tv Documentary RT January 25, 2018 4:30pm-5:01pm EST
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place the. david and i were friends in college we're both a county majors david was that funny brilliant guy that yours wanted in your group david was a guy you'd want to be in states about to us explain when you met him. he was open it was funny he was very witty my dad was a very caring father. very funny too it wake me up in the morning singing whatever group i was into at the time it was spice girls when i was little it's a brilliant auditor auditing for a major corporation is stressful and there's a lot of things that go with that if you want to do the right thing david was a guy like any of us had his share of challenges in life we all did we went to the psychiatrist in early two thousand and six and he said well what about prozac you have a chemical imbalance. it's the standard of care it's what they do it's almost
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a marketing strategy that works you know. i have a disease within days of ingesting prozac david crespi became troubled towards the end of just talking back and forth he said do you ever feel like life is too dark to go on it's crazy it's not the way i think those thoughts are natural to me i recall a few events from the day before that would suggest that he was going psychotic david was jumping out of the bed and walking around to throw rug and hitting each corner and then jumping back into bed and i'm going what are you doing is it just feels good well now i attribute that to act the zia. tragedy was january twentieth two thousand and six on that day took all the kids to school left to go get my haircut left the girls in the care of their loving father they were in as. and when i came back into the neighborhood after being gone for an
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hour and fifteen minutes i saw a police barricade and i saw some of my very concerned neighbors coming towards me the police officer asked my name and he said we're going to need you in this house . so much. i called my dad in california and i made sure my step mom was right next to him and i said you know dad i have to tell you something really hard i said i am in the back of a police car and i've just been told that david killed. what he did. so how many can stab. a family care a little bit harder. i know i know it's true therefore i be very down the way i. adored salman tassel as we all did started wailing and i could hear her on speaker phone and my dad goes honey dave not to that david is not like that you are
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mistaken and i wish i were but i am in the back of a squad car. crispy children are scooted from the police and were told nothing until kim arrived at the station they really thought that their dad had killed himself my mom came in and told us that they're telling me that your dad killed your sisters we had to use the language they're telling me because we couldn't believe that's what actually happened. the idea of him killing doesn't sam was so foreign but they knew something had happened and that's how the whole thing started i went to the doctor and i can remember saying i'm afraid i may heard someone or she said your compact too compassionate to do that that's just the depression talking never was anybody ever saying the medicine
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could do this psychosis the drug killed our daughters he. was his gellatly altered my dad in his right mind when you have done anything like this i can remember this battle of these thoughts are real because when you have a complete psychotic break like that and you kill two of your most treasured people in your life people that every other day every other day he would have died for them what i did was done on a cocktail of lethal drugs we were doing what the doctors told us to do we were being responsible just because something's legal doesn't mean it's safe. and for all of that we're serving to back to back life sentences. july thirty first two thousand and four i had been on paxil for three weeks i took ian to a hotel room in london ontario and at three o'clock in the morning thinking that he
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had permanent brain damage that he was living hell he was going to kill my daughter julian he was going to harm other kids and my wife was going to risk rate down which were my five delusions i strangle them and i sat with his body for six hours until i called the police in one o'clock in the morning very calmly saying that i had committed homicide and opened the door for them and then i was arrested and charged first degree murder when the police came in and arrested me now ask me why i did not run i said i want to stay with my son is in a better place now he was living how and i stay with him as long as possible. for fourteen long days david carr michael was psychotic and suffered drug withdrawals in his jail cell before awakening to the ultimate tera psychosis lasted for two weeks and african my psychosis a couple weeks after everything happened i was devastated i cried for three days in segregation the london middlesex attention center i cannot believe what i had ian
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was laid to rest by david's family it would be months before d.n.a. tests indicated that carmichael's body was unable to metabolize the paxil he'd ingested and that the drug was the likely cause of this unthinkable act dr peter bergen says he's seen it all before many people do not have the a ray of enzymes in their livers to properly destroy s.s.r.i. drugs when they get no bloodstream so the judge pierce the liver and they don't get quote metabolized me they don't get broken down so you might get the equivalent of a ten milligram dose of an s.s.r.i. but your blood level is thirty or forty and there are studies out of australia correlating the violence with the lack of the enzyme for these trucks the public has no understanding of how part or other as a society trigger homicidal psychotic episode and they may not care now but there
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is evidence based on d.n.a. their past what did cause me to kill my son and it's something that i have to live with. and i want to mourn the power you know my stigma or is after church a pretty thing around met loans us. and people beat me up emotionally when i'm out there that's why they'll never be me up as much as it be myself of her life for her part jillian who was only fourteen when the tragedy occurred says she grew up the day she grasped what it really happened to her father i realized who he was before who he was during the period of time that he was taking medication. and i realize it was two different people david credits julian is the reason he did not take his own life while in prison there were several times where i was either in jail or in a psychiatric hospital where i related to my own life what kept me going was my daughter julia said one line and it was i'm a good dad i'm going to be
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a dad again and that was my hope and you know joy in whatever she was doing wherever she was was thinking that she wanted her dad back in her life to how could i not accept him back you you know he's an amazing man he's my father and i love him david carmichael was found not criminally responsible for his son's death as two psychiatrists one working for the defense and one for the prosecution both agreed that he was psychotic at the time of the tragedy i was like to care about this another is the empathy for me but i think you know what i tell you what i. serve. there the pain will never go away ian was just an amazing person and he was an amazing brother and he was an amazing friend and amazing son he just he had so much life yeah sorry. by two thousand and four the british
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government had virtually banned access our eyes for children and young adults in light of the real risk of suicide and violence but in america the us f.d.a. remained unconvinced and demanded more studies for over twenty years thomas lacan was head of f.d.a. psychopharmacology division and had been in the sick of the s.s.r.i. controversy since well before the one nine hundred ninety one prozac hearings lockring left f.d.a. in two thousand and twelve and started a new business dedicated to helping drug companies get f.d.a. approval for their drugs but he was not alone at the intersection of public service and personal profit i do not find from the evidence today that there is credible evidence to support a conclusion that an ide to present drugs cause the emergence and or the intensification of suicidality and or other violent behaviors when dr daniel casey resurfaced nine years after the one thousand nine hundred one prozac hearings he
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chad he did so as a paid expert witness for pfizer attorney andy victory conducted the deposition you were the chairman of that committee for several years right yes the chairman of that committee who is moderating it in a public building in a public place was wearing a bulletproof vest dr casey did you wear a bulletproof vest at that meeting yes. i do you ever wore one part of that well have you ever worn one set you know because either one of the family members of the people men are by president would shoot him you certainly did not believe it was felt from the eli lilly side of the coin did you know no conflict of interest and yet that would not affect your objectivity so your testimony yes.
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we're told the secret society existed within the f.b.i. with the sole intent to undermine canada and then later president donald trump also we're told the f.b.i. last text messages from members of this secret society with russia gave rapidly losing steam and we now have f.b.i. get. this is harlan kentucky. over all of this move the voice recorder industry fanny's remainders. a co money since it was almost no coal mines left. the jobs are gone all the coal miners the said i'd. live to see these people are survivors of a world disappearing before their eyes. i remember thinking when i was younger that if anything ever happened to the coal mines here that it would become a ghost town but i never thought in the million years i would see that and it's how
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it's happened. everybody i'm steven both gosh task hollywood guy will suspect every proud american first of all i'm just george bush and r.v.'s to say this is my buddy max the famous financial guru just a little bit different i'm not a abraham lincoln or no no no one knows up with all the drama happening in our country i'm shooting the brood have some fun meet everyday americans come home and hopefully start to bridge the gap this is the great american people which. on. the physical. you know one of the things we saw this entire campaign leading up to trump's
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election was very little discussion of the facts nobody said look you know you may be the smartest person in the world in your area of cheating people in the real estate market but when it comes to actually understand economics you have no background i think any you know a good economist could possibly have won that election had the press paid and the attention to that. in a remote town in western canada the stephan family was facing a life and death struggle in the shadow of the rocky mountains two of debbie stephens children were exhibiting the same symptoms that had ultimately claimed her life joseph was becoming frighteningly violent and his sister autumn was succumbing to severe bipolar with its mecurio mood swings their father tony stuff and was desperate and searching for any way to save his children when drug after drug
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failed the answer came from what seemed the unlikeliest of places micronutrients mainly minerals i remember the earlier days of you know doing the the testing with nutrients and and different things i think they were trying to reduce some liquid mineral thing too you know so it's not like you to drink or cup of something it could be an ounce and i don't think it worked very good and it smelled funny i remember the smell and i can still taste in the back of my throat i think they burned it i'm not sure we put him on a cocktail that contain vitamins minerals any arguments an amino acids i was absolutely livid when i found out that he had taken just off of his medication and i said some terrible things to him i told him that it was on his head the next suicide in this family was going to be has fought i remember about six weeks into this program that we sat together on the couch and he said where was
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or. what happened to me why was i so angry all the time so don't go there you don't have to live the day you're here in the present it was like one day waking up and a fog had completely they have to die and that was amazing it was it were very real turning point in my life with joseph on the mend tony steph and then turned his attention to his daughter autumn who had been in and out of psych wards. i won't say that i forced her to do it because it doesn't some politically correct but i constrained her to do it you know and she she just didn't believe that this was going to work at all first it was just just keep taking your medications i don't care you know take your meds take this weather just keep taking it so they waited until i had a little med breakthrough and i went rummaging for a knife and there was and screaming involved and he and this friend of his who
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happened to be a psychiatric nurse. stuffed me with a bunch about a van and pope made a bed and then while i was still really nicely sedated again force feeding me the concoctions back in one thousand nine hundred six when i first met autumn string him it was the first day i also met her father tony stephan and she was sitting there in front of us completely normal very bright very articulate very charming young woman. doing very well on vitamins and minerals but she had lived through this horrible horrible period and could remember it so vividly it was very impressive you knew that you were hearing a true story and i think that that has come through consistently with autumn these were just three people from southern alberta who believe that they had fixed two children in tony's family and they did it with vitamins and minerals off the shelf
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and they just desperately wanted a scientist somewhere to take them seriously and do some research when stefan untrue who approached dr caplan in one thousand nine hundred six she was the director of behavioral research for the university of calgary as a scientist she was highly skeptical and sort the notion of utilising minerals for mental illness was simply proposed for us i thought well that's impossible you can't do that there's no way it would have that effect but i think that line of thought. is reflective of our lack of education about nutrition and the fact that blood is bathing the neurons in our brain every minute of every day bringing oxygen and what micronutrients to make those brain cells work stephan and his co-founder created a nonprofit called true hoop and after years of experimentation they developed a mineral based formula called m. power plus intrigued by autumn and joseph successful transformations dr kaplan and
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others continued studying the formula for bipolar disorder a.d.h. d. and depression he wasn't trying to build an empire when he set out to save me and joe it was was not a deliberate act the way he's not of formulator it was a conversation that led to an idea that led to an answer and that's all he was ever in it for and he's faced saw much opposition for doing the right thing he's faced a lot of opposition for that and i think it's changed the course of his whole life as it has with dr caplan when she first presented her findings about the true hope mineral vitamin combination to the canadian psychiatric association's annual meeting in two thousand and one she and the company were immediately under attack when i went to graduate school they did not prepare me to be personally attacked for just doing objective research that was a little shocking when you try investigate
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a new paradigm. the resistance is incredible i watched dr kaplan go through this we had major resistance from health care the shutting down trials i mean here the operative government had provided five hundred fifty four thousand dollars so that she could continue the work and health care that came in and swofford the trial they destroyed health canada not only shut down dr kaplan scientific investigation into micronutrients and mental health they ordered true hope to stop manufacturing in power loss when the company refused they seized the product to the us canadian border and banned it for sale in canada why we're talking about vitamins and minerals here when true hope fought back through the courts and won it wasn't long thereafter that health canada mobilized the royal canadian mounted police to conduct a gun was drawn raid at the true hope offices in alberta despite farmers falsified
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science and billion dollar fines for fraudulent marketing and in spite of millions who were harmed by psychiatric drugs health canada decided that it was this tiny nonprofit that needed to be shown the full might of the canadian government there has been a huge bias against nutrition research whose triggering that who what what is the political agenda that is continually. bombarding us with the message that taking vitamins and minerals might not be a good thing i don't get that but the result is that the there is a lot of bias against people who say not only should we take them we should be studying it more and we should see whether or not there is treatment benefit from vitamins and minerals after nearly two decades of wrangling with health canada and three quarters of a million dollars in court costs and legal fees for true hope bonnie kaplan judea rutledge and others continue to investigate the use of nutrients as a primary treatment for mental health yet the road has been anything but easy. i
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was very aware of how many people were incredibly skeptical about this work i was trained as a scientist and we need to evaluate the evidence and what has astounded me is the obstacles that we've faced in order to try to answer what's a i think a very important question for our community i happen to think that medications are very important especially in acute crises but to me they're the supplement in the ideal world i believe that it would be more beneficial to a lot of people especially developing children to be treated first with everything psychosocial family therapy etc and nutritional which is not going to cause any long term harm and that should be primary intervention there are going to be people who want to say that you know i'm just trying to make a lot of money off of
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a big made up story but my mother is dead in the ground her dad stead. and we all know how that happened. she had a prescription and and i'm not dead. and i've got four healthy kids and a great marriage and that's something i didn't expect would ever happen with me. the lesson of a generation's worth of psychiatric experiments is that regulators didn't protect the public doctors didn't protect patients journalists refused to us the tough questions the pharmaceutical companies played the system and profited handsomely and millions suffered died became addicts or otherwise harmed. these are the stories of those who have fallen and of those who have somehow survived many lost sons and daughters brothers and sisters and their tragedies forced these private
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people out of the shadows they wanted answers and were not interested in the politics of medicine if the truth had been afforded us decades ago millions would have been spared similar fates perhaps changes coming albeit too slowly but until it occurs we should take nothing for granted not our lives nor our lives or the gift of our families and friends as these letters from generation our ex have taught us there is peril in the conventional wisdom of treating so many people so indiscriminately with such powerful life changing drugs. as they move on every birthday every holiday every anniversary of a loved one's death. their only prayer is to stop this from happening to anyone else.
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but rather the sand her hair from all of them. are all over them what are some. of those that are of them are true of me but there are other democrats that are before of course america of america. i'm going to let them but i'm going to cut and then you. can keep an eye on one i don't lose a child for all years and it. sounds to me lower then i want to get monosyllables i know it does the other thing the only a lot of the. members that are on the hate alone a little do it. little. get the whole full place choice the i knew you had them and they are the time in syria since. the shiites give us. a model for the name after the whole front around the
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mr hates it for jim and then we are better for it are fairly new for. the economy. about your sudden passing i've only just learned you worry yourself and taken your last wrong turn. you're out caught up to us we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each breath. but then my feeling started to change you talked about war like it was again still some more fond of you those that didn't like to question our ark and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters the mind gets consumed with death this one
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different person to speak to now because there are no other takers. to claim that mainstream media has met its maker. how to muzzle be another touchy for a bill next year just simplified brain a lot tucked before is all over and done let up will bring in a fifty percent tax rate across the board was to be the best possible solution to the tax you know question in the us. what holds an inch to you chandrika. they put themselves on the lot. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. or some want to be rich. but you'd like to be first to see what the before three of the four ten people that have induced the holes in the waters about how. there should.
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yes there was but look with a large you can. jump in the last election i believe will do more through the young than we will all so you will find you know one of them stood up in the bushes i shall keep you from coming to you from time to understand you do the you know the middle of the scouts move you the bluecoats beliefs ninety two g.'s leave easy showed reason you took the stage. you will know the little dutch the secret of the english you can you get other cronies up when you tell. me most of this mission. was.
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turkey's top diplomatic uses the us still failing to keep promises to us turkish forces that violence against american kurdish militias in northern syria. led donald trump meets the prime ministers of the u.k. and israel on his first day at the world economic forum in davos. the russian olympic committee slams the i.o.c. for excluding some of the country's top medal hopes from the upcoming winter games inside. around the clock across the world this is our team international from the team and myself you know neil.
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