tv News RT January 27, 2018 12:00am-12:31am EST
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was talking we should remember this is all about. well i have friends and eli and his campaign team please forgive me i forgot all about that ok you're right go ahead. you're supposed to you're supposed to just just relax you'll be ok listen to c.n.n. no no we're not talking if this was a very very limited investigation of whether the trump campaign and trump himself colluded with russia whether five or six years ago president putin woke up one morning and said you know what i bet donald trump is going to be president someday so let's set up this whole chain of events to entrap him in a way that we can manipulate him and make him our puppet this is what the whole thing was supposed to be about yeah and now we're talking about an interview with trump and ruler to talk about whether there might have been obstruction of justice when he fired komi as a previous speaker said very well he had a right to fire all these people and he should have that was probably his big mistake he's all bluster and no action ok gentlemen i'm going to jump in here we're
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going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on released a memo. this is says holland kentucky. overhaul of the move from boise it was going to be very fanny's lame only. a co money city with almost no coal mines left. the jobs are gone all the coal miners are fed ex there was a lot of these people a survivors of
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a world disappearing before their eyes. i remember thinking when i was younger that if anything ever happened to the coal mines here that it would become a ghost town but i never thought in a million years i would see that and it's happened it's happened. i played for many clubs over the years so i know the game inside guides. football isn't only about what happens on the pitch for the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super manager billionaire owners and spending two to twenty million of one fly a. book it's an experience like nothing else not to because i want to share what i think of what i know about the beautiful guy was great so what will transfer. and six points.
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as you read the stand here from us and. move from one. of our good armor on our show at the for our brothers you know what are the four parts of an attic you have a. i'm going to let in but i don't touch him any such and that kid and. i don't lose a child with a truffle that it. doesn't. work then our modeling on the show little side of it does. and model. number set up around the hay from no necessity to it. because it's whole foods first choice the i knew you had an unfair last time in
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syria has said. from the issue. of a. model for that in africa will fuck around with mr hates it for jim and then oil for food our family and of course. the money. here's what people have been saying about rejecting. bill the show i go out of my way to. really go back to. the john oliver of party americans do the same. apparently better than. i see people you've never heard of. jack to the next president of the world bank very. seriously send us an e-mail closer.
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to the. space. left alone he. said. you know. that. you speak french. welcome back to crossfire all things considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing release the memo. ok kevin let me go back to you in atlanta i guess we have another dilemma facing us here again you know there's a viewer of c.n.n. or m.s.n. b.c.
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if they accidently tuned into this program here they wouldn't have a clue of what we're talking about ok and i'm talking about really the memo and of course you know i'm really glad that twitter and facebook corrected the record you know it's not actually we're using the hash tag for this program right now but after facebook and twitter said it. wasn't russian bots ok so i want to know we're in the clear here across the uk but kevin here this memo either is good as you know it's good to unglue everything or it's the all time nothing burger because depending on what media outlet you're watching you have what you have a choice go ahead kevin. well you know this memo could and probably will unravel the russian collusion narrative right now over the memos classified secret and unfortunately the government over uses that to conceal information from congress but i think the pressure from the public is so strong that this memo will be released congressmen and senators who have seen it come out and said that is it is
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a shocking abuse of power by the f.b.i. and the cia for that matter who leaked the dustier information calling it intelligence or the memo is serious very possibly documents illegal criminal activity on the part of some f.b.i. agents we don't know whether it struck or who falsified to the fives a court and you don't live to a judge that serious this memo is going to come out i'm absolutely absolutely convinced it's going to stop the entire russian narrative and it's going to turn things back on what i hope will be a criminal probe into abuse of power and the uppermost levels of the f.b.i. daniel in washington would that prompt again betray my age here i could church commission or is it so polarized now that is would be impossible gentlemen i am very serious here even you know even if the evidence comes out there was incriminating evidence for the f.b.i. these people are very very powerful and the and they have the resource called the media behind them so this is the collision i'm worried about what people speculate
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that are in that memo memo i've been saying on this program for eighteen months so i'm not surprised ok go ahead daniel in washington. two quick points kevin i agree with that it will come out and surmountable pressure will come and there probably will be some heads that will roll because of it but as i've said on this program many times before from syria to ukraine to say sions to expansion of nato to continued provocation of russia phobia from here to the e.u. to u.k. to blame russia for everything from bragg's it to or. election the narrative will never cease against russia and their action collusion because we still seek to take advantage from russia over arctic mineral natural resources and that's what the crux of all this has been since two thousand and eleven so unfortunately even though this could be a huge smoking gun that narrative will not cease and there provocation and
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spreading that continuously you hear it every day in the halls of congress to throughout this town so that's not going to change i wish it would but it just simply won't want daniel in it like jack that's a very interesting point i believe this and russia hysteria will continue irrespective ok it's not based on anything it's just a hysterical supposition that is been inserted into public discourse here but i mean it will in this kind of goes into my mantra about the media i mean when we read the memo we all will it's only four pages of will read it very fast and will we depending on how you look at everything you're going to come to conclusions very quickly i'm pretty sure about that but you know do you think this is what really got me got my goat for the last year how is the mainstream media going to spin this i mean are they actually going to say that. the rip republicans in congress are now your drum roll everybody oh they're in cahoots with the
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russians because that's what they're going to say all of the g.o.p. in the house is working for a lot of me or putin it's not impossible daniel go ahead and lake jackson. i agree with you on that but i tend to slightly disagree a bit with the other guests on the memo itself i believe it might be a bit of political theater this was authored by definition s. and particularly his staff on the house intelligence committee and their mess is known for overselling things he's done in the past here is known as who was who had these this information in his hands he knew about the f.b.i.'s abuse of the pfizer process process yet he was one of the key members of the house of representatives demanding that we extend section seven zero two of the five the court so they can continue spying on the rest of us so his credentials on actually caring about the abuse of the fires the system there are very very suspect the other aspect of the
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memo the republican screaming released a memo released a memo do mike gravelle went to the floor of the senate and he read the pentagon papers into the congressional record that's how we found out what was going in vietnam so all the members that are whining and moaning about we need to release it just get your butt down to the floor and read the memo and we'll find the hear it it's a great idea kevin weigh in on because because the way it's polarized even if i can use this word because it's so abused these days even if you get to the truth will the truth be conveyed because again you have these major liberal networks and news outlets they are so enamored with their own nonsense and their own vision because of their blind hatred of donald trump and rush is always so good for oil it has been a cold war all the way to the president what i'm saying is they don't have to have any kind of. anything that touches reality because the narrative has such
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a strong current that facts don't matter and i worry about that too go ahead kevin in atlanta. you know i agree the need this is the people's house the congress the congress and the senate they need to take this memo down to the floor i couldn't agree more and read it to the american people constitutionally that's who they serve and with the mainstream media we i think we all have to understand the mainstream media in terms of reporting the truth is essentially gone there are six major corporations that control the media about twenty c.e.o.'s controlled the news and the editors they're connected to the wall street what some are calling the state now and also i am aware of the fact for some years that even the cia has connections and control to the media in kind of a quid pro quo relationship and sometimes the media will just parrot what the government says so the media is gone there's no question about that in no daniel should we believe the f.b.i. anymore i mean this is a crisis a huge crisis that they're dealing with and and is it possible to clean up to the
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f.b.i. i mean mass firing i mean it will be the saturday night massacre or nine hundred thirty seven soviet union i mean it's going to be it would have to be a huge purge. yes it is possible to do and it starts with the director of white christopher ray was ever and letters in there and from what is it to this ration i have no idea what actually up to they need somebody that what. they need an attorney that was actually served in the intelligence services has a background is not tied to the bureaucracy and could go up and clean up and bring in whoever they want that would be the way to do it and that would be and it will remain an institution so you have to clean it up or they're just going to let it run amok as it has been for so many years and then as far as graduating to the special counsel we now know in spite of this memo whether it's for at least or not the only thing they're going to charge is either trying to trip up the president on
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a perjury charge from going to interview or simply money laundering and financial impropriety. from people like me in the fort and flint and if i were the president and advising him right now to kill the collusion story once and for all i would just advise him to say hey look at my campaign team at the end of the day if they were handed a blueprint from the russian government these guys are so incompetent they couldn't have done it on their best day and then you killed the rest of that story that's what i would do i'd have to leave burbank i love that then you weigh in on that because i think that's absolutely brilliant here. you know this it's taken on a life of its own this own russia gate thing i mean you can find anything around the world that you know that you hear that you know russia now housing has these killer crocodiles you know and it's all be you know pointed against america in the west now it's a real story it's a real story that popped up here where is this daniel where is this going to go
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what is this where is this going to go with the f.b.i. . well i guess i'm a little radical because i don't believe we need an f.b.i. for you know one hundred some years without one there is no use of having at the in the intelligence services can handle counterintelligence just fine most of the crimes that the f.b.i. is involved in are made up crimes most of the terrorism that investigates itself has been involved in fomenting so we don't need an f.b.i. just of the issue of the new as i would mention one other thing and i'm sure you know this peter hamilton sixty eight the organization. association for for defending democracy bill kristol mike this is an organization funded by the u.s. government and this is the one that is following all of our hashtags and all our twitter accounts and it finds a rush of bots everywhere so you have collusion among the neo cons and the never trump hillary that's a perfect storm that's what's keeping this alive in a campaign i haven't in sixty eight i'm sure is
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a big fan of this program i'm waiting for their their next scribe to write about. kevin you've been in government here i mean what is the possibility of correcting these wrongs and these are wrongs that we only know now it seems so much more could come out go ahead. well i'm really concerned that russian crocodile is going to get donald trump that just getting it in terms of the f.b.i. we know that over and over and over michael flynn is a good example that if the f.b.i. can't prove a charge like russia quote collusion they'll drum up something else for their favorites are lying to investigators in the case of trump what mueller is starting to do is veer off to russia into obstruction of justice and try to get trump on an unrelated charge that's what they do they say they always get their man and they mean that even if it's an injustice to do that that's a concern will people be prosecuted it's going to be almost virtually impossible to
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prosecute in a way that's the way what some people call the deep state shadow government works it's protect its own from the top down but i'm telling you people and this is where the american people come in to demand this through their congressmen and senators they need to demand that people if there were a false sworn affidavits for five so warrants on a presidential campaign the american people need to demand not just firings or reassignments but criminal prosecution who watches the watchman who investigates the f.b.i. we've got an out of control weaponized f.b.i. now something dramatically needs and they're about to be done to that the american people need to and krok would run a man that we've run out of time gentlemen i have a feeling that donald trump will be indicted for over twitter use i don't know many thanks to my guest in washington atlanta and in lake jackson and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at r.t.c. next time and remember.
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yes there was but with a large applause you can. remove the last election i believe will do more slowly don't than we will all suitable for dinner one of the of them stood up in little bush about so. many apparently if i. am going to move to the. scouts. knew the two cops believe. anything. you see should read in the book stage. you will know the old butler. the prosecutor the armor should do you can you get out of up and you the mob boss leave you did you miss all. the president. prescribe medication is widespread on the us market and
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a frequent cause of death at that point in my life i just felt like everything was ashes my family was literally coming unglued i had actually planned. to commit some site watch all who has made antidepressants so commonly used we were doing what the doctors told us to do we were being responsible and what the real side effects. was was chemically altered when i did was done on a cocktail of legal drugs. just because something's legal doesn't mean it's saying. is america as it actually is it a bomb it was a fantasy child is reality and he's doing what you'd expect a seasoned businessman to do cut all the nonsense out of the mix bring jobs back.
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if the security him and political polarization comes but if they come back then that will. provide the right circumstances that i can vitamin d. just good image again. president trying to promote his america first vision and takes a swipe at the media speaking political and business leaders in davos. i believe in america i will always put america first america is roaring back america's future has never been good wiki leaks founder julian assange launch
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our say u.k. court to overturn his arrest warrant in a bid to end his five year confinement at the ecuadorian embassy in london. and the u.s. accuses turkey of the stabilizing northern syria while ankara urges washington to end its support for kurdish militias. thank you for watching the news headlines here at r.t. international broadcasting live from moscow. and we start in switzerland where donald trump has been speaking to political and business leaders at the world economic forum the us president used his speech to promote his vision for protectionist trade policies and tax cuts and take a swipe at the media jacqueline vogel reports from davos well probably to no one's
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surprise whatsoever trump speech did feature his signature phrase of america first and his speech is actually rounding out the end of the forum let's take a quick listen to what he had to say i believe in america i will always put america first when the united states grows so does the world america is roaring back america is a cutting edge. that's what we're doing in america and the results. on mistake america's future has never been brighter i will always put america first i believe in america to come to america where you can innovate create and build now that pretty much wraps up his whole speech which centered on progress that's been made in the u.s. in the presence of opinion since he came to the white house he touched specifically on the booming stock market on the recent tax reform that he signed and the
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progress against eisel he also went on to say that leaders should be cheerleaders for their own countries and that he's a cheerleader for the u.s. and that's easy for him because he loves the country so much now of course trump being charmed he didn't forget to mention the media during his time on the stage let's take a quick listen as a businessman i was always treated really well by the press you know the numbers speak and things happen but i've really had a very good press and it was until i became a politician that i realized how nasty how mean how vicious and how fake. the press can be as the cameras are going off in the back. now perhaps those booing at trump's commons didn't hear the recommendation that his transportation secretary gave to people earlier this week davos to feel very flattered that he has chosen this as a forum. for those that don't want to listen to him you can they can leave term speech was highly anticipated and according to reports lines were out the door
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hours before it even started and here at this economic forum in true businessman fashion used the opportunity to promote himself and his country. we came expanded junot a song has launched an appeal against his arrest warrant in the u.k. if his legal challenge is successful he may be able to walk free from the ecuadorian embassy in london where he's been living for more than five he is aunties and assess it reports poor twists and turns in this seemingly endless and extremely legally complicated case of julian a songe the wiki leaks founder has been holed up inside the secretary of embassy in london for over five and a half years now a crucial lawyer hearing has taken place in london today where a judge is considering julian assange has appealed for a potential lifting over the arrest warrant based off of his alleged breach of bill conditions back in two thousand and twelve now the latest understanding that we have is that decision might come not sooner than a week from now the announce did so far seems to have been february sixth where we
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will learn more about the fate of the julian assange case if the judge does decide to rule in his favor potential new doors will be open for himself and his legal team to consider in terms of how to move forward with his case and hopefully eventually get him out of this embassy here it has to be said that of course that british officials have said time and time again that they would arrest julian assange were he to walk out of this embassy of course his concern was that he would potentially be extradited to the u.s. where he's not favored very much given the word. leaks that has been exposing some of the activities of the us government and of course all of that said the reason that this situation unraveled kind of in the first place was because swedish officials wanted to follow him following potential alleged sexual abuse concerns now what is important is that those have been long lifted now so julian assange arguments in this latest case to have the arrest warrant lifted is that those have
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been dropped so any potential alleged breach of bail conditions should also be lifted crucially of course we have to see that organizations such as the united nations have said that his detention is arbitrary and in violation of international law and dorian officials here in london have raised concerns about his potential well being seeing the situation of him staying holed up behind sort of inside four walls for so long is obviously not sustainable according to them so lots of questions now in terms of where this case will move forward obviously what's crucial as well is that within the last month jorian officials have granted julian assange ecuadorian citizenship also raising lots of questions about the possibility of potentially him being granted diplomatic status which could make it easier for him to get out of the u.k. but all of those questions really yet to be answered as this hearing continues and now all eyes are going to be on what this judge decides in the weeks to come here in london. thousands of memos written by former pentagon chief donald
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rumsfeld have been made public they cover a wide range of subjects from just before nine eleven up to his retirement in two thousand and six and they gave some rare insights into the workings of the u.s. government. delves into the documents. here's the age of the world's mightiest army being in charge of it is a hell of a job who else suddenly has to order a full list of languages spoken in afghanistan or worry about the pronunciation of the word is lie and even hassle their assistance for a dentist's appointment seriously that's what the only american who's twice been pentagon boss was up to donald rumsfeld forget the book he wrote for future generations about his career in case you're interested in his experience thanks to the freedom of information act you can now learn directly from mr rumsfeld's
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so-called snowflakes what do you think i should do with this collins memo i look at it and i don't know what to do with it please take a look at this article and tell me what you think i want to do about it i need to start seeing films overheads video and photos everyone in the room is seeing all kinds of video and pictures and talking about them i have no idea what they were talking about so the nickname snowflakes was for the tiny notes or memos for subordinates oh i'd love to have a job where i could go i've got an article here just read it didn't get a thing what should i do about it you'll find loads of snowflakes like that and the d.o.d. archive apparently that's how it works there something just pops up in mr rumsfeld's mind he types it out boom the word homeland is a strange word homeland the friend sounds more german than american let's visit about someday in a press conference the president. how many and see meetings. could be
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embarrassing to think of that things are going to happen good things. give you a list of the next one will give you an idea of how tough the boss could get if staff misbehaved if people come late to meetings we should remove their plates from the table well what else can. do if assistance just can't do their job properly if i'm going to give gifts i have to know what's in them i see islam with an ass not a muslim with a mess not a double c. i still need a dentist appointment with a quick summary of rummy's no flags i mean we have to try and go. now war of words is building up between the united states and turkey the turkish government has urged the us to stop bombing the kurdish forces in northern syria or risk armed confrontation but the u.s. state department is pointing the finger at ankara accusing it of destabilizing the region with its offensive against the kurds people now have to flee an area that
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was previously considered pretty stable i mean what a shame that is think about all that this country has been through and our looking at another destruction in northwestern syria because turkey has taken its eye off the ball isis and going after the p.k. at this time you know no i mean then the weapons have been provided to the wife by the united states the americans haven't kept their promise since man page lately trump statement saying that they won't give any way to the white. men saying that we are not giving them any during last night's telephone conversation and create a crisis of trust. well i'm telephone call mentioned by turkey's foreign minister has also become a source of dispute and current washington have given different accounts of what was actually discussed president trump relayed concerns the escalating violence in africa syria risks undercutting our shared goals in syria here.
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