left left left more or less ok stop that's really good that.
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young children have worked in bolivia for generations almost three quarters of a million of doing so today. this culture led to the development of bolivia's new liberal and highly controversial children's code in two thousand and fourteen which gave children as young as ten the right to work under certain circumstances but there's a new thing this. is only. eat one of them without the end on. from the things here. but there are hundreds of thousands of children in bolivia operating completely outside the local.
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your. headlines on r.t. international the war on terror is no longer america's top foreign policy priority instead of the u.s. . power play with russia and china which are its main threats on the world stage. year in office the government is said to be shot down over a funding bill there on the program we take a look back at. the president's tenure so far. as a witch hunt against communism appears on the rise tell the story of a. saying in the media that communism never fails.
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morning. you are watching our international and from all of us here welcome to your news. so you can forget the whole war on terror it's russia and china that are now america's biggest threats that's what the u.s. defense secretary james. as he unveiled the country's new foreign policy priorities . picks up the story. trump's new defense doctrine can probably be summed up in just three words bring it on if you challenge it will be your longest and your worst day the war on terror is now secondary the priority is the new great game of good lobel proportions great power competition not terrorism is now the primary focus of u.s. national security the logic here is that technological and hard power gap between
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the us and the competition is narrowing and washington simply can't let that happen it cannot expect success by the tomorrows conflicts with yesterday's weapons or equipment. investments in space and cyber space nuclear deterrent forces missile defense advanced autonomy systems and resilient an agile logistic will provide our high quality troops what they need to win. i . that is a new arms race or race is a nuclear arms race at me races side by race space to what has
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that ever made the world a safer place sure we can have competition and all of that internationally but we should be working more cooperatively with each other because last time i heard the cold war was over what i'm really concerned about is that we're going to be seen. draining i drain resources to something we really really don't need already they're talking about a hypersonic fighter who needs it that really requires billions upon billions of dollars of research and development and again it's really aimed at keeping the defense industry in business it's been said that budget cuts have done more damage to the u.s. military than anything else they say is an attempt to undo that damage but these are out of business plans remember the f. thirty five or the colombia class submarines lethal weapons at least when it comes to destroying budgets but then that's what friends are for you know it winston
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churchill it once said the only thing harder than fighting with the allies is fighting without them the growing economic strength of today's democracies and partners dictates they must now step up and do more. making everyone else pays as much as part of the plotinus all the fancy toys europeans especially haven't been all that enthusiastic about spending fortunes in defense understandably but then there's a new domain to fight in the cyber world this is a wild west right now as you know people in their bedrooms can be doing things that are causing your bank account dire problems at this point an urgent challenge and the u.s. is going to overhaul and boosted cyber forces giving them greater capability to deal with the random guys in their bedrooms i think we've got some serious
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challenges ahead we don't have the resources for the kind of spending that they want to do and i think we need to be a great deal more concerned about how those finite resources are going to be allocated and we need to be meeting immediate threats and that's terrorism. trump's first year in the white house is being mocked by a government wide shut down that's after the republican controlled senate refused to approve a bill to fund the government it has been though a bumpy twelve months for the u.s. president. now takes a look back at how trump's tenure has unfolded so far. when trouble is sworn in a year ago emotions were running high on all sides. the us media described it as a pivotal moment in american history you're not having a terrible terrible dream also you're not dead and you haven't gone to hell it will be very bad americans and others will now die washington d.c.
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the establishment is terrified and they should be they call that the trump revolution trump promised to completely overhaul u.s. foreign and economic policy he promised a brave new world that was cheered by his supporters and dreaded by his detractors as a distro be an apocalypse so a year on where are we well with all this america first rhetoric you might have thought that would have met less interference in other countries well that's not exactly how it played out tonight i ordered a targeted military strike we are so proud of our military that it was another successful event we have many options for venezuela including a possible military option if necessary on the home front some promised a new level of protectionism against mexico and china but the usa is increasingly buying more foreign goods and producing less of its own the trade deficit with mexico is up by eleven percent the trade deficit with china is up by seven percent
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unemployment is low but so are wages there is record amounts of household debt in the united states right now and retail stores are closing across the country and here's one thing that didn't change between trump and previous administrations during the election trump talked about getting along better with russia and his detractors called him a kremlin puppet but now one year later things between washington and moscow are about the same as they were before bad for their action by the. congress to put these sanctions in place from the way they do that's the decision they made that made it very overwhelming it was going. except we may be at an all time low in terms of the relationship with russia this is built for a long period of time now trump promised to drain the swamp of corruption we are going to drill. washington d.c. . but it looks like that swamp is still here and deeper than ever policy stay the same our foreign policy is the same the monetary policy in the federal
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reserve is the same spending as the same deficits are still rising so there has not been any significant changes in the direction of our country which i had been hoping for is that he has perpetuated so many of our deeply flawed policies especially in foreign policy foreign policy is a little bit more confusing i am very pleased he's at least made an honest effort that he's reduced the amount of regulations and i think that's one of the reasons we've had an economic boost. and that is that is good and he's made an effort to reduce taxes that's for from perfect but lower taxes less regulation is good and the marketplace is reflecting that oh and don't forget about that wall we're going to build the world we have no choice we have no choice. yeah how's that going we have some wonderful. prototypes that have been floated now
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despite the president's ambitious timetable for construction it remains unclear when the wall might actually go up on the surface donald trump looks like a president like no other he's allowed brash he doesn't care about political correctness he's even turned twitter into an official white house channel but if you look a little bit closer and judge him by his political actions he's a little bit more the rule than the exception. artsy new york presidency so far has also been mocked by a string of quirky catchphrases and diplomatic maneuvers which so he kept the world in the media guessing what he would be doing next his take on his tenure throughout the year. please please.
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donald trump's oath of office means nothing this is one of the most radical it may not be royal speeches we've ever i'm not going to give you can you speak out if you are faked is. donald trump's incoherence with all of the ruckus all for the love of the potential clues in russian inclusion u.s. officials are growing increasingly concerned about possible russian intrusion. we've just launched fifteen. missiles heading to iraq where we're headed to syria. heading towards syria.
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