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tv   News  RT  January 28, 2018 8:00pm-8:31pm EST

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plaiting that it seems that they won't be able to do that the european union is a complex body of twenty different twenty eight different sovereign countries we will see a process of individual countries perhaps recognizing palestine there are talks that slovenia might recognize palestine soon sweden has already done it certainly some eastern europe european countries have done it in the past before they were members of the european union there are parliaments in the european union countries that have called on their governments to recognise public. i think this would be a positive development but i don't see it happening very quickly i ask you speaking here on russia today would would russia recognize the state of palestine would russia declare use jerusalem the capital of palestine well i'm pretty sure that russia will not be the first power to do that and that's precisely because of what's happening across israel's border in syria because for russia the greatest stakes out there and risking their relationship they have at the moment about that prime minister netanyahu hole for nor clear benefit the geo political benefit our
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geo political certainty at this point of time i think russia would deem that as extremely risky that's why i'm asking actually about the european union because the european union is not involved in syria or in libya to such an extent so perhaps they have some leverage with all parties that they could employ deploy radek it's too difficult for the european union representing so many countries to be able to make a decision which is so controversial so i think that we will see european policy makers encouraging individual countries to take steps that empower the palestinian authority that recognizes perhaps the state of palestine they talk about i know the czech republic prime minister had said that in the future in the framework of a peace agreement the czech republic would be happy to recognize east jerusalem as the capital of palestine and west jerusalem as the capital of israel i think this is in fact the official position of russia as well that in the future in. agreement
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on the two state solution that is truism could be the capital public starting westroads on the capital of israel well that's the position of many countries the they are in e. and the shame is that no country is making a decisive step to make that theoretical arrangement in reality mr busking we have to take a very short break now but we'll be back in just a few minutes stay tuned. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics school business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then. when lawmakers manufacture consensus instinctive public will. when the
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ruling classes project themselves. in the final merry go round lifts and be the one percent told. to ignore middle of the room signals. the real news is. as read the stand and hear from us. are all over them with a small. amount of goods that are a lot of trouble and there are rather a profit on the floor for them to care that. i'm going to let them but i don't touch them then you cut them and kick and nail i don't lose a child with a truffle not that it never worked out. a long one then i'm all
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in my michelle little subtle. and large. number set up around the hey. good for tofu place choice for the i knew you have them and they are charming serious said elaine truth is she a. model for other women africa will fuck around with mr hague for a gym and then boil for her whole food are fed him and of course. the money. definitely. from from. from .
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welcome back to worlds apart with a gash and bufkin founder and cochairman of the israel palestine creative regional initiatives mr busk and as far as i'm concerned the most interesting political actor to watch is prime minister israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu in both how he tries to deploy his leverage and how he tries to control the damage and you made a point in one of your recent articles that there was a time when prime minister spoke about mutuality and reciprocity what do you think he made him abandon those themes and what can possibly resurrect them. i think when he talked about reciprocity. say what they get they do and he was primarily referring to this issue of the palestinians recognize that israel is a nation state of the jewish people he has repeated the demand that the palestinians should recognize israel as the nation state of the jewish people the
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palestinians have made it quite clear that they're not going to do that they recognized israel they're not going to define israel in its national religious character which in the thing that was demanded i think that a lot of what netanyahu says i'm calling to the palestinians to negotiate is kind of empty words because he's not serious about negotiations in my view with he were he would put down some of the terms of reference for negotiations instead he uses a kind of cliche you have no preconditions and we know what no precondition means it means that israel will continue with its policies of building more settlements and entrenched in the occupation while the party gets smaller and smaller that they arrest to negotiate about exactly and i would go even further i think the netanyahu government is clearly counting on the trump mentum to establish as many facts on the ground as possible and in doing that frankly i think they've abandoned all the . the usual pretense is because you can hear respectable people in israel openly questioning the palestinians people ask nikko region over that ride to state and if
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you take these far right israeli vision to its logical and i wonder how does it here resolution what is the advantage of that strategy and quite frankly i don't know because i know that in israel we define ourselves as the democratic nation state of the jewish people yet for fifty years already we have a bi national one state reality where israel controls basically everything between the jordan river and the mediterranean sea in this territory between the jordan river in the mediterranean sea about fifty percent of the people living there are published in arabs most of their muslims so they're not part of the israeli democracy nor are they part of the jewish nation state so we are facing in my mind for israel internally regardless of what the world says an existential question of who we are as a nation and i think this puts to us as the israeli people the need to make a decision of whether or not we want to buy national state whether or not we want to have full democracy without a nation state identity where would be one person one vote in which case israel
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would not be the nation state of the jewish people or we want to put a border a political border between us and the public opinion people and allow them to create their own state living in peace next to israel the decision hasn't been made yet i know that you personally believe that there is no alternative or to be precise no fair or legal i'll turn it to to a two state solution but i think it's also clear that as you alluded to earlier that the netanyahu government only needs these prospects you as a cover to continue establishing facts on the ground to continue territorial expansion as attractive as these two state solution is to you personally don't you think that at this point the continuing support for it is only serving departed exploits it's the most i think that. it is being served by the current status quo with no movement in the peace process i don't see how it's helping the palestinians i don't believe that the palestinians really have
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a one state option if we can't i don't understand the logic if we can find a way to partition and live in two states let's talk about one state the logic falls from reality in my view we only have a two state solution it doesn't serve israel's long term interests by not moving forward of creating a partnership and finding a way to negotiate with the palestinians this is difficult it's not an easy thing to do both sides need to make difficult decisions i think that we will make those decisions we don't have the leaders yet to make them but i think as i said we're facing leadership changes both in israel and in palestine i hope in the united states as well soon now i've seen your advocate a change in not only the palestinian leadership but also in the palestinian tactics you were just an extent advocating the same facts on the ground strategy for the palestinians and one of your articles you suggested that if you were a palestinian you would to build on all the palestinian owned land in area c. you would deploy old bulldozers in the west bank to open every road that israel has
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closed and you recognize that this is going to perhaps bring things to a boiling point what makes you believe that anything good may come out of this i think the key is whether or not the palestinians could couldn't here to a nonviolent popular resistance struggle if they resort to violence and throwing stones in my view is violent as well but you could have a nonviolent struggle where i said if i were a palestinian i would seek to have myself and all of my friends in my family and leaders at the local level of the national level be arrested by israel what you need to do is hold a mirror up to the israeli people and say this is what you're creating this is the reality on the ground we're not using violence we will not cooperate with the occupation any more we want our independence we want our statehood we want to live in peace but we will not be. in considering to cooperate with the occupation that means not working in israel now working in settlements not using the israeli issue
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id cards in the birth certificates and death certificates israel will no longer have control over our lives and we're willing to pay the price for our dependence independence doesn't come cost free and require struggle i plead with the palestinians it gets in a nonviolent struggle because if you use violence you will never get the support of the israelis or the world if you use nonviolence you will get the support of everyone but then mr barr busking to be fair i think the palestinians have already paid huge cost for their independence struggle and they're continuing to pay this huge post every day what i think you're essentially calling for is an anti thought and it's a regional meaning shaking things by civil disobedience by planned coordinated action rather than let's say the sporadic violence attacks on knives attacks but do you think the palestinians i feel capable off channeling that anger channeling their sense of indignity into strategy rather than those outbursts
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random outbursts of violence again this requires leadership and it requires leaderships at all level that the palestinians don't yet have for twelve years they haven't had elections or eleven years haven't had elections they've had a divided political house for ten years between the west bank and gaza they need to get their house in order and this is of course the palestinians responsibility to do it but i see a new young generation of published indians in the universities educated dynamic people with a lot of of ambition to make a better life for themselves and i and i hope that they understand that their salvation is not going to come from islamic fundamentalism or from trying to knife some israeli soldiers or kill israeli settlers this is not how they're going to save themselves if they're going to continue to pay a high price in blood. and death and suffering without the end results it's only through a mass campaign of civil unrest of non-cooperation with the occupation and nonviolence
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that they can achieve their struggle well if i understand your message correctly you're saying that the palestinians have become cue passive aggressive where in fact they would benefit the most from being both active and know not graphic i think they've been frustrated and i think that their challenge because the israelis are very good at what they do the occupation has become very cost free for israel most israelis are not encountered by the occupation they don't see it it's not part of their lives a very small part of the israeli army is involved in maintaining the occupation and israel has open and good international relations it was a very strong economy so the israeli society doesn't really understand the cost that the palestinians are paying for the occupation the palestinians need to ask themselves how can we get the israelis to understand that what they're doing is wrong how do the palestinians capture the higher moral ground they're there to create it's disadvantage they're much weaker there is no level playing field here
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and that requires a strong dynamic palestinian leadership now one thing that the jewish writers taught the world is that humans can adapt to the most degrading conditions and i'm not comparing the holocaust era prison camps to the israeli occupation i'm just saying that. people do get used to the most debilitating and appalling treatment and it looks like the conditions in the occupied territories may get even worse now that china announced his decision to have the funding for the u.n. agency that provides aid to the palestinians how do you feel about it do you think it's going to change the conditions on the ground in a way that will make these released notice i'm not sure i think that the biggest cut in the only real budget is going to be in the field of education and teachers are going to be fired palestinian schools are going to be more crowded the classrooms are going to be more crowded there will be more children in the streets and this is very problematic both internally for palestine and i think for israel
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it is not a sign of encouragement i think that needs a lot of reform there needs to be a lot of discussion about the future of the responsibility of the palestinian government in the refugee camps both in education and in economic development and it really needs to fall on the palestinians to resolve these issues even though the refugee issue is on the table of negotiations i don't think this is going to make a radical change that's going to shake up the palestinian economy it's not that much money that the americans are cutting and it's not going to be the kind of challenge that i think will shake anything up it will be hurting it will it'll be damaging to on russia as an agency and to palestinian children in terms of the education they receive but even if we take that limited damage to the palestinian children i would think that having misery and poverty across the border multiplied would not be in the interest of israel why do you think that netanyahu administration hasn't tried to talk trump out of it especially now that they seem
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to have such a core deal relationship well i think that in general the israeli government has lobbied with the americans to continue financing of palestinian economic development and certainly the palestinian security forces the israeli position on is one that owner of the. agency which is stains the refugee issue rather than getting the refugees integrated into palestinian society or into the countries where one really works in lebanon in syria and in jordan and therefore as an agency for seventy years assisting the refugee problem rather than helping to resolve it it keeps this dream of going back home which is now the state of israel proper and where those palestinian homes no longer exists so politically israel has taken the position that needs to be closed down entirely so is israel is not going to encourage the american government to continue paying for a room ok well mr bush going to fortunately we have to leave it there but it's been there very interesting though
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a very troubling conversation i appreciate you being with us and to our viewers please keep the conversation going on out twitter facebook and youtube pages and i hope to see you again same place same time here on all the parts. yes it was pretty hard with the police are a couple of you know. jump in the hole but also. the words are almost there were done to my walls so you all but you know one of the of them stood up and will push it out so clearly you can't you. kind of move you
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gotta clean up on that i was described as smooth leave the two cops believe you know t.g.v. easy showed reason if you look staged. he was mostly a little bunch. of procedure to the eye machine do you can you get other coolies people up when you. did see miss told him i saw this mission. here's what people have been saying about redacted in the six hundred full on awesome deal the show i go out of my way to launch you know what it is that really packs a punch how to please yap is the john oliver of r t america is doing the same we
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are apparently better than food let's see people you never heard of love redacted tonight was the president of the world bank no hate because we're going to seriously send us an e-mail. to. see this is harlan kentucky. boy you go grinch very funny easily. a co money city with almost no coal mines left. the jobs are gone all the coal mines the said. that it was a laugh to see these people the survivors of disappearing before their eyes. i remember thinking when i was younger that if anything ever happened to the coal mines here that it would become a ghost town but i never thought in the million years i would see that and it's how
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it's happened. new fronts opened by could see in northern syria worsens already tense ties between ankara and washington and could some washington take a look at the think the divisions. trump attends the pro globalization speak anomic forum but instead of spoiling the party he launched the charm offensive to a big business to america. and throughout the week afghanistan has seen a wave of deadly terrorist attacks which he claimed more than one hundred lives. thanks for joining us this hour you're watching the weekly here on r.t.
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. it's been a little over a week since turkey rolled its first tanks into northern syria and dispatched this first helicopters into its neighbor moves all in a bid to tackle local kurdish militia which ankara considers terrorists who threaten border security. these are the latest pictures of the ground operation in syria turkish troops have seized control of the strategic point of mount barker according to government media and this video turkish soldiers are seen together with pro turkey syrian fighters
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from the so-called free syrian army. where the conflict which began in the african region has the potential to escalate even further the turkish president says the operation will be extended to other kurdish held regions right up to the iraqi border washington armed the kurds in the area that was to help them fight against islamic state whereas turkey which has been america's longstanding nato ally is now demanding that that militia leave the region it seems both of washington's allies aren't as friendly as they've been in the past. but we see that the u.s. doesn't support our friend with thing that's double standards america has no tools to present directly we demand of the u.s. what fills its promises and protects liberated areas including afrin. the weapons have been provided to the white p.g.a. by the united states the americans haven't kept their promise since man bids lately trump statement saying that they won't give anywhere in the white p.g.a.
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any more have created a crisis of trust. between you takes a look at how turkey in america have turned from friend to almost foes. unbelievable is this real a nato member telling daddy you know i mean for me to come in behave yourself or all point a gun at you am i exaggerating a bit mr aired on didn't say that these exact words but turkey's got a prime minister who pretty much did anyone who gives logistical support to the white b.g. is turkey's target for the record the white b.g. equals the kurdish army and for all these years who's been giving the kurds all kinds of support right. the kurds were extended in all of branch that's what ankara calls its military op but where does that wipe e.g. get its guns i made it tapered on couldn't care less why washington's been helping the kurds to destroy eisel for this man the kurdish militias are no better than
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terrorists that explains his latest messages to america because the us is in the process of creating a terror army on our border so what we have to do is nip this terror army in the bud america do not encroach on our borders do not provoke us we will run out of patience does anyone from the us government have anything to say we urge turkey to exercise restraint and ensure that its military operations remain limited in scope and duration and scrupulous to avoid civilian casualties some very restrained council there to be restrained think about it mr aired on rants that america u.s. officials don't hit back turkey rolls up the tanks flies out the more play sends soldiers over the border washington basically keeps stop after all this isn't about kim who's sly the squeak makes donald trump for one war so perhaps the turks and
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the kurds have succeeded in one thing together were juicing america to baffled silence. as anchors military operation in syria steadily expands so does the international condemnation the past twenty four hours have seen protests in a number of european cities throughout the week such antiwar rallies waved in a whole heap of trouble and in some places banned kurdish militia flags were brought in. i was sure i am. i. i i. was i i will have to as i do for turkey launched its assault american military commander
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announced its plans to crater border force involving kurdish militia that was a move that infuriated ankara the white house quickly backtracked saying that no border force would be created but it wasn't enough to stop turkish tanks from entering syria with a commentator addle darwish believes the situation risks spilling over into europe if washington doesn't make clear its policy in the region. kurds would find themselves powerless against the might of turkey as we have seen in the unfortunates scenes from frankfurt and from the other places it could actually spill over and affect europe figure people who think they are far away it's very very hard actually to the american foreign policy at the moment first the americans have to explain to their allies that the our world what is the history of the g. and the policy on still wish. do the world actually to have
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a peaceful settlement in syria and keep the political integrity of syria as a nation state as. the annual world economic forum took place in davos this week on the star attraction issue was donald trump who became just the second u.s. president to attend the summit his visit was unexpected as trump's america first policy seems to be at odds with the forums creating a shared future tagline u.s. leaders arrival was met with a protest two thousand people marched through zero denouncing both from the forum several smaller protests took place elsewhere in the country including today even that didn't seem to put off the u.s. leadership is our. report. comes to feel very flattered that he has chosen this as a forum. for those that don't want to listen to him you can they can leave well probably to no one's surprise whatsoever trump speech did feature his signature phrase of america first and his speech is actually rounding out the end of the
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forum i believe in america i will always put america first when the united states grows so does the world america is roaring america is a cutting edge. that's what we're doing in america and the results. on mistake america's future has never been brighter i will put america first i believe in america to come to america where you can innovate create and build now that pretty much wraps up his whole speech which centered on progress that's been made in the u.s. in the presence of opinion since he came to the white house term speech was highly anticipated and according to reports lines were out the door hours before it even started and here at this economic forum trump in true businessman fashion used the opportunity to promote himself and his country. european leaders were also at the
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forum and just like trump for europe first ideas went against the grain of the summit globalist stance it isn't gentlemen my my my first miss each he said france is back france is back at the core of for europe because we will never have any forensics this without a european success if between our twenty seven member states are not able to send a clear and united message to major powers such as china india and the united states if foreign policy is made on the national level then we will feel not. a number of central topics on this year's agenda at davos actually have very little to do with economics focusing instead on race privilege and harassment all the big hitters of twenty seventeen but author and editor gerald celente thinks that the shift in focus is simply a facade regard those big to the zero point one percent of the people they have very little concern about or what the rest of the people are getting so
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it's one big club and it's to deal making club again all those other little things about you know gay rights equal pay oh that's just a lot of nonsense and it's so the media to write about when they don't want to write about the hard facts of how the so few own so much of how so many own so little. on saturday a taliban suicide bomber killed one hundred three people and injured two hundred thirty five in the afghan capital kabul as the latest figures provided by the country's interior ministry. have a store near the site of the blasts when the car blew up i fell to the ground my brother was injured i took him to hospital it was already overwhelmed so i put a bandage on my brother's wound and took him to another facility.


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