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tv   News  RT  January 27, 2018 3:00am-3:31am EST

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because truly there are strikes was going to happen because troops in airstrikes they can be defeated they can they can defeat an enemy a corruption and inefficiency that is actually what makes the enemy reappear like you said right in either the americans nor the iranians can make sure does a good job governing itself it has to take care of itself is the country doomed to see another uprising in the future with such an inefficient government or isn't miracle going to happen i mean when you say prime minister has to be strong. official start doing their jobs and stop stealing money what has to happen for that well i think get out of the things you need to provide. to fight corruption one is a strong political will second this is strong leader. on the top of the government you need a very strong good honest legal system. and also executive
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system. police and and. unfortunately the corruption is it is widespread and you need to tackle this and with the government need to to do a lot of. good to do this. fighting a you need to also investigate of system you need we need to probably help from the outside world as well because. a lot of our a lot of ministries are politicized and in bill clinton ated a lot of our institutions are been politicized and belong to this party or other party so we need professional government professional ministers professional government officials. honest people and strong to it and there's this is a very good golden opportunity for the next general election which is the in may
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this year this is a very good did opportunity for our people to choose the right on a strong member of parliament to produce a strong government to fight corruption all right we're going to take a short break right now are back we'll continue talking to dr mowaffak al rebuy yeah member of the iraqi parliament and a former national security adviser discussing the situation and post isis iraq stay with us. that's rather stand in here from us and. are all over them when i saw.
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that armor our right trophy for our brother the prophet our before for the america of america. i'm going to let him but i don't catch him then you. can keep an eye on what i don't lose a child for twelve all that it is no. longer work then i'm all in monosyllables i know it does. and lot of the. members that i would hate for no one else doing. good for its whole place choice were gone the i knew where you're from and they are trying in syria since. the shiites are way over from my last for them after the
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couple for mr hates it for jim and then more oil for hope that our freedom and. the money. hey everybody i'm stephen bob taft hollywood guy the suspects every proud american first of all i'm just george washington and our visa to suggest this is my buddy max famous financial guru and we're just a little bit different i'm not a abraham lincoln lawyer no no no no the with all the drama happening in our country i'm shooting the road have some fun meet every day americans. and hopefully start to bridge the gap this is the great american people. oh. yes i was pretty fired up with
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a plug for you please. help me in the last location i believe will move forward slowly duncombe a wall so you all when you're one of the at the most up in little bush i saw plenty of time he. had the chance to pull the plug on the model of the scots more leave the two coasts the least managed to. easy show creamed e.q. the stage. it was mostly below budget surplus secretive though i'm wishing you can you get other counties to hold up when you tell them about slave you getting us all that you're using my suspension of us they. say.
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now we're back with dr by un member of the iraqi parliament and the former national security advisor talking about post i says iraq and the middle east. there are about five thousand five hundred u.s. trained and assists troops in iraq currently that isis is no more serious military force should they stay or should they go are iraqi forces fully capable of maintaining security by themselves. we need. american help american military help only air force over the last four years we honestly we don't need any gun force from from and the any and the country in the world including the united states of america. what we need
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we need. is not a fighting force. and the number of american troops now in the country is and with their own admission they said it's just under ten thousand i don't i don't think we need this more than the few hundred to how plus in training i believe. there's ready to go back home i think as far as we're concerned we don't we will not need any and the and then we will we said this right from day one i really don't. want anybody or i remember you saying back in twenty fourteen and you were very forcefully saying that there should be no foreign boots on the ground in iraq during this war. there is always the foreign boots on the ground in iraq whether
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you want it or not the americans to iranians the turks so is it ok for you to see for him what's on the ground at this point and if not that what should they be asked to leave right away how does that work. i beg to differ with you mom i said from day one four four years ago we will need it we will not need any fighting force on the ground because we want to have the credit and the honor of liberating our own territory with our own iraqi security forces but going back to your question there are no military force. from iran on the. absolutely no iranian military force on on iraqi on iraqi territory this is number one now number two the turks have been illegally. present up north in
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the in one of the come to military come and we have asked them and we have requested that and we said this is important of the iraqi sovereignty. independence you should leave and i think they should leave a soon as possible they we don't need them we have never used them we have no need to do we've never asked them to come to the country while on the in the on the contradiction or that the iranians we have asked them to send us some advisors and they have some just some advisors some some some trainers and then we use them and did we go back home these are we're talking about hundreds less than a hundred of the iranian advisors and military. military trainers in iraq but
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compared to the several thousand just under ten thousand of americans that's a completely different kettle of fish mom ok but let's say iran helped save five dots from isis take over and then helped the rockies take more saw send advisors like you've sat they certainly sent materials now that the fight against isis is in its final hour are the iranians just going to go home i mean what kind of gratitude can they call fact they surely didn't just help you out of a good will and we'll ask nothing in return that doesn't work this way. well they came to save baghdad did it with the material they have supplied in a new june two thousand and fourteen when they separated it within twenty four hours the the and also they have sent the advisors to the country this had sent rain those to the the popular mobilization forces so the now that i did you go
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back home i don't think we would need them if we if we were if you ask him if we ask them to go back home there we go back home but i mean all that and i got a myriad of not in the police there only in the pub but we learn more as human my question was about what's about a different thing what do you think the iranians will ask iraq in return for their help they certainly didn't just help you because they are kind and nice people they will want something in return as a favor while. old most of the materials that have provided and weapons and ammunition is there have built us for it they send their invoices it and it out because it has paid some and is in the process of paying the rest so this these are not free of charge these are not three b.'s if you like. the the training i don't think that then it would cost us money or the advice it they would it would not
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cost us money. of course that out of if you would have fed into the political influence of iran in iraq iran has of it that are so many friends it. of iran in the iraq and the in the among the shadows and among the sunnis and among the kurds so that the and the iran is the first country which recognize the new iraq after two thousand and three. it on has always said supported the the political process and the constitution of that ike and the seventy of iraq. but we have a very intimate relationship with iran with the iran we have. our relationship with iran is not only strategic but if you like it symbiotic. i hear each country is it is dependent on other but let me ask you more woodchip question iraq like you've sat has
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a very special relationship with iran almost symbiotic also has a very special relationship with the united states those two countries as of today are at odds and we don't even know what's going to happen with trump being president how will baghdad balance it out i mean and share it receives help from both while there is a very there is a very difference there's a difference between the relationship with iran which is symbiotic and the relationship with the us which is steady tick we have a started you could. partnership agreement with it with the with the united states of america. this unfortunately they have not since filled it in two thousand and thirteen and two thousand and twelve but they are we are asking for help in two thousand and fourteen and june two thousand and fourteen after i says don't do the country and occupy three or four provinces they were left until how was that
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and they have imposed a political. price for it for the four of them and thus change your government changes your policy change your strategy and who come and help you so that not clearly there the terry president is dealing in washington leverage over iraqi decisions how do you stay fully independent when you rely on foreign powers for your security that's a that's a very tricky situation. i certainly agree with you that the only way forward is to build a strong united independent sovereign country to deter the neighbors from any. interference or intervention in our internal affairs and not to not depending on. the international superpower and that is the way forward the way forward is as an iraqi nationalist strong government
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united independent sovereign country which is which it was it was their own the country with our own people and i don't know if you know him it's a cia agent who interrogated saddam hussein and he said that if we're saying remain in power and no isis could have ever popped up in iraq do you still feel now that removing the dictator was really worth all of this like suicide bombing and civil war all destruction and blood chat when you weigh all the pros and cons ears after. i totally disagree with that terrorism was all over the world world before over the overthrow of saddam hussein since saddam hussein the that's why i said in the terrorism the flare the
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eruption of terrorism in syria and iraq was how out by some of our neighbors because they wanted to bring down the syrian regime and they wanted to bring down the democratic regime in iraq the new democracy in iraq because it's that i can threaten their own government because they see democracy as a catching disease if you like and it crosses the borders without and without the permission without a visa and that's it that's what they were frightened by a dead democracy democracy in iraq and did a freedom of speech in iraq and freedom of thought in iraq and this new parliamentary system constitutional system in iraq that's why i think the brought it against iraq and they have they have isis with money they have isis was not just if they're out isis with with and then the how isis with the ideology and it
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whether on both sides of the border on their own side of the syrian iraqi borders. that's why i say. in the. first of the game back to iraq. literally similar fantasy time was all right doctor all right yeah thank you very much for being with us on this program today and for giving us your point of view. nothing me we're talking. by iraq's. parliamentary and the former national security adviser discussing iraq's efforts not to slide back into bloodshed after rick stray misses are driven out and that's it for this edition of.
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is america as it actually is a bomb over the fantasy is reality and he's doing what you'd expect a seasoned businessman to do cut all the nonsense out of the mix bring jobs back. to medication is widespread on the u.s. market a frequent cause of death at that point in my life. like everything with my family was literally coming unglued i had actually planned. to commit suicide watch all who has made antidepressants so commonly used we were doing what the doctors told us to do we were being responsible and what the real side effects.
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was. what i did was done on a cocktail of legal drugs. just because something's legal doesn't mean it's sent. we're told a secret society existed within the f.b.i. with the sole intent to undermine kennedy and then later president donald trump also we're told the last text messages from members of the secret society with russia gave rapidly losing steam we now have f.b.i. get. i. know but yes. i.
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think. president trump promotes his america first vision and takes a swipe at the media are speaking to political and business leaders in davos. wiki leaks founder julian assange almost all say u.k. court to overturn his arrest warrant in a bid to end his five year confinement at the ecuadorian embassy in london. and the u.s. accuses turkey of the stabilizing role in syria while i'm clear a washington to end its support for kurdish militias. or for war in the stories head to r.t. dot com stay with us here on r.t. international for the latest episode of the big picture.
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in the sport of politics tuesday night will be super bowl sunday without the commercials. holland cook in washington this is the big picture on our team america . article two section three of the united states constitution in which the founders who didn't seem to anticipate a woman being president states that he shall from time to time give to the congress information about the state of the union and recommend to their consideration such measures as he showed judge necessary and expedient also not anticipating
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television or even radio the founders afforded the president the opportunity of delivering in writing which early presidents did beginning with woodrow wilson the state of the union was described to a joint session of congress in modern times this event has become a t.v. show a once a year opportunity when everyone who cares is watching so any president who is a t.v. performer is advantaged. president trump addressed a joint session of congress shortly after his inauguration the first anniversary of which brought a government shutdown so tuesday night will be his first official state of the union address to a divided congress and a divided nation the bar is set higher than that honeymoon moment a year ago what to expect let's ask presidential historian doug weed doug welcome back to the big picture thanks. every president uses this moment spin militarily. politically. economically. and in
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spirit the state of our union is sound. what are you expecting to hear tuesday night i'm going to predict what the whole truffle to. alayo to the philosopher said that man of knowledge does not predict and a man who predicts has no knowledge. but having said that having worked on senior staff the white house i can tell you what he should do and what he should do and i'm sure what his staff is urging him to do is repeat that performance of a year ago which was stellar it was generous it was inclusive it was disciplined and it was positive if if he could do that he's going to be in real good shape and he stuck to the script yes except he tweeted a little bit later. if he could give a great speech it goes silent that would be perfect the state of the union address
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is notorious for hopes and wishes that don't always pan out. i believe the time. to bring that investigation and the other investigate this matter. one year abroad again. we know and we have work to give the american people a smaller less bureaucratic government in washington. and we have to give the american people one that lives within its means the era of big government is over. polls tell us that president trump's habit of hyperbole thrills a third of the population here and paul's two thirds any past presidents that remind you of the been a but the one that comes to mind is harry truman he his approval ratings dropped to twenty two percent and the country is
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just outraged now because donald trump used the s. word well harry truman took god's name in vain which in his day was absolutely horrific it would be like using the name mohammad or something as a curse word in public and five six american presidents used the n. word in referring to african-americans five of them were democrats truman among truman among them but not donald trump so we've had pretty pretty outrageous moments before and yet harry truman got reelected even unpopular president seem to get a lift after the state of the union who doesn't write yeah there's a number tells it the exposure it's an opportunity for them that's right now some years fate casts the president as consoler in chief thank you for allowing me to delay my address until this evening we pause together to mourn in honor of the valor of our seven challenger heroes and i hope that we are now ready to do
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what they would want us to do go forward america and reach for the stars at the. we will never forget those brave seven but we show go forward we last met in an hour of shock and suffering. in four short months our nation has comforted the victims. begun to rebuild new york and the pentagon rallied a great coalition captured arrested and rid the world of thousands of terrorists destroyed afghanistan's terrorist training camps saved of people from starvation and freed a country from brutal oppression will. doug moments like those do seem to endow
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a president to moments like the clip we're going to see next and up hurting the president. there are also those who claim that our reform efforts would insure illegal immigrants this too is false. the reforms the reforms i'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally. that was. yes and sometimes though the words in the state of the union can come back to haunt them as with george w. bush in the you're raney of. but i think in the long run it doesn't really matter george w. bush for example hit the ninety's in an approval rating when he gave that speech goes in the twenty's towards the end of his term and in the final analysis it's the approval rating of the historians that's going to matter and these are dramatic
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moments and i wouldn't be surprised if something like that occurs with the media sympathetic to the opponents of donald trump someone may try to steal the limelight for from the podium that was a very emotional moment president george w. bush right after nine eleven when we were for that wonderfully brief time one country he could have gotten up there and read the white pages and they would all love them but as you say history will be the judge who do you think were the winners and losers after that outburst with a congressman calling president obama a liar you know historically what was said it's going to be in the eye of the boulder that's the short answer usually an outburst like that says more about the person who george erupted than it does the person he's attacking but in this case getting some of the facts right he'll have supporters too so that's why i say it may be a temptation for someone jackson or somebody else to speak of who in one
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thousand nine hundred to president reagan began what's become a state of the union tradition balcony's shout out just two weeks ago in the midst of a terrible tragedy on the potomac we show again the spirit of american heroism at its finest the heroism of dedicated risk you were hers saving crash victims from my. she wonders and we saw the heroism of one of our young government employees. lenny skutnik. woman lose your grip on the helicopter mine dived into the water and dragged her to safety. another emotional moment or theatricals like this worth it or do they suck time away from speech time they're worth it because they live on they have a longer shelf life than the speech itself and they knowing these surrogates to go on television tend to be pursued if they're
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a good example of the policy you're trying to advance i think we're going to this is going to last a long time the. a moment ago you gave us as a former white house hand some advice you would give the president for his speech what would you suggest mr trump not say or do on tuesday night. i would be humble i would recommend humility and discipline and he's going to win because the expectations are low because of the national media the media has been so it's just really the holiday i mean here's billions of dollars that was behind his political opponent two hundred forty nine newspapers indorsed are only nineteen endorsed him the largest super pac in all of history and they spent every dime of it sure he didn't have super pacs and yet they say two hundred thousand dollars in facebook ads from the russians through the election.
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through you in dollar.


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