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tv   News  RT  January 27, 2018 4:00pm-4:31pm EST

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recently concerned about rising pressure among borrowers the increase was due to the australian bureau of statistics revision to include self managed super and you ation debts yeah well this is setting up australia and other economies around the world for the next leg of the massive global financial crisis and never want to way that it did thousand and eight because there was never any reform there was simply a bailout of the creditors and they were given more debt and more credit to expand the bubble to new epic proportions the difference with this crash coming soon now in the banking sector and in the sovereign debt market will be that instead of governments printing money to bail out these institutions they will engage in what are called bail in that is that direct confiscation of money we've already seen a test case with wells fargo bank here in the united states they test case this process by stealing money out of millions of accounts wells fargo they stole money like this like a common thief because of course they're terrorists and have
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a comment about that wells fargo but you know you've seen with polonium two ten can do to a man and they were just going down the road to steal people's money and oh did i speak out of turn so wrapping up on this story because we only have thirty seconds left i want to say this house i household debt two hundred percent of g.d.p. will constrain further borrowing in the future we've talked about this in the past what are they going to do with the next financial crisis are they can have this you know s.t.r. is the i.m.f. going to come in and roll everything out is going to be gold it could be crypto currency and i don't i didn't mean threaten anybody ok that's just metaphor i'm a poet that's why i'm popular in the rap community now stay there for the second half because we've got a fantastic interview coming your way don't go away. zia's
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says harlan kentucky. over all of these moves the voices of the people going to three families leave. a ko money since she was almost no coal mines left. the jobs are gone all the coal mines are said. that it was a laugh to see these people the survivors of disappearing before their eyes. i remember thinking when i was younger that if anything ever happened to the coal mines here that it would become a ghost town but i never thought in the million years i would see that and it's happened it's happened.
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if i were a public opinion i would seek to have myself and all of my friends and my family of leaders at the local level of the national level be arrested by israel what you need to do is hold a mirror up to the israeli people and say this is what you're creating this is the reality on the ground we're not using violence we will not cooperate with the occupation anymore i plead with the public opinions we do turn a nonviolent struggle because if you use violence you will never get the support of the israelis for the world. welcome back the kaiser part i max kaiser time now to go to a special guest investor and c.e.o. of and founder of ogu. maya. million of its maya welcome to be here previously you were the chief innovation officer g e digital so
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you've got experience in let's call it the fortune five hundred you know the big most highly complex companies in america and you bring to them your work in artificial intelligence and you are now deeply immersed in blocks shame is that correct that is correct how does block shame factor into what you're doing now and we're investor in watching companies in ai companies and cybersecurity companies were absolutely fascinated with the empowerment that watching can bring to you how are we going to our artisan power because the decentralizing is a lot of the business models that exist today and allows you to have a bank on your phone versus a bank account so decentralization in this instance though is also distant to mediation that means that a lot of the layers of a big or enterprise are squashed housing associations are made more rapidly and
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more effectively i would imagine absolutely you're absolutely correct a lot of business models that you just pointed out are going to be disrupted very fast because suddenly people can trade between themselves without ever needing a middleman there's a question for big corporations or any corporation typically they make money out of solving inefficiencies you know for example the car from henry ford was officially produced and people can get around a lot faster and the economy grew as a result but are we at a stage in capitalism where the efficiencies of these big companies is so great that the margins for profit are squeezed down to zero for example if you're in a micro transaction business and you are looking at profits that are even smaller than a grocery store grocery stores are only two percent profit margin for gross profit margins are you talking about even listen to percent how does a translate into earnings growth and how does that then become we've hit peak earnings i'll just point. raise right now due to the hyper efficiency of block
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change not just hyper efficiency block change hasn't reached the scalability let's be clear ok it hasn't and i actually. am challenging a lot of folks out there to say that block chain is scalable it depends where you're at the fence what kind of legacy system you have depends what you're trying to do depends what your customers are trying to do so at the moment some of the platforms out there that are achieving some scale ability will need to be integrated into legacy systems and do you're right a lot of the big companies are squeezed out and a lot of the companies are going to be squeezed out not only on a profit side but on the transparency side not just block chain but many other technologies that are merging tech machine learning satellite data cyber security a.r.v. our robotics walked chain our whole forcing transparency on to any platform that exists out there so if you don't start innovating yourself very fast you're probably going to lose out you say it has to be integrated into legacy systems y.
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and others these are new systems they're replacing existing systems like p.d.p. music file sharing on the web it didn't have to integrate with that's a long playing records or cassette tapes it obliterated that model i love that analogy that's an amazing analogy and i think you're absolutely right some industries are not going to need integration into legacy systems because they will just need to leapfrog as you just pointed out in music why do we need to go back and integrate in certain things unfortunately some industries in the world that not run that way and they are run in the way that current systems work so why change them also have to remember that a lot of these companies run by quarterly numbers and they report to wall street and so space for innovation is very tight and so in order to mobilize your whole team to innovate in something new and see if it's worth investing your time right because remember so many innovations are coming at companies and how do you choose as a leader of a large company is there. difficult for you to achieve in any case i don't know what ican astri it's digital yet that is obviously
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a candidate for block same innovation now you're saying ok some industries let's call the cement industry or they're mixing rocks and couples and water and it's hard to imagine how block chain is going to transform the concrete business you've got to move it in a mixer you've got a port on the road and you've got to make a road basically so is it going to bifurcate the industry they'll be some industries that are legacy but not legacy like they're ever going to catch up with blocks and then they're dead their conflict with their dinosaurs and we're moving into people are going to instead of thinking oh concrete needs to be blocked chains are going to be thinking like water and you seize my mind to use a block saying to communicate with somebody to africa using sauces tokens better need to go there at all i'm just like flying in outer space and george jetson you know you work with artificial intelligence i mean all you go to is some tokenized robotic were or you know my my thoughts are monetized ok can i want to opt for sunday in the in the kalahari and then there was some woman is making me what's
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going on so i think i think you're right this industries will need to be separated in two ways there are some basic core of an industry that won't change but if you look at the example of cement industry absolutely the payment system and the supply chain will be probably not just by block change how does this if i want my consciousness expanded to the point where i don't care about jeff bezos yeah like if what what what's clapping are you going to. essentially hypnotize me into thinking that i don't care anymore are you the devil are you going to do the worst power member i have when the yes are what sort of yes the guy from from from from greek mythology you know not for the measuring played for the matrix may give you an idea why didn't god you say you want the red pill but the blue pill if you're like i have to stick i know this steak is fake but i'm eating it anyway. you're trying to tell me our fear on. that's the way to go here the background is amazing in terms of your ability to synthesize all this information and come up with your
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own theories but it just seems like if i look at the world today and i see what humans are doing to the places they live their ecosystem you know i remember had an ant farm as a kid and if you know the answer ventilate they solve their own environment and they die off unless it's so i mean it seems like humans are doing their best to make the earth in in the hospitable for themselves inhabitable not comparable to that isn't that kind of happening and is a ready to abandon humans and i think again does are some of the really far off questions right because we don't know that yet i do think that there are a number of people out there who are trying to use technology for its good i mean look at the centralization and walked right there is a whole spectrum of law change right now that's being developed for social good for financial inclusion and for bringing more people out there onto the economic platform so i do think people come with good intentions but i do see
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absolutely exponential growth of technology and our inability to keep up with that exponential growth so unless we have a conscious design into our system no technology will solve our problems will still have to have a will power and we still have to have a conscious decision to solve a problem president nixon about the rate of evolution if you well you know selection of the fittest they need tensions that are involved in this like in the technology space going a lot more rapid pace like they're out evolving us you know we're pretty slow procreation for humans is relatively healthy compared to how the rhythms you know the mating with each other and giving birth to new algorithms new machines you know and so it seems like they're racing ahead kind of in a break next speed what do we as humans have to fight back i'm in the camp of ai is going to win this thing it's going to happen a lot sooner than he wants expecting how do we fight back my give me the high refund i need to get. so now you start to maximize a civilization that just what would you do what would i want to fight back
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unrefined about this i think you need to go to block teen boot camp learn how to block teen works and start fighting back how ok some of them have some rudimentary knowledge about this len what exactly would that mean i can live with jamison locked in the north carolina hut with guns and prepare for the mock ups and start going down my neighbors yeah i again i think here i take it into extreme we're not there yet and i haven't really thought about you know next fifty yards and i don't believe not only that i don't trust you because you're looking at me with these brown eyes you're like don't worry we're not there yet but you know you know i know that we're there we're on the threshold of the extinction event for humans and machines essentially are taking over. so i think we every single one of us as i said carries a conscious decision to influence the technology you know what we're building clearly beings influenced by the technology already our conscious minds are outsourcing our information to google no one bothers to memorize anything anymore
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no bonus to think anymore your members use kinds of carry through in the case of our needs our wants and our desires and our titillation that's all i don't have a button and there's no effort anymore it's the physical calorie of humans as is becoming the blob stay we have no reason even to get up in the morning anymore the machines have taken over what were my going to have i think i think one of the things that i would point out is the pens and the place in the world you're n. a lot of places in the world that actually need to get up and need to do the work i think we belong in a bucket list lucky some would say lucky some call unlucky and other places in the world there are still very far out from you what you and i are talking about so i think the world is becoming very separate as a jew graphically this is a case like that for a second in areas of the world that have been separated by physical distance it just to get water would require a trip. well into the river to ours and you're saying that this. enabled world
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means that the same compression of time that we enjoy in the. advanced economies kind of is coming to economies that have been not participating absolutely in a way especially with the telefone a being in place so is that accurate and what does that mean for these for these areas of the world exactly i think it's absolutely accurate the world is becoming quite a pretty folks say that the world is becoming more interconnected it is becoming more interconnected and it's easy for us to disseminate information and through blocked change possibly even trade value right in a fast way but you're absolutely correct some of these places in the world it's going to take much longer to catch up but that you know i could argue back this is a happy ending i'm going to stop all of that answer this is a happy ending some other words the consciousness it's a word you brought up a few times that exists in places that are cut off is now able to be shared because of the tokenization i mean so folks are being from extraordinarily rich cultures
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you have d.n.a. that goes back to with through time and been associated with some of the greatest artifacts and cultural and and art that is now being joined up. through the platform so my consciousness is being raised by being connected tokenization to somebody else somewhere else right that's right it's just that's that you know you see. so you see like a tapestry i was conscious to me how or when i see absolutely empowerment of you here and a person somewhere in africa that can trade something of value without a middle person and the thing about you could have thought it could be the thought of tokenized yeah and then we're going back and forth on a micro transaction that's right right and so we're creating procreating in digital space and we're giving birth to digital offspring through the exchange of like you called digital seaman on yes. if you want to. if you want to chat
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if you want to say that. i don't but i'm using a metaphor of course yes you're but i hope so so you don't you don't challenge my metaphor it's you do you might no comment so you're an investor and founder of group which. could mean a number of different. order stands for orpheus stands for yes yes but in the oh where you can roam and mentality and if it's there. was a. guide a significant figure that that could charm people and sway people their his way through music and crown the music right yes i feel totally charmed and know what this company does for your i'm sorry i'm i'm i'm going to follow this woman whatever she's doing i'm following her that's it i just just a future well we got to go thank you bring on thank you so much it was good to me
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and all right well that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max keiser and stacy herbert thanks to our very special guest. who you know bitch if you want to catch us on twitter it's kaiser report it's a lifetime bio. so we'll see what we can work for you. yes we will but also. we'll do more tools mostly we're going to we will soon will put you know the stuff in the bushes i saw. you
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move you can go you know. you scouts move you to cook school. when you know to please if you should bring me to the edge. you will know the old judge the little secret of the armor issue you can you go to police it up and you tell my boss lady did i miss all the trails emotional spiritual. you are given you don't say shit he was sued the teacher delhi what they did they could put it. to me more through only day it was supposed to. make. love to no kill him i said. so many claiming to know terminators must say that to. alex you speak french now. those are the least close wallops i mean if they're the militia and they'll say
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well it's a new impossible against a good plus only as was it the tell told c.n.n. this whole story. about your sudden passing i've only just learnt you worry yourself and taken your last wrong turn. you're out caught up to us we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry for me i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each day. but then my feelings started to change you talked about war like it was again still some are fond of you those that didn't like to question our ark and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters the mind gets consumed with the death of this one different person to speak to now because there were no other takers. to claim that
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. mainstream media has met its maker. it. was. a massive explosion rocks the diplomatic districts of the afghan capital reportedly killing at least ninety five and injuring nearly one hundred sixty. the international olympic committee will reveal today which russian athletes will be allowed to compete in the winter games although some of the country's top medal hopefuls have already been banned. donald trump will be visiting the u.k. later this year however activists are already planning to greet the president with
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huge protests. also this hour russia bans the british the tire the death of dollars from sentiments claiming the film distorts history and is. some very warm welcome you're watching on c international with me niki aaron. the top story this hour at least ninety five people have been killed and more than one hundred sixty injured after a large explosion rocks the afghan capital kabul that's according to reports citing interior ministry officials local journalists below so why are reports from the ground. we understand at this stage that the attacker was in an ambulance he had said he had a patient and that he was stopped at the second checkpoint by the police force the
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attack took place right in the heart of kabul this is not very far from the swedish embassy from the european union from the in the nation embassy and from the high peace council which is down the road the attack shows this constant issue of security and intelligence breaches the area where the attack took place is less than one hundred meters from the office of the police chief of kabul less than twenty meters away from the afghan intelligence facilities once the area is cleared in once the dust settles unfortunately we will be hearing that a lot of those killed ordinary people who are simply the only breadwinners for their families and the people of afghanistan continue to suffer as they continue to bear the brunt of this conflict at a time when we also see all sides intensifying the war. in afghanistan are seen as a spike in deadly terror attacks recently earlier this week armed militants
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attacked a save the children of face in the city of jalalabad solely on a car bomb exploded outside the premises up to six people were killed and dozens more injured i still claimed responsibility for the attack. and last saturday taliban militants targeted a luxury hotel and cobalt killing at least twenty two political analyst don de la howard says the afghan security forces lanka herron strategy in fighting numerous terror groups. the situation is getting you from bad to worse the security and the afghan security forces are unable you know to have a proper strategy or plan for curbing terrorism not only in kabul city but all over afghanistan and now that we are heading towards the spring. in the next two three months probably insurgent attacks will increase in afghanistan and you might end up losing a few provinces to the hands of taliban the international community. headed by the
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us government and the failed strategies we have seen incidents in iraq we have seen you know the situation in libya in other countries and for the past sixteen seventeen years we have been witnessing these food strategies in afghanistan i don't think you know they have a strategy for afghanistan. to have the news this hour a limb pick chiefs are due to announce later on faster day which russian athletes will be invited to take part in the upcoming winter games in south korea but russia's already had bad news with a number of its top medal hopefuls left off the list of those eligible for selection. i was left out of the economist and i'm one of the times he called the question
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of the bias i should be my belly as much as a material of the time of the woman. yet that was the house accounting office coming up and he gave her all the time paschal the butler one that he had he had at least slightly that he lived in the city and i am one of the it's yeah one which was the only other churches capital back slightly before me and that is that i don't know when my passing was and why and i think in . my thoughts are leaving everything behind and returning home it was my dream to competed in banks and i was working towards the go through hundreds and thousands
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of difficulties through sweat and blood. of innocents and i'm serious was the. muslim. might have him in the evil cities which is a cause of this really provide us with the. issues and the survivors of the i thought i must restore. the truth because i'm tamed russia was by. from participating in the winter games almost two months ago over allegations of state sponsored doping clean athletes are being given the chance to compete as neutrals the i.o.c. says our sleeves who pass the strict screening procedure will receive
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a personal invitation to take part some five hundred russian athletes applied to compete the i.o.c. gave provisional approval to almost eighty percent of them and most of these didn't compete at the thought she games in twenty fourteen when most of the doping allegations stem from russian olympic officials have already released a list of one hundred sixty nine athletes it says have been cleared to participate in the upper trying to has been looking at the criteria the i.o.c. is using when screening athletes weeks after russia had come to terms with no team russia in korea anyone with even the slightest interest in sport in this country was baffled dozens of clean wash and star athletes never got their olympic invitations those who'd never been under any suspicion by the sporting federations or even the i.o.c. when they had everyone with a russian passport under the microscope forget about your dream story no
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explanation that could have been the case but the international olympic committee then let us know the seventeen criteria they used if you don't match at least one or rather if there's even doubt about at least one of them you're out. that could be suspicion that could even be an ongoing procedure that could be many factors which did not lead to the satisfaction of the panel the purpose is to invite clean russian athletes for which this panel has been and has not the slightest doubt or suspicion again seventeen boxes to be taked to get the all clear there's all kinds of things on the list from the infamous scratches on sample bottles to an obscure final segment additional confidential information provided by wada even one of those gets you a red light but the criteria set by the i.o.c. itself might well race suspicion not only in russia take the first two which essentially unite all the rest by the way being sanctioned by the i.o.c.
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investigators or any anti-doping rule violation in the past the latest group of russian athletes who found out they're not go and were never involved in any of that another box to take issues revealed by the moscow anti-doping lab database well it's the whistleblower and his team who used to be in charge of it. it was created by the deputy of grigori which includes and had several levels of access until the summer of twenty sixteen it was possible to change any of the data that the world agency coincide with this back and twenty third see it cannot serve as evidence i've mentioned scratches and marks on sample bottles arguably the most solid proof that however was never shown to the public just like the visual results of the bottle flaw experiments back to the water's mysterious additional data that amounts to intelligence extracted from its whistleblower program and other sources
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many people in russia would like to know who these sources are and why they should be trusted one more segment additional intelligence provided by the international winter federations i'll tell you what the association that unites these federation said the i.o.c. our request to clarify what's going on some federation official seem to have been racking their brains while the president of the international biathlon union was particularly outspoken it is very sad there is no direct proof of guilt the i.b.u. tested human numerous occasions and never tested positive for a banned substance so apparently it's all down to the criteria of choosing the right criteria russians he can pay to in the games will have to follow strict rules according to the latest i.o.c. guidelines they must not participate in a.


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