tv Documentary RT January 23, 2018 4:30am-5:01am EST
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if hillary clinton has her way we will be starting world war three with russia in syria over al-qaeda and this is the trump administration has compete clearly capitulated to the old and their running transformed policy tillerson now sit it permanent in deafening as you open it occupation of syria their goals are now open to regime change once again back to the obama era confronting iran because iran is not allowed to have influence in syria no matter what damascus said i think tillerson should give us a list of the countries in the world that are allowed to decide who their allies are and which ones aren't because it's always complained in eastern europe that countries are allowed to ally with enjoy nato if they want but serious not allowed to ally with iran who would accept they're going to go oh i think we need to explain to our viewers who might know what you don't use in the host today what happened in syria what happened was a turkish invasion. it is a fact or it is
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a fact that the russian forces have removed themselves from the area that. but it was a response to what do the united states claim that they are going to create the huge so-called border security consulting the turks without even consulting the. sport you could there's no two can indeed go from the former you can best of them to syria peter ford who said the forwarding which i think is pretty direct the united states has been trying to prevent syria from stabilizing itself as huge interest over in state now they see and way off partially implemented by encouraging the formation of a kurdish state and so their response to it was of the. essential i think we have to explain to our viewers this is a an attempt at partitioning syria permanently and it will. attempt and an american into the same end at the behest i would. the saudis and
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the israelis here because i there is again we our viewers have to understand it's very clear the united states has no geopolitical national interest in syria and the american forces are there or are there illegally under international law there was no united nations security council author is as oriented all of us are about as a turkey is violating the sovereignty also if you don't stand that the u. is making things was because they reported that we will provide economic aid only to the areas which are lost on the control of the syrian government that board a ship or the presence of refugees in the countries like germany france so the next time well it will be telling to you all were there was simply no way i couldn't accept that if you geez i hope the german vote us will tell her about the e.u. policy of not financing the parts of the country that are on the control of the sea that all that turkey is invading in attacking the kurdish canton of african which african which has actually been russian protect it well that's ok with the u.s.
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well because we have a music instead we have to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on the real new stage with art. as you read the stand in here from us and. our own move from one. of our good armor on our show but there are guys that you know that are the forward
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for medicare that. i'm going to let them but i don't touch them then you cut them and keep an eye on what i have seen as a child with a truffle that it. was then our modeling on the show little subtle it does show that they owned model. number seventy on the highway from the innocent to it. and get this whole food place choice on yours or you haven't failed to chime in syria has said. she ought to have a. model for the name after the couple for mr hates it for jim and then oil for food are found in the. fields of the.
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welcome back to cross talk or all things considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing some real news. ok mark you want to finish up on the syria has a basically what we've got with this turkish attack on our friend is we've got a mexican standoff a three way mexican standoff between russia and the syrian government on one side between turkey and its proxies which are al-qaeda and thirty one flavors of jihad its support of the whole war including the formerly u.s. backed free syrian army on the other and the u.s. and its kurdish proxies on the other and they're in a three way face off russia would like turkey and the united states to fight to drive a wedge between turkey and nato the united states would like the turks to fight russia over african canton because that would help destroy this very
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fragile essentially falling apart agreement for the stabilization of syria with the austin our agreement and it further destabilize syria and this is where we're at it's an extremely tense situation the writing was on the wall long time we've long argued it was going to happen and the hours and days ahead what erdogan actually does and how much damage he does in syria and whether he will then turned on the american backed kurds is is is up in the air you know the interesting thing is is that one has to wonder where turkish soldiers go do they stay or do they you know do they have you know it's like that the russians went in had a mission said mission accomplished very limited. did what they wanted to do and basically withdrew will the turks stay and again we're looking at is how they do their part to say it was well that the turks were more likely to be as like cyprus looks like my impression is the crush i kind of acquires to the fact that. there will be turkish influence in the north of syria russia agrees that there is
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a turkish minority there so they have their interest we cannot save syria a little right let's be realistic about it and i'm not sure russia really wants to grab a wedge between turkey and need to i think we would like to be in peace with everyone i know more than what i mean but they maybe they want to but they don't really have to worry about it because it's already happening in a way but it's another question i think another question to ask is who sanctions the u.s. to be in syria for so long i mean go back to what mark said this goes against everything that we're not for. you know should we tell you just in time if you're just going to speculate because of first a series that actually an interesting precedent for regime change this is the first time that the united states has sent in troops illegally to a country and then decided. it's a nuance and regime change so who wants and what happens to the u.s. forces there once turkey does go away and set up
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a permanent camp in the north where does the u.s. go where the troops go what are they doing there what's their purpose what's their goal what words although they look at the god of the tell you what it is why is that even when i say i always have. to report it's always about iran by the end of the point. they've lost they know that ability presence there isn't going to inhibit iran in any way shape or form and they're simply acting out of spite and hatred at this point they want to play they can't do anything spoil against the play the spoiler so that's what they're going to ok well i'm just an old russian point of view we have a conflict within those days with the e.u. so maybe our last you know transit country you're probably for the oil and gas to be sold to europe so i think russia would try to maintain good relations with turkey despite all the news to him he has shot down a russian plane every russian soldier that has died in syria has died because the. erks r g harvests zero zero zero zero zero zero only. what they could do it
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without turkey's border terrier everyone's going to pay a high price for this i just want to touch real quickly gentlemen there was a new national defense strategy i think it's the first one since two thousand. and its focus is the greatest security threats for the united states is china and russia i mean an interesting chain change because it before it was trans. transnational threats like terrorism even the environment and now we're going back to a very kind of simplistic manichean world where it's the russians the chinese it's like the nineteenth century again absolutely right i think it's much worse than the cold war and the funny thing is that trump accused russia over not being active enough on isolating north korea economic and why so they're not just a squander a support russia in the same group of north korea and iran so we're going to do
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we have to we have to point out here is that russia was saying and then they as the u.s. asked the russians the saying north korea i mean that's a really rich gentleman and the recent talks you know there is some discussion in the u.s. congress on its rumors spread russia and north korea that the russian propaganda that sounded to me like a rag tag and bob tail that we're going to discuss this with this thread north korea and russia ok you go in the direction i want to go to let's talk about what's going on in social media i suppose all of us got that little note from twitter i did want you to get one i didn't get one while i was like. wow did you get one they probably gave up on me i didn't get that well i was. under snow but you know what it was you know what i would suggest to our viewers anyone that i think almost seven hundred thousand seven hundred thousand people i suggest to our viewers all of them just go to the internet. look up the u.s.
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constitution and copy the first amendment pasted in send it right back to twitter thank you very much i know what my first amendment my freedom of speech rights are i don't need a company like twitter to tell me what free speech is what i should read and what i shouldn't read twitter and facebook are no working in unison and i think we know the forces behind twitter and facebook that are pushing them to do this and so twitter is basically saying look we know that there is we know from all the evidence that there are russian trolls and russian influence telling surely machine laying some of their their best it was a warning to people that was it was very creepy very big brother mentioned there was creepy you know it's like we know that you're following certain russian troops you were watching you be careful you may have liked something that a russian or potentially russian linked person face may how do you know their heads facebook on the other hand is going to do this they're going to write that they're going to rate reputable quote reputable news sources and they're going to make sure
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their readers get to these reputable news sources while the other reputable news sources the ones they don't want you to read just kind of how wait a way just don't disappear they tell us how this is this process is going to be done i mean is there any transparency here or is it just trust me algorithms. this is going to. kind of knock that an internal investigation into the russian influence on the u.k. or fernando and found out that russia spent oh jesus zero point nine seven cents on that adverts target in the u.k. to frown down so russian middle twenty just to a new rule and that was terrible meddling barack obama went on spoken for you were all of a stable and it was not meant to be he was just there well obviously all western media and i look at europe and i look at the united states canada all of them supported hillary clinton but that wasn't meddling that wasn't meddling with foreign meddling that he should be. there's a little bit of you see you know it all came out it said she supported hillary
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clinton and burke said it multiple times twitter ok fair enough to set out a letter to everyone you may have liked something that a russian posted on the internet that's fair enough jack. what i want to know jack is will i get an e-mail that will tell me that i may have potentially liked something that an american propaganda agent of influence posted maybe an israeli the e.u. a saudi i really you know sort of maybe george soros pierre omidyar the other technical jeff bezos did jeff bezos influence did he get anything on my twitter feed that may have influenced me i want to know this. already just branch of the u.s. government we are concerned about this because we are in media here what is the impact is it just impacting people like us that are very rigid in constitutionalist
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when it comes to freedom of speech or because my concern i mentioned this a number times in this program is that they're damaging their own business model and i'm right am i wrong or does it really matter you know i think there's a debate there how much damage going to do to their business because if you take twitter not even so much twitter i would say facebook and google we have a metric google is doing a lot of the same practices that facebook is doing there they're actually much more advanced than facebook is to be honest and they and they own instagram they own whatsapp your facebook and google lots of the writing of properties and they control eighty percent of the advertising facebook and google alone on the endlessly globally now what they what they do to a website an alternative website a website that's just getting started or is not as big as say the new york times or the washington post facebook and google have the means to either make your site grow very large very large or they have the means to completely shut you down and no one's going to be able to find you if you can't find the website via google or facebook you're writing in the dark you're lost you're lost so this is a very serious. of course you can say they're private companies and they have the
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right to do whatever they want to have become utility exactly the kind i was going but they've got gotten to the point where they become utilities and if they continue this they need to undergo some sort of regulation because alex you know we had standard oil and there was a whole populist progressive movement to break up this very damaging monopoly i don't mark to maybe i'm missing it where is the talk about breaking up these monopolies eighteen t. that that was a concerted effort this google and some of the most powerful entities that if they ever existed before company on the planet google why would they want to pick them up when they're right now operating as u.s. government schools i mean the idea that you would break them up why they're fully cooperating hand in hand with the u.s. deep state there's no reason for them to do. and i think this brings us. to the very good point of what the end goal here the end goal here isn't even not letting
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you hear what our t.v. or chinese media has to say that the goal is to suppress internal internal dissent it is to strangle the ultimatum both left right all right far left either way the progressives write anything outside the mainstream anything you know but what like the new york times in the washington post which is by the way also owned by jeff bezos the washington post what they want you to know right i mean the very slogan question more offends them because it really means question them a question there they're going to like i can call it the american officials when they used to argue would be he was also they sat there so we indulged same bad thing so these families in country but wasn't so indulged a european thing seems that the times almost all critics called the enlightenment that's went down that's what the whole lot of it was about gentlemen we're going to jump in here i want. my guests here in moscow and thanks to our viewers for
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yes there was but okla market you've come. up remove the last ltr nobody else i believe will do it so let's move there we're going to move a wall so we will put you know one of the up and stuff and we will push it back so feet you think you can. find out if you can do to get some other were you scouts move you but you could still be you know t.g.v. field reason if you look good feel it was more than a billion playbacks leafless if you do the washing machine you can you get other cool useful but then you know my boss may be getting a stroll in my suspicion i'll post a. few. feet of the feeling of relief i believe because god.
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was. called at the. time not lalama not the why did i have a good the. one via the i was in the how john i am. stuck going to live the good with the. bad in that i had a shelf warning not good and this led. to. that anger that lashed all allowed to get the long walk for just so. internally i live in feeling that you have been. he shot the dude of those who don't want to look at
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them and then you have to mature into child john i. don't know what. i did to you know i. really did you know sometimes not legally to all all of the diet surely damaging they don't much. know. who done is done in. to show we're not. going to i had you know we were dealing with it there are. not life going to move oil to. all of sudden shot i learned. how to smuggle him a hug me. under the lid we're born in.
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june and then have a good luck getting there not have. but then got the floor filled with the love what her love dog alert the nation of the list. you know one long. blood and the other shown on her own washing the has. a soul of some of. the mind and all the hazards that no walk run wild now has us not of and and. a one on one over to our own would go with that last of all the are just other mark latham. to do with us aside the will. marchioness to buy just as loudly and watch it in my first run. of the most awkward around one hundred s. . this want to root out the the. how. admit it and the best q.b. has set aside the show and add the bit to get a chuckle out of them them
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a little. bit later on when i was by a shadow off the dish and on top of a town been invited to go out of a town to skins or spoke out on. still the. end of the road and all that would do any good as far as shut up and cano down in there and phone home. and. you know what on home we say one idea when we should one home or i know i don't so i said no home enjoy not what i saw the high but little. and. as of this. sexual healing body if i could be a. little girl yeah i cried for a nano if it cheap. i turned around to. do
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sort of the. initial thought i thought i had a dismal take up but i can if i think it's nearly the start who shot you haven't a clue as. to nick because i think. of the twentieth joe hardy nanny or she could well be good enough of a mix yeah you. can head off a lot of the talk of a job on the side of a kid a fuckwit. and that he had a lot of tech to get out. of like he had in the south of life have been juggling with so little. to be good and good when you get that you have to train so to. visit. to a. gun to. school
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the school. who are. there are. gonna get kind of a good plan is that he shall get a life when many of the shadows this out of the shelter had yesterday and she had no fight she should know by dead to shout at me so would i say of why anyone come over it i just said i in your opinion we are. getting has affected my our way i'm not quite a welcome home with lots of pull him up finery so i went ahead and i let you know how what i was i was shocked but i'm. sure what all the footage of initiation what i think. i'm really going to sure it will never go they managed it.
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i don't feel. so good. it. does sound as though the head of the wash in the settlement was me a little. more job at a no go to tell you no hold on a high out of the market. that was my son. why. did you move to talk of a shot of childhood on dog school and the only i had a plan more know why i won national no more name i was out and out.
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league look at that i think of a. good idea he can lie that i believe in the seriousness of what they tell. us all not his. citizenship this leads me to i'm a good boy it was to see. it just got to that she was so let's just get a job as a. follow. up to the list but. good. luck to work up. that i haven't got the time it sounded and that's. what.
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oh it. was. but it still was going to be. as you meds. as well i mean we certainly can you show. me macho you won't get up cause i mean. you can. turn on my other watch. the on the ad for since i have. to. say oh yeah i know this computer off of there still has. my delicate. issue of how it has dual core stuff or what it flickers. as it might be a little going to be.
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