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tv   News  RT  January 22, 2018 5:00pm-5:31pm EST

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you can interview from the former you can bet so that the syrian peter ford who said the forward in which i think is is pretty exact the united states has been trying to prevent syria from stabilizing itself as huge interest over in state now they see and way of partially implemented by encouraging the formation of a kurdish state and so their response to it was of the turkish. sense i think we have to explain to our viewers this is a an attempt at partitioning syria permanently. shootout and an american at the same and at the behest i would say that the saudis and the israelis here there is again we our viewers have to understand it's very clear the united states has no geopolitical national interest in syria and the american forces are there or are there illegally under international law there was no united nations security council authorization of you has rebounded and turkey is
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violating the sovereignty also if you don't stand that the u.s. making things was because they will provide economic aid only to the areas which are not on the control of the syrian government that board a ship or picture the presence of refugees in the countries like germany france so next time well merkel will be telling to you all there was simply no way i couldn't accept that if you g.'s i hope the german voters will tell. you policy of not financing the parts of the country that are on the control of the seas over it turkey is invading in attacking the kurdish canton of african which african which has actually been russian protected it wasn't so ok with a lot of the us well but we have. to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on the real new stage with art.
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when the whole make this manufacture consent instant of public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. when the final merry go round lifts only the one percent. we can all middle of the room signals. room in the real new. world. in order to overthrow a regime it does take popular discontent and popular mobilization but it also requires actors with in the leadership of the regime who feel that the regime is no longer serving the national interest you need people in the military or the bureaucracy or both who are willing to see the regime change otherwise they would
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be able to put down a popular revolt that did not have support at higher levels. prescribe medication is widespread on the u.s. market and a frequent cause of death at that point in my life i just felt like everything with my family was literally coming unglued i had actually planned. to commit suicide watch all who has made antidepressants so commonly used we were doing what the doctors told us to do we were being responsible and what the real side effects why it. was is chemically altered it when i did it was done on a cocktail of lethal drugs. just because something's legal doesn't mean it sank. in. this is says
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harlan kentucky. boy he was very funny. a co money city with almost no coal mines left. the jobs are gone all the coal was the fed i'd. love to see these people the survivors of a world disappearing before their eyes. i remember thinking when i was younger that if anything ever happened to the coal mines here that it would become a ghost town but i never thought in a million years i would see that and it's how it's happened.
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i. i i. i. welcome back to cross talk or all things considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing some real news. ok mark you want to finish up on the syria has a basically what we've got with this turkish attack on our friend is we've got a mexican standoff a three way mexican standoff between russia and the syrian government on one side between turkey and its proxies which are al qaeda in the thirty one flavors of jihad its support of the whole war. including the formerly u.s.
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backed free syrian army on the other and the u.s. and its kurdish proxies on the other and they're in a three way faceoff russia would like turkey of the united states to fight to drive a wedge between turkey and nato the united states would like the turks to fight russia over african canton because that would help destroy this very fragile essentially falling apart agreement for the stabilization of syria with the austin our agreement and it further destabilize syria and this is where we're at it's an extremely tense situation the writing was on the wall long time we've long argued it was going to happen and the hours and days ahead what erdogan actually does and how much damage he does in syria and whether he will then turned on the american backed kurds is is is up in the air you know the interesting thing is is that one has to wonder where turkish soldiers go do they stay or do they you know
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do they have you know it's like the russians went in had a mission said mission accomplished very limited. did what they wanted to do and basically with through with the turks state and again we're looking at how they do their part to say well the turks are more likely to be like cyprus looks like my impression is that russia kind of acquires to the fact that there will be turkish influence in the north of syria russia agrees that there is a turkish minority there so they have their interest we cannot say for syria a little right let's be realistic about it and i'm not sure russia really wants to grab a wedge between turkey and need to i think we would like to be in peace with their well i know of course they want to do i mean but they maybe they want to but they don't really have to worry about it because it's already happening in a way that i think the other question i think another question to ask is who sanctions the u.s. to be in syria for so long i mean go back to what mark said this goes against everything that we're at for. and also if you would like to know you just in time
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if you just tell us what you know this is a first a series that actually an interesting precedent for regime change this is the first time that the united states has sent in troops illegally to a country and then decided. it's a nuance in regime change so who wants and what happens to the u.s. forces there once turkey does go away and set up a permanent camp in the north where does the u.s. go where the troops go what are they doing there what's their purpose what's their goal what words although they look at god to tell you what it is why is that even when i say i always have. to report it's always about a rant by the end of it that's why. they lost they know that military presence there isn't going there and hit iran in any way shape or form and they're simply acting out of spite and hatred at this point they want to play they don't they can't do anything spoil against play the spoiler so that's what they're going to ok well i'm just you know we're off from point of view we have
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a we're going to stays with the e.u. so. you know transit country probably for the oil and gas to be sold to europe so i think russia would try to maintain good relations with going to despise and would. have shot down a russian plane every russian soldier that has died in syria has died because the turks are jihad it's their right. you know what they could do it without turkey's border. everyone's going to pay a high price for this i just want to touch real quickly gentlemen there was a new national defense strategy i think it's the first one since two thousand and eleven. and its focus is the greatest security threats for the united states is china and russia i mean an interesting chain change because it before it was trans . transnational threats like terrorism even the environment and now we're. going back to
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a very kind of simplistic manichean world where it's the russians the chinese it's like the nineteenth century again absolutely right i think it's much worse than the cold war and the funny thing is that truong accused. and given off on isolating north korea economic and while they're not just a squander a support russia in the same group. north korea and iran so you have to do we have to we have to point out here is that russia was saying and then they asked the u.s. as the russians the saying north korea i mean that's a really rich gentleman and the recent talks you know there is some discussion in the u.s. congress on each woman's threat russia and north korea that the russian propaganda that sounded to me like a rag tag and we're going to discuss it with this thread north korea and russia ok you go in the direction i want to go to let's talk about what's going on in social media i suppose all of us got that little note from twitter i did not want you to get one i didn't get what i want. wow if you get one they probably gave up on me i
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didn't get that while i was on the ground. but you know what it was you know what i would suggest to our viewers anyone that i think almost seven hundred thousand seven hundred thousand people i suggest to our viewers is all of them just go to the internet look up the u.s. constitution and copy the first amendment pasted and send it right back to twitter thank you very much i know what my first amendment my freedom of speech rights are i don't need a company like twitter to tell me what free speech is what i should read and what i shouldn't read twitter and facebook are now working in unison and i think we know the forces behind twitter and facebook that are pushing them to do this and so twitter is basically saying look we know that there is we know from all the evidence that there are russian trolls and russian influence telling surely. some of their their best it was a warning to people. it was very creepy very big brother russian clearly creepy you
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know it's like we know that you're following certain russian troops you were watching you be careful you may have liked something that a russian or potentially russian linked person face may how do you know their heads facebook on the other hand is going to do this they're going to write that they're going to rate reputable quote reputable news sources and they're going to make sure their readers get to these reputable news sources while the other a reputable news source is the ones they don't want you to read just kind of how of fadeaway just want to disappear they tell us how this is this process is going to be done i mean is there any transparency here or is it just trust me algorithms algorithms i mean this is. kind of back to an internal investigation into the russian influence on the u.k. or fernando and fallen down to russia spent oh jesus zero point blank to seven cents on that adverse target in the u.k. different on them so russia medal twelve just when you rule and that was table
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meddling barrack obama went to london spoken for a bit of a stable and it was not meant to be he was just there well obviously he's a all western media and i look at europe and i look at the united states and canada all of them supported hillary clinton but that wasn't meddling that wasn't meddling foreign meddling that he supported in their dealings with the c.e.o. came out and said she supported hillary clinton and burke said it multiple times twitter ok fair enough to send out a letter to everyone you may have liked something that a russian posted on the internet that's fair enough jack. what i want to know jack is will i get an e-mail that will tell me that i may have potentially liked something that an american propaganda agent of influence posted maybe an israeli the e.u. a saudi i really you know sort of maybe george soros pierre omidyar the other technical arts right jeff bet. jeff bezos influence did he get anything on my
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twitter feed that may have influenced me i want to know this. already just branch of the u.s. government we are concerned about this because we are in media here what is the impact is it just impacting people like us that are very rigid in constitutionalism incomes of freedom of speech or because my concern i've mentioned this a number times in this program is that they're damaging their own business model am i right i'm i'm wrong or does it really matter you know i think there's a debate there how much damage going to do to their business because if you take twitter not even so much twitter i would say facebook and google we have to mention google is doing a lot of the same practices that facebook is doing they're actually much more advanced that facebook is to be honest and they and they on instagram they own whatsapp be a facebook and google lots of a right of properties and they control eighty percent of the advertising facebook and google alone me and brutally globally now what they what they do to a website an alternative website a website that's just getting started is not as big as say the new york times or
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the washington post facebook and google have the means to either make your site grow very large very large or they have the means to completely shut you down and no one's going to be able to find you if you can't find the website via google or facebook you're writing in the dark you're lost you're lost so this is a very serious issue of course you can say they're private companies and they have the right to do whatever they want to have become you to look exactly i was going i was going but they've got gotten to the point where they become utilities and if they continue this they need to undergo some sort of regulation because alex you know we had standard oil and there was a whole populist progressive movement to break up this very damaging monopoly i don't mark to maybe i'm missing it where is the talk about breaking up these non-police eighty in t. that that was a concerted effort this google and some of the most powerful entities that if they never existed. company on the planet but why would they want to break them up when
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they're right now operating as u.s. government schools i mean the idea that you would break them up why they're fully cooperating hand in hand with the us deep state there's no reason for them to. and i think this brings us. to the very good point of what the end goal here the end goal here isn't even not letting you hear what our t.v. or chinese media has to say that the goal is to suppress internal internal dissent it is to strangle the ultimatum of both left or right all left or right far left either way the progressives write anything outside the mainstream anything you know but what like the new york times in the washington post which is by the way also owned by jeff bezos the washington post what they want you to know right i mean the very slogan question more offends them because it really means question them a question they're there and i'm going to thirty seconds well i don't like it so i
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can call it the american officials when they used to or to you would think it was awful they sat there so we indulged same bad things symbolically and lesion controls but wasn't so indulged a european thing seems the times of so critical it's called the enlightenment that's what tao that's what the whole of it was about gentlemen we're going to jump in here i want to thank my guests here in moscow and thanks to our viewers for watching us here this is the end of our broadcast segment stay with us for the extended version on our you tube channel see you next time and remember cross talk rules. with gold make this manufacture consent to stick to the public will. when the ruling classes protect themselves. in the final
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larry go round the sun be the one percent. we can all middle of the room sick. in the real news room. where the sand had to be here from us and. our over the phone what a small. amount of goods that are in our market share but the there are rather a profit on the floor for them to care that. i'm going to let them but i don't touch them then you cut them and kick and nail i don't lose a child for twelve fall that it doesn't make them. lower then
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our modeling on the show little subtle it does show the. members of the hey how you want to do it. is good for its whole food place choice for the i knew where you're from and theosophy chime in syria has said. to me she ought to have a. model for them after a couple fronts around the mr hates it for jim and then oil for her folks that are freddie macor. money. but. this was there you go to all kinds of crazy guys. are experiencing a bit of a fall back. in
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the is really parliament during a speech by the u.s. vice president mike pence when. will be moving its embassy to jerusalem i assume it's next. on the program over. territory in northern syria turkey its military operation to do. in germany party comes under fire from within its own ranks to formal coalition talks with.
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live from moscow every hour of the day this is r t international my names you know neil welcome to the program our top story u.s. vice president mike pence has a nonstop america's embassy in israel will move to jerusalem next year. president trump has directed the state department to immediately begin preparations to move the united states embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem and that united states embassy will open before the end of next year well this announcement by the american vice president is hugely controversial and no doubt will be met with the same kind of backlash that met the announcement by the american president donald trump last month when he stated that jerusalem is the capital of israel now they were protests that were held as the american vice president landed in israel yesterday there were posters with his face on that were trampled on and thrown about at the same time
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a day of rage has been called for tomorrow tuesday in the palestinian territories the palestinian leadership is boycotting this visit by the american vice president now that protest actually moved inside the israeli parliament today just as paris was about to start his speech members of the arab joint list this is the third largest faction in the israeli parliament and represents some arab dominated israeli political parties these lawmakers stood up and started shouting and holding plaque cards that said that jerusalem is the capital of palestine the supreme court . should. thank
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israeli parliamentarians gave mike pence a long standing ovation to try and attract attention away. members of parliament outcry that at the same time there is off wage that has been happening for the past few weeks since the american president said he recognizes to receive them as israel's capital both here inside israel in the past. sting into gaza and in the international community. was a. huge. was . was was was was. the palestinian president mahmoud abbas is currently in brussels way he's meeting with an e.u. fun policy chief maslany now the e.u. has criticized tom's earliest statement that he recognizes to see them as israel's
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capital and have said that they stand by their commitment of a two state solution. ok let's get into this a lot of questions of course and let's try and answer some of them with dimitri dillema from the fatah revolutionary council speaking to us from jerusalem this hour you're very welcome how home of palestinians reacted to mike pence his announcement. i think that the street is reacting well and tomorrow we'll see a general strike that has been agreed on by the unions and we will have also peaceful protests marching throughout the streets of the west bank in protest of mike pence provocative biased racist speech and specifically and in general the uninformed ideologically
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driven biased pro fascist pro racist policy of the american administration towards the palestinian israeli conflict yet they would of course question down saying israel have a nice true islam as their capital they are going with the sovereign states viewpoint or not and. other aspect to this could the european union put pressure on the us this is a whole different aspect to stop than if we heard today didn't we from the e.u. foreign policy chief under reagan margaret rainey saying that the e.u. supports a two state solution and an east jerusalem less capital of a palestinian state there's a little bit of a divide happening across the atlantic on this isn't there. yes there is but i don't think that this is a typical u.s. administration we have a white house that has broken all the red lines from touching on racism to admitting sexual harassment and misconduct to insulting native americans
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to insulting hispanics of specially mexicans. everywhere you look the new u.s. administration has broken the traditional respectability of the white house and today's pen speech in the names that has been i mean you could have never caused so done so many blunders. european union actually have a say in altering what happens next and yet. in the normal case would have some pull but with the current administration i do not think that the e.u. would have any influence and honestly that we see that the relations are not at a point where either side can of the atlantic can influence the other and one of the signs of that is donald trump canceling his trip to the u.k.
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recently which in past presidents history would sound crazy i mean traditionally from the fatah revolutionary coastal thank you for your thoughts this hour. thank you. russia's defense ministry sais that within the last twenty four hours over a thousand people have fled the friend region in northern syria turkey is carrying out a ground operation there in an attempt to drive the local kurdish militia forces the intervention comes after washington announced plans to establish a new border force in the region which will include kurdish y p g fighters who are regarded by un korea as terrorists.
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ok let's break this down and have a look at how power is actually distributed in the border region the areas here in yellow well they are held by various kurdish militias and this of course is the afrin region the latest flashpoint in syria where turkey is currying out its military operation it is receiving backing from syrian rebel groups in the area about this area in green that's where they are concentrated well turkish tanks are reportedly closing in on the city of to the east of option turkey then intends to turn its attention to. the right here in this area just here now the syrian kurd kurds have already asked the u.s. led coalition for support. washington turkey to limit its offensive in time and scope president erdogan has shot back though telling the u.s. to worry about its campaign in iraq and also enough galveston taking
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a closer look now at the troubled relationship and the approach. unbelievable is this real and nato member telling daddy you know i mean for me to come in behave yourself or all point a gun at you am i exaggerating a bit mr edouard didn't say these exact words but turkey's got a prime minister who pretty much did anyone who gives logistical support to the white b.g. is turkey's target for the record the white b.g. equals the kurdish army and for all these years who's been giving the kurds all kinds of support right. over the weekend the kurds were extended in all of branch that's what ankara calls its military op the kurds say they repelled an attack on sunday but where does that wipe e.g. get its guns i made it tapered on couldn't care less why washington's been helping the kurds to destroy eisel for this man the kurdish militias are no better than
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terrorists that explains his latest messages to america the us is in the process of creating the terror army only what we have to do. in the but america do not encroach on our borders do not provoke us or we will run out of patience does anyone from the us government have anything to say we urge turkey to exercise restraint and ensure that its military operations remain limited in scope and duration and scrupulous to avoid civilian casualties some very restrained counsel there to be restrained think about it mr aired on rants that america u.s. officials don't hit back turkey rolls up the tanks flies out the war play sends soldiers over the border washington basically keeps stop after all this isn't about kim who's sly this week makes donald trump.


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