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tv   Cross Talk  RT  January 26, 2018 9:30am-10:01am EST

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so there's no there's there isn't all that much trying especially for the right to do art it's like you just got to give people a couple of beverages and not be snarling and stuff but you know i think were the days of a lot of domestic air flight airplane travel could be gotten rid of well you know some better speed rail rails or as they say i think could actually serve people a lot of that are a good point. we may think of elementary school as either an astrologer memory or for anywhere near politics or media as a burning dumpster fire of an embarrassment to us society. but up until recently much of america never really thought of the field as a commercial industry just like any other side for perhaps noticing the financial success of occasional break up products like hooked on phonics or the churn of kaplan prep courses up until that is the rise of betsy to boston education secretary complete stranger to the practical world of education and figurehead of
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what activists and parents across the country see as an organized push to privatized education and commercialize the entire k. through twelve system for more insight on this rising national debate and how it is played out at a local level in the indiana school system sean stone earlier sat down with doug marman investigative journalist and author of hoosier school heist what trump is as promised in terms of. during his campaign certainly seem to be an advocate of privatizing public education broadbent's he develops. into to run the education department and you mention to do both family having tremendous ties to the overall process of privatizing public schools so a tells you more about what the divorced family has done in that on that along that agenda and what they're what betty davis is trying to spearhead now. yeah twenty team one does not try to taunt two thousand and seven two thousand and eight there was a political posture that an indiana collusions for economic growth pact this money
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was they were receiving money from something called the american federation of children which was run by bessie the boss and the walton family so what they did was they funneled millions of dollars into indiana and twenty ten into. the past which was registered under james ball juniors as james buck jr is the more behind citizens united he's in terre haute and they were funneling money into his that address and then they were shifting it not only to the republicans in indiana but to republicans and pro-choice people all across the country we're talking millions of dollars i looked into the campaign. yesterday and in twenty sixteen i believe it was jim walton from the wal-mart family gave something like four hundred thousand dollars to this pac just in one year so we had lunch in
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twenty thousand we had about thirteen really wealthy people that were involved in this and some in indiana in the hedge fund managers in pennsylvania people that were connected. and that's what the boss and and walton has done for for education they are part of the christian right to believe that they have been put on the earth to spread god's word and that jesus basically is the cast loose the stairs so they truly believe that they are on some talking mission for god to do all this i don't know about the walton family but the wong family envisions a school system where we have a little charter school on each block just like you have a wal-mart walking is powerful. talked undershirt before when wal-mart towns in the community all the mom and pops stores closed down and the town there's not much
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left of the town so that's what they they see for education a little wal-mart charter school law and we talked a little bit about how standardized your you know was there and i said occasion doesn't necessarily breed more intelligent critically thinking people. in the public school system in general maybe you know may not be most conducive why is it that you wouldn't you wouldn't argue for the you know the idea of charter schools and private private education allowing for people to basically educate their children more we obviously see the movements going on of homeschooling taking place don't you think that the private schooling allows for more freedom of educating kids the way that parents and maybe their community wants to educate them i see your point yeah i do but at the same time if you look at indiana and i believe this is pretty much across the country most of the money for school vouchers is going to private schools from the christian right that's where the good majority of it is
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going and these people do teach a biblical capitalism ideology and are there's there's a whole history of racism there's a history of sexism discrimination against people who are different so those are the schools that are getting most of the money in indiana and across the country not the private schools that cost a lot of money really well. as far as where we mentioned earlier but about how trumpet said during his campaign he wanted to privatizing the book education system and how is this actually going as far as you know the initiatives that betty divorce is spearheading now in the top administration. yeah trouble had promised a lot more than he's actually been able to accomplish since terms of school budgets has not been much much talked of that lately now divorce has given out
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something like two hundred fifty three million dollars to expand charter schools across the country indiana receiving about sixteen million so that is taking place the school. the bait is kind of been pushed into background somewhere. and how would you say it what should the nature of public school reform really look like i mean there's always going to keisha need some level of reform how do you how would you spearhead that. i don't know i mean i think at this point. it's probably impossible to make any real change and we live in a society that if you have certain things you want to discuss you you basically cannot discuss them serve you were if i were the secretary of education i said we want to teach howard zinn and all the public schools you know that probably isn't going to go over well and your question about homeschooling actually i was talking
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to someone from indianapolis yesterday in a lot of the progressive people in indianapolis are dropping their kids out of the schools because it's not working for them the charter schools are not working for him they they really don't want to send them to a christian right school so that the homeschooling them is is an option for a lot of people absolutely became more so doug martin thank you so much for joining us and really appreciate your work and keep going keep going at it. thank you so much on. two decades ago dolly's seat was born opening our eyes to the realities of cloning and although you might not have opened up all of the success that many of hoped chinese scientists have succeeded where all the other mad. scientists failed to genetically identical long tail of cars are the first primates successfully cloned using this somatic cell nuclear transfer method of inserting the nucleus of a cell into an egg that has had its nucleus removed however these cute little
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primates weren't cloned for me it was meant they turns out the scientists hope they would be used for research on the effect of d.n.a. has their effect on d.n.a. of disease mechanisms and for the screening of drug effect of mass but science has a way of doing the impossible sometimes at least initially for some birth is we first some very humane reasons thankfully there are many alternatives to primate testing for research now so the primaries are good for primate clones isn't that may be. fair worry but people are next for the clone mystery as well were are still off far far far away away from a least that's what my clone told me do you have clones so you think you could do just one person can do that i'm so jealous i don't know how close it takes a village a clone takes a village to tell but those to do her job every day are that is our show for you
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today remember her record was world we're told the love of the soil so you all i love you i have played a role but at that time of the lawless watch of those arcs of a great figure that everybody. we're told a secret society existed within the f.b.i. with the sole intent to undermine kennedy and then later president donald trump also we're told the f.b.i. lost text messages from members of this secret society with russia rampantly losing steam we now have f.b.i. gate. prescribe medication is widespread on the us market and a frequent cause of death. like everything was ashes my
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family was literally coming unglued i had planned. to commit some sight was all who was made antidepressants so commonly used we were doing what the doctors told us to do we were being responsible and what the real side effects. was his challenge we all to what i did was done on a cocktail of lethal drugs. just because something's legal doesn't mean it's safe. haven but i'm stephen bach. to hollywood guy the suspect every proud american first of all i'm just george bush and r.v. i'm through sensed this is my buddy max famous financial guru and he's a little bit different. oh no one knows up with all the drama happening in our country i'm hitting the road to have some fun every day americans. and hopefully
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start to bridge the gap this is the great american people.
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wiki leaks chief julian assange seeks to get his u.k. arrest warrant overturned it is a palest excess he could walk free from the ecuadorian embassy in london in early february after more than five years holed up there. the u.s. accuses turkey of destabilizing destabilization northern syria with its military offensive against the kurdish militias while i'm chris says there is a crisis of trust with washington. what a shame that is think about all that this country has been through and now we're looking at another disruption the americans haven't kept their promise. this created a crisis of trust. the trust is also missing and the united states national security agency is remove the word honesty trust in allah from his official mission statement online.
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here in moscow and you're watching international live from our studio with me in india today welcome to the program the founder of wiki leaks julian simon is in launching an appeal to get his u.k. arrest warrant overturned if his legal challenge is successful he may soon be able to walk free from the ecuadorian embassy in london where he's been living for the past five and a half years that is cross live now to an associate enough for more details and to see a break down the situation for us please. call the deer are more twists and turns in the seemingly endless and extremely legally complicated case of julian assange is the founder has been holed up inside the secretariat embassy in london for over five and a half years now a crucial large hearing has taken play. in london today where a judge is considering julian assange his appeal for a potential lifting over the arrest warrant based off of his alleged breach of bail
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conditions back in two thousand and twelve now the latest understanding that we have is that decision might come not sooner than a week from now the announce date so far seems to have been february sixth where we will learn more about the fate of the julian assange case if the judge does decide to rule in his favor potential new doors will be open for himself and his legal team to consider in terms of how to move forward with his case and hopefully eventually get him out of this embassy here it has to be said of course that british officials have said time and time again that they would arrest julian assange were he to walk out of this embassy of course his concern was that he would potentially be extradited to the u.s. where he's not favored very much given the work of weiqi leaks that has been exposing some of the activities of the u.s. government and of course all of that said the reason that this situation unraveled kind of in the first place was because swedish officials wanted to follow him following potential alleged sexual abuse concerns now what is important is that
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those have been long lifted now so julian assange arguments in this latest case to have the arrest warrant lifted is that those have been dropped so any potential alleged breach of bail conditions should also be lifted and that is what we're going to find out once a judge makes a decision in this latest appeal hearing crucially of course we have to see that organizations such as the united nations have said that his detention is arbitrary and in violation of international law and doreen officials here in london have raised concerns about his potential well being seeing the situation of him staying holed up behind sort of inside four walls for so long is all beastly not sustainable according to them so lots of questions now in terms of where this case will move forward obviously what's crucial is.


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