tv News RT January 23, 2018 12:00pm-12:31pm EST
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triggers and open things are now being accused of accidentally on purpose leaving controversial important data state to watch. as read the stand and hear from us and. move on what. i know that i know right from i think that there are rather you know that are before far down to care that. i'm going to let them but when i catch them then you cut them and keep an eye on what i have seen as a channel for truffle that it doesn't have. a lot of work then
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i'm modeling my michelle the downside of. the other thing they owned my. number set up around the hay from the innocent doing. good for told. the i knew you have them and they are chime in syria has said. to these she ought to give up somewhere else for the name after a couple fronts around the mr hates it for jim and then i hope that our family in the course. of the. when lawmakers manufacture consent instead of public wealth. when the room in clusters protect themselves. when the final merry go round lifts only the one percent. with
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no middle of the room sick. anymore you mean. hey everybody i'm stephen ball. task hollywood guy will suspect every proud american first of all i'm just george washington and r.v.'s to suggest this is my buddy max famous financial guru well he's a little bit different i'm not a abraham lincoln or no no no one knows up with all the drama happening in our country i'm shooting the road have some fun every day americans come calling and hopefully start to bridge the gap this is the great american people which.
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is this is harlan kentucky. over all of this move the employees it was greenwich street fanny's. a coma any city with almost no coal mines left. the jobs are gone all the polis a said that was a laugh to see these people the survivors of a world disappearing before their eyes. i remember thinking when i was younger that is. anything ever happened to the coal mines here in that it would become a ghost town but i never thought in the million years i would see that in the end it's how it's happened.
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in two thousand and seven after the public outcry over the bush administration's use of warrantless domestic surveillance a federal court ordered the n.s.a. to preserve a trove of intercepted web data that was at the heart of a legal dispute over domestic surveillance well too exactly nobody is surprised it now turns out that apparently the esteemed a wiretapping agency lost approximately seven years of controversial intercepted data the data you see was lost during a broad housecleaning effort and had to go to make room for you guessed it new surveillance data ironically this news appeared within days of president trump citing a bipartisan bill broadly reauthorizing the n.s.a. surveillance authorities even as republicans in congress raise hell over a classified memo that allegedly documents the various surveillance abuses
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committed by the f.b.i. and d.o.j. and the russian collusion investigation so to bring us some clarity if possible in a week of wide ranging surveillance news we welcome former cia analyst ray mcgovern to the show welcome ray thank you very much. i got i was grew up about what exactly was in the data that the n.s.a. purged and just tell our viewers why was it important to hold onto that they just miraculously lost by accident i'm sure. well tyrone nobody knows this because it hasn't been much in the press but in april of last year there was a study done of the faces that is the foreign intelligence surveillance act the court judgments on things presented to them by the are done by the obama administration and no fewer than eighty five percent of them were shown to be
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illegal and illegally given to people who are not authorized to get them to use a kinds of things that can be used not only in prosecutions but as blackmail or in leaks to the press so this is a great country isn't it i mean this is the situation it's not only wish it's not only his fellow trouble it's obama it's everyone who plays fast and loose with the the laws and the question to sions fourth amendment protects us presumably or at least literally from illegal searches and seizures without a court warrant. no matter how you slice it it looks pretty bad for the n.s.a. has it was not a lot of criticism over the last well forever. do you think this is a k. is of and this is a question i often have because i don't know how to answer it because i'm between two things is it just a case of mitt's mismanagement and incompetence or is this deliberate keeping information and
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a deliberate coverup. well i like to be very charitable and forgiving but even i still much of a stretch to think this is gross incompetence solo there is gross incompetence by the bushel at n.s.a. now this is deliberate let's face it these things were incredibly embarrassing not only was it n.s.a. but the once it f.b.i. and this isn't a question it's that the same materials who sent lead it just at the same time by both agencies i mean give me a break they had to people's because if you left one with this information then you don't protect everyone who is involved so this is pretty sinister this is the deep state in action and i'm sure that representative newness has information bearing on these things even though the tapes themselves have been deleted you know it's interesting is the in those cynical look at things we'll have
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to ask you know the warrantless surveillance camera when the george w. bush didn't seem to have a long lasting effect on public opinion and considering how little progress we've seen you know tragically neither denied snowden revelations at least you know in the decision makers do you realistically think we'll ever see a truly open real debate about government surveillance state in our country in the halls of congress are we ever going to see that. but this is what to watch for terror on what needs to happen now is representative newness needs to give the information he has to the attorney general. if you're in a journal can be a great jury the great jury issue indictments and you know even though it is a stretch at this point to have the perception in a sense these crooks are necessary because they say officials. do deserve the presumption of innocence but you should get a jury to decide that not mcgovern which i wrote a tab of thank you you were very right on that front is that interesting ok the
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news comes out the same week that congress reauthorizes the government's fi's authorities and also the same week that this classified memo surfaces allegedly detailing intelligence community surveillance abuses when monitoring the trump campaign so. what do you think the president has allies would have had some qualms about signing off on such broad surveillance powers after he spent so much of the last year and his campaign talking about the deep state now that the state was going to get him and we had to worry about it and yet now here we are he's giving the deep seas that is not just getting in bed with the day of state he's married he sighed over as. he's adopted a couple of kids they got a dog like their or their buddy buddy now. isn't that odd then that makes one wonder what's right what's going on help me but without question i could help you so it isn't that what it isn't i think well thought of. i don't have to figure
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trump i mean he knows that he himself and his closest advisors like. general flynn were victims of this skullduggery this playing fast and loose with the fourth amendment and why he signed that thing where well he sort of change his mind he was in the senate then later they all we have moved aside it's well you know he makes compromises and the deep state does have chapter and verse on trump himself so this is not a new tactic you know when james komi the head of the f.b.i. when trump was president elect and first few weeks of his presidency when he lingered behind on the it's the sixth of january two thousand and seventeen and said no mr trump. brennan and rogers have kind but this is very delicate information we have this dossier and it's not for
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a fight but tests terribly scoreless and you say shit about what you did in moscow and that which is what we just want to let you know that that's out there and you know it was just just to let you know who it said all about you know all about you yeah that's what tyrone your dad told me happens when one comes it's a high office they take a side and say now ok no we have this information so the bottom line is if you don't play ball with the deep state you could be scurrilously depos for what it one reason or another whether it's real or whether it's fabricated i remember that well actually. my father won because it was very interesting within a few months and suddenly was having you know twenty three cia agents brought him into. the basement of the capitol and essentially just posed and when i asked him all these questions about how he wanted all that just kind of letting their presence known there and then when he was governor he did it and then of them had
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any last names i talked to your dad you know it's very marketable it's illegal it's beefsteak erks and they do have lots of goods and lots of people and when people say what americans say as they did after it's notan talked about turnkey charity most americans said well i'm clean. but that to be afraid of well. we turned to to a stasi member stussy who's the east german secret service people who kept a list listening here if people should just leave india under the lives of others they know what it's like that great film and we talk to bush done schmidt who is a like tenet kerguelen stassi research what's going on what do you say to people who say i've got nothing to hide the by the way if you're really saying is this. is terribly naive so he just were to this information on who is truly who said they
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get you don't get to decide how it's you will loose and just leave it to a part of it it's being used against you is too tired of it it. is a first place. that's experts and i was reading we all have to go there is that idea that we get so we're naive in a world that you know where you have major politicians going don't upset the then teligent community don't have such a deep state or they'll get you know and you know but none of us are supposed to be paranoid about things like that they have all our information you know they've literally given us every reason to be paranoid and terrified and buy whatever it is or agree to everything i want to ask you if i gave you if i gave you the superpower right now to change like one thing in our intelligence community to make it work better to get away from what we're talking about what would that be. i would put in a new national intelligence director of impeccable integrity now you may have to
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look around in the country for somebody like but you can't find when the president is asleep or you will never hear from him but his predecessor was a crook so if you want to give the director of national intelligence more than just titular authority over what happens in the intelligence committee you put it very in there like stansfield turner admiral for starters u.s. navy who served as the director of central intelligence underachievement carter he just died three days ago when you were i worked for him go they needed it wasn't afraid it was you try to play it on the president's team and if you had enough noses out of joint it did it was necessary popular but it made the community work that's what you need these villages community that's what we've missed since i mean turner well thank you as always very for coming on and giving us or perspective on these issues facing us today it's a truly a great pleasure thank you are most welcome. nearly
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four hundred fifty two or seventy five percent of the world's active volcanoes are found in the ring of fire a twenty five thousand square foot area in the basin of the pacific ocean and one of those is about to erupt the manila in the middle of philippines mt may own the centerpiece of a unesco biosphere reserve has been raised to a threat level for just one spot below the highest warning available for eruption detection eruptions of steam and rock began in december of two thousand and seventeen causing the danger zone surrounding the volcano to be increased to a full eight kilometer radius the volcano may own as over eight thousand feet tall and sits above a mostly agricultural region in the area but don't worry the philippines office of civil defense are evacuating not only tens of thousands of people by. also setting up evacuation areas for paid was water buffaloes cows and poultry as of january
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there were six thousand nine hundred seventy three families or twenty six thousand people housed in evacuation centers with that number expected to hit seventy five thousand and more if the eruption is as massive as some fear i'm at i really hope that i really hope that everybody gets out of there in time before you talk about the spectacle of nature that's that's you see it right there what it will wait for yet we forget and the major has and i do hope that they can get those people out of the path of that thing that is our show for you today everybody and remember everyone in this world we are no longer told that your loved enough so i tell you all i love you i am tired robot and on top of the wall if people are watching those hawks and have a great day and night everybody. prescribe
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medication is widespread on the us market and a frequent cause of death at that point in my life i just felt like everything was ashes my family was literally coming unglued i had actually planned. to commit some site watch all who has made antidepressants so commonly used we were doing what the doctors want us to do we were being responsible and what the real side effects. was is jealously alter what i did was done on a cocktail of lethal drugs. just because something's legal doesn't mean it's something. else it was pretty hard with a clear large supply of it but you can. help remove
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the last election i believe will move forward slowly duncan we will all soon but you know one of the most often little bushes i saw. thank you for trying. to move into. the skies more with you the who cooks believe you know gene please easy show during the book stage. you will more than a million bucks to. the procedure to the armor issue you can you get other colonies up when you tell us maybe it did to us all but you're using my suspicion. here's what people have been saying about redacted in the night with the six hundred full on awesome the only show i go out of my way to launch you know what it is that really packs a punch at least yampa is the john oliver of r t america is doing the same but we are apparently better than blue nothing that is
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a paper you've never heard of love redacted the night president of the world by. harry was really seriously send us an email. here you. talk to profiteer said this was their year toy such a go to all kinds of crazy i know it sure. our experiencing a bit of a fall back. a little. zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero. zero zero zero zero zero. zero.
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zero. zero zero leaders decide on the economic forum in davos with donald trump you to attend a government shutdown and we look at their agenda expected to go way beyond the global economy also to come. over one hundred french prisons are facing stuff blockades as guards demand better security after a spate of violent attacks by inmates. and the f.b.i. is missing crucial employee text messages according to the latest revelations from washington it's believed they could have shed light on potential bias within the agency.
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to international live from a moscow studio with me in a day or two. welcome to the program the luxury swiss resort of davos is opening its doors to the annual world economic forum but going through the guest list you might think this year is even more about politics than economic security a record number of g seven leaders are expected to attend and that includes the u.s. president to as jacqueline do the reports. today is the first official day of the world economic forum here in the swiss alps and it has attracted a number of political heavyweights that are going to be in attendance everyone from trees the mayor to mccraw on merkel justin trudeau and surprisingly enough donald trump he has a speech scheduled for later this week that is much anticipated and it will make him this second u.s. president to ever attend most the first being bill clinton back in two thousand now in time government shutdown back at home did put his trip under question for a little while but things are back on track at this point of course many are very
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curious about how his america first actually fit in with the globalist atmosphere that the forum both although no one's really expecting him to conform to that this year in general shaping up to be a whole new davos with the politics of the last year creeping in and the economic focus being a bit blurred first of all this is the first year ever that the summit is chaired by only women and a number of the discussions really don't seem to have much of an economic focus at all discussing things like race privilege and sexual harassment the hottest trends of two thousand and seventeen of course and v.i.p.'s are not the only thing descending on davos the past few days have seen almost two meters of snow fall leaving a lot of concerns and its wake the local authorities have warned of the possibility of avalanches the helo pad in davos was closed down for a few hours even the question of how the leaders are going to get to the forum perhaps we'll see them all. done with reality economic environmental social and political for. avalanche territory noise can bring the home. comes to town on
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friday turns out davos is actually the social experiment when you gather a bunch of the piece then make them carry their own language. and stand in lines with each other out. wonder what would happen if. no one could leave for a week and the world realized that it could run itself without the business and political elites. are joining us live now is generous. to talk about what's going on in the world economic forum welcome to the program. this year that seems a little bit different doesn't it why do you think that's a shift in focus. why is that is that fickle for me being an old white male to say things about that because the social issues of two thousand and seventeen including. inclusiveness. was mentioned and all the things have been everywhere in the new. actions and reactions.
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harvey weinstein saying and the reaction of people like attained a nerve that sounds important maybe but not as important as the economics of the summit that's the reaction of an old white male so i don't know how this will develop i will follow of course with great interest but i think that the north america europe japan and all the developed nations have never been as inclusive as they are now all told by the way of course there are reactions to certain things like the migration crisis but the people are used to it now much more than before and we are very inclusive it's not a time for crusades and. what we're seeing is a record number of leaders attending this time why do you think that they're out in . well for us to the american president will be there so to
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be probably very fun to to watch sometimes and of course davos is increasing in reputation and it's very important for people to to network there for thirty high level people in the economic world to two networks that's their main purpose of being there and also to be seen probably maybe it's very expensive the ticket is fairly expensive to attend and so that's the main reason it remains economic though of course the result lot of decoration on the environmental front on the social issues i don't think there will be prominent in maybe in the press conferences but not in the real discussions going on that will be much more economic and the reason for those high number of attendees is probably simply because it gets more important with the years now it is unusual isn't it in europe and i'm interested to hear what you think the difference is between both and of the world summit.
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it's difficult to say it's so it's also a part of. communication and the way that their partner and some communication depart managed to present it. managed incredibly well and everybody in the world knows that it is the key place for high level discussions concerning the evolution of the world with the leaders of this world including the microsoft and. google and others as well as the traditional industries so this is important also politicians meet the business leaders there that's you know everything and they managed the source pretty well ok thanks for joining us here on the program janice lucrative a world economic forum in that month. as you heard the three day government shutdown in the u.s. has finally come to an end after president trump signed
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a bill congress now has two weeks to find an agreement on the immigration act the main sticking point between the republicans and democrats however the mainstream media is still focusing on the failures of donald trump even though the shutdown two weeks shorter than the previous one suffered under the obama administration that should have been a day of celebration for president from one year in office the one year anniversary of his presidency but the party he planned it mar-a lago is no more at the moment because you're waking up to a government that is shut down this is hard stuff for him this is first anniversary tomorrow he's got a big party and then he's going out to show the world what a great job he's doing as president he is a domestic crisis if he was such a great deal maker the government wouldn't be close to what it. for the first time in seventeen years much of the federal government is shutdown congress failed to agree on a new funding board midnight deadline the public of course is increasingly
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disgusted by what they're seeing going on or not going on in washington and the latest a.b.c. news washington post poll showed majorities disapproving of the president and both parties in congress. two thirds of french prisons are under a nationwide blockade stuff continue a two week long strike over a lack of security the protests began after an increase in violent attacks on prison guards by inmates one of the hot spots is the flirty jail near paris is the largest in europe and holds more than four thousand inmates it's also used to monitor suspected extremists among them. who faces trial over the twenty fifteen paris terror attack and the stuff protested clashes erupted with police outside the prison.
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which is about is today we've all come here for strike because discontent is spreading across from the crucial program the security prison personnel top of that is the issue of islamic radicals but also if you're right you're you're not isolate other inmates. you know where you live it's dangerous for us to be around the inmates because for them we are everything to hate for them we are enemies. he joins us live now from paris charlotte there's been almost two weeks of protests do you think the demonstrators feel they've made any progress at all. well we're not sure about the. we know that the talks are continuing with the justice minister today between the unions and to over what can be done to alleviate this issue but
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what we do know is that we own day number nine this is the second week over a nationwide protests and we understand that at least seventy prisons are blockaded yet again today now they started over a week ago because three security guards at a prison in the north of france were attacked by an inmate a convicted terrorist now since that attack took place in these protests have been happening there have been more assaults and attacks on prison guards in prisons in france including two prison guards who were attacked on sunday evening now that the prison guards say that they were is incredibly dangerous they fear sometimes to go to work they fear for their lives because of the types of prisoners that they dealing with they say that in some prisons like that largest prison in europe that sometimes the inmates refuse to go back to their jails and this is a prison with a high number apparently of radical.
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