tv Keiser Report RT January 26, 2018 11:30pm-12:01am EST
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capital didn't do their relations any good either and it even created an opening for air to want to grab the throne as leader of the muslim world to the students to . look good out of. why you backing israel whether it's or keep patient terrorism is that what you were defending one would think that the us would take the theory of their ally into consideration before making any rash decisions but instead of treading carefully washington to cut aid to all of the countries opposed to the jerusalem solution the most important problem between that states and turkey is that is that there is no you know nobody you know trusts their other one this is the main problem for tricky especially talk of people and government never rely on never trust in. you not to steer especially in those issues so whether this is all been delivered or not washington has only been tangling this not further and further. thousands of memos written by former
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pentagon chief donald rumsfeld to be made public they cover a wide range of subjects from just before nine eleven to his retirement in two thousand and six and they give some rare insight into the workings of the u.s. government. delves into the documents. here's the age of the world's mightiest army being in charge of it is a hell of a job who else suddenly has to order a full list of languages spoken in afghanistan or worry about the pronunciation of the word is lie and even hassle their assistance for a dentist's appointment like seriously that's what the only american who's twice been pentagon boss was up to donald rumsfeld forget the book he wrote for future generations about his career in case you're interested in his experience thanks to the freedom of information act you can now learn directly from mr rumsfeld so
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called snowflakes what do you think i should do with this collins memo i look at it and i don't know what to do with it please take a look at this article and tell me what you think i want to do about it i need to start seeing films overheads video and photos everyone in the room is seeing all kinds of video and pictures and talking about them and i have no idea what they were talking about so the nickname snowflakes was for the tiny notes or memos for subordinates oh i'd love to have a job where i could go i've got an article here just read it didn't get a thing what should i do about it you'll find loads of snowflakes like that and the d.o.d. archive apparently that's how it works there something just pops up in mr rumsfeld's mind he types it out boom the word homeland is a strange word homeland the friend sounds more german than american let's visit about someday in the press conference the president is going to be how many and see
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meetings. could be embarrassing to think of that things are going to happen good things. give you a list of the next one will give you an idea of how tough the boss could get a staff misbehaved if people come late to meetings we should remove their plates from the table well what else can. they do if assistance just can't do their job properly if i'm going to give gifts i have to know what's in them i see islam with an ass not to see a muslim with an ass not a double c. i still need a dentist appointment with a quick summary of rummy snowflakes i merely up a tranquil. now the twenty eighteen world cup gets underway in russia this summer and autumn is over football star stein cullimore has met the man who designs the boots of some of the game's great players. one guy came to me one day and said ok i need a pair of crystal and flew crystal yet for my regular weekly game which my
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friend. goes to this sunday morning knowing. that the choose the game yeah you know. the story today in what two thousand and six seven so we left the twelve years later how many pairs of football boots some real groups in tennis shoes i need to sell for probably close to. five. and i think that what we're going to do is we're going to make some stan collymore show special boots i will make it simple really simple. just inspired by the logo of your school they look really fantastic thank you thank you saw moche wish you all the very best in the future i'm going to send you some black leather fulfilled briefs and see what we call example.
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local walk w one the idea that dropping bombs brings police to the chickenhawk forcing you to fight the battle. when you talk to try to tell you to be gossiped about by. advertising telling you pull it out. that we don't want to watch. welcome back journalists in the u.s. have not used a significant change to the online mission statement of the national security agency apparently the words on a state trust and openness and now gone the old core values used to begin with the word on a stage saying the american people have placed great trust in the n.s.a.
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and the agency promise to all of that with openness but now it starts with the phrase commitment to service and here's how the n.s.a. explained the changes it's nothing more than a website update that's all it is. the effort to delete words that are that mean a lot to americans such as honesty and transparency and what have you has is something that. is important but if if the national security agency's deleting it i think that it means that they're getting more according to reality as to just how these intelligence agencies work they are they're not called the deep state for nothing and and the only thing that they did did agree that they did keep was the provision of. respect in the law and had by but even there they fudge on that. a mosque or cinema has been raided off why police after
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a show the newly released british satire the death of starling the venue decided to screen the film despite it being found in russia oh wow. when asked if this british movie follows the last days and death of joseph stalin as well as the political infighting that ensued so why is it having a problem here in russia it's not about starving themselves but it is about the timing the showing of this movie was supposed to coincide with the anniversary of the battle of stalingrad it was one of the most decisive moments in the second world war and it's bloodiest battle and since this movie is dark comedy it is showing in a rather satirical way some of the people that made this victory for russia in that
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war possible so some are saying that this movies is a bit insensitive for the veterans and those who cherish the memories of the great patriotic war many elderly people will perceive it as an offensive mockery of the soviet past the country that conquered fascism and most disgusting the victims of stalinism we don't have censorship we're not afraid of critical assessment of our history. such movies shouldn't even get into russia they shouldn't be discussed just don't let them be shown. i'm ready to come to the cinemas where the film will be shown to speak to those who bought tickets the film is a provocation that might add fuel to the fire so the russian ministry of culture decided to revoke the license of the movie when it comes to public opinion well it's played some agree that some may find the timing a bit insensitive others are saying it's art it's not intended to be story accurate
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and that people probably shouldn't be taking it too seriously. i don't think they should have banned it whether one likes it or not is this person's business i lived during the time and i saw talents funeral i was there and what i just showed doesn't offend me. well it's a terrifying film. i left as a comedy i think it would be well received in most countries i'm not sure it would be as funny. for british canadian or american people or for those who know the historical context but for me it was interesting and it was a good comedy is very important to show the film and i'd like to thank the pioneer cinema for ignoring the ban on the film it's worth the risk a few months ago a russian movie found itself in an identical situation the film called matilda was telling the story of the last russian tsar nicholas the second and his love affair with a ballerina and the reason that movie faced so much opposition both from the politicians and from ordinary people in the street is because according to the russian orthodox church nicholas the second is
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a saint so some details of his personal of his love life could be disturbing to a religious person in russia the outcome of that story was the movie was allowed to be shown and people had a chance to make up their own mind while the fate of the death of starland remains in limbo because down a party. now the u.k. defense secretary has accused russia of a plot to damage the british economy and kill thousands of people gathered williamson made those comments in an interview with british newspaper the daily telegraph what they're looking at doing is they are going to be thinking how can we just cause so much pain to britain damage its economy ribot's infrastructure apart actually cause thousands and thousands and thousands of deaths but actually have an element of creating total chaos within the country well russia's defense ministry has responded to those claims saying they belong in a comic book world monte python sketch williamson's remarks appeared in the same
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week that the u.k. military called for more funding to tackle the alleged russian threat there's also been media speculation of possible russian cyber attacks needed nuclear war but it's unclear what those claims are based on international affairs commentator jonathan steele told us the u.k. defense secretary is just scaremongering. too soon to create is scary like this out of that silly nothing i have to distinguish between a military capabilities and political intentions just because russia has a fleet of force missiles an army that doesn't mean that russia is suddenly going to attack us just purely reveals the fact that unfortunately as a result of this increasingly bellicose so political atmosphere between nato countries the russia is taking extra precautions and testing its own reserves and possibilities for what we need is common sense we need dialogue we didn't gauge went on to discuss the differences that there are between us rather than suing
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because the difference is some of the other countries an enemy of. the european court of justice has condemned the use of sexual orientation test first because that's often hungary rejected a nigerian man's application when he failed such a test he claimed he would be persecuted in his homeland we had some contrasting news almost tory from human rights campaign a plan to tattle and total vehicle from mothers against radical islam. to get asylum based on a person's sexual orientation or gender identity requires far far greater levels of proof than for political religious or ethnic refugees so the hurdles that l.g. bt refugees have to go through in britain and other countries is much higher much tighter much stricter than for other refugees number of people making fortunate cames is really really really tiny i think that people have got genuine concerns
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about their the mass immigration coming into their countries and i think what we're actually seeing a theocracy we're using a lot of asylum seekers are claiming that they're being fear of persecution in their country because they gave in order to get into the country there has been a percentage of people who have lied about going in order to get access into this into certain countries including this country where is the evidence where is the evidence that all these people are making false claims can tony give me the figures on how many people in britain have made false claims of homosexuality but i don't need to give you specifics i'm telling you that it does happen and i'm saying to you that this is getting comes the european court of human rights coming in poking your nose in where quite frankly this is why some people want out of myself because they are a dictatorship we have laws in this country we have experts in this country who are really really this kind of thing for many many years the european court of justice
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decision has made in effect is a european wide ruling on what is generally agreed already by most european member states both inside and outside the european union what it's saying today is really nothing new but it does i think be very helpful for some of those former communist states who don't have the same rigorous standards as britain. and some other european countries it's not about whether it's one person twenty people fifty people one hundred people it should never be a case that we owned to my knee expert's opinion which is what you want to do pizza look on things or for the people who are guy and homosexuals in countries where they can restart and that i think is saluting the power that these people have to suffer the way that they take but i would suggest to honestly the people of these
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countries stand up and start demanding that their governments address thought very issue. i'll be back with the latest headlines in just over half an hour meanwhile for more on all of our stories. is the security and political polarization at comes but if they come back then that will. provide the right circumstances that i can bottom and for the for ice it's good to have met you again. what politicians do you should. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so you want to be president. or something want to be preached.
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that you're going to be this is what it looks like for you can't be good. i'm interested always in the why is it. question. if i were a palestinian i would seek to have myself and all of my friends and my family and leaders at the local level of the national level be arrested by israel what you need to do is hold a mirror up to the israeli people and say this is what you're creating this is the reality on the ground we're not using violence we will not cooperate with the occupation any more i plead with the palestinians to do intern and nonviolent struggle because if you use violence you will never get the support of the israelis for the world. the fight for many clubs over the years so i know the game and so i got. the ball
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isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the families it's the age of the superman each of the owners and spending children twenty million albums playing. book it's an experience like nothing else on it because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful game great so one more chance for. the next minute. i.
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know and welcome to cross talk where all things considered i'm peter lavelle we're told a secret society existed within the f.b.i. with the sole intent to undermine canada and then later president donald trump also we're told the f.b.i. last text messages from members of this secret society with russia gate rapidly losing steam and we now have f.b.i. get.
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cross talking release the memo i'm joined by my guest daniel ferrazzi in washington he's director of grassroots political consulting in atlanta we have kevin ship he is a former central intelligence agency officer as well as author of from the company of shadows and lake jackson we cross to daniel mcadams he is the executive director of the ron paul institute for peace and prosperity all right gentlemen cross titles in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want i always appreciate kevin you drove three hours to come to this program so you get your you have the honor of having the first question here ok. kevin you know i when i was growing up i was a young boy but i used to play hooky from school to watch the watergate hearings the only time i ever did that when i was a school kid even a student and it was quite fascinating it's probably why i ended up what i'm doing now and what was interesting then is that a crime was committed and then an investigation ensued and the nixon white house tried to recruit the f.b.i.
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to do dirty tricks to fix things to break the cover up go away etc etc now we have this situation in washington where it's the f.b.i. that seems to be driving what's going on here russia gate has lost a lot of steam we can still have the innuendos in the rumors and the leaks but it hasn't amounted to anything but day after day it looks like the f.b.i. is where the real problem is kevin go ahead. yes the real concern here is it appears that there's been a weaponization of the secret intelligence agencies in this case specifically f.b.i. counterintelligence and the very huge concern here is it appears that f.b.i. management colluded in f.b.i. agents actually swore false have a davids to the pfizer core to the visor core judges which resulted in n.s.a. surveillance of a presidential campaign a transition team that is very serious ok well it's called the fruit of the
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poisoned tree daniel in washington here. is there a real crisis going on here i mean this is the premier. law enforcement agency in the united states certainly maybe even in the whole world here. are these people that can be trusted last e-mail's counter-intelligence is supposed to be watching e-mails and they lose their own i mean i'm sorry it is hard for me to believe that go ahead in washington yet absolutely we have a few answers to this question one is the f.b.i. in specific since herbert hoover and the movie that was portrayed on him komi the f.b.i. has been a political institution great agents that work there and some that have left there but in the bureaucracy and the leadership it has been known as a political weapon and has been utilized look at bill clinton spec ground as well i mean it's a lot of very recent history where it's continued to be used in the way it is but
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yes we do right now have a constitutional crisis where devon noone is many of the other congressmen and house homeland security committee chairman ron johnson and his statements yesterday they have woken up to the fact of the flagrant abuse weaponization and politicization of this institution and it creates a very dangerous precedent because this goes back to a hoover style. yeah. you know and the way that they're doing things and being able to as kevin and just said surveil a candidate and surveil a transition team under false pretenses missing text messages come on there's no such thing i could recover my own if i deleted them tomorrow so this is just beyond the pale granite of the annual in lake jackson we have j. edgar komi i think is the new movie that's going to be made here. you know where
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it's very troubling is that peter struck you know he's kind of the premier character in all of this right now i mean the hillary emails and then we have the flynn interrogation eccentrics letter he still has his job why why why isn't he on leave why isn't he gone in front of a. place legal you know complicated implications of what he's done i mean there's none of it at all but we don't even hear from him go ahead. well this goes back to the the whole problem with the we are in the poorest place remember when it was first formed the first thing they did is started spying on anti-war people in the early part of the twentieth century and putting them to jail f.b.i. agents do what if the rest of us did it we would be sent to jail and that's the core problem and blundering and losing losing evidence is nothing new i look at the clive and bundy case in in the western part of the united states they absolutely
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obstructed justice they got rid of evidence to exonerate them and they were found to doing the same thing happened if you remember a few years ago in ruby ridge in waco under president clinton this is part and parcel of what the f.b.i. does this is the danger of having an organization like the f.b.i. a national police force a kind of a stasi for the united states so it really is nothing new but what they do the rest of us would be thrown in jail if we did it kevin what is jeff sessions doing i mean is he perpetually on vacation or are maybe maybe we don't know maybe he is already called some special investigations he's not obligated to tell the public that he's doing that the marriage act he really can't ok but i really have to wonder i mean you know there is so many of these things you know we want to find out there is donald trump in the white house there's jeff sessions at the department of justice
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they couldn't release any documents they want what's going on explain it kevin. well you know peter i was in counterintelligence with the cia and we were daily with the f.b.i. and at the lower levels our work with them actually fantastic f.b.i. agents but at the upper levels i can tell you we saw constant politicization by f.b.i. supervisors even leaking information to the press on cases that we had but up to attorney general sessions one thing we did learn about the f.b.i. it was kind of frustrating it will take them or year or years to investigate a case just move in plodding along dotting every i crossing every t. i think a sessions is just being careful slow and really meticulous in what he's doing it's frustrating they're not going to come out and say things that will get sessions or others in trouble until they have things solidified so although it's kind of frustrating and i hear all the time people are are wondering about sessions but
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their silence does not necessarily mean that there's a bad thing going on it could just mean that trump and sessions are building a solid irrefutable case ok well daniel in washington you think that cases against jim comi read a lynch samantha power i mean in these types of people here because it appears that they have their fingerprints all over this and then we can talk about the entire history of the quote unquote russia da ca ok which is a whole different the need to go down go ahead daniel in washington i think the problem i kind of disagree on the attorney general sessions part ok he has not been effective he has not been a good leader and he has not done what it is unprecedented when you have a change of party you get rid of all of the institutional employees and you bring in your own people this has obama attorneys working all throughout this institution he brings rod rosenstein in and also you know recuses himself instead of
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proactively addressing the administration on this a. tires special counsel investigation and in addition to that he's the white house is not known as a well run machine right now they do not have their act together internally and this is you can see it and state department d o d so many other places that really need white house direction but i find that turning general sessions is not doing his job effectively you mentioned a let me of things that he should be speaking about at least addressing and hiring and directing and he's just not doing it and i think that was you know a poor choice to have him in that position and if we had rudy giuliani right now you know you have a completely innocent situation and absolutely in the department of justice it daniel in lake jackson. is you know one of the things that we're witnessing right now and i think is the real dilemma is that you have this entire how many people in
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the highest elmo of the f.b.i. that appear to be in collusion from what we know let's be careful here and then you have this special in but you have a special prosecutor and juxtapose both of them here i mean it mother comes out with something you know and it's accusatory inflammatory there's going to be a lot of people and i'm going to be one of them going to say but what about investigating the investigators you see the kind of deadlock this is going to create and i think that's another real crisis that the country is facing there's no confidence in the probe i mean of course you would hear that on c.n.n. and n.b.c. to see i mean the junk that they spew is extraordinary but the rest of the country is listening and wondering what's going on is there a crisis here go ahead daniel jackson. well i wonder how many of the rest of us i'm sure peter you feel the same way are wondering about the mole or investigation where is russia. was talking we remember this is all about.
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you know lying to his campaign team please forgive me i forgot all about that ok you're right go ahead. you're supposed to you're supposed to just just relax you'll be ok listen to c.n.n. no no we're not talking if this was a very very limited investigation of whether the trump campaign and trump himself colluded with russia whether five or six years ago president putin woke up one morning and said you know what i've done all trump is going to be president someday so let's set up this whole chain of events to entrap him in a way that we can manipulate him and make him our puppet this is what the whole thing was supposed to be about and now we're talking about an interview with trump and mueller to talk about whether there might have been obstruction of justice when he fired komi as a previous speaker said very well he had a right to fire all these people and he should have that was probably his big mistake he's all.
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